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      • KCI등재

        폭력의 해체 사유에 대한 신학적 소고

        박형국 ( Park¸ Hyung Gug ) 한국조직신학회 2020 한국조직신학논총 Vol.61 No.-

        이 논문은 폭력 해소에 있어서 경계 해체 사유가 제시하는 첨예한 문제의식과 미묘한 함의를 신학의 입장에서 성찰하는 것을 목표로 한다. 데리다의 폭력 해체 사유에 대한 기존의 해석과 평가는 폭력의 현실적인 불가피성이나 심지어 폭력의 실재를 정당화한다는 인상을 줄 수 있다. 논자는 폭력의 해체 사유를 일종의 폭력의 현실주의로 독해하는 것이 바람직스럽지 않음을 주장하면서, 폭력 해체 사유가 교회공동체들에 주는 교훈을 심도 있게 성찰한다. 논자가 보기에 폭력 해체론은 종교를 포함해서 도덕이나 법과 같은 교환경제에 기초한 제도적 기제를 통한 폭력 해소를 부정하지 않으면서도 교환경제를 초월하는 무조건적 사랑이나 용서나 환대와 같은 복음이 담고 있는 비경제적 선물들의 적극적인 역할을 위한 여지를 제공해 준다. 따라서 논자는 교회공동체들이 예수 그리스도가 선포한 복음이 교환경제를 초월하는 선물의 사유와 실천을 독려한다는 점을 숙고하면서 교환경제를 일방적이고도 경직된 방식으로 관철하고자 하는 시장경제에 의해 야기되는 폭력을 해체하는 더욱 포용적인 선교를 실천해야 함을 주장한다. This essay aims at reflecting theologically acute questions and delicate implications provided by the thought of the deconstruction with regard to the alleviation of violence. In my view, some precedent interpretations and critiques tend to give an impression that Derrida’s thought of the deconstruction of violence justifies the realistic inevitability of violence. Arguing that such a reading of the thought of the deconstruction of violence is not desirable, the author investigates into lessons that the thought of the deconstruction of violence teaches Christian churches. I think that while the discourse of the deconstruction of violence does not deny the settlement of violence by the mechanism based on the exchange economy like religion, morality, and law, it gives a room for the positive role of the uneconomic gifts like the unconditional love or forgiveness or hospitality rising above the exchange economy. Thus, the author argues that considering the fact that the Gospel proclaimed by Jesus Christ encourages the thought and practice of uneconomic gift freeing from the exchange economy, the Christian churches should carry out a more inclusive mission deconstructing violence brought about by the market economy which pushes the exchange economy unilaterally and rigidly.

