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      • KCI등재

        중세 영국 로맨스 영웅을 찾아서: 『해브럭』에 나타난 이상적인 군주

        배경진 ( Kyung Jin Bae ) 영미문학연구회 2009 영미문학연구 Vol.16 No.-

        The Middle English romance, Havelok, composed around 1289-1300 and one of the oldest English romances, relates a rags-to-riches male Cinderella story of heroic adventure, heroes and villains, and restored kingdoms. Considering the fact that the subject of half of the romances in Anglo-Norman dialect we know of today is English heroes, this paper aims to examine an English hero in Havelok in an attempt to reveal some characteristics that distinguish Middle English romances from the counterparts of the Continent. Even though every Middle English romance of English heroes has an Anglo-Norman antecedent, the heroes in Middle English romances reveal very unique social contexts of England, where, unlike the continental hereditary nobility, the feudal organization is relatively inclusive and flexible. As Middle English romances address not only gentle audiences but also bourgeois and peasant audiences because of their language, Havelok also stretches to encompass a wider community from the ruled to the rulers. Havelok`s journey through the classes has led to constructive discussions about the way the work portrays the rulers and the ruled. Havelok depicts a king who is a man of the people, in tune with the wants and needs of the laboring class, while at the same time, he rules over them by right of divine favor. At some point, the work seems to please a peasant fantasy in which a cook and fisher men become lords. At other point, the work seems to please barony by reinforcing the existing feudal structure. And at some other point, the work seems to please the crown by defending absolute royal power in order to keep the nation in law and justice. No matter what variety of audience the work pleases, it is a romance in which the hero`s goal is personal, typically involving the protection of his rights. However, it is also a Middle English romance in that it delineates the correct interaction between a ruler and his community and emphasizes the positive virtues of social order. Havelok defines a hero in terms of his relationship with his people and identifies his fate with that of his followers.

      • 비정형건축물 구현을 위한 디지털 디자인 프로세스에 관한 연구

        배경진(Bae Kyung-Jin),이상헌(Lee Sang-Heon),전한종(Jun Han-Jong) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.29 No.1(계획계)

        Free-form buildings are becoming a common place, and many of these buildings are designed and constructed using sophisticated techniques. The main technique being used is Generative Technology Of Form for free-form construction. People's interest is growing in this, and it is becoming widely used both abroad and domestically. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of Generative Technology Of Form which is a digitally adapted design methodology in architecture. The digital design process used for contemporary buildings share many typical features that exist within a standard digital template, but also an increasing amount of mass customization that has to be produced at an additional cost. This paper will summarize these features in terms of free-form architecture, and in terms of the digital design process.

      • KCI등재

        대구경 타원관을 적용한 건조기용 핀-관 열교환기의 성능특성

        배경진(Kyung-Jin Bae),차동안(Dong-An Cha),권오경(Oh-Kyung Kwon) 대한설비공학회 2015 설비공학 논문집 Vol.27 No.1

        The objective of this paper is to provide design data of fin-tube heat exchanger which have a large diameter oval tube for dryer application. In this study, the heat transfer and pressure drop performance characteristics of the fin-tube heat exchanger were compared with Dittus-Boelter and a new correlation equation using Wilson plot method. The simulation results based on section by section method were compared with experimental results. These results showed that a new correlation equation using Wilson plot method provided better prediction, about 3 to 12%, than the Dittus-Boelter equation, from the experiment comparison. Also, the pressure drop of simulation results showed much more deviation with the experimental results.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        셰익스피어 『소네트집』에 나타난 사적 공간과 내면의 자아

        배경진(Kyung Jin Bae) 한국셰익스피어학회 2020 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.56 No.4

        The Sonnets engages with three ideas of space. Firstly, there is an actual physical space that is perceptible through the senses. It is evoked by the concreteness of the grave or the prison. It also indicates the closed intimate space such as the closet, bedchamber, chest, and breast. Secondly, there is imagined space where eternal love is conceptually realized. The poet-lover imagines the mutual love in his private retreat. Thirdly, being the textual space, poems are material products occupying a distinct physical space in which imagined spaces are created. In his concern with textual, physical, and imagined space, Shakespeare translates interiority into material space in The Sonnets. This paper aims to analyze the poet’s dilemma in his effort to seek intimate privacy in the milieu of the public world. The poet-lover aims to establish a space for inwardness away from the glare of the public eye. Such a space is imagined as a withdrawal from stage to page, where to “hear with eyes belongs to love’s fine wit.” However, the problem is not an essentially inexpressible inwardness but rather the unbearable social pressures of the public world. Finding himself exposed and vulnerable even in his private retreat, the poet-lover acknowledges and affirms precisely the pressures of the public world that the previous sonnets seek to disclaim. The Sonnets reveals an obsessive dilemma between the existential conditions of the poet-lover who loves and writes and his private desire to pursue personal private inwardness.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : BIM 모델을 위한 LOD(level of Detail)사례분석에 관한 연구

