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        비만체형을 위한 신축성 직물 스커트의 여유분에 관한 연구

        설경희,서미아 服飾文化學會 2002 服飾文化硏究 Vol.10 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to make clear reduction ratio due to the stretch ratio and to find out the ease for the patterns of stretch skirt according to fat body type to improve the aesthetics and wearing satisfaction. For this study, three college students were selected according to the fat body types; According to fat body types, 15 experimental skirt which were different each other in terms of the amount of ease on wait and hip, were made for the appearance test and earing satisfaction test. The results from the study were as follows: 1. The results from the appearance test were as follows. For the ease on waist, W+2cm and W+0cm for fat body type were suggested for the best fit. For the ease on hip, H+2cm and H+0cm for fat body type were suggested for the best fit. 2. The results from wearing satisfaction test were as follows. W+2cm, H+2cm for fat body type were suggested for the best wearing satisfaction. 3. Based on the results from the above tests, the pattern reduction ratios for stretch skirt were as follows. pattern reduction ratio 0∼2.4% of waist, 1.9∼3.8% of hip for fat body type, were suggested for the appropriated reduction ratio for stretch skirt. 4. The result from this study for stretch skirt was as follows. For fat body type, W+2cm, W+0cm for waist and H+2cm, H+0cm for hip were appropriate for stretch skirt pattern. Therefore, different ease has to be applied to stretch skirt pattern according to the body parts, to make the skirt looks good, is appropriate for fat body type, and is satisfied with appearance and wearing satisfaction test.

      • 圓嶠 李匡師의 融會貫通적 예술심미관

        설경희 한국양명학회 2017 한국양명학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2017 No.4

        본고는 한국 양명학의 江華學派가 양명학을 바탕으로 하되 주자학적인 인식론을 재수용하거나 漢學의 실증적 학풍을 도입하였고 유학을 근본으로 도교와 불교까지 攝收하였다는 취지 아래, 강화학파의 거두인 霞谷 鄭齊斗를 이어 간 그의 제자 圓嶠 李匡師의 한국 양명학적 특징과 그의 예술심미관을 고찰해보는 내용이다. 하곡을 이어 원교는 주자학과 양명학의 심성론을 하나의 구조 속에서 수용해내는 ‘朱王和會’론의 상징적이며 구체적인 모습을 보여주고 있다. 또한 원교는 하곡철학을 계승하여 그의 詩文과 書論에서 儒 · 佛 · 道가 혼융된 자신의 心學적 意境을 진솔하게 표현하고 있다. 원교의 詩文과 書論에서의 老莊哲學的 예술사유는 유가적 篤行에 老莊의 정신적 逸脫을 꿈꾸는 초월의 미학으로, 天機造化의 예술 활동을 체득하여 예술 세계를 더욱 더 융숭하고 풍요롭게 만들었으며, 자기 개성과 예술생명을 고취시키는 경계를 창출하였다. 또한 佛學的 예술사유는 心의 坐禪에 대한 이해를 儒家 정신의 함양 방법으로 치환하여 살아 움직이는 心의 本體, 즉 인간의 본래마음이 도덕심 · 긍정심 · 生命心으로 융합되어 萬物一體 사상을 실현하는 良知心을 발현할 수 있었다. 원교의 朱王和會를 근저로 한 儒 · 佛 · 道의 融會貫通的 예술심미관은 가치판단의 주체성과 도덕실천의 능동성으로써 개체정감의 존중과 예술의 多元的 會通정신으로 발휘되어 문화의 융합과 예술에 대한 통섭의 의지를 보여주고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 민화 화조화의 특성을 활용한 3D 디지털 패션 디자인

        설경희,이연희 한국의상디자인학회 2023 한국의상디자인학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        This study aimed to propose a fashion design development method using the external and internal characteristics of the flower and bird paintings in traditional Korean folk paintings. As a research method, external and internal characteristics of folk paintings were examined through previous studies and literature research, and folk painting patterns were developed into digital textile designs. Five 3D digital fashion designs were proposed using the CLO 3D program. The external characteristics of folk paintings were as follows: simplification and planarization of object representation, diversification of viewpoints, ignorance of perspective and symmetrical enumeration, strong colors and contrast effects, and the simultaneous representation of time. The internal characteristics of folk paintings were as follows: symbolic meaning, the beauty of free humor, modest aesthetics, complexity of reality and fantasy, and desire of shamanism. The results are as follows. Firstly, the flower and bird painting was a decorative painting style that emphasized decorative beauty and was suitable for developing fashion designs with Korean originality because of the symbolic and internal meanings. Simple layouts and bold free-spirited representations were effective ways to fill the screen with objects and gave the pattern a decorative effect. Secondly, developing a virtual clothing prototype based on digital design method using the external and internal characteristics of folk paintings and producing realistic fashion designs suggest the integrated use of science and technology, embodying modern fashion through the combination of digital fashion content and traditional cultural content. Thirdly, as a result of the development of 3D digital fashion designs, an eco-friendly and sustainable fashion design methods with virtual clothing can suggest a design development method that saves time and cost in the fashion design process while considering the environment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        향파 이주홍 書畵의 미학적 고찰