      • KCI등재

        토함산 석굴의 감실존상(龕室尊像) -팔대보살의 형성과 배치를 중심으로-

        박형국 ( Hyeong Guk Park ) 한국불교미술사학회(한국미술사연구소) 2016 강좌미술사 Vol.46 No.-

        경상북도 경주시 토함산에 있는 불국사와 석굴암은 『三國遺事』 등에 의하면, 전세부모를 위해 석굴암을, 현세의 부모를 위해 불국사를 세울 것을 발원한 통일신라시대의 대상(중시) 김대성 (700~774)에 의해 751 년부터 20 여년에 걸쳐 조영한 것이라고 여겨진다. 그러나 실제로는 김씨 왕실의 발원과 김대성의 감독에 의해 완성된 종합적인 국가사원이다. 즉, 삼국통일 및 당과의 전쟁을 종결하고, 국가의 안정으로 얻어진 8 세기 중반 경에 삼국통일을 시도한 문무왕의 꿈에 나타나 국토 방위를 언급한 탈해왕이 진좌하는 토함산, 그것도 산상용출수 위에 석굴암을, 그 산기슭에 불국사를 조영한 것이다. 감실의 보살상은 삼국통일 전쟁에 의해 더럽혀진 국토를 불국토로 만들고 싶다는 김씨 왕족의 발원을 구체화 한 것으로, 보살의 마음의 정화(心淨)와 불국토의 청정(土淨)이 다르지 않다는 것을 깨 닫게 해준 維摩居士와 문수보살, 그리고 心淨과 土淨을 실천하는 팔대보살로 구성되어 있다. 維摩會 의 표현은 중국이래, 재가불교, 특히 지배자들에게 사랑받아 온 것으로, 중국의 당에 의해 규범이 정해졌다. 팔대보살의 도상과 배치는 중기밀교의 善無畏계를 따르지만, 도상이 확립되는 전단계에 속하는 善無畏경궤를 이용했기 때문인지, 기존의 도상을 병용하고 있다. 그렇기 때문에 인도와 중국등에서도 볼 수 없는 독자적 도상을 갖게 되었고, 그 전통은 고려시대의 아미타팔대보살도에도 이어 진다. 즉 유마회에서의 문수보살(제⑤감실상)과 維摩居士(제⑥감실상)와, 밀교에 있어서 팔존의 유력 한 보살의 집합체인 팔대보살(제②감실의 文殊菩薩, 제③감실의 彌勒菩薩, 제④감실의 除蓋障菩薩, 제⑦감실의 地藏菩薩, 제⑧감실의 觀音菩薩, 제⑨감실의 金剛手菩薩, 普賢菩薩과 虛空藏菩薩의 2상은 현존하지 않음)에 의해 감실은 구성되어 있다. According to Samgukyusa and others, Bulkuksa and Seokulam located in Mt. Toham in Kyungju, Kyungsangbuk-do were built by Daesang (Jungsi) Kim Daeseong (700~774) in Unified Shilla. It is said that he built Seokulam for parents of his previous life and Bulguksa for his contemporary parents. It took more than 20 years from 751. However, it is actually a comprehensive national project commissioned by the royal family of Unified Shilla and completed under the supervision of Kim Daeseong. That is, they built them on Mt. Toham where King Talhae was enshrined such as Seokulam on Gushout water on the mountain and Bulguksa on the foot of a mountain when King Talhae mentioned national security in the dream of Kimg Munmu who unified three nations in the middle of 8th century when they finished unification of three nations, completed the war with Tangand secured national stability. The image of bodhisattva in a tabernacle materializes the wish of the royal family who wanted to their land Buddha land, which was tainted because of war. It is composed of Grhapati Yuma who made us realize that purification of mind of bodhisattva (Shimjeong- 心淨)is not different from purification of Buddha Land (Tojeong-土淨), the Bodhisattva of Wisdom and 8 great bodhisattva who practice Shimjeong (心淨)and Tojeong (土淨). The expression of Yumahoi has been beloved by Lay Buddhism especially by the ruling class and Tang established regulations. Although icons and distribution of 8 great bodhisattva follow rules of Seonmuoi (善無畏) of the middle of esoteric Buddhism, it also uses existing icons probably because it used Seonmuoi (善無畏) kyunggue which belongs to the previous stage when icons were established. Therefore, it comes to have original icons which we cannot see in India and China, and this tradition succeeds to the Painting of Amitabha Eight Great Bodhisattiva in Goyeo. In other words, tabernacle is composed of the Bodhisattva of Wisdom (The fifth Stature) and Grhapati Yuma (The sixth Stature) in Yumahoi, and 8 great bodhisattva in Esoteric Buddhism (the Bodhisattva of Wisdom at the second tabernacle, Maitreya at the third tabernacle, jegaejang bodhisattva at the fourth tabernacle, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva at the seventh tabernacle, the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy at the eighth tabernacle, Keumgangsu Bodhisattva at the ninth tabernacle, and two images of Samantabhadra and Akasa-garbha-bodhisattva are not currently in existence).

      • KCI등재

        한국여자프로골프투어(KLPGA Tour)의 서비스품질 요인이 재방문 의사에 미치는 영향 분석 연구

        박형국 ( Park Hyung-kuk ),최준서 ( Choi Joon-seo Andrew ),신상현 ( Shin Sang-hyun ) 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2017 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 스포츠 이벤트가 지역경제 활성화에 기여를 하는 가운데, KLPGA투어를 통해 스포츠 이벤트가 가지고 있는 경제적 효과를 발전시키고 나아가 이벤트 자체가 소속되어 있는 산업의 동반 성장을 위하여 필요한 요인에 대해 분석하여 보았다. KLPGA투어를 활성화를 위해서는 투어 참여 선수뿐 아니라 관심을 가지고 참관하게 되는 갤러리의 만족도가 중요한데, 이는 KLPGA투어 자체에 대한 관심과 더불어 지역, 골프장, 투어 재방문 의사에 영향을 주기 때문이다. 따라서 본 연구는 갤러리 만족도의 선행요인으로 선정된 스포츠 이벤트 서비스 품질 요인과 갤러리 만족도, 재방문 의사에 대한 구조 모형을 설정하고 이를 실증적으로 분석하여 경영적 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. 총 534개의 설문이 실증분석을 위해 사용되어 졌다. 연구결과 서비스 품질 요인으로 조사된 투어시설, 진행요원, 투어진행은 갤러리 만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 주고 있었으며, 안내 및 접근성은 유의미한 영향을 주고 있지 않았다. 또한 갤러리 만족도는 지역 재방문, 골프장 재방문, 투어 재방문에 긍정적인 영향을, 위 3가지 재방문 의도는 타인에게 투어를 추천하는 의도에 긍정적인 영향을 주고 있었다. 이와 같이 실증분석을 통해 나타난 연구결과를 토대로 투어 운영의 측면에서 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. In this study, focused on analysis of influence of KLPGA Tour gallery satisfaction factors on willingness to revisit. The empirical analysis using a statistical methodology is conducted to diagnose the adhesion to regions and improvements of service quality, in order to develop the KLPGA Tour with economic values. The findings show the relationship of service quality factor-gallery` satisfaction-intention to revisit-intention to recommend. In the process of empirical analysis, reliability and exploratory, confirmative factor, path, hierarchical cluster, t-test and multi-regression analysis and mean difference test are used, and 534 samples of data are collected and used in the analysis. The results of empirical study that there are differences in service quality factors between one group with high satisfaction and the other group with low satisfaction. The entire results of path analysis show that guidance and access do not have significant effects on gallery` satisfaction, probably because of dual structure: all factors such as Tour facilities, organizers, Tour progression, guidance and access have significantly positive effects on the group with high satisfaction, while only Tour facilities have significantly positive effects on the other group with low satisfaction. It is determined that this should be importantly deal with, in order to enhance their satisfaction and intention to revisit and recommend. Moreover, from the path analysis, it is found that there are effects of co-prosperity among regions, golf course and Tour. The KLPGA Tour has been held while making Tour across golf course that meet certain requirements. In the process, gallery usually visit golf course including round that they have never experienced, or necessarily visit some regions to which they have never went. This results in increase of influx of outsiders who do not reside in the regions, which is favorable for local Tourism. From the empirical analysis, it is also found that the gallery who are satisfied with the KLPGA Tour are willing to revisit the regions. Thus, the KLPGA Tour is can be determined to have positive effects on related industries and also contribute to local effects such as local tourism and publicity. In conclusion, the KLPGA Tour have positive effects on regions, golf course and gallery, which is supported by various results of the empirical analysis.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        인간다움에 대한 신학의 성찰

        박형국(Hyung Gug Park) 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2017 선교와 신학 Vol.43 No.-

        이 논문은 칼 바르트의 신학적 인간이해와 서서평의 선교의 삶을 통해 드러난 인간다움의 고양을 견주어보는 방식으로 인간다움의 본질을 성찰한다. 논자는 동료 인간들과의 연대와 그리스도의 화해를 통한 겸비와 고양의 일치에서 인간다움의 본질에 대한 이해에 있어서의 바르트와 서평의 공명을 확인하면서 하나님 약속의 동반자로서 하나님나라와 하나님의 선교에 참여하는 삶이 인간다움의 구체적 실현임을 보여주고자 한다. 서평이 수행한 복음 전도, 교육과 의료 봉사, 그리고 사회복지 등의 선교적 삶은 바르트의 신학적 해설이 보여주는 것처럼 동료 이웃들과의 연대와 겸비와 고양의 일치에 기초한 인간다움을 구체적으로 구현하는 하나의 생생한 모범으로 간주될 수 있다. 인간다움에 대한 바르트와 서평의 공통 이해는 세상 속에서 하나님의 선교에 참여하는 방식으로 구현해야 할 하나님나라의 복음에 대한 그리스도인 공동체의 공적 소명과 책무를 상기시킨다. This essay reflects the nature of humanities by looking into the dignity of humanities displayed in Elise Johanna Shepping"s missionary life in the light of Karl Barth"s theological exposition. While finding Barth"s and Shepping"s common understanding of the nature of humanities both in a solidarity with fellow human beings and in the unity of humiliation and exaltation manifested through the reconciliation of Jesus Christ, the author attempts to show that Christian life participating in the kingdom of God and the mission of God in the world as God"s covenant partner is the embodiment of humanities. Shepping"s life of evangelism, education, medical works, and social works can be regarded as a model of the embodiment of the dignity of humanities based on a solidarity with fellow human beings and the unity of humiliation and exaltation, as Barth"s theological explication shows. In addition, Shepping"s life reminds us of the public calling and responsibility for the gospel of the kingdom of God which the Christian community should embody in terms of taking part in the mission of God in the world.

      • 한국여자프로골프(KLPGA Tour)의 서비스품질 요인이 갤러리 만족도에 미치는 영향

        박형국 ( Park Hyung-kook ),신상현 ( Shin Sang-hyun ) 인천대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2017 스포츠科學硏究誌 Vol.30 No.0

        In this study, focused on analysis of influence of KLPGA Tour gallery satisfaction factors on willingness to revisit. The empirical analysis using a statistical methodology is conducted to diagnose the adhesion to regions and improvements of service quality. The findings show the relationship of service quality factor-gallery’ satisfaction-intention to revisit-intention to recommend. It is determined that this should be importantly deal with, in order to enhance their satisfaction and intention to revisit and recommend. Moreover, from the path analysis, it is found that there are effects of co-prosperity among regions, golf course and Tour. The KLPGