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      • KCI등재

        Experimental Study of Ammonia-based Post-combustion CO2 Capture Process Using Fibrous Tower Packings: Capture Efficiency and Conditions

        손창인,나춘기 한국환경기술학회 2022 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        Aqueous ammonia is a promising alternative solvent for the post-combustion CO2 capture technology due to its high CO2 removal capacity, low material costs and regeneration energy. However, its high volatility and low reactivity to CO2 limit its application. Therefore, more effort is still needed to improve ammonia-based CO2 capture process. In this work, the performance of CO2 capture in a packed tower using the ammonia solution and fibrous packing was experimentally investigated. The effects of key operating factors, such as packing type, packing height, liquid-gas (L/G) ratio, aqueous ammonia concentration and pH of absorbent, on the CO2 removal efficiency, CO2 capture capacity, and outlet gaseous NH3 concentration have been revealed. The CO2 capture efficiency was greatly improved when using the fibrous packing. Of the operating factors investigated, the one that had a greater effect on CO2 capture was the gas flow rate; the lower the gas flow rate, the higher the CO2 capture efficiency and the lower the ammonia evaporation. Considering the CO2 capture efficiency and ammonia evaporation, an L/G ratio ≤ 5 and a superficial velocity ≤ 5.1 cm/s could be recommended.

      • KCI등재
      • 회사지배구조상의 정치적 회사 체계

        손창 水原大學校 2020 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        정치체계는 3권 분립과 권력상의 견제와 균형을 기본으로 한다. 회사지배구조는 회사 내의 권력과 균형을 다루면서도 참고할 만한 모범 답안이 없었다. 그러한 면에서 한 국가의 정치체계는 회사지배구조를 개선시키 는 데 이바지할 수 있다. 회사지배구조와 정치구조는, 첫째, 동시에 대리비용의 문제를 겪고 있으며, 둘째, 내 부의 권력투쟁이 심해지고, 단체의 팽창을 추구하는 점도 비슷하며, 셋째, 갈수록 직접지배에서 간접지배로 나아가면서 주주의 권한이 약해지고 있는 점 유사하다. 본 논문에서의 국가정치구조를 참조한 회사지배구조 상의 “정치적 회사지배구조”는 회사의 모든 당사자를 만족시키면서도 주주중심의 민주적 회사지배구조를 만드는 것이 목적이다. 이는 견제와 균형의 원칙, 권력분립, 언론의 자유를 통해 극복될 수 있다. 이를 위해서 는 사법부로서의 역할을 하는 감사위원회의 역할 강화, 그리고 기존에는 존재하지 않는, 언론의 역할을 하는 보고위원회의 신설이 필요하다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        미국 회사법상 적대적 M&A 상황에서의 강화된 경영판단의 원칙 -델라웨어州회사법을 중심으로-

        손창일 ( Chang Il Son ) 한국상사판례학회 2012 상사판례연구 Vol.25 No.3

        The business judgment rule is a presumption that in making a business decision the directors of a corporation acted on an informed basis, in good faith and in the honest belief that the action taken was in the best interests of the company. In the past, the board of directors at target merger and acquision (M&A) corporations have been recognized as being able to exercise the maximum M&A defense under the protection of the business judgment rule. However, since the mid 1980s, new rules began to be formulated under U.S. corporate law for directors in hostile M&A situations, particularly in Delaware. The enhanced business judgment rule was established over the general business judgment rule. Starting in 1985, notable precedents began to emerge from the State of Delaware and the Unocal, the Moran, and the Revlon cases, all of which were settled by 1986, accelerated the imposition of the revised rule. However, according to the author, the revised business judgment rule cannot be considered a business judgment rule for the following reasons: First, the enhanced business judgment rule changes the foundation of the business judgment rule because of the absence of presumption rule and the transition of the burden of proof. Second, the two rules are fundamentally different in that the business judgment rule considers the motive of the behavior while the enhanced business judgment rule also takes into account the extent of the behavior. Third, the enhanced business judgment rule is a strengthened version of the director`s fiduciary duty. In addition, the author believes that the enhanced business judgment rule is not really enhanced because of the following reasons: First, the burden of proof has been transferred to the board of directors through the transition of burden of proof, but the problem lies in the fact that it is actually easy to prove. Second, once the proof is easily obtained, the next step should be the implementation of the business judgment rule. Therefore, in practice, the enhanced business judgment rule does not really enhance the business judgment rule. As such, the enhanced business judgment rule cannot even be considered a business judgment rule, much less an enhanced one. The enhanced business judgment rule, however, can be an appropriate prototype for an ideal business judgment rule for the following reasons: First, it has the potential to be developed further as it places the burden of proof on the directors. Second, it is possible to increase the responsibility of the directors by assessing their behavior. Third, it may be possible to strengthen duty of loyalty, which has often been overlooked in the existing business judgment rule due to reasonableness factor and the imposition of duty as an auctioneer.