        설경희 한국서예학회 2023 서예학연구 Vol.43 No.-

        본고는 경상남도 합천에서 태어나 부산에서 활동한, 문학가요 교육자이면서 예술가였던 向破 李周洪(1906-1987)의 서예 및 詩畵에 관한 연구이다. 그는 80여 년의 생애를 일제 통치와 한국전쟁을 겪으며 갖은 患亂을 체험하여, 어려웠던 삶들을 그의 문학과 예술의 다양한 장르에 인간의 고뇌와 근원적 본질을 풀어 놓았다. 그는 부산의 국립 부경대학교의 전신인 水産대학교 국어과 교수로 평생 봉직하며 학생들에게 문화예술을 선도하였고, 시ㆍ소설ㆍ수필ㆍ희곡ㆍ평론 외에도 동시ㆍ동화ㆍ소년소설, 서화ㆍ민화ㆍ만화ㆍ裝幀, 연극연출 등 다양한 장르를 오가며 예술활동을 펼친 종합 예술가로, 문학작품집ㆍ번역집 등의 저작이 200여 권에 이른다. 향파 이주홍의 서화에 관한 분석과 고찰을 ‘서화의 문예적 소통미학’과 ‘서예의 正統的 동양미학’으로 분류하였다. ‘서화의 문예적 소통미학’에서 정리된 ‘소박미’, ‘해학미’, ‘자연미’ 등은, 향파의 시와 그림과 글씨에서 유기적으로 연계되는 심미 情感이 창작과 감상의 일체적 공감으로 소통되고 있다. 또 소박하고 해학적이며 자연 친화적인 작품에서 복잡한 마음들이 치유되는 소통미학이 되고 있음을 밝혔다. ‘서예의 正統的 동양미학’에서는 담박하고 온화하여 웃는 듯한 아름다움인 澹冶如笑美, ‘유와 무가 서로를 낳는(生) 효과인 有無相生美, 단정하면서도 장엄한 기운을 流麗한 필치로 표현한 端莊流麗美, 平淡하지만 물리게 하지 않는 淡而不厭美, 속박 없이 본성에 충실하면서 호방함이 극에 달하는 豪放野逸美로 정리하였다. 그는 문학의 여러 장르, 여러 부문의 예술을 驅使하였는데, 서예에서도 多種多樣한 실험적인 작품을 시도하여, 서예의 새로운 양식과 방법을 創新하였다고 평가할 수 있다. 또 향파 예술의 저변에 흐르고 있는, ‘공자의 人本主義’와 ‘장자의 생명적 자유’를 수반하는 人文的ㆍ藝術的ㆍ審美的 정서가 그의 문학관ㆍ예술관ㆍ인생관이 되어, 향파 書畵예술에 絢爛하게 나타나고 있음을 규명하였다. Lee Juhong(1906-1987) was a writer, educator, and artist, born in Hapcheon, Gyeongsangnam-do, and worked in Busan. This paper is a study of his calligraphy, poetry, and painting. He experienced various hardships during his life of 80 years, including Japanese rule and the Korean War. Therefore, he expressed human agony and the fundamental essence of his difficult life through various genres of art, including literature. He led students to culture and art during his entire life as a professor of the Department of Korean Language and Literature at the National Fisheries University of Busan, integrated by Pukyong National University in Busan afterward. In addition, he was a comprehensive artist who engaged in artistic activities in a variety of genres, including poetry, novels, essays, plays, and criticism, as well as children's poems, fairy tales, juvenile fiction, calligraphy and painting, folk paintings, comics, book designing and binding, and theater directing. He also wrote collections of literary works and translations that amount to about 300 volumes. I analyzed and examined Hyangpa Lee Juhong’s calligraphy and painting by classifying them into literary communication aesthetics of calligraphy and painting and authentic East Asian aesthetics of calligraphy. The simple beauty, humorous beauty, and natural beauty abstracted from the literary communication aesthetics of calligraphy and painting help the aesthetic emotions organically linked in Hyangpa’s poetry, painting, and calligraphy to communicate through the integrated empathy of creation and appreciation. Therefore, I confirmed that simple, humorous, and nature-friendly works become communication aesthetics that heals complex minds. I summarized the authentic East Asian aesthetics of calligraphy into five beauties.: The first is the simple and gentle beauty that looks smiling. The second is the beauty that to have and to lack generate each other, and the third is the beauty that expresses a neat yet majestic aura with flowing strokes. The next is the beauty that is plain but not sick of, and the last is the magnanimous beauty while remaining faithful to nature without restraint. He used diverse genres of literature and various fields of art. He attempted many experimental things in calligraphy, so we could evaluate that he created a new style and method of calligraphy. In addition, the humanistic, literary, and aesthetic sentiments accompanying Confucius's humanism and Zhuangzi's vital freedom at the bottom of Hyangpa art formed his view of literature, art, and life. Thus, they elaborately emerged in Hyangpa’s calligraphy and painting.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 슈트 커스터마이징 서비스의 유형 및 특성

        설경희,이연희 한국복식학회 2024 服飾 Vol.74 No.1

        This study is aimed to investigate cases of online suit customization services in Korea and abroad to reveal the development direction of these services. The types and characteristics of customization, the customization process, size, and design were analyzed. The results show, first, that the online suit customization service process occurred in five steps: selecting styles, selecting fabrics, selecting options, selecting a size, and ordering a product. Second, body measurements are taken online and offline to ensure accuracy. Guides for measuring the body size of 8 to 18 parts were provided through videos or images with text. Smart size is a service that can suggest customers’ sizes based on their responses to questions about their height, weight, age, and body type, and recommend suitable clothing based on data analysis. It was used with size measurement methods. Third, 3D virtual clothing images were widely used in images of customized suits, while 3D virtual fitting images remained in the early stages of development. Five design options for men's and women's suits were derived, respectively: closure style (number of buttons), lapel style, pocket style, vent style, and stitching; closure style, lapel style, pocket style, vent style, and hem style. To promote the activation of online suit customization services in Korea, this study proposes an environmentally friendly digital system that can enhance customer satisfaction through various online and offline body size measurement methods for Korean body types, product design diversification, and a virtual clothing fitting system that produces realistic images.

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