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        청각장애학생 읽기유창성의 초기읽기 하위 구인 비교 연구: 시각적 발음 교수법의 교육적 함의

        서창원 ( Seo Chang-won ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2018 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.19 No.2

        Purposes: This research compare the contributions of phonological awareness and rapid automatized reading to reading fluency between 2nd grade reading level hearing impaired(N=50) and reading age control group(N=60). Method: To compare the similarity and difference between two groups, researchers tested reading comprehension, maze reading fluency and 4 level of phonological awareness tests, 4 level of reading automatized naming, and analyzed by PLS regression and t tests. Results: 1) Hearing impaired group had significant difference between hearing reading age control group in onset rime syllable level phonological awareness and onset level Phoneme awareness. 2) Hearing impaired group had contribution to reading comprehension in order of Vocaburary, Phonological awareness, Working memory, compare Vocaburary, Working memory, Rapid Automatized Naming. 3) In the 2nd grade reading level of hearing impaired students phonological awareness factor contribute to the reading fluency. Conclusion: Hearing impaired’s phonological awareness factors of 2nd grade reading level is still important factors to reading fluency and needs to develop compare to same reading level. Implications: Hearing impaired students needs overcome phonological awareness problem, and cued speech and visual phonics can be helpful for the automatized reading level.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국어 비쥬얼 파닉스 상징기호 개발 및 예비타당성 연구

        서창원(Chang-Won Seo) 한국언어청각임상학회 2013 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.18 No.1

        배경 및 목적: 본 연구는 한국어 비쥬얼 파닉스의 보급과 효과성의 위한 기초연구로 한국어 비쥬얼 파닉스의 기호를 개발하고 그 타당성을 언어치료 전문가의 내용타당도와 예비전문가의 구인타당도를 통하여 그 타당성을 알고자 계획되었다. 방법: 문헌고찰 및 전문가의 면담을 토대로 한국어 비쥬얼 파닉스 상징기호의 6개의 요인을 찾았으며 6개의 요인을 바탕으로 한국어 자·모음 40개에 대한 총 72개의 상징기호를 개발하였다. 언어교육 전문가의 내용타당성 검토를 거친 후 41개의 상징기호로 축소되었으며 41개의 기호에 대하여 충남과 충북에 위치한 대학에서 언어치료학과 및 특수교육학을 전공하는 4학년 이상 대학생 69명을 대상으로 각 상징기호의 설명(이해)정도를 조사하였다. 결과: 한국어 비쥬얼 파닉스 상징기호의 설명정도는 보통보다 높은 수준에서 높은 수준으로 나타났다(3.45/5-4.14/5). 이후 탐색적 요인분석을 통하여 29개로 축소된 상징기호는 15개 음소는 전체 변량의 73.68%를 설명하였으며 설명력이 높은 요인의 순서로 살펴보면 제1요인인 소리의 모양 표현(α= 0.924)이 21.15%, 제2요인인 조음기관 표현(α= 0.884)이 20.3%, 제3요인인 입술모양 표현(α=0.879)이 10.43, 제4요인인 이중모음의 구현(α=0.869)이 8.56%, 제5요인인 한글과 연계(α=0.839)가 7.34%, 6요인인 감각, 촉각의 이용(α=0.821)이 5.90%이었다. 6개의 요인에서 모두 0.80 이상의 요인 부하량을 가지고 있었으며 요인적재치의 값에서만 차이를 보였다. 논의 및 결론: 언어치료 예비전문가들에게 한국어 비쥬얼 파닉스의 상징기호(Korean visual phonics written symbol)는 6개의 요인으로 함축되어 설명되는 기호로 적정하며 비쥬얼 파닉스의 기호는 차후 확인적 요인분석을 통해 확장되고 보완될 필요성이 있다. Objectives: Visual phonics represents the production of speech sound naturally and logically. Also, the written symbol of visual phonics can be used to help when children learn how to read and write. The purpose of this study is to test the pre-validity of Korean visual phonics. Methods: Korean visual phonics written symbols were designed by 6 typical characteristics: description of features of phoneme, description of articulation organs, description of shapes of the lip, compound of diphthong, similarity of Korean alphabet, and use of sensory tactile methods. The author of this study developed 72 symbols of 40 Korean alphabets according to the 6 factors. Reasonable understandings of 41 symbols were tested by 69 undergraduate students and graduated students who major in special education and speech and language pathology. Results: The results of explorative factor analysis for 41 written symbols of 29 Korean alphabet letters were in the range of 3.45/5 to 4.14/5 of Likert scale. Six factors explained 73.68% of total variance; description of articulation organ (α=0.924, 21.15%), description of shapes of the lip (α=0.884, 20.3%), compound of diphthong (α=0.879, 10.43%), similarity of Korean alphabet (α=0.839, 7.34%), and use of sensory tactile methods (α=0.821, 5.90%). Cumulative factor value and loaded factor value were proper within 0.80 of Cronbach’s alpha value. Conclusion: The written symbols for Korean visual phonics developed in this study were valid based on the results of explorative factor analysis. It would be proper symbols to be continuously developed by next study.