      • KCI등재

        보험법상의 보험자 우위상황의 극복

        손창 한국경영법률학회 2020 經營法律 Vol.31 No.1

        One of the main goals of a commercial act is to protect the people as the other party to a transaction of a merchant. Despite the need to protect consumers that are non-merchants, the insurance act shows an opposite pattern, which is against the idea of the commercial act and not desirable from the perspective of legal policy. This is because a few unnecessary concepts of the insurance act are made beneficial to the insurer. There are five unnecessary concepts in the insurance act as shown below. First, the ‘principle of equivalence’ is undesirable as it has been deteriorated into the form of merely patching up the damage of the insurance corporation and applying legal and policy means from the outside considering the benefits of the insurance corporation. Second, the ‘doctrine of utmost good faith’ cannot be demanded from the policyholder as the insurer’s duties of issuance and explanation are not observed. Fortunately, the Consumer Insurance Act 2012 and Insurance Act 2015 in the UK have relaxed utmost good faith to simply good faith, which can be considered a trigger for destruction of the structure in which the insurer takes dominance. Third, the ‘duty of disclosure’ is merely a formality without substance about the duties of issuance and explanation in the terms, which makes it inappropriate to discuss in the first place. Fourth, ‘adverse selection’ is merely the natural selfishness of human beings, and with insurance corporations not only providing the cause of adverse selection but also aggressively using it for marketing, it is a breach of estoppel to define this as a side effect of insurance caused by the policy holder. Fifth, the ‘insurance group’ is merely an unnecessary concept developed to maximize the interests of insurers. In sum, insurers are binding policyholders into an ‘insurance group’ first to fulfill the ‘principle of equivalence’ (for insurance companies to maximize their profits), then unjustly forcing upon all policyholders the three principles of ‘doctrine of utmost good faith’, ‘duty of disclosure’, and ‘prohibition of adverse selection’ under the pretense of protecting the benefits of the insurance group (when in fact they are to maximize the profits of insurance corporations). 상법의 중요한 목표 중 하나는 상인의 거래상대방인 국민들을 보호하는 것이다. 이렇게 비상인인 소비자를 보호하어야 하나, 보험법은 다른 상법 분야와 달리 이와 반대의 양상을 보이는데, 이는 상법의 이념에 어긋나는 것이며, 법정책적 관점에서도 바람직하지 못하다. 이렇게 된 이유는, 보험법의 불필요한 몇 개의 개념이 보험자(insurer)에게 유리하게 되어 있기 때문이다. 필자의 생각으로는, 보험법에는 아래와 같은 5개의 보험자 우위 개념이 존재한다. 첫째, ‘수지상등의 원칙’은 그때그때 보험사의 손해를 땜질하는 형태로 보험사의 이익을 고려하며 외부의 법적, 정책적 수단을 적용하는 형태로 변질되었기 때문에 바람직하지 않다. 둘째, ‘최대선의의 원칙’은 보험자의 교부·설명의무가 지켜지지 않기 때문에 보험계약자에게 요구할 수 없다고 보는데, 다행히 2012년 영국 소비자보험법과 2015년 영국보험법에서는 최대선의성이 선의성으로 완화되었고 이는 보험자 우위 구조 붕괴의 신호탄으로 생각된다. 셋째, ‘고지의무’는 약관의 교부·설명의무가 형해화되어 있어서 이를 논하는 것조차 적절치 않다고 본다. 넷째, ‘역선택’은 인간의 자연스러운 이기심에 불과하며, 보험사가 역선택의 원인을 스스로 제공하는 것도 모자라 적극적 마케팅을 하는 현실에서 이를 보험계약자에 의한 보험의 부작용으로 규정하는 것은 일종의 금반언칙(Estoppel) 위반이다. 다섯째, ‘보험단체’ 는 보험자의 이익극대화를 위해 만들어진 불필요한 개념에 불과하다. 요컨대, 보험자는 ‘수지상등의 원칙’을 관철시키기 위해(보험사가 이윤을 극대화하기 위해), 우선 보험계약자들을 ‘보험단체’로 한데 묶은 후, 보험단체의 이익을 지킨다는 명목으로(사실은 보험사의 이윤을 극대화하기 위해) ‘최대선의성의 원칙’ · ‘고지의무 ’ · ‘역선택 금지’의 3가지 원칙을 모든 보험계약자에 부당하게 강요하고 있다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        미국법상의 LBO(Leveraged Buyout)에 대한 평가— 법정책적 논의를 중심으로 —