        배경진 ( Kyung Jin Bae ),전한종 ( Han Jong Jun ) 디자인융복합학회 2011 디자인융복합연구 Vol.10 No.5

        건축설계분야에서BIM(Building Information Modeling, 이하 BIM)개념의 도입은 많은 혼란과 저항에 직면하였으며, 이는 설계분야에서 BIM을 위한 새로운 작업개념이 제대로 갖추어지지 않았기 때문이라고 할 수 있다. 특히, 2차원모델에 기반을 둔 설계방식에서 사용되던, 도면상의 축척에 기반을 둔 추상적인 도면표현형식은 3차원모델을 기반으로 하는 BIM기반 설계방식으로의 전환을 위해 도면에서의 축척 이상의 새로운 개념에 기반을 둔 도면표현양식을 요구한다. 기존의 설계방식은 추상적인 방법으로 건물의 객체를 표현하고 있으나, 3차원 기반 설계방식은 구체적으로 건물을 표현하며, 이는 기존의 설계방식에 비해 상대적으로 많은 양의 데이터를 필요로 한다. 또한 이는 BIM의 장점이라고 하는 시각화 기능을 구현하는데 중요한 요소로 작용하고 있다. 그러나 표현수준의 한계는 무한하므로, 이중에는 상대적으로 필요성이 떨어지는 요소까지 표현하게 되는 경우도 발생한다. 이러한 한계를 극복하고 혼선이 생기는 것을 방지하기 위해서는 조건에 맞는 표현기준을 설정해준 다음 단계별 또는 용도별 모델의 표현수준을 정해주어야 하며, 기존의 설계방식에서 사용하는 도면의 축척개념은 2차원기반 작업을 위해 개발된 것이기 때문에 3차원기반 작업에 직접적으로 적용하기에는 문제가 있다. 본 연구는 2차원 기반의 설계방식에서 표현수준에 관한 기준이 되는 도면축척에 상응하는 개념으로 BIM기반 설계에 적용될 수 있는 LOD(Level of Detail, 이하 LOD)에 대한 국내외 적용사례를 조사 및 분석하여 BIM 모델의 LOD 적용을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. BIM(Building Information Modeling) has faced a lot of resistance in meeting the requirements of the architectural design industry, this is partially due to the new processes and implementation techniques required to perform it correctly. BIM is ill-equipped to date to accurately give applicable guidelines for designers that are accustomed to 2D design methods switching to 3D based design methods. The 2D model design method, expresses only the most basic information of the structure, while 3D modeling requires a lot more information to accurately model the building correctly. This added information is where the true advantages of BIM based design can be seen. The LOD(Level of Detail) that is reproducible in 3D BIM based modeling is seemingly limitless, and thus unneeded elements are constantly being incorporated into BIM models. The purpose of this study is to analyze studies regarding the LOD required for design techniques and apply them to a BIM based design methodology.

      • KCI등재

        『로빈슨 크루소』와 마귀의 딜레마

        배경진 ( Kyung Jin Bae ) 한국근대영미소설학회 2015 근대 영미소설 Vol.22 No.1

        In Robinson Crusoe, the eponymous hero mentions the devil several times, but the discovery of a footprint on the shore as well as his propagation of the religion to Friday forces him to consider seriously the nature of devil. He does not dare to deny the existence of apparitions, nor does he hold that the evil spirit directly intervenes in the life of human beings. Yet he is less concerned to explore the religious significance of the evil spirit; instead, his aim is to exploit the notion of the devil. While his statistical analysis of the devil hypothesis in the episode on the foot print helps him manage anxiety and fear, his assumption that the devil corrupted natives in America allows him to confirm the religious authority of the Bible and his religious belief in the divine will. Except for the episode of a grotto in which, Crusoe believes briefly, the devil lives, he does not have any occasion to think over the evil spirit until the end of the novel. More precisely, he does not feel the need to raise the question on the nature of evil spirits because the devil in the novel serves merely to be a psychological and rhetorical device for his survival on the island.

      • KCI등재

        노예와 식인종: <로빈슨 크루소>에 나타난 감정과 식민주의적 욕망

        배경진 ( Kyung Jin Bae ) 한국18세기영문학회 2014 18세기영문학 Vol.11 No.2

        Daniel Defoe adopted a form of the spiritual autobiography for hisfirst novel Robinson Crusoe, allowing the eponymous hero to describehis life as commercially and religiously advantageous. The novel, despiteits religious tone, reveals Crusoe’s ceaseless attempt to satisfy his desireof acquisition. Indeed, Ian Watt, in The Rise of the Novel, identifiedCrusoe as an economic individual in the early modern age. Crusoe’splantation in Brazil, cultivated by indentured servants and slaves, bringsan enormous sum of money by the novel`s conclusion, and his slavingtrade to Guinea ends in his isolation on the island. His wealth, rooted inslavery and colonization, enables us to read his account of life alongwith his colonial desires, and it is interesting that he is not entirelyinsensitive to the wrongs of slavery and violence against natives. Hisjustification of colonial desires, which an economic reading of the novelilluminates critically, is intriguingly involved in his humane emotions. Inthis paper, I do not challenge but rather reinforce the economic approachto the novel by demonstrating that Crusoe`s emotions?such as pity,compassion, anxiety, fear, abhorrence, and indignation?allow him todisclaim any responsibility for his colonial desires and thus legitimizehis pursuit of interest. At first, I examine how Crusoe justifies hisslavery in the case of Xury and Friday and then reinterpret the massacrein the novel in terms of Crusoe`s emotions. Crusoe, a colonialist during the early modern age, betrays humaneemotions to depict himself as a man of humanity. Yet his heartlesspursuit of interest is never defeated by his humane concern about others. While he always endeavors to gratify his desires, and enjoys the benefitsthereof, slavery and the massacre portrayed in the novel demonstrate thatCrusoe not only denies any sort of responsibility for such atrocities butalso attempts to evade criticism of his decisions and behaviors. Thenovel, written when British colonial involvement in the New World wasgrowing, not only depicted the acquisition of advantages but alsoincluded the elaborated rhetorical strategy of self-justification, makingevident the close relationship between the rise of the novel andeconomic transformation in Britain.

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