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        수은 폭로 근로자들의 생물학적 폭로지표와 호흡량 및 폭로 기간과의 상관성에 관한 연구

        박혜경,박종태,이은일,염용태,Park, Hye-Kyung,Park, Jong-Tae,Lee, Eun-Il,Yum, Yong-Tae 대한예방의학회 1994 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.27 No.3

        This study was conducted to evaluate the relationships between the environmental exposure and biological monitoring among workers exposed to metallic mercury We interviewed each workers to get the medical history including previous hazardous occupational history. We measured the respiration rate and tidal volume of each worker in order to calculate the 8-hour inhaled mercury of workers. And we wafted to evaluate the effect of exposure duration to mercury concentrations in blood and urine as biologic exposure indices of metallic mercury. The regression and correlation analysis were done to the relationships of 8-hour inhaled mercury and mercury in blood and urine. The results were as follows; 1. The subjects were 35 fluorescent lamp manufacturing workers. The mean age of subjects was .24.8 years old, and the mean work careers of workers was 1.19 years. 89% of the total was consisted man. 2. The correlation coefficients between 8-hour inhaled mercury and mercury in blood and urine were higher than that of only considered air mercury concentration. 3. The correlation coefficients of 8-hour inhaled mercury and mercury in blood and urine were above 0.9 in workers who had exposed to mercury more than 1 year 4. The R-square value and -value of regression analysis between the 8-hour inhaled mercury and mercury in blood and urine was also higher in workers who had exposed to mercury over 1 year than in workers who had less than 1 year working experience. The important results of this study were that relationships between the 8hr-inhaled mercury and mercury in blood and urine was very high than that with air mercury concentration only. And the results were very apparent when considering workers 1 year or more. Therefore we concluded that the work career and respiratory volume of each individuals should be considered in evaluation the, results of biological monitoring of workers exposed to metallic mercury.

      • KCI등재

        의약분업이후 약국 경영수지 및 관련 요인 분석

        박혜경,권창익,엄태훈,김예순,노연숙,정규혁,이의경,Park, Hye-Kyung,Kwon, Chang-Ik,Eom, Tae-Hoon,Kim, Ye-Soon,Rho, Yeun-Sook,Jeong, Gyu-Hyeok,Lee, Eui-Kyoung 대한약학회 2008 약학회지 Vol.52 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting financial performance of community pharmacies after the implementation of the new drug policy in Korea: separation of drug prescription and dispensing (SPD). The online survey questionnaires were sent to the active pharmacists of the total 20,633 community pharmacies in Korea and 1,147 pharmacists responded to the survey (the response rate was 5.5%). The questionnaire asked simple financial data in order to compare their financial performances before and after the policy. With the SPSS package (version 12.0), two levels of data analysis were used: 1) descriptive statistics to see the financial status of the pharmacies; and 2) multiple regression analysis to find the factors. {or A multiple regression method was used for the data analysis.} The finding illustrated that the average net benefit of the pharmacies was 4,870 thousand won in August 2006, and the major factors affecting the net benefit were the location of pharmacy (geographical proximity to medical institutions), number of prescriptions, drug management services for patients, chain pharmacy membership. The findings of this study suggest that service improvement for patients, revitalization of non-prescription drug sales, professional management will contribute to promote community based pharmacy business.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        음악교수법연구 : 대구지역 피아노 페다고지 활성화 기반조성에 관한 연구