        손창 한국경영법률학회 2014 經營法律 Vol.25 No.1

        A leveraged buyout (LBO) is a technique employed in mergers and acquisitions (M&As), in which the M&A is funded through leverage or lending. Although the formal framework of individual LBOs can vary, an LBO generally relates to an M&A in which a considerable portion of the funds paid for the stock of a target corporation is raised through borrowing, and the loan is secured by the target corporation’s assets. Usually the acquirer invests little of its own cash. Further, an underlying hallmark of the LBO is that corporate capital is exchanged for debt, and the original shareholders are substituted for new secured creditors. U.S. fraudulent conveyance laws, such as the Bankruptcy Code and other state statutes, forming part of the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (UFTA) or the Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act (UFCA), have been enacted to prevent a corporation becoming bankrupt after an LBO. However, leveraged buyouts in the U.S. corporate law have several problems. First, LBOs change a corporation’s assets to debts. Second, LBOs should not be regulated under the fraudulent conveyances laws; rather, they should be understood in terms of the relationship among the corporation, the shareholders, the board of directors, and the creditors. Third, a corporation’s assets are transferred to the shareholders. Fourth, LBOs create a situation in which profits are made by selling the corporation rather than by faithfully managing it. Fifth, the board of directors may be forced to assume responsibility, which encourages the board of directors to take aleatory decisions. Sixth, LBOs aggravate the financial state of a corporation. Finally, the existing shareholders do not always make a profit. LBOs in the U.S. serve to demonstrate the implications of this system if it is allowed in Korea. In the author’s opinion, LBOs are not a desirable system and thus must be prohibited.

      • 미국 미시간주 학교내 장애 유아생들을 위한 체육교육의 실태 연구

        손창 한국특수체육학회 1994 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 미국 미시간주 학교내에 있는 장애 유아생들을 위한 현 체육 교육의 상태를 설명하기 위한 것이다. 4개 항목으로 구성된 설문지는 총 54개 학교중 29개 학교에 의해 완성되었다. 4개 항목은 교육적 배경, 학생 구성, 진행과 평가 그리고 체육 교육의 프로그램으로 구성되었다. 가장 주목할 만한 결과는 제한된 양의 시간과 빈도였다(학생들이 현재 받고있는 체육 활동의 시간과 주당 빈도수). 또한 미시간주내 장애 유아생들을 위한 적당한 시설이 그들의 운동, 사회적 인지발달을 돕기위하여 필요하다고 결론지었다.

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