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      • 신생아기 신경모세포종의 임상적 고찰: 산전 진단군과 산후 진단군의 비교

        박훤함,김수홍,정성은,이성철,박귀원,이지원,강형진,신희영,백해운,김현영,Park, Hwon Ham,Kim, Soo-Hong,Jung, Sung-Eun,Lee, Seong-Cheol,Park, Kwi-Won,Lee, Ji Won,Kang, Hyoung Jin,Shin, Hee Young,Baek, Hae Woon,Kim, Hyun-Young 대한소아외과학회 2014 소아외과 Vol.20 No.2

        Purpose: Neonatal neuroblastoma (NBL) is the most common malignant tumor in neonates, but there have been few studies about it. The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical features of NBL and to compare prenatal and postnatal diagnosed groups. Methods: Nineteen patients who were diagnosed with NBL prenatally or within 28 days after birth from February 1986 to February 2013 in Seoul National University Hospital were enrolled in the study. The patients were categorized according to the International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS) and Children's Oncology Group (COG). Retrospective medical-record reviews were performed on these patients. The operative date, complication, pathological stage, and overall survival of the prenatally diagnosed group and the postpartum diagnosed group were compared. Results: Tumor was detected via prenatal ultrasonography in 8 patients (42.1%), and 11 patients (57.9%) were diagnosed within 28 days after birth. Based on INSS, the patients were divided into the stage I (n=8), stage II (n=1), stage III (n=3), stage IV (n=4), and stage IVs (n=3) groups, respectively. Based on COG, on the other hand, the patients were divided into the low-risk (n=8), intermediate-risk (n=8), and high-risk (n=3) groups. The postoperative complication rate was 29%. One patient died from complications from chemotherapy. The other 18 patients' mean follow-up period was 77.7 months. The differences between the postoperative complication rate, proportion of early-stage tumor, and overall survival of the prenatal and postnatal groups were not statistically significant (p=0.446, p=0.607, p=0.414). Conclusion: NBL showed favorable outcomes but relatively higher postoperative complications. There seem to be no significant statistical differences in the postoperative complications, proportion of early-stage tumor, and overall survival between the prenatally diagnosed group and the postpartum diagnosed group.

