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        항암제에 의해 내성이 유도된 골종양세포 Saos-2의 유전자 발현변화

        배민재(Min Jae Bae),송인환(In Hwan Song),김성용(Seong Yong Kim) 대한해부학회 2007 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.40 No.4

        사람 악성 골종양세포주 Saos-2에 내성을 유도하여 항암제에 내성을 가진 세포를 제작하여 내성과정에서 변화된 유전자의 발현을 조사하고, Saos-2에 항암제를 투여하였을 때의 유전자 발현변화와 비교하여 이들 유전자들 간의 관련성을 알아 보고자 하였다. Adriamycin, cisplatin, vincristine 각각의 항암제에 내성을 유도하여 각각 10-7M 농도에 내성을 가진 사람 악성 골종양 세포주(Saos-2AdR, Saos-2CpR, Saos-2VcR)들을 제작하였다. Saos-2와 항암제 내성세포들에게서 RNA를 추출하여 유전자의 발현변화를 cDNA microarray를 이용하여 조사하였다. GeneChip에 있는 전체 54,675개 유전자 중에서 ‘P (present)’로 판정된 유전자는 Saos-2의 경우 18,215개 (33.3%)였으며 Saos-2AdR은 19,434개 (35.5%), Saos-2CpR은 20,831개 (38.1%), Saos-2VcR은 19,637개(35.9%)이었다. Differentially expressed gene (DEG)는 평균 강도가 Saos-2에 비하여 2.5배 이상 발현차이가 나는 유전자들을 선정한 결과 Saos-2와 Saos-2AdR사이에는 417개의 유전자가 발현변화를 보였으며, Saos-2와 Saos-2CpR사이에는 2,536개, Saos-2와 Saos-2VcR사이에는 225개의 유전자가 발현변화를 보였다. Saos-2에 비하여 Saos-2AdR, Saos-2CpR, Saos-2VcR 모두에서 공통적으로 발현변화를 보이는 유전자는 87개였다. Saos-2에 24시간동안 adriamycin을 처리하여 세포사 과정에서 발현이 0.5배 이하로 감소한 46개 유전자 중에서 내성획득과정 중 2배 이상의 발현 증가를 보인 유전자는 Saos-2AdR에서는 3개 Saos-2CpR에서는 5개 Saos-2VcR에서는 1개였으며, 세포사 과정에서 2배 이상 변화한 유전자 86개 유전자 중에서 내성획득 과정 중 Saos-2AdR에서는 1개 Saos-2CpR에서는 4개 Saos-2VcR에서는 1개 유전자가 0.5배 이하로 감소하였다. 이상의 결과로부터 Saos-2 세포에서 세포사 과정뿐 아니라 항암제 내성 생성과정 중에도 단백질 folding, 세포골격, 세포부착, 운반, 전사조절, 세포주기조절, 혈관형성 등에 관여하는 많은 유전자들의 발현변화를 확인할 수 있었으며, 이러한 많은 변화들이 암세포의 항암제에 대한 내성획득에 직접 또는 간접적으로 관여함을 알 수 있다. During the treatment of cancers, especially with anticancer drugs, the recurrence of cancer is the most important factor for survival rate. The most common cause of the recurrence is the resistance of cells to anticancer drugs. To explore and analyze the changes of gene expression during the induction of resistance by anticancer drugs in human osteogenic cancer cell line Saos-2. The drug resistance was induced with adriamycin, cisplatin or vincristine at 10-7 M concentration of each and cDNA microarray was performed. Total RNA was purified from Saos-2, adriamycin-resistant (Saos-2AdR), cisplatin-resistant (Saos-2CpR) and vincristine-resistant (Saos-2VcR) and expressed genes were investigated with a Affymetrix Human HG-U133Plus2.0 GeneChipTM. The genes of anticancer drug resistant cells that showed more than 2.5 fold expression change than Saos-2 were selected for differential expression. Four hundred seventeen genes were selected for Saos-2 vs Saos-2AdR. Two thousand five hundred thirty six genes were selected for Saos-2 vs Saos-2CpR. Two hundred twenty five genes were selected for Saos-2 vs Saos-2VcR. Eighty seven genes were selected for common differential expression. The results showed that many genes were changed in expression during the acquiring of resistance to anticancer drugs but most of genes were not in common among the three anticancer durg-resistant Saos-2. This means the different anticancer drug takes the different mechanism for acquiring resistance to anticancer drug even we use same cells.

