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        양장(楊絳)의 소설 《목욕(洗澡)》에 나타난 기억의 수사학

        裵淵姬 한국중국소설학회 2016 中國小說論叢 Vol.49 No.-

        양장(楊絳: 1911-2016)은 소설 《목욕(洗澡)》에서 삼반운동 시기 지식인 사상개조 운동을 전후로 한 지식인 사회를 표현하였다. 소설 《목욕(洗澡)》은 산문집 《망각의 차를 마시기 전에(將飮茶)》의 창작과 상호연관성을 가지며 창작되었다. 즉 ‘잊어선 안 된다’는 결기를 가지고 망각에 저항하며 지나간 시대 개인적 체험과 기억을 묘사하였다. 이 소설에서 양장은 당시 시대적 구호 “바지를 벗고 꼬리를 잘라라(脫袴子, 割尾巴)”를 순화시킨 ‘목욕(洗澡)’을 제목으로 삼은 뒤, 거대한 목욕탕이 되어버린 지식인 사회의 기이한 풍경을 표현하였다. 대중동원을 통한 권력의 통제 앞에 다양하게 변모하는 지식인의 모습을 비유와 수사, 유머의 방식으로 그려냄으로써 지식인의 무력감과 좌절감을 담담하게 묘사하였다. 또한 ‘연애의 수사’와 ‘현실과 이상의 이중 삼각형’의 서사를 통해 지식인의 진실과 허위, 기만 등의 문제를 교차 서술하였다. 소설 《목욕(洗澡)》은 사회적 망각에 저항하며 공적 역사에서 배제된 개인의 기억을 서사화함으로써, 중국 지식인의 정체성과 존재방식을 성찰하였다. In her novel Xizao, Yang Jiang (楊絳: 1911-2016) depicted the society of intellectuals around the thought-reform movement among intellectuals during the Three Anti Campaign. Xizao was created in mutual connections with her collection of prose work titled Will Drink Tea (將飮茶) on the motive of writing. In the novel, the author described her personal experiences and memoirs of the previous era, resisting oblivion with a determination of “never forget.” She purified the slogan of the times, “Pull down the pants and cut off the tail,” into “Xizao” and took it as the title of her novel, depicting the strange landscape of the intellectuals' community that had become a huge bathhouse. She described the intellectuals' sense of helplessness and frustration in a composed manner by presenting the various aspects of intellectuals before the control of power through the mobilization of the masses in figure of speech, rhetoric, and humor. She also crossed the depiction with the issues of truth, falsehood, and deception of intellectuals in “the rhetoric of love” and “dubble triangle of the real and Ideal”. In Xizao, Yang Jiang reflected on the identity and modes of existence of Chinese intellectuals by resisting the oblivion of society and turning her personal memoirs into narratives, excluded from the public history.