      • KCI등재

        정부기관의 정보열람 요구와 ISP의 협조의무

        박훤일(Park, Whon-Il) 경희법학연구소 2016 경희법학 Vol.51 No.2

        2016년 3월 대법원은 세간의 화제였던 ‘회피 연아’ 사건에서 정보주체의 동의 없이 경찰에 통신자료를 제공한 NHN의 행위가 적법하였다며 원고에 대한 손해배상 책임이 없다는판결을내렸다. 원심이ISP에대한통신자료요청시법원의영장을요한다고한것을뒤집은 것이다. 3월 초에는 많은 논란을 빚은 테러방지법이 국회를 통과하여 정부기관의 ISP에대한 통신자료 요청은 더욱 늘어날 전망이다. 2013년NSA에서일하던스노든이미정보기관의글로벌감시(PRISM) 프로그램을폭로한이후 각국은 정부기관의 정보접근에 매우 민감한 실정이다. EU에서는 2015년 10월 최고재판소가 정부기관의 ISP 정보열람이 허용되는 미국과 EU가 맺은 세이프하버 협정이 무효임을선언하였고, 12월에는회원국에직접법률로서효력을갖는GDPR이확정되었는데정부기관의 정보열람을 엄격히 제한하고 있다. 6년을 끌었던 ‘회피 연아’ 사건의 본질은 수사기관이 ISP가 보관하는 개인정보를 어느 범위까지 어떤 식으로 접근할 수 있는가로 요약할 수 있다. ISP가 수사기관의 통신자료 제출요청에 응할지 여부는 관련법에 그 기준과 절차가 정해져 있다. 이용자 인적사항은 익명을많이 쓰는 ID를 제외하고는 전화번호부 수준이라 할 수 있다. 개인정보는 신성불가침이 아니고, 프라이버시권이 ‘홀로 있을 권리’에서 ‘개인정보자기결정권’으로 바뀐 것처럼 빅데이터, 핀테크 등에 필수적인 개인정보는 ‘IT편의성을 증진하는개인의 특권’으로 변모하고 있다. 정보주체의 권리인 만큼 자신에 관한 정보가 오·남용되는것을 알았다면 지체 없이 시정하고 이를 야기한 책임자가 있다면 그로부터 응분의 피해보상을 받을 수 있어야 한다. 상기 대법원 판결에도 불구하고 ISP는 이용자들의 항의나 손배청구 소송을 우려하여 수사기관의 통신자료 제출요청에 영장 없이는 응하지 않을 방침이라고 한다. 개인정보 유출이나 오·남용 피해를 입은 개인에 대하여 ARCO(열람·정정·거부)권을 보장하고, 시차를 두더라도 개인정보가 수집된 정보주체에 대해서는 통지하는 절차가 필요하다고 본다. In March 2016, the Supreme Court rendered a noteworthy decision that an Internet portal service provider (ISP) need not pay compensation to the plaintiff who argued the ISP had provided his personal data to police without his consent. The highest court reversed the appellate court ruling which said ISP’s provision of such personal data required the court warrant on account of customers’ constitutional rights of self-determination and anonymous speech. The above Supreme Court decision came right after the National Assembly passed the controversial Anti-terrorism Act, which authorizes the head of the National Intelligence Service (previously known as the Korean CIA) to collect personal information as well as location information of a certain terrorist suspect from ISPs pursuant to the existing laws. Since Edward Snowden disclosed the global surveillance (PRISM) programme of the National Security Agency to the world in June 2013, the government accesses to personal data in the private sector have been a hot issue around the world. At this juncture, the Court of Justice of the European Union declared the Safe Harbor Agreement between the European Union and the United States invalid. In December 2015, the General Data Protection Regulation, which is legally binding all member states and strictly limiting government accesses to personal data, was consolidated to become effective in May 2018. The main question of the six-year long “Minister Avoiding” Yuna litigation seemed to be to what extent the government investigation agency may access to personal data stored by ISPs, and whether the government agency may request ISPs to provide simple personal data without court warrants. The Telecommunications Business Act provides the statutory ground for ISPs to respond to such requests. The scope of personal data requested by the prosecutors or police officers is the personal information including name, address, telephone number and email address, which is usually contained in an ordinary business card. It should be noted that personal information is no more sacrosanct right in the Information Age. Historically, the right to privacy has changed from the right to be let alone (as termed by Warren and Brendeis) to the right of self-determination of personal information. Nowadays personal information, subject to appropriate processing of de-identification or anonymization, has become inevitable to Big data and Fintech businesses. Then the right to privacy has turned out to be an individual privilege to enhance IT convenience. Also any data subject should be ensured the rights to access, rectification, cancellation and objection (ARCO) relating to his/her personal data and the effective administrative and judicial remedies including pecuniary compensation and punitive damages, if necessary, in case of abuse or misuse of personal information. At the moment, the above mentioned Supreme Court decision is not supposed to change the year-long practices that government agencies need to obtain warrants in order to have personal data disclosed by ISPs. After the said Supreme Court decision, big portal operators seem to maintain their policy of no-more-cooperation with the investigation authority. It’s because they know the failure to disclose personal data to the government agency would cause no punishment but clamorous requests from investigators while any delivery of personal data would bring avalanche of users’ lawsuit for damages. In the long run, the awareness of privacy or increasing inclination towards IT convenience on the part of users could determine the future of the relevant provisions of the Telecommunications Business Act and the prevailing government practices.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        유럽회의 108호협약의 의의와 우리나라 가입의 필요성

