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        fMRI 분석을 활용한 두뇌 연결망 기반 생물 분류 학습 모형 개발

        변정호,권용주 한국생물교육학회 2020 생물교육 Vol.48 No.2

        The purpose of this study is the development of the learning model for biology classification by investigation of interaction among brain regions related to the thinking process of biology classification. The researcher analyzed the brain activation region during biology classification, and the effective connectivity of the brain was analyzed by structural equation modeling for the construction of the learning step. Also, the learning factor and instruction strategy were composed of neurological and cognitive psychological analysis to brain connectivity of biology classification. Researchers found the brain connectivity circuit like as; visual cortex-premotor cortex-dorsolateral prefrontal cortex-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex-dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. That is, the brain affects the thinking process of biology classification according to the brain pathway. Also, the learning step, factor, and strategy were extracted by analysis of brain pathway and interaction effect. Finally, the researcher was able to develop the learning model of biology classification based on brain connectivity.

      • KCI등재

        생물 분류와 무생물 분류에서 나타나는 고등학생과 예비교사의 시선집중 및 시선이동 패턴 분석

        변정호 한국생물교육학회 2020 생물교육 Vol.48 No.2

        The purpose of this study is the analysis of attention patterns on animate and inanimate classification between general high school students and pre-teacher. The animate and inanimate classification are related to different brain systems. Therefore they could promote the different responses on classification learning and activity. However, it is confused to use the animate and inanimate classification on textbooks and curriculum to enhance student's competence. So Researcher analyzed classification quotient and attention patterns during animate and inanimate classification between general high school student and pre-teacher by using the eye-tracking method. As a result, the first, it was revealed the difference between animate and inanimate classification ability between high school students and pre-teacher. Second, the case fixation pattern was affected by the main effect of animate and inanimate more than group effect. Third, the difference between the two types of classification was caused by the difference of categorization strategy as like rule-based or similarity- based strategy. Consequently, teachers should consider object and strategy when they construct a classification learning activity, because of the cognitive difference between animate and inanimate classification. Also teachers need to prepare the inquiry activity for classification learning on their students.

      • KCI등재

        메타버스 플랫폼을 활용한 생물 탐구 프로그램이 초등 과학영재의 정의적 영역에 미치는 영향

        변정호 학습자중심교과교육학회 2022 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.13

        목적 본 연구에서는 메타버스 플랫폼을 활용하여 생물 탐구 프로그램을 개발하고, 개발한 프로그램의 경험이 초등 과학영재들의정의적 영역에 미치는 영향을 확인하였다. 방법 이를 위해 관련 선행연구 고찰을 통해 가상세계에서의 생물 탐구 프로그램을 개발하였으며, 영동지역 초등 과학영재 17명을대상으로 프로그램 참여 전⋅후의 학습동기, 과제집착력 검사와 인터뷰를 실시한 후 분석하였다. 결과 선행연구 분석을 통해 학습단계, 학습목표 및 내용을 도출하였으며, 가상세계와 거울세계를 모두 제공하는 메타버스 플랫폼을활용해 가상공간에서 실내외 생물 탐구가 가능한 프로그램을 개발하였다. 또한 개발한 학습프로그램의 경험이 학생들의 학습동기수준과 과제집착력 향상에 미치는 긍정적 효과를 확인하였다. 결론 메타버스 플랫폼 활용 생물 탐구 프로그램은 초등 과학영재 학생들의 정의적 영역에 긍정적 효과를 유발할 수 있으며, 상호작용기회 확대를 통해 온라인 학습에 대한 긍정적 인식을 제공함으로써 온라인 학습 피로도를 감소시킬 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        생물 분류 과정의 두뇌 활성 비교를 통한 과학고 학생과 일반고 학생의 인지적 사고 과정의 차이 규명

        변정호,권승혁,권용주 韓國生物敎育學會 2014 생물교육 Vol.42 No.2

        Biological classification is a convergent and creative thinking process as a representative of inductive reasoning. Also, it is involved in the discovery process of a similarity of object properties, criteria of object classification, and categories of observed objects. In science education context, neurological investigation on biological classification is important to understand the inner process of student's cognitive thinking. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify neurological characteristics on biological classification in scientifically gifted students comparing with general student. To identify students' neurological characteristics, 9 gifted students and 9 general high school students were recruited in this study. Block experimental- design was used to measure subjects' BOLD signals of their brain. SPM8 software was applied to analyze the acquired MR image data from the 3.0T fMRI system. We could find functional activation regions of brain during biological classification by the main effect analysis, and identify unique activation regions of the gifted student by group effect analysis. According to the result of this study, there was some significant differences between the gifted students' brain regions and general students' brain activation regions. Also, the gifted student could perform bottom-up type thinking with the related multiple brain systems during classification task. However, the general student could maintain top-down type thinking with the restricted interaction among brain systems. Consequently, thinking process of the science-gifted students during biological classification was related to multiple brain systems with dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, parietal cortex, visual cortex and basal ganglia. In contrary, the general student's brain system during classification was restricted to partial system with premotor cortex, parietal cortex, visual cortex.

      • KCI등재

        과학 중심 STEAM 프로그램과 인문학 중심 STEAM 프로그램이 고등학생의 정의적 특성에 미치는 영향

        변정호 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소 2020 Brain, Digital, & Learning Vol.10 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to develop a science-focused STEAM program and a liberal art-focused STEAM program, and to compare the effects of the experiences of other STEAM programs on the defining characteristics of high school students. A total of 72 students, 36 students in the science-focused STEAM program and the liberal art-focused STEAM program, participated in 12 classes each. The researcher checked the effect on affective properties of the experience of the science-focused STEAM program or the liberal art-focused STEAM program by using the learning motivation test, the motivation of the STEAM activity test, and the scientific task commitment test. First, the experience of the STEAM program has a partially positive effect on the level of motivation for learning in high school students. Second, the experiences of the science-focused STEAM program and the liberal art-focused STEAM program have a very positive effect on the level of motivation for high school students' STEAM activities. Third, the experiences of the science-focused STEAM program and the liberal art-focused STEAM program have a positive effect on the improvement of scientific task commitment. Therefore, in terms of science education, rather than the view that STEAM education should be centered on science subject, it will be more effective in terms of spreading and motivating science through STEAM education.

      • KCI등재

        대면·비대면 전환 가능한 생명과학 수업이 고등학생의 개념 인식 변화와 정의적 영역에 미치는 영향

        변정호,권용주 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소 2022 Brain, Digital, & Learning Vol.12 No.3

        The implementation of the online class by COVID-19 became a revealing period of the various problem in a school science class. However, the application of digital collaboration tools in the class could provide a solution to this problem like as Reduction of learning time, loss of motivation to learn, lack of interaction, the difficulty of concept change and etc. If a teacher applies the digital collaboration tool to his class, he could construct his science class convertible contact class to a non-contact class, In this context, the purpose of this study has focused development of a learning program that applied digital collaboration tools for the concept change of the human brain. The 45 high school students were recruited to attend two types of science classes (face class: 23, not face class: 22). The researchers tested the concept of the human brain, the motivation of biology activity, the motivation of biology learning, and the task commitment of biology learning between pre and post class period. As a result of this study, the concept change learning program of the human brain showed a positive effect on concept change from misconception to scientific concept and affective domain. Also, the effect of this program was statistically significant. Consequently, it could develop an effective learning program of concept change in the human brain to be able to convert the contact class into a non-contact class.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능을 활용한 해안사구 식물 탐구 프로그램이 초등 과학영재의 정의적 영역에 미치는 영향

        변정호 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 2022 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.46 No.1

        야외에서 이루어지는 과학 탐구학습은 이론적으로 학습한 내용의 구조화 및 적용에 긍정적 효과를 나타내며, 개방적인 사고를 유발함으로써 다양한 탐구활동의 경험을 유발한다. 또한 현장의 다양성과 특수성을 통해 제공되는 실제 경험은 학습자의 정의적 영역에도 긍정적으로 작용한다. 특히 경험적 학습의 맥락에서 생물에 대한 야외 학습프로그램은 실물 관찰 및 생태적 학습 경험의 제공 측면에서 필수적인 과정에 해당한다. 반면, 야외 탐구활동을 위해서는 전문적인 기본 소양과 해결되어야 하는 선행과제들이 존재하며, 이로 인해 실제 교육현장에서 잘 이루어지지 않는 실정이다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 야외 탐구와 관련된 전문소양을 보조할 수 있는 인공지능을 직접 학생들이 생성하고 활용하여 쉽고 빠르게 의사결정할 수 있으며, 다양한 식생 분포로 생태학적 가치를 지니고 있는 해안사구 식물을 탐구 대상으로 하는 야외 학습 프로그램을 개발하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 관련 문헌들을 고찰하여 활동 프로그램을 구성하였으며, 개발한 프로그램의 경험이 초등 과학영재 학생들에게 어떤 영향을 주는지 사례 적용을 통해 확인하였다. 활동 프로그램의 적용 결과 개발한 프로그램은 초등 과학영재 학생들의 동기수준, 과제집착력, 태도 변화에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있었다. 결론적으로 인공지능을 활용하여 해안사구 식물을 탐구하는 야외 프로그램을 개발할 수 있었으며, 개발된 프로그램은 초등학생의 정의적 영역에 긍정적 효과를 제공할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능을 활용한 생명과학 교수·학습 모델 개발

        변정호 한국교원대학교 뇌·AI기반교육연구소 2022 Brain, Digital, & Learning Vol.12 No.1

        Artificial intelligence was used in various fields, it is widely focused on education recently. Appropriate teaching and learning strategies are necessary for the application of artificial intelligence to science education, however, there is in poor one to able to use by the teacher. Therefore, the purpose of this study was focused on the generation of appropriate teaching and learning model for biology class using artificial intelligence. Also, the researcher investigated the effect of the learning model for affective domain on high school students according to the application of the learning program. As a result of this study, the researcher could develop the teaching and learning model of biology education using artificial intelligence by theoretical review, and composed a learning program for application in class. According to the result of analysis for the effect of the affective domain, the level of learning motivation, task commitment, and attitude for artificial intelligence on post-test significantly increased more than the result of the pre-test. Consequently, it could be checked that the teaching and learning model of biology learning using artificial intelligence can cause a positive effect on the student’s learning.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 전환 시대를 위한 디지털 교과서 기반 미래형 과학 교수·학습 모델의 개발

        변정호,권용주,윤종현,박현주,박경희,김태희 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소 2022 Brain, Digital, & Learning Vol.12 No.2

        Digital textbooks have various advantages in science learning for the era of digital transformation based on functions such as virtual labs, high-definition images, and interactive contents. However, the current science class is administering without a learning model suitable for the era of digital transformation. Therefore, it is necessary to suggest a science learning strategy using digital textbooks in preparation for the digital transformation era. In this study, we developed a science teaching and learning model for the digital transformation era using digital textbooks. As a result, it was possible to provide a learning model based on a problem-solving process using digital textbooks and a learning strategy using digital functions in science class. The model consists of three steps in the teaching and learning process : Advanturing, Projecting, and Prosuming (APP). In addition, the APP model uses digital textbooks that include teaching and learning strategies of thinking and social interaction in creative problem solving. Therefore, the development of the APP model with appropriate digital functions and learning strategies could be applied to develop and evaluate digital textbooks and learning process suitable for the digital transformation era.

      • KCI등재

        창의적 문제해결과정 기반 생체모방 융합수업 모델 개발

        변정호,이일선,권용주 韓國生物敎育學會 2012 생물교육 Vol.40 No.3

        Although various studies on convergence education have been pouring out in school education, there has not been shown a suitable convergence instruction model for biology education. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop an instruction model for biology class of convergence learning. Convergence learning should be based on problem solving process to enhance creative thinking. Hence, this study focused to review several literatures to extract convergence instruction factor from creative problem solving process. According to the literature reviews, biomimicry can be the most optimal method to learn either biological and bioengineering inquiry and creative design for problem solving. In addition, scientific and engineering inquiries, convergent design with creativity, and creative production were applied to students' convergent problem solving in biomimicry class. Both divergent and convergent thinking constructing creative thinking could be consisted of students' learning strategy in convergence class activity. As a result of this study, this study suggested the biomimicry convergence instruction model based on creative problem solving process. This instruction model was composed of three steps : scientific and engineering inquiry, convergent design with creativity, convergent creation of product. According to the process of convergence learning, researchers suggested the instruction model called as "S2D Model" which is meaning a teaching model with the procedure from science to (creative) design. After application of the S2D Model into a biology class, and this study collected data to check the change of motivation level by course interest survey. In the application, the S2D model is not only to be suitable in biology class for teaching biology convergence, but also able to enhance science learning motivation of student.

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