      • KCI등재

        ‘5·7 간부학교(五七幹校)’ 시기 지식인의 표상과 딜레마

        裵淵姬 한국중국소설학회 2016 中國小說論叢 Vol.50 No.-

        양장(楊絳: 1911-2016)과 천바이천(陳白塵: 1908-1994)은 1980년대 문혁 시기 ‘5·7간부학교’에서 하방된 경험을 회고한 산문을 각각 발표하였다. 양장은 《5·7 간부학교 회상기(幹校六記)》(1981)를, 천바이천은 《윈멍에서의 기억(雲夢斷憶)》(1983)을 발표하여, ‘5·7 간부학교’의 존재와 의미를 세상에 알렸다. 천바이천이 1966년 9월 10일부터 1972년 2월 29일까지 몰래 작성한 일기는 훗날 《우붕 일기(牛棚日記)》(1985)라는 제목으로 출판되었다. 본고에서는 두 작가에 의해 소환된 간부학교 시절의 회고 문학을 ‘지식인의 표상과 딜레마’의 관점에서 분석하였다. 양장과 천바이천 모두 자신이 처했던 상황에 거리두기를 하며 객관화시킴으로써 당시 감성에 호소하며 문혁의 상흔을 고발하던 상흔문학와 차별성을 가졌다. 서사방식의 측면에서 양장이 사소한 이야기나 소재 속에서 작가의 감정기억과 체험을 끌어내 독자의 공감을 이끌어냈다면, 천바이천은 양장보다는 좀 더 직접적인 필체로 당시 정치적 수사와 현실의 간극을 표현하였다. 양장과 천바이천은 회고 산문과 일기를 통해 ‘5·7 간부학교’ 시기 지식인 노동 개조의 곤경, 동료 지식인에 의한 감시와 비판 등에서 지식인이 느꼈던 정체성의 위기와 상처를 담담하게 표현하였다. 그 결과 기존의 문혁 시기 지식인 박해 서사와 다른 방식에서 문혁의 역사적 상흔과 기억을 심도있게 성찰하고 있다. Both Yang Jiang(1911-2016) and Chen Baichen(1908-1994) published a prose work by recollecting their experiences with the decentralization from the “May 7 Carde School(五七幹 校)” during the Cultural Revolution in the 1980s. Yang Jiang published Ganxiaoliuji(幹校六 記)(1981), and Chen Baichen did Yunmengduanyi(雲夢斷憶)(1983), thus informing the world of the existence and meanings of “May 7 Carde School.” Chen Baichen wrote a secret journal from September 10, 1966 to February 29, 1972, and it was published later as Niupengriji(牛 棚日記)(1985). This study analyzed the recollective literature from the days of Carde School summoned by the two writers from the perspective of “intellectuals representations and dilemmas.” Both the writers objectified their situations, thus differentiating themselves from the writers of ‘Scar literature’ that appealed to the readers about the scars of Cultural Revolution emotionally. In their prose and journal works, they expressed the identity crisis and wounds of intellectuals in a composed manner in the middle of difficulties with the remodeling of intellectuals labor and the supervision and criticism of fellow intellectuals during the era of “May 7 Carde School.” In the aspect of narrative approaches, Yang Jiang resonated with the readers by withdrawing her emotional memories and experiences from trivial stories and materials, whereas Chen Baichen expressed a gap between the political rhetoric and the reality those days in a more direct writing style than her. As a result, the recollective literature of “May 7 Carde School” embodied by the two writers narrated the memories of Cultural Revolution with a focus on the identity and dilemma of intellectuals unlike the stereotypical “narratives about the persecution of intellectuals” during the Cultural Revolution, thus reflecting on the meanings of intellectuals identity and roles during the period in China.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        최근 공동주택의 주동형태 및 단위세대 평면 유형에 관한 연구

        배연희,하미경 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.28 No.6

        This paper is a paper on the type of main building and unit plan in the recent apartment. The target of the study was to analyze the layout and unit of a total of 16 apartment complexes selected in 2019 for a good living apartment. For the analysis method, the frequency analysis was performed by extracting the main building form from the layout of the complex and then categorizing it. Second, the unit plan was classified by area and shape, and the same type was aggregated and reclassified. Third, the unit type was classified by type and frequency was analyzed. The results of the research show that the ratio of the tower-type to the main building type was higher than the flat-type. In the case of the unit, the most prominent feature was the appearance of the duplex unit type. Also, the area of the unit is supplied around 59㎡,74㎡,84㎡, and the planar space composition was shown by L+DK configuration method. This research is meaningful in providing basic data for apartment houses in Korea as we looked at the complexes located nationwide that were selected as "good living apartments" in 2019 under the Maeil Business Newspaper to find out the type of floor plan for each apartment unit and the type of unit by area that moved in 2018.

      • 孤島 시기 上海 연극의 지형도

        배연희 숙명여자대학교 지역학연구소 2001 지역학논집 = Research Institute of Regional Studies Vol.5 No.-

        This article is to research the drama of Shanghai during the Japanese Occupation, especially during the period between November, 1937 and the December, 1941. Being forced to open port by the Great Powers in 1842, Shanghai was formed by the concessions of England, America, and France. Consequently, the city became modernized with the concessions. However, the concessions was the gate to accepting foreign culture and relic, and at the same time an opening to ensure the Grear power's profits. Hence, from the beginning, modern city Shanghai seemed to have an unstable start. This problem resulted from the modernization of Asian countries by the invasion of the Great Powers. Simulataneously, Shanghai was economically properous as the center of business, industry and finance, and widely produced new kinds of urban popular cultures and amusement cultures. Consequently, consuming culture began to provide relaxation and enjoyment to the urban inhabitants. Especially during the Isolated Island Period(孤島時期) that Shanghai was occupied, except for the periods of concessions by the Japanese Army in 1937, ironically the economy of Shanghai developed lopsidelly. And then desire for consuming arised and the need for amusement culture also increased. The trends of commercializing and popularizing were very strong in Shanghai, and spoken drama(話劇) performers paid attention to drama's socialities, though the theater has resistance against reality. They reproduced on the stage the life and reality of Shanghai aduring the period or anologied the reality in Shanghai through its past. The spectators that watched their dramas experienced dramatic reality with the performers on Stage and responced with sympathy. Alhough drama was only performed on isolated island(restricted political circumstances) and the theater was also a restricted area, their will and dream toward freedom and liberation already overstepped beyond closed area. Therefore, the spoken drama in that period, in fact, their drama made a great impact on the Shanghai people. Accordingly, spoken drama, as a foreign form, settled down as the proper art form of showing Chinese feeling and reality. Also, dialogue and contact between stage and spectator made modern Chinese drama profound and mature.