        박훤 경희대학교 법학연구소 2015 경희법학 Vol.50 No.4

        The Council of Europe (CoE), founded in 1949, has been very active in the protection of human rights and rule of law, and established the Data Protection Convention 108 (effective in October 1985) based on the European Convention on Human Rights (1950). The CoE Convention 108 and the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC) of the European Union, which the majority of CoE member states belong to, have been a model of data protection legislation around the globe. The rapid development of information technologies and change of circumstances since its creation called for the modernisation and globalisation of the CoE Convention 108 and the 2001 Additional Protocol as well. As a result in 2013, Uruguay was the first non-European state to become a Party to the Convention. At the end of 2014, the modernized Convention 108 was endorsed by most of member states, but waited for the finalization of the EU draft General Data Protection Regulation. As the CoE Convention 108 ensured Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Court of Human Rights has been committed to enforce the provision in real cases. The Court has rendered its rulings in consideration of common rules and practices among member states, and other special aspects of data protection and privacy at issue. In Korea, the data protection laws are regarded as powerful and innovative in protecting data subjects and implementing safeguards except provisions on data export to a third country. Compared with the CoE Convention 108, the Korea’s privacy laws, including the Personal Information Protection Act and the Information and Communications Network Act, have provisions in detail to prevent the abuse and misuse of personal data, and to provide countermeasures to data breach incidents and remedial compensation to data breach victims. In the area of data transfer, however, some provisions are criticized in need of improvements. So it is necessary to scrutinize the merits and risks in the proposed accession to the CoE Convention 108, which is in nature a treaty to be effective as a domestic law. In the Information Age being equipped with high speed broadband networks, Korea should facilitate the transborder data flow, ensure the citizens’ interests and rights related with privacy, and take a leadership in establishing harmonized legal instruments on data protection as well as their enforcement on a global scale. To this end, it seems to be appropriate and necessary to accede to the CoE Convention 108 first, or to apply concurrently for the EU adequacy assessment of Korea’s data protection regime. 1949년에 설립된 유럽회의(CoE)는 유럽인권협약(1950)에 근거하여 1981년 개인정보보호협약을 채택(1985.10. 발효)하였다. CoE 108호 협약은 그 회원국의 과반을 점하는 EU 회원국들이 준수해야 하는 개인정보보호지침(95/46/EC)과 더불어 국제적으로 개인정보보호 법제의 모델이 되고 있다. CoE 108호 협약은 발효 후 30여 년이 경과하는 동안 정보통신기술이 크게 발전함에 따라 회원국들로부터 ‘현대화’의 필요성이 제기되었다. 이미 2001년 추가의정서를 채택하였고, 2008년에는 비회원국에 대해서도 동 협약의 가입을 권장하기로 하여 非유럽 국가로서는 처음으로 우루과이가 2013년 CoE 108호 협약에 가입하였다. 2014년 말 현대화 개정협약은 대부분의 회원국들로부터 비준을 받았으나 EU가 개인정보보호 일반규정(GDPR)의 제정을 추진하고 있어 당분간 그 추이를 지켜보고 있는 상황이다. CoE 108호 협약은 그 적용범위나 법적 성격이 인권협약을 기준으로 한다. 구체적인 사안에서는 유럽인권재판소(ECtHR)가 체약국에 공통된 법적 근거나 관행이 있는지, 문제가 발생한 배경에 특별히 고려해야 할 사정이 있는지 살펴보고 판단을 내리고 있다. 우리나라의 개인정보보호 법제는 국제적인 기준에 비추어 몇 가지 사항을 제외하고는 상당히 강력한 보호 및 안전조치를 취하고 있음을 알 수 있다. CoE 108호 협약과 비교하더라도 우리나라의 개인정보보호 규정이 훨씬 더 상세하고 개인정보의 오·남용 방지나 유출사고의 처리, 피해구제에 관한 규정도 자세한 편이다. 다만, 개인정보의 국제이전에 관한 규정은 개정협약과 비교해 보면 개선할 점이 일부 발견된다. CoE 108호 협약은 국제조약이므로 가입 발효 시 국내법과 동일한 효력을 가지므로 그에 따른 국가적 의무사항을 사전에 꼼꼼히 점검할 필요가 있다. 우리나라는 개인정보의 원활한 국제이전을 보장하면서도 자국민의 개인정보에 대한 권익을 보호하고 국제적인 규범정비에 있어서 리더십을 발휘하여야 한다. 이를 위해서는 CoE 108호 협약에 먼저 가입 신청하거나 CoE 협상과 동시에 EU로부터 적절성 평가를 받는 것을 전략적으로 추진할 필요가 있다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        海外投資와 지속가능발전 원칙 - 프로젝트 파이낸스의 赤道原則을 중심으로