      • KCI등재

        마리우스 폰 마이엔부르크 작(作) 『못생긴 남자』 ‘레테’ 연기 접근 방법 연구

        서창원 ( Seo Chang-won ),조준희 ( Cho Joon-hui ) 한국예술교육학회 2021 예술교육연구 Vol.19 No.1

        마리우스 폰 마이엔부르크(Marius von Mayenburg)의 『못생긴 남자(The Ugly One)』는 표면적으로 외모지상주의가 중심 주제인 것처럼 보이지만, 그 이면을 들여다보면 자본주의 사회의 폐해로 인한 인간 정체성상실이 핵심적 테제로 드러난다. 이 작품은 브레히트의 서사극(Epic theater) 기법을 확장한 ‘포스트 서사극((Post-Epic Theater)’에 속한다. 포스트 서사극은 포스트드라마(Post-Drama)의 한계를 극복하고자 태동한 새로운 연극 양식이지만, 아직까지 국내 연극계에 널리 통용되지 못하고 몇몇 학자들에 의해 이론적 연구가 이루어지고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본고는 『못생긴 남자』의 ‘레테’ 연구를 통해 포스트 서사극의 무대 형상화 작업에 적용 가능한 역할창조 방법론을 실제 프로덕션 과정을 중심으로 고찰하고자 한다. 이를 위해, 포스트 서사극에 대한 이론적 연구를 선행하였고, 『못생긴 남자』에 드러나는 포스트 서사극적 특성 세 가지를 도출하였다. 그 특징으로 첫째, 삽화식 구조의 파편화 된 장면구성을 통해 관객의 적극적 개입을 유도하고, 둘째, 역할놀이(Role Playing)를 통해 몰입과 생소화의 동시 작용을 일으켜 관객 스스로의 의미창발을 유도하며, 셋째, 사회현상에 비현실성을 부여해 무대와 객석 사이 거리를 만들어 관객으로 하여금 생소화 효과를 경험하게 하는 것을 들 수 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구자는 사회문제에 대해 관객과 적극적으로 소통하며 그들의 사유의 촉구를 꾀하기 위해 1.‘변질된 욕망의 시뮬라크르: 자본사회의 허상’, 2.‘레테의 자본주의적 아비투스’라는 분석 틀을 도입하였다. 이러한 분석을 토대로 『못생긴 남자』에 드러나는 사회 문제를 가시화하기 위해 브레히트의 서사극 기법인 게스투스(Gestus)를 적극적으로 활용하였다. 그런데 창의적 게스투스를 구축하기 위해선 신체적 연기방법론이 요구되었다. 이에 따라 충동의 에너지를 신체적 움직임으로 풀어낼 수 있는 루돌프 본 라반(Rudolf von Laban)의 ‘에포트(Effort)’를 도입하여 레테의 게스투스를 형상화하였고, 그 사회적 의미를 신체적으로 구현하고자 하였다. 시뮬라크르화 된 자본사회로 걸어 들어간 레테의 아비투스를 분석하여 게스투스로 실현시키고, 이를 통해 생소화 효과를 불러일으켜 관객이 행위자와 상호작용하며 스스로 개별적 의미를 창발하는 수행적 전환을 이루기 위해 다음과 같은 연기 접근 방법을 도출하였다. 첫째, ‘텍스트의 재구성을 통한 게스투스의 즉각적 전환’, 둘째, ‘탈 정형화된 게스투스의 시각화를 통한 계층 간 충돌 강화’, 셋째, ‘게스투스의 확장을 통한 관객의 수행적 전환 유도’를 도출하여 실제 프로덕션 과정에서 그 효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 포스트 서사극의 이론적 토대 위에서 실제 프로덕션 과정의 적용과정을 고찰하여 관객과 행위자의 상호작용을 통해 사회적 의미를 창발하고, 관객의 비판적 태도를 이끌어낼 수 있는 연기적 방법론을 모색하는 것이 본 연구의 궁극적인 목표라 할 수 있다. Marius von Mayenburg's "The Ugly One" seems to take lookism as the main theme, but it is about the loss of human identity due to the evils of capitalism. The play is a "Post-Epic Theater" which is expanded from Brecht's Epic Theater technique. Although Post-Epic Theater is a new theatrical style that has been set in order to overcome the limitations of “Post-drama”, the concept of Post-Epic Theater has not yet been widely studied in the domestic theater except only some theoretical researches being done by some scholars in Korea. Thus, this thesis aims to focus on a practical producing process of the character creation and acting approaches which are applicable to the stage formation work of Post-Epic Theater through the "Lette" study of "The Ugly One". For the purposes, the theoretical researches on Post-Epic Theater was preceded, and three Post-Epic Theater characteristics were derived from "The Ugly Man". As its characteristics, firstly encouraging active intervention of the audience through fragmented scene composition of illustrated structure. Secondly, inducing the creation of meaning for the audience by the role playing. Thirdly, creating a distance between the stage and the audience which assimilates the social phenomenon by unrealistic ones. Accordingly, the researcher developed an analysis framework called 1. "Simulacre of Damaged Desire" and 2. "Lette's Capitalist Habitus" to actively communicate with the audience on social issues using Brecht's "Gestus" to promote the emergence of the audience. However, a physical acting methodology was required to build the creative physical Gestus. Therefore, the "Effort" element of Rudolf von Laban, which can release emotional energy by physical movement, was introduced to shape Lette's Gestus and to physically represent its social meaning. The following acting approaches were suggested to produce Gestus by analyzing the Habitus of Lette who walked into simulacratic capitalism by himself, and to create audience’s alienation effect in order to make them interact with the actors and achieve the performative transition which cause their own individual meanings. I would like to verify its effectiveness in the practical process: First, 'immediate conversion of Gestus through reconstruction of text'. Second, 'enhancement of class conflicts through visualization of ex-formalized Gestus'. Third, 'inducing performative transition of audiences through expansion of Gestus‘. Ultimately, the purpose of this study is to seek acting methodologies that can encourage the audience critically recognize social meaning through the interaction between the actors and them based on practical/theoretical basis of Post-Epic Theater.

