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        장소자산(場所資産)의 변용(變容) 양상(樣相)으로 본 ‘시코쿠헨로’

        변정아 ( Byun Jung-a ) 한국일본근대학회 2019 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.65

        본 연구는 ‘시코쿠헨로’가 가지고 있던 역사자원을 현재의 시코쿠의 관광콘텐츠로서 활용할 수 있는 장소자산의 변용에 주안점을 두고 분석하고자 한다. ‘시코쿠헨로 88개소’는 시코쿠 4개 현 전체를 관통하며 분포되어 있는 시코쿠 전체 자산이다. 따라서 4개현 지자체의 지역 정책 시스템 하에 지역 간 협의와 협력이 이루어져야 시코쿠 전체 장소자산으로서 효과를 상승시킬 것이다. ‘시코쿠헨로’는 일본 불교의 종류를 총 망라하고 있는 독특한 순례길이므로 대중은 종파에 얽매이지 않고 순례를 할 수 있다. 현재의 시코쿠헨로는 종교적 가치의 엄중함 없이 유연한 방식의 순례를 권장하기 때문에 국적, 성별, 연령에 상관없이 관광객 개인의 상황에 따라 자유롭게 순례 방법을 선택할 수 있다. 순례 행위 자체는 현재까지 전통으로서 명맥을 유지하지만 시간에 따라 형태, 의미, 목적은 다소 변용되었다. 따라서 시코쿠헨로도 시대에 맞게 종교적인 수행뿐만 아니라 병의 치유·공양 외에, 마음의 위안을 찾아 휴식과 건강증진, 등산이나 하이킹의 연장, 관광여행의 일환 등, 다양한 형태로 현대인의 힐링 여행으로서 재발견되며 관광콘텐츠로 부활하고 있다. This research focused on the change of place asset to utilize the historical resources of ‘Shikoku Henro’ as tour contents of present Shikoku. ’88 Places in Shikoku Henro’ are the asset of the whole Shikoku, distributed throughout 4 hyun of Shikoku. Therefore, the effect of the place asset of the entire Shikoku can be improved when regional agreement and cooperation is made under the regional policy system of the local governments of 4 hyun. ‘Shikoku Henro’ is a unique pilgrimage that encompasses the kinds of Japanese Buddhism, so the people can make a pilgrimage without being tied to a sect. Since current Shikoku Henro encourages a flexible way of pilgrimage without a strict religious value, visitors are free to choose how to make a pilgrimage regardless of their nationality, gender, or age. The pilgrimage act itself retains life as a tradition so far, however its form, meaning, and purpose have been somewhat changed along with time. Accordingly, Shikoku Henro is rediscovered as a healing journey of modern people in various ways such as relaxation, health promotion, extension of the mountain climbing and hiking, a part of travel, besides religious performance proper for Shikoku Henro Era, and is revived as a tourism content.

      • KCI등재

        고객만족과 전환비용이 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 치과 병,의원을 중심으로

        변정아 ( Jung A Byun ),나율 ( Yul Nah ),김양균 ( Yang Kyun Kim ) 한국병원경영학회 2012 병원경영학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        In this study, we examined the effect of customer satisfaction and switching cost on continuous use intention to suggest how organizations can retain their customers when market growth slows down and competition becomes stronger. We carefully developed and modified survey instruments through a pre-test, and subsequently surveyed 432 dental care users in Seoul and Busan areas. As a result of regression analysis, higher procedural learning switching cost, relational switching cost, and customer satisfaction were manifested in the increased continuous use intention. In contrast, higher financial switching cost and customer satisfaction with insufficient effort for information acquisition led to decreased switching intention. In addition, procedural initial switching cost and residents in Seoul led to increased switching intention. Understanding continuous use intention and switching intention is important for healthcare institutions striving to maintain market position. The findings of this study suggest a paradigm shift from conventional transactional marketing to strategic relational marketing to be effective in the healthcare environment today.

      • KCI등재

        김달수의 「후예의 거리」 연구 - 도쿄의 모조도시인 경성에서 부유하는 지식인들-

        변정아 ( Byun Jung-a ) 한국일본근대학회 2018 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.62

        김달수의 최초의 장편이며 최초로 출판된 「후예의 거리」는 그의 경성 방문과「경성일보」기자의 경험을 토대로 한 작품이다. 특히, 「경성일보」의 사회부 기자를 했던 것은 김달수에게 있어 피지배자로서 당하는 동포들의 비참한 생활상과 일제 권력의 압박을 받으면서도 암암리에 활동하고 있는 항일 운동가들의 투쟁에 대해서도 직접 접할 수 있는 최적의 경험이었을 것이다. 이런 고국에서의 생활은 그가 조선인의 하나로서 스스로를 자각하게 하고, 작가로서 민족의식을 확립해가는 과정이 되었을 것이다. 짧은 기간이었지만 고국에서의 체험은「후예의 거리」의 주인공 ‘고창륜’이 경성에서의 생활과 그곳에서 만난 지식인들의 실상을 통해 민족의식을 자각하여 변해가는 과정을 그리고 있다. 일본제국주의는 조선을 식민화하면서 경성을 서양의 모조품인 일본 도쿄를 모방한 더 심각한 이중의 모조도시로 만들고 있었다. 한 거리에 근세와 근대가 뒤죽박죽인 모습이었고 일반 사람들은 이상과 현실, 신념과 행동이 어지럽게 뒤엉켜있었다. 이러한 이중적인 모조도시 경성이란 공간은 그 시대 지식인들의 굴욕과 모순된 조선의 현실을 부각시키고 있다. 김달수는 작품의 무대를 일본이 아닌 조선으로 옮겨와 고창륜의 시선으로 관찰되는 경성의 모습과 그가 만나는 조선 지식인들의 고민과 안주하지 못하는 삶을 통해 민족의식을 표출하고 있다. 김달수가 「후예의 거리」에서 고국을 잃어버린 고창륜을 통해 식민지지배의 현실, 그 중에서도 지식인들의 고뇌와 죽음을 두려워하지 않고 의연히 투쟁하는 독립운동에 대한 의지를 보여줌으로써 그 당시의 조선의 실상을 그리고 있다. Kim Dal Soo’s first feature and first published 「Descendant’s Street」is based on his visit to Kyungseong and his experience as the journalist of Kyungseong Ilbo. In particular, as a local news reporter of the Kyungseong Ilbo was optimum experience for Kim Dal Soo to be able to access miserable life of his compatriots and the struggles of anti-Japanese activists under the pressure of Japanese rule. Life in this home country would have been a process for him to recognize himself as one of the Joseon people and to establish a national consciousness as a writer. Although it was only a short period of time, the experience in the home country helped him to write the process of changing national consciousness of Ko Chang Ryun, the main character in 「Descendant’s Street」, through his life in Kyungseong and the realities of intellectuals who he met. Japanese imperialism had colonized Joseon, turning Kyungseong into doubled-imitation city by imitating Tokyo which already had imitated the West. The street was in a mess with modern and modern people and people were confused by ideals, realities, beliefs and actions. This dual imitation city of Kyungseong highlights the humiliation of intellectuals of the time and the reality of Joseon in contradiction. Kim Dal Soo is expressing his national consciousness by setting the stage of his work to Joseon, not Japan, through Ko Chang Ryun’s perspective of the Kyungseong life that cannot be settled down and concerns of the Joseon intellectuals who he meets. In 「Descendant’s Street」, Kim Dal Soo is showing the reality of colonization through Ko Chang Ryun, who has lost his homeland, especially by showing the intellectuals’ torment and their will to fight for independence without fear of death.

      • 마우스에서 bisphenol A 노출로 인한 면역병리학적 연구

        변정아(Jung A Byun),표명윤(Myoung Yun Pyo) 한국환경성돌연변이발암원학회 2002 한국환경성돌연변이·발암원학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        Bisphenol A (BPA) is a monomer widely used in the manufacturing polycarbonate plastics or epoxy resin, and xenobiotics recently known as endocrine disrupting chemical. In this paper, to assess the effects of bisphenol A on immunopathological parameters (body weight, organ weight, hematological parameters, cellularity and surface marker) in mice, ICR female mice were orally exposed to BPA dissolved in olive oil as concentrations of 100, 500, 1000 mg/kg/day b.w. 5 days a week for 30 days (subacute exposure). Liver- and kidney- weight was significantly increased as dose-dependent manner, but body- , spleen- and thymus- weight didn't changed. In hematological parameters, WBC and MCHC were lowered but HCT and MCV were siginificantly enhanced. There was no significant differences in peritoneal macrophages number of the mice exposed to BPA.<br/> However, number of splenocytes of spleen, CD3+ and CD4+ cell in splenocytes, CD4+ and CD8+ cell in thymocytes were decreased at the mice subacutely exposed to BPA. In addition, BPA decreased expression of B7-1 and B7-2 on macrophages. Therefore, these results showed BPA may affect hematological parameters, cellularity<br/> and surface marker of immunocytes.