        박훤일(Park Whon-Il) 한국무역상무학회 2006 貿易商務硏究 Vol.31 No.-

          Today"s financial institutions usually take environmental issues seriously into consideration as they could not evade lender liability in an increasing number of cases. On the international scene, a brand-new concept of the "Equator Principles" in the New Millenium has driven more and more international banks to adopt these Principles in project financing.<BR>  Sustainable development has been a key word in understanding new trends of the governments, financial institutions, corporations and civic groups in the 21st century. The Equator Principles are a set of voluntary environmental and social guidelines for sustainable finance. These Principles commit bank officers to avoid financial support to projects that fail to meet these guidelines. The Principles were conceived in 2002 on an initiative of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and launched in June 2003.<BR>  Since then, dozens of major banks, accounting for up to 80 percent of project loan market, have adopted the Principles. Accordingly, the Principles have become the de facto standard for all banks and investors on how to deal with potential social and environmental issues of projects to be financed. Compliance with the Equator Principles facilitates for endorsing banks to participate in the syndicated loan and help them to manage the risks associated with large-scale projects.<BR>  The Equator Principles call for financial institutions to provide loans to projects under the following circumstances:<BR>  - The risk of the project is categorized in accordance with internal guidelines based upon the environmental and social screening criteria of the IFC.<BR>  - For Category A and B projects, borrowers or sponsors are required to conduct a Social and Environmental Assessment, the preparation of which must meet certain requirements and satisfactorily address key social and environmental issues.<BR>  - The Social and Environmental Assessment report should address baseline social and environmental conditions, requirements under host country laws and regulations, sustainable development, and, as appropriate, IFC"s Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines, etc.<BR>  - Based on the Social and Environmental Assessment, Equator banks then make agreements with borrowers on how they mitigate, monitor and manage the risks through a Social and Environmental Management System. Compliance with the plan is included in the covenant clause of loan agreements. If the borrower doesn"t comply with the agreed terms, the bank will take corrective actions.<BR>  The Equator Principles are not a mere declaration of cautious banks but a full commitment of lenders. A violation of the Principles in the process of project financing, which led to an unexpected damage to the affected community, would not give rise to any specific legal remedies other than ordinary lawsuits. So it is more effective for banks to ensure consistent implementation of the Principles and to have them take responsible measures to solve social and environmental issues.<BR>  Public interests have recently mounted up with respect to environmental issues on the occasion of the Supreme Court"s decision (2006Du330) on the fiercely debated reclamation project at Saemangeum. The majority Justices said that the expected environmental damages like probable pollution of water and soil were not believed so serious and that the Administration should continue to implement the project seeking ways to make it more environment friendly.<BR>  In this case, though the Category A Saemangeum Project was carried out by a government agency, the Supreme Court behaved itself as a signal giver to approve or stop the environment-related project like an Equator bank in project financing. At present, there is no Equator bank in Korea in contrast to three big banks in Japan. Also Korean contractors, which

      • KCI등재

        域外金融을 둘러싼 법률문제

        박훤일(Park, Whon-Il) 경희법학연구소 2005 경희법학 Vol.39 No.3

        Korea s admission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 1996 ignited the inbound and outbound flows of capital. Several Korean corporations embarked on investment in the so-called tax havens like Cayman Islands, Labuan and Dublin. Until the 1970s, the offshore financial centers (OFCs) around the globe had been tapped only for the purpose of borrowing foreign capital necessary for the development of the nation. Since the 1980s, OFCs have been used as a gateway to foreign investments in line with the improved Korea s balance of payment conditions. Offshore banking may be simply defined as borrowing from and lending to non-residents. So an OFC is a jurisdiction where such out-out transactions far outweigh transactions related to the domestic economy. The most famous OFCs are London, Singapore, Dublin, Cayman Islands and Labuan, among others. As the international funds flow to the OFCs making use of looser regulation than any other financial markets, OFCs attract more and more capital around the world. International banks, insurance companies, fund managers, representatives of the special purpose vehicles (SPVs) related with securitization are mushrooming in those financial centers. More often than not OFCs are criticized for money laundering, tax competition and other unfair transactions. The Korean government, however, has a master plan to establish a regional financial hub in East Asia by making Incheon and Jeju Island an attractive offshore market. On the other hand, harmful tax practices staged in those tax havens are increasingly put under the surveillance of nations concerned. OECD is leading the project to eliminate such practices to preserve the integrity and fairness of the tax systems of Member States. In particular, the United States is alert to the movement of unidentified funds through many OFCs. In this context, the Korean government is reinforcing the regulation and supervision of the offshore banking activities of Korean financial institutions and companies. Authorities attention have been paid to the attempted tax evasion and unfair trading of securities in violation of the Korean tax law and the foreign exchange-related laws. This article examines the mechanism of the OFCs around the world and the content of regulations concerning Korean financial institutions and enterprises. At present, the taxation of profits from the offshore funds invested by a Korean tire manufacturer would make an interesting issue in this regard. In general, the preoccupation of offshore fund managers is to give more dividends to the investors than expected. So every OFC levies no or nominal tax on revenues arising out of such funds, and makes convenient or streamlined the chores of establishment of a company, calling of shareholders meeting, distribution of dividends and so on. It is allegedly offshore funds stationed to OFCs that commit such illegal activities as foreign exchange speculation and manipulation of stock prices. However, such activities must be subject to strict regulation of each government. In terms of illegality, the effect of activities at issue depends on the nature of provisions. If a fund manager violates provisions of the Foreign Exchange Transactions Law, which aims at law enforcement with little legal impact to the violating activity, 44) his activities are not always null and void keeping the legal status of funds intact, though he could be subject to administrative fines. Therefore, it is not advisable to determine the activities of offshore funds in accordance with local laws and regulations. It will thwart the international banking activities related with OFCs because international competitiveness depends to some extent on how to exploit OFCs. In this regard, it is contrary to the national agenda to make a regional financial hub that the revenue from the offshore funds is directly acknowledged as that of a local investor, although the fund is invested and d