      • KCI등재

        양쟝(楊絳)의 산문에 나타난 문혁 기억과 서사

        裵淵姬 한국중국소설학회 2015 中國小說論叢 Vol.46 No.-

        본 논문은 양쟝(楊絳, 1911~ )의 회고 산문에 나타난 문혁 기억과 서사 문제를 고찰했 다. 양쟝은 산문 <幹校六記(1981)>와 <丙午丁未年紀事(1987)>에서 담담하게 문혁을 기억 하고 재현했다. 저자는 元神(원신)적 시선을 동원하고 메타포와 유머를 가진 서사로 문혁을 증언했다. 본 연구에서는 텍스트 속에 숨겨진 의미와 맥락을 살펴보았다. 이와 동시에 문혁 시기 ‘5 ⋅ 7 간부학교’에서 지식인의 딜레마도 규명했다. 그 결과, 양쟝의 문혁 기억 서사는 집단 기억 서사와 만남으로써 역사성을 획득하게 되었다. This thesis was focused on Memoirs and Narrative of the Cultural Revolution in Yang Jiang’s Proses(<Six Chapters from My Life “Downunder”>and <A History of ‘Bingwu dingwei nian’>). Yang Jiang had memorized and repsented memoirs and narrative of the Cultural Revolution in a quiet tone. When she had said on the Cultural Revolution in her works, she had testified the Cultural Revolution as the narrative with metaphor and humor by using ‘Yuanshen’ point of view . At that time, the Intellctual was became the Monsters, she was also became too because of the Intellectual. This research had examined hidden meaning and context between the text. At the same time, it had investigated on recognizing the dillema of the Intellectual at “May 7th Cadre School” in the Cultural Revolution Period. As a result, Yang Jiang’s Cultural Revolution Memoir Narrative had obtained the historicity by encountering with Collective Memoir Narrative.

      • KCI등재

        함락시기 상하이, 양쟝(楊絳)의 웃음

        裵淵姬 한국중국소설학회 2013 中國小說論叢 Vol.40 No.-

        杨绛(1911~)在文學方面的成功在中国被广泛认可, 其文字的表现力和张力独树一帜。 但直到现在国内并未对杨绛女士进行过深入研究, 甚至并未做过介绍。 因此, 本论文作为一个对杨绛的再发现研究的起点, 首先, 考察了上海沦陷区话剧的文化地形图, 其次, 从家父长制和性别的角度来研究杨绛喜剧作品里所反映的“笑”的意味。 杨绛于沦陷时期的上海开始创作生涯, 在此创作了一些喜剧如: 〈稱心如意(1943)〉, 〈弄眞成假(1943)〉等。 她通过这些作品创作了一种我们称之为“笑着的女主人公”。 比如说: 在〈稱心如意〉中, 女主人公君玉的母亲是个于1920年代离家出走的新女性。 君玉父母死去后, 她寄宿在上海亲戚家经历了人生的曲折。 但她勇于面对所有的困难, 女主人公甚至嘲笑一切压迫和环境, 这是个在中国现代文学史上另类的女性形象。 最终, 一个远亲但有权威的爷爷收养了她, 她找到了温暖的家庭。 她就在原本的“家庭-社会”的怪圈中又重新回归了“家庭”。 这充分表达了中国女性解放的现实困境和蜿蜒曲折的过程。 并且, 她选择用喜剧表现手法来颠覆五四时期婚恋自由的神话。 比如说: 在〈弄眞成假〉 中,燕华不相信无条件的爱, 她为了提高社会地位, 不择手段与周大璋结婚。 可是最终她没有得到她理想的丈夫, 她只得到失落感和空虚感。 男主人公也想要通过自由婚姻来提高自己的社会地位,但最终希望落空了。 通过在男女主人公的结婚过程中, 两人如何不择手段, 最终男主人公又如何用自欺欺人的方法接受现实。 这意味着彻底破灭了五四时期婚恋自由的神话。 而且, 她通过采用丑化和嘲笑的方式动摇了当时的家长制的权威性。 因此, 上海沦陷时期的杨绛通过喜剧的方式来表现当时女性的困境, 婚恋自由的矛盾和动摇了家长制。 对于上海沦陷时期的杨绛, “笑”成为其发泄在乱世政治中的压抑感的生存策略和抵抗方式。