      • KCI등재

        Bisphenol A의 급성노출이 마우스의 면역기능에 미치는 영향

        표명윤(Myoung-Yun Pyo),변정아(Jung-A Byun) 大韓藥學會 2001 약학회지 Vol.45 No.1

        In order to investigate the effects of bisphenol A (BPA) on immune system in mice we examined the various immunological parameters. After single oral adminstration of BPA to female ICR mice, the weights of bodies and lymphoid organs, splenic cellularity and hematological parameters were examined on day 2 and 7. Among them WBC and splenic cellularity were slightly decreased on day 2. To assess the effects of BPA on humoral immune responses, splenic IgM plaque forming cell (PFC) and serum IgM level were assayed. When BPA was administered after immunization with SRBC, but not before immunization, IgM level was also decreased on day 4 when high dose (2000mg/kg) of BPA was administrated after injection of OVA-antigen. The indexes of splenocyte proliferation (SP) to concanavalin A (Con A) and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were measured in vitro by MTT assay. At low concentration BPA slightly increased splenocyte proliferation but at higher concentration it showed signficant inhibitory effects on cell proliferation Mitogen-stimulated SP was also determined with spleen cells from BPA treated mice. Con A-induced SP was slightly decreased and LPS-induced SP was eapecially inhibited at 1000mg/kg and 2000mg/kg of BPA. These results indicate that BPA is able to acutly evoke humoral and cell mediated immune suppression in mice.

      • KCI등재

        한방 치료 후 호전된 급성기 양성 발작성 두위성 현훈 치험 3례

        최윤영,변정아,김수영,황미리,안재현,정현아,Choi, Yoon-Young,Byun, Jung-Ah,Kim, Su-Yeong,Hwang, Mi-Lee,An, Jae-Hyun,Jung, Hyun-A 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2021 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        Objectives : The purpose of this study is to report three cases of Korean medical treatment for acute benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV). Methods : This study was conducted with three acute benign paroxysmal positional vertigo patients who hospit alized in Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology & Dermatology Clinic of Korean medical Hospital. Three patients were treated with Korean medical treatment including herbal medicine(Banhabaeckchulchunma-tang), acupuncture, p harmacopuncture(Hwangryunhaedok-tang). After treatment, we evaluated subjective symptoms. Results : The results of three patient showed remarkable improvements on subjective symptoms after the treatment. Conclusions : It is considered that Korean medical treatment can be applied to the treatment of BPPV.

      • KCI등재

        실험동물을 이용한 화분섭취의 면역안전성 평가

        박희성,허영주,변정아,허용,Park Hee Sung,Heo Young Jeu,Byun Jung-A,Heo Yong 한국환경보건학회 2005 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        Pollen has been used for Prevention or treatment of certain diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, or cancer in traditional medicine. In addition, pollen is under investigation as a host cell for a gene expression. This study was undertaken to evaluate the immunologic safety of pollen intake. BALB/c mice were administered with 500, 50,5, or 0.5 mg/kg bw of lily pollen for five times a week for four weeks through gastric intubation. Comparing the control mice administered with distilled water, no significant changes were observed in body weight gain, weight of liver, spleen, lung, and his-topathological findings of liver and kidney of the mice groups administered with the pollen. Plasma level of IgG1, IgG2a, and IgE was not different among the groups. When splenic B lymphocytes were stimulated in vitro with lipopolysaccharides for 7 days, level of IgGl and IgGwa produced in the culture supernatants was not significantly different among the groups. Furthermore, no significant alteration was observed in IL-4 and $IFN{\gamma}$ producing ability with splenic T lymphocytes stimulated in vitro with phytohemagglutinins for 48 hours between the pollen-administered and the control mice. Overall, this study suggests that the lily pollen intake is Inducing no significant modulation of humoral and cell-mediated immunity in mice.

      • KCI등재

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