      • 사이버보안 강화를 위한 법적 과제

        박훤일(Whon-Il Park) 한국인터넷법학회 2004 인터넷법연구 Vol.3 No.1

        In this Information Age, it is quite true that knowledge or information is traded like tangible goods through the Internet. Businesses, big or small, are employing information technologies to enhance their competitiveness. The government adapts itself to the quickly developing e-environment. The role of law is also changing in the course of information revolution. It has to suggest a new direction and is ready to support IT businesses with various incentives. The cyberspace consists of millions of computers, servers, routers, communication cables, etc. and functions as a pivotal infrastructure of the nation. So the cybersecurity is first and foremost important in the daily operation of computer systems and networks. As we witnessed during the worm virus-driven Internet fiasco in January 2003, the breakdown of the nation's online networks for a half day would cripple our socio-economic life to the uncontrollable extent. Therefore, various kinds of cyber-attacks or threat should be prevented and suppressed to maintain the telecommunications infrastructure and to secure the cyberspace of the nation. This article delves into the proposed possible amendment to the current laws concerning information systems and communication networks. The pertinent substantive laws are the Criminal Code, the Information and Telecommunication Infrastructure Protection Act and the Act to Promote Information Telecommunication Networks and to Protect Personal Information among others. This article stresses a concerted approach to punishment against the same kind of electronic offenses. In other words, the relevant provisions of the Criminal Code should be firstly invoked as a general law rather than the special laws in case of electronic offensive incidents. Also this article calls for harmonized efforts and systematic cooperation by the government, IT-related businesses and individual Internet users to secure the cyberspace.