      • KCI우수등재

        IPA분석을 이용한 저층주거지 내 어린이공원 주변공간의 환경계획요인에 관한 연구

        배연희,변기동,하미경 대한건축학회 2019 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.35 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to draw safe environmental project factors for enhancing the safety of children in peripheral space aroundchildren's park and suggest environmental project measures for peripheral spaces around children's parks, based on the survey of children'spark users' consciousness on peripheral spaces. Physical space range for this study was limited to low-rise housing area wihtin the radius of250m, as peripheral spaces around children's parks in which children's playgrounds were built. In addition, the target areas for examiningusers' consciousness on peripheral spaces around children's parks were selected according to following criteria. 1)areas with highter portion ofchildren; 2) those with higher portion of single-family houses/multi-housing/tenement houses, which constitute low-rise housing areas; and 3)those with higher safety accident rate of children, which was measured based on criminal and traffic accidents. The finding are as follows:first, users' consciousness on safety accidents that are likely to occur in peripheral spaces around children's parks was examined to show thatthere is most prominent difference between satisfaction and necessity. This result suggests that users are clearly conscious of the necessity ofenvironmental improvement rather than the satisfaction with the current peripheral environment around children's park.; second, for thedifference between satisfaction with and necessity of environmental project factors for access/boundary spaces around children's pakrs, there ismost significant difference between the satisfaction with and the necessity of establishment of facilities against illegal parking for clearvisibility of community roads, for access spaces, and the separate establishment of bicycle racks around main entry into parks, for boundaryspaces. Users' necessity of the establishment of them is judged to be derived from the fact that the safety of children and even adults isthreatened, because bicycles invaded into the deep inside of children parks. This study analyzed a correlation between satisfaction andnecessity through factor and IPA analysis, and should be initially considenred if the future environmental improvement project would beconducted to promote safe environment in peripheral spaces around children's parks in the future. It will be necessary to provide practicalenvironmental project factors through a field investigation. 본 연구의 목적은 어린이공원을 둘러싼 주변공간에서 어린이안전을 향상시키기 위한 안전환경 계획요소를 도출하고, 어린이공원 이용자들을 대상으로 주변환경에 대한 의식조사를 바탕으로 어린이공원 주변공간의 환경계획방안을 제시하는 것이다. 본 연구의 물리적 공간 범위는 저층주거지에서 어린이놀이터가 설치된 어린이공원 주변공간으로서 설치기준 반경250m이내 저층주거지로 한정하였다. 또한 연구의 목적에 부합하도록 어린이공원을 둘러싼 저층주거지의 주변환경에 대한 이용자 의식을 조사하기 위한 대상지는 다음과 같은 기준으로 선정하였다. 첫째, 어린이의 비율이 높은 지역, 둘째, 저층주거지를 형성하는 단독․다세대․연립주택의 비율이 높은 지역, 셋째, 어린이 안전사고율이 높은 지역을 선정하였으며, 어린이 안전사고율은 범죄사고와 교통사고를 기준으로 하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 어린이공원을 둘러싼 주변공간에서 발생할 수 있는 안전사고에 대한 이용자 의식을 살펴보면 교통안전에 대하여 만족도와 필요도의 차이가 가장 크게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 현재의 어린이공원 주변환경이 이용자들이 만족감보다는 환경개선의 필요성을 크게 인식하고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 둘째, 접근공간의 경우 이면도로에서 시야 확보를 위한 불법주차 방지시설의 설치에 대한 만족도와 필요도 간의 차이가 가장 유의미하게 나타났다 이는 최근 불거진 불법주차에 대한 심각성을 반영한 것으로 판단된다. 경계공간의 경우, 공원 주출입구 인근에 자전거보관대를 별도로 설치하는 항목으로 나타났다. 자전거보관대가 설치되어 있지 않아 어린이공원 내부까지 자전거를 타고 활보하여 어린이뿐만 아니라 어른까지도 안전을 위협받고 있으므로 자전거보관대가 설치되어야 한다는 이용자들의 요구로 판단된다. 본 연구는 요인분석과 IPA분석을 통해 만족도와 필요도의 상관관계를 분석하였으며 향후 어린이공원 주변공간의 안전환경을 조성하기 위한 환경개선사업을 실시할 경우 우선적으로 고려되어야 할 것이다. 추후 현장조사를 통하여 실질적인 환경계획요소를 제시할 필요가 있다.

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