        박혜경 ( Hye-kyung Park ) 한국피아노교수법학회 2011 음악교수법연구 Vol.8 No.-

        본 연구는 대구지역 피아노 학원ㆍ교습소에서 종사하고 있는 피아노 교사들이 요구하는 교육 내용이 무엇인지 알아보고, 대구지역 피아노 페다고지 교육 과정 개설에 실질적 토대를 마련하는데 도움이 되는 것을 목적으로 서울ㆍ경기지역 피아노 페다고지 전공생 55명, 대구지역 피아노 학원ㆍ교습소 교사 100명을 연구 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 진행하였다. 본 연구를 통해 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 2009년 현재 대구지역에 페다고지 전공과가 개설되어 있지 않으나 일선 피아노 학원 교사들의 페다고지에 대한 필요성 인식은 체감할 수 있는 정도의 수위에 이르렀다. 둘째, 서울ㆍ경기지역 피아노 페다고지 전공자들과 피아노 페다고지를 전공하지 않은 대구지역 피아노 학원ㆍ교습소 교사들은 학생들을 대하는 심리적인 부분들에 있어서 더욱 어려움을 느낀다는 결론을 얻게 되었다. 이러한 결론에 의거하여 다음과 같이 제언한다. 첫째, 대구지역에 피아노 페다고지 전공 개설, 둘째 인턴제 도입, 셋째 평생교육원의 역할 강화, 넷째 현행 학원 연합회 연수 교육의 변화, 다섯째 연구 모임 활성화 등을 제언한다. This research was conducted to lay the foundation for the establishment of the piano pedagogy major by investigating the piano teachers`` needs in teaching as well as by analyzing the importance of the courses on piano pedagogy, which have been installed at 9 universities in Korea as of 2009. Fifty-five students enrolled in 4 universities out of 9 universities offering piano pedagogy major, including Kyungwon University, Suwon University, Sookmyung Women``s University, and Hansei University, and 100 teachers from the institutions which are official members of the Eastern School District and the Western School District in Daegu participated in this research. This study referred to the previous studies and utilized questionnaire in order to investigate the contents and the goal of private piano lessons; the importance of piano pedagogy courses was also analyzed. To increase reliability and validity, five experts were involved in verifying content validity, and principal component analysis as well as reliability-internal consistency item analysis (Cronbach``α) were performed for this research. The following conclusions were obtained: First, many instructors from Daegu area, including both majors and non-majors and piano pedagogy major students in Seoul-Kyeonggi area said in common that dealing with a psychological aspect of the students is more difficult than dealing with a technical aspect. Consequently, importance of interdisciplinary courses in conjunction with psychology must be recommended in piano pedagogy curricula. Second, in the current situation in which pedagogy non-majors are permitted to teach piano lessons, the way to re-educate the teachers and make them equipped in effective teaching must be seriously taken into consideration. Third, even though piano pedagogy majors are currently restricted to the schools in Seoul.Kyeonggi area, the provision for newly established piano pedagogy majors in Daegu area has already been made. This study presents a broad outline for the future piano pedagogy curriculum in Daegu area. The following solutions are proposed: First, more universities should establish piano pedagogy as an official major. Second, internship programs should be incorporated. Third, strengthening the role of the Academy of Continuing Education is suggested. Fourth, current civic-centered education program must see the need for the change in piano education. Fifth, various group study and activity are recommended in order to revitalize the piano pedagogy programs throughout Daegu area. Sixth, building an intranet system is suggested. Moreover, we should develop suitable teaching materials according to the current status of piano pedagogy education in Korea. Above all, there is no single right answer for learning piano pedagogy. Multilateral approach must be taken and be combined to produce the better and efficient method to improve piano pedagogy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        신유라시아주의의 의미와 한계를 둘러싼 다양한 논쟁들

        박혜경(Park, Hye Kyung) 한국노어노문학회 2014 노어노문학 Vol.26 No.4

        본 논문에서는 소비에트 해체이후 러시아의 정체성 회복을 위해 활발하게 활동해 온 알렉산드르 두긴의 신유라시아주의 이론을 중심으로 그것의 의미와 한계, 그리고 다양한 논쟁들을 살펴보았다. 20세기 초 소비에트 혁명 이후 망명 지식인 집단을 중심으로 전개되었던 유라시아 운동의 계승으로서 신유라시아주의는 광대한 유라시아 공간을 포함하는 다양한 민족들의 역사적, 문화적, 종교적 정체성을 단일 문명 공간이라는 개념 속에서 규명하려는 시도였다. 그러나 2000년대의 신유라시아주의는 고전 유라시아주의의 외형적인 문제의식만을 공유하고 있을 뿐 실질적인 지향점은 서로 다르다. 미래 러시아의 지정학적 정체성을 확립하려는 시도로서의 신유라시아주의는 고전 유라시아주의의 반유럽주의를 반아틀란티스주의로 대체하였고, 소비에트 연방을 대체할 유라시아 연합 창조를 위한 새로운 제국 기획이 되었다. 러시아-유라시아는 물론이려니와 전 세계 공동체의 문제를 아우르는 신유라시아주의는 넓게는 미국 중심의 단일체제에 대항하는 다극 체제를 지향하며, 좁게는 러시아 내에서 러시아의 역사적 사명을 계속 지켜내려는 민족주의 운동에 다름 아니다. 이 운동의 대표적인 이론가인 두긴의 근본적인 지향점은 유라시아 공간에서 러시아의 패권을 재확립하기 위한 것으로, 결국 신유라시아주의는 러시아 민족주의, 혹은 뉴라이트 운동과 같은 사회운동으로 정의내릴 수 있을 것이다. The aim of this paper is to analyze the meaning and the limits of Aleksandr Dugin’s Neo-Eurasianism and diverse disputes about his ideas. Dugin is one of the political and social activists who endeavor to restore Russian national identity after the collapse of Soviet Union, and also the representative theoretician of the Eurasianism in post-Soviet Russia. The term of Eurasia is quite controversial concept. When this term was first appeared in the end of the 19th century, Eurasia was understood as just a geographical zone embracing Europe and Asia. But in Russia it became to acquire a historical, ethnic and economical meaning representing Russian national identity. In the early of the 20th century, in the situation of the collapse of Russian Empire, the classical Eurasianists, like N. Trubetskoy, P. Savitsky, G. Florovsky and P. Suvchinsky, attempted to clarify common historical, cultural, and religious identity of Eurasian nations through the concept of Eurasianism. In another national disaster of the late 20th century, a group of Russian intellectuals tried to find an answer to the contemporary crisis from the classical Eurasianism. A. Dugin is the best-known and most prolific commentator on this subject and at the same time, has succeeded to extend this ideological movement to the political sphere. Through many monographs and manifests he claims that he succeeds the intellectual legacy of the classical Eurasianism and it is the fundamental element of his ideas. He accepts the notion of Eurasia as a special geographical space and civilization zone like his predecessors. But Dugin’s Neo-Eurasianism merely shares an external critical mind with the classical Eurasianism, and their real aims are basically different. Neo-Eurasianism substituted their moto of anti-Europeanism with anti-Atlantism in opposition to the U.S centered globalization. It became a new Empire project to create a new Eurasian association led by Russia. Though Neo-Eurasianism aims multipolar system against to a single world order concentrated to the U.S., it is eventually nothing but a national movement to keep a historical mission of Russia. Dugin’s fundamental purpose is to reestablish Russia’s dominance in the Eurasian space, and therefore Neo-Eurasianism has to be defined as a new declaration of Russian Nationalism or Russianized New Right movement.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        유치원의 도서 활용 실태 분석