      • KCI등재

        혁신적 신기술의 개인정보보호에 관한 국제 비교 - 드론 카메라를 중심으로 -

        박훤,이창규 국제거래법학회 2016 國際去來法硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        A drone, or unmaned aerial vehicle (UAV), has become a hot item of Industry 4.0. In the near future, the UAV-related products are expected to make strides in autonomous operations. Like advanced artificial intelligence, UAV systems will be able to sense where they are, what they are doing, and where they should go to complete the preprogrammed task. So far, UAVs have been regulated by the Aviation Act and other relevant regulations in Korea. The government has just started to implement deregulation and promotional measures in relation to UAV-related industries. UAV cameras will likely be threatening privacy of citizens. The personal video information recorded by UAV cameras would do harm to victims mentally and physically because such information cannot be retrieved once released on the Internet. Nowadays video surveillance is prevalent. In order to minimize any violation of privacy, personal information protection guidelines or a code of conduct related with UAV cameras are in great need in view of the precedents in the European Union, the United States, Canada, Japan, etc. These guidelines will pose an equilibrium between the promotion of UAV industry and the protection of personal information. This article intends to suggest what is necessary to find such an equilibrium in the Korean context. The proposed guidelines on the use of UAV cameras will contribute to the enhanced level of personal information protection in Korea. At the same time, the UAV-related legislation will make a good example of standardized technologies such as privacy by design or privacy by default. Though these guidelines are not legally binding, they will be upgraded to a law when more and more UAV-related privacy violations are reported. At present, it is enough to show the pilots/operators of UAVs what to do and what to observe when flying UAVs to minimize any intrusion of privacy. It could be subject to discussion to mitigate the criteria of personal information in the international context not to stymie the growth of UAV industries. 무인비행장치인 드론이 4차 산업혁명의 총아로 각광을 받고 있다. 드론은 본래 군사용으로 개발되었기에 센서 기술의 발달에 따라 자율비행하는 드론도 조만간 등장할 것으로 예상된다. 더욱이 인공지능 기술까지 적용된다면 드론이 미리 프로그램된 비행경로에 따라 부여받은 임무를 수행하는 것도 어렵지 않을 것이다. 종래 드론은 항공법 등 관련 법령에 의하여 규율되었으나 최근 정부는 규제혁신의 일환으로 드론관련 산업의 발전을 위해 다각적인 정책지원에 나서고 있다. 드론 산업의 성장이 기대되는 반면 그에 탑재된 고성능 드론 카메라는 사생활을 침해할 가능성이 적지 않다. 드론 카메라로 촬영된 개인영상정보는 당사자에게 정신적·물질적 피해를 야기함은 물론 일단 인터넷 상에 유출된 개인영상정보는 회수가 어려워 개인정보 침해의 정도가 심각해질 수 있다. 더욱이 오늘날에는 CCTV를 비롯한 비디오 감시가 널리 행해지고 있어 개인정보의 침해 가능성을 최소화하기 위해서는 드론 카메라와 관련된 개인정보보호 가이드라인이나 행동강령이 마련되어야 한다. 이러한 견지에서 유럽연합, 일본, 캐나다, 일본 등의 사례는 우리에게 좋은 참고가 될 것이다. 주요국의 입법 전단계 가이드라인을 보면 드론 산업의 발전과 개인정보의 보호에 균형을 모색하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이 글은 한국의 사정에 비추어 그러한 균형점을 모색하는 데 필요한 것을 가이드라인 형식으로 제안하고 있다. 이에 따르면 드론 카메라를 사용하되 개인정보 보호에 차질이 없도록 하는 것에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 이와 동시에 드론관련 규정은 설계 시점의 프라이버시 또는 프라이버시를 기본값으로 하는 안전조치를 취하고 표준화된 기술을 적용할 필요가 있다. 여기 제시한 가이드라인은 비록 법적 구속력은 없으나 드론과 관련된 프라이버시 침해가 빈발할 경우에는 법으로 격상될 수 있다. 현재로서는 드론의 조종자나 운영자가 드론을 날릴 때 개인정보 보호를 위해 준수해야 할 사항을 구체적으로 보여주고 있다. 드론 산업의 발전을 저해하지 않는 범위에서는 국제적으로 통용되는 개인정보의 기준을 정하는 논의도 이루어져야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        주제별 논단 : 금융감독행정의 과제와 입법적 고찰 ; RFID를 활용한 김융기관(金融機關)의 담보관리방안(擔保管理方案)

        박훤일 ( Whon Il Park ) 한국금융법학회 2004 金融法硏究 Vol.1 No.2

        As the prudential requirements dominate the daily operation of financial institutions, creditor banks take to reliable security to stave off events of default of borrowers. On the other hand, borrowers would apply for more funds on the improved financial terms based upon the collateral. Against these backdrops, more attention has been directed to new types of security interest. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development proposed the Model Law on Secured Transactions in 1994, which was devised to support the transition economies in the Eastern and Central Europe. After UNIDROIT established the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment, UNCITRAL finalized the Convention on Assignment in Receivables in International Trade in 2001. The common thing that may be derived from the global trends is manyfold: First, security is necessary for creditors to keep credit risk under control, while borrowers are entitled to better financial terms; Second, enterprises should make most of every kind of assets including movables and account receivables; Third, debtors need to use the collateral under their possession though those assets are granted as security. This kind of security is called as a nonpossessory security right. So a public notice filing is indispensable to show the existence of or to create the security right. For instance, the newly amended Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform Commercial Code of the United States purports to include the electronic registration. The RFID tag is a kingpin in today`s ubiquitous computing environment. When RFID tags are attached like bar codes to machinery and equipment so as to provide some useful information, they show the existence any security interest on the collateral through the RFID reader-writer. As a result, movables and specific inventory may be granted as security. It could be realized by establishing or amending some substantive and procedural laws. Also it is assumed that creditor banks are satisfied with these types of collateral. The biggest beneficiaries are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which have been usually denied secured borrowings. Any machinery and equipment with considerable asset value are eligible for such secured loan. In the Gaeseong Industrial District, RFID might be employed for the long distance surveillance from the South and to prevent unauthorized take-out. In the long run, there must be ever-increasing demand for such new businesses as security guards, inspectors and examiners of second-hand machinery. Most of all, a lot of jobs could be created to make a database of factory goods and to facilitate the transactions of such equipment.

      • KCI등재후보

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