      • KCI등재

        청각장애를 위한 대안적 한국어 전달방법 비교 -큐드 스피치를 통한 음역을 중심으로-

        서창원 ( Chang-won Seo ),오세철 ( Sei-cheol Oh ) 한국특수아동학회 2016 특수아동교육연구 Vol.18 No.2

        Purpose: This research design to find effective communication methods for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in spoken language transliteration. Method: Participants of this research were 59 college students who learned sign language 1 semester in regular course, and learned Korean Cued Speech 10 hours, and they transferred 5 Korean word and sentence(4 set, 31 syallbles each) with 4 different ways which is fingerspelling only, sign language only, cued speech only, and mix use of cued speech and sign. We compared the 4 communication methods in three aspects; accuracy of transfer, speed of transfer, and easiness of transfer. This research tested by Repeated Anova Comparision by Bonferoni to compare the each test results. We assigned 20 participants to transfer the Korean words and sentence, and 48 participants to write the mean to the proper Korean words or sentence(syllable level). Results: Results were First, transfer by cued speech(include mixed use of cued speech and sign language) shows significant high accuracy than sign language only(q=20.56, P <.01), but not significant difference between fingerspelling. Second, transfer by cued speech(include mixed use of cued speech and sign language) shows significant high speed than fingerspelling(q=11.49** p<.01). Lastly, When mixed use of cued speech with cued speech, speed of transfer, and easiness of transfer increased little bit but not significant level, but accuracy of transfer was signigicantly high(q=.11.47, p<.01 /q=-6.72, p<.01 each). Conclusions: According to the results, this research consults limitation of the communication methods, and we needs to more research to the necessary and possibility of transliteration for deaf and hard of hearing.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국어 큐드 스피치 3.0 (Korean Cued Speech 3.0)의 구조적 타당성

        서창원 ( Chang Won Seo ),김지영 ( Ji Young Kim ) 한국특수아동학회 2014 특수아동교육연구 Vol.16 No.4

        This study was implemented to confirm the validity of the latest Korean Cued Speech (Korean Cued Speech ver. 3.0). The study was to understand what the distinct characteristics of Korean Cued Speech ver. 3.0 were mutually compare to the prior versions and how a pronated in Korean Cued Speech affect to the speed of Cued Speech implementation. To verify the distinct characteristics and structural validity of Korean Cued Speech ver. 3.0, the study conducted focus group interview with a group of the researchers participated in developing Korean Cued Speech ver. 3.0 and an external expert, and word representation experiment of two Cued Speech learners. In addition,, the study conducted an experiment to compare the speed of implementation and accuracy comparing for Korean Cued Speech ver. 2.0 and ver. 3.0 in different targeted comparison groups. The results of the study, distinct characteristics reflected in Korean Cued Speech development were firstly, English semi consonant /w/+ /y/+ used as semi-vowel in Korean, regular and irregular phonological process phenomenon, usage of foreign words, and compatibility of English Cued Speech. Secondly, distinct characteristics of Korean Cued Speech ver. 3.0 were followings. 1. Visual contrast of the placement of high-frequency phoneme and cuem. 2. Arrangement of /ㅏ/ and /ㅗ/, and /ㅁ/, /ㅂ/, /ㄷ/. 3. A diphthong and the /ㅡ/ placement. 4. Flick and pronated were applied for phonological process and fortis phenomenon. Korean Cued speech ver. 3.0 had faster implementation speed and readability in the word representation experiment with word group of same phoneme repeat in final consonant and the initial consonant. The study could conclude pronated embodies in Cued Speech 3.0 was more suitable method to express Korean prolonged sound in Cued Speech compare to the Korean Cued Speech 2.0.

      • KCI등재

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