        박혜경(Hye Kyung Park),정대련(Dae Ryun Chung) 한국아동학회 2000 아동학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        This analysis of the children`s books used in kindergarten classroom activities focused on educational meanings of the books. The analysis included books used in 8 kindergartens in 1999. Finding were that 76.6% of books were published in the 1990s; 60.7% of the lines per page were over 5 lines; only 55 of 542 books were recommended as good books by public institutions; half of the books provided factual knowledges or informations; Korean books included more realistic than fantastic fiction while the opposite was true of foreign books; in Korean books, male characters appeared far more often than females; 70.1% of the themes of the books were related to the ten themes of life suggested by the Ministry of Education; and 44.8% of the contents included moral values while only 17.5% of those included adventure, hobbies or pastimes.

      • KCI등재

        대학교 학생선발권의 범위와 한계

        박혜경 ( Hye Kyung Park ),신상명 대한교육법학회 2013 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        헌법 제31조 4항에서는 대학의 자율성을 보장하고 있다. 이러한 대학의 자율성에는 교과과정운영, 재정, 학사, 교원인사 등과 함께 학생선발권도 포함된다. 학생선발권에 대한 법적 성질에 대해서 학자와 판례는 기본권으로 보고 있다. 대학은 대학교육의 주체인 학생을 선발함에 있어서 전형기준과 전형방법, 전형시기, 지원자의 자격, 전형자료 등에 대해 광범위한 재량권을 행사하여 학생을 선발할 수 있다. 그러나 판례는 대학이 학생선발권을 행사함에는 헌법과 법령, 대학의 학칙 등에서 정한 범위 내에 행사되어야 하며 그 범위를 벗어나는 경우는 재량권 일탈 및 남용으로 위법이라고 명시하였다. 또한 헌법에서 보장하는 개개인의 기본권과 교육기본법, 고등교육법과 동법 시행령 등의 범위 내에서 학생선발권은 행사되어야 한다. 그리고 대학본고사나 고교등급제, 기여입학제에 대한 대학입학 3불 금지조치는 대학이 건학이념과 모집단위 교육목적에 맞는 적격자를 선발하는 학생선발권을 행사함에 있어서 한계로 작용한다. Article 31 (4) of the Constitution of the university autonomy is guaranteed. The autonomy of universities in the curriculum, finance, transfer of teaching profession, along with teacher selection of students are also included. Selection of students for the legal scholars and case law about property rights is reported. University college students selected as the subject of the selection criteria and the selection method, the applicant`s eligibility, the typical material for the exercise of discretion by a wide range of students can be admitted. However, the selection of students from the University of precedent Constitution and laws, refrain from violation of university is outside the scope of the illegal abuse of discretion, and that deviations were stated. As well as the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution and the Education Act, the Higher Education Act and the Enforcement Decree of the Act, such as selection of students should be in the range. And, the University of the dead, high school rating system, contributing to college admission, three items prohibited acts as a limitation of the selection of students.

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