      • KCI등재

        18~19세기 서양어 문헌 목록으로 살펴본 한국 인식의 형성 과정

        배민재 ( Bae Min-jae ) 한국사상사학회 2021 韓國思想史學 Vol.- No.69

        This study investigates the recognition of Korea by the Western world, as their geographical and cultural perceptions of East Asia gradually differentiated, by analyzing the classification system of East Asian-related bibliographies. Since the beginning of East-West contact and exchange, knowledge of Asia has been accumulated in the form of various documents and writings. The bibliography serves to visually demonstrate the subject's perception of the target by collecting, screening and deploying such accumulated individual knowledge. In this study, the origin of Korean perception was traced through an analysis of the location and form of knowledge of Korea in bibliographies. Bibliographies are more continuous if the object of knowledge is consistent or more relevant, even if the time and subject of compilation changes. This work notes this continuity, highlighting in particular the transfer relationship and rationale of classification systems and classification items. The intention is to reveal the transmission and differentiation process of the Western perception of the East Asian region. An analysis of the location and form of knowledge will serve as an opportunity to shed a new light on the origin of the perception of Korea, and the change of context on producing knowledge of Korea in the Western world.

      • KCI등재

        서양어 문헌 목록으로 살펴본 19세기 후반∼20세기 초 한국에 관한 지식의 생산ㆍ축적 현황

        배민재(Bae, Min-jae) 한국사학회 2021 史學硏究 Vol.- No.141

        본 연구에서는 서양어 문헌 목록에 수록된 한국 관련 저술을 바탕으로, 19세기 후반 이후 한국 관련 서양어 저술의 생산ㆍ축적에서 나타난 변화들을 추적하였다. 19세기 후반은 한국과 서양의 접촉이 본격화된 시기였던 만큼, 한국에 관한 다양한 서양어 저술이 출간되기 시작하였다. 한국의 연구자들이 개항기 서양인의 한국 인식에 주목하기 시작한 것은 약 반세기 이상의 시간이 흐른 이후였다. 개항 이후에 출간된 한국 관련 서양어 저술이나, 재한 서양인의 정기간행물들이 그동안 많은 연구자의 주목을 받아왔지만, 그러한 활동과 그 결과물이 한국에 관한 지식의 지형에서 어떠한 역할을 하였으며, 해당 시기 지식이 생산, 유통되는 방식과는 또 어떠한 관련이 있었는지는 조명되지 못하였다. 이에 본 연구에서는 19세기 후반의 정치ㆍ사회적 변동을 계기적으로 인식하되 접촉 지대가 형성되었다는 점에 주목하여, 한국에 관한 지식이 생산되는 구체적인 맥락의 변화를 살펴보고자 하였다. 아울러, 서양어 문헌목록을 토대로 한국 관련 저술이 생산ㆍ축적되어온 흐름을 파악, 19세기 후반∼20세기 초 지식 생산의 주체가 현지 사회와 접촉하는 밀도의 변화와 그에 따른 지식 분화의 양상도 설명하고자 하였다. 이로써 해당 시기 한국에 관한 서양의 지식이 어떠한 근거와 맥락 속에서 생산되고 있었는지를 밝히고, 추후 장기지속적인 흐름에서 그 변화를 추적하는 연구의 출발점으로 삼고자 한다. This study tracked changes in the production and accumulation of Korean-related western writings since the late 19th century, based on the bibliographical works on Korea. In the late 19th century, various western writings on Korea started to get published, as the contact between Korea and the West began in earnest. It was after more than half a century that Korean researchers began to pay attention to the western perceptions of Korea during the opening period. Although many studies have been showed interest in western literature on Korea that was produced after the opening of the port, it was not revealed what role those writings have played in the western knowledge on Korea and how the knowledge was produced or distributed at the time. This study tries to examine the specific context in which knowledge about Korea was produced, noting that the political and social changes in the late 19th century were recognized instrumentally, but that contact areas were formed. Based on several bibliography lists, this study identifies the trend of western knowledge of Korea, and also explains the changes in density of the producing agents and Korean society in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The main purpose is to reveal the basis and context of western knowledge of Korea at the time, and use it as a starting point for research to track changes in the long-term continuous flow.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 한국 관련 서양어 문헌 목록의 편찬 경위와 분류체계 분석

        배민재 ( Bae Min-jae ) 국민대학교 한국학연구소 2021 한국학논총 Vol.55 No.-

        This study analyzes the background, purpose, and implications of the bibliography of western literature on Korea published in Transactions vol.20 of the Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch in 1931, based on the trends of Korean-related writing activities. In the list of corresponding texts allegedly written by Horace Horton Underwood, a second-generation of a missionary to Korea, more than 2,800 works of western literature on Korea are categorized and placed under 14 sections, 24 divisions, and three subcategories. This list of texts has drawn the attention of Korean history researchers since the 1970s, but it did not shed light on how and what the list of texts was compiled intellectually. This work focuses on the relationship between the recognition of the main agent who compiled the bibliography through the classification system, and the academic discourse, and also the social space in which the collection and classification of knowledge was produced. A bibliography is a visual representation of the Westerners' perception of Korea in the early 20th century, given that knowledge is a means of providing a holistic understanding of the world. Various writings on Korea produced by Westerners in Korea have been served as a prior conception, and was consumed as information and knowledge by the Western world, based on their close observation and experience. Analyzing the deeds of the Westerners studying Korea and collecting, classifying literature about it, will be a starting point to shed light on the superimposition and reciprocity of the Western perception on Korean.

      • KCI등재

        안면골 골절에 대한 임상적 연구

        임재석,정회근,배민재,김성문,서보영 大韓顎顔面成形外科學會 1989 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.11 No.1

        This is a retrospective study on facial bone fractures of Koreans. This study was based on a series of 110 patients who had been treated for facial bone fractures as in patient at Guro Hospital, School of Medicine, Korea University for the period of September, 1984. to August. 1988. The results were obtained as follows : 1. 2nd decade(42.7%) was the highest age group in incidence, and age range was 2 years to 72 years, and the ration of Male/Female was 3.7 : 1 2. Falling was most frequent cause of facial bone fractures(40.9%) 3. The frequent location of facial bone fractures were mandibule(67.1%), zygoma & zygomatic arch(11.7%), maxilla(10.9%), and others in order. 4. In mandibular fractures, one site fractures showed 30.1% and two site fractures showed 58.8% and triple site fractures showed 11.1%. The most frequent site of mandibular fracture was symphysis(32.7%) 5. The most frequent month of facial bone fracture was September.

      • Saos-2 세포에서 Doxorubicin에 의한 세포사멸 유도과정에서의 유전자 발현 변화

        임정숙,배민재,백석환,김재룡,김정희,김성용 영남대학교 의과대학 2005 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.22 No.2

        Background: Doxorubicin has proved to be a useful chemotherapeutic agent especially for osteogenic sarcoma. It induces cancer cell death via apoptosis. Materials and Methods: To explore and analyze the change of gene expression during doxorubicin induced apoptosis on human osteogenic sarcoma, Saos-2 cell cDNA microarray was performed. After treatment with doxorubicin, total RNA was purified and expressed genes were investigated with a 17k human cDNA micoarray. Results: For analysis of the cDNA micoarray, the genes were filtered using the sum of the median value of Cy2 and Cy5 signal intensity of greater than 800. Expression of 264 genes was changed by more than 2 fold, and the expression of 35 genes was changed more than 3 fold after treatment with doxorubicin. The genes were primarily related to cell death, cell growth and maintenance, signal transduction, cellular component, transport, and metabolism. Conclusion: Treatment with doxorubicin induced expressional change of many genes. Some of the genes might be related with apoptosis directly or indirectly. Further study is now needed to characterize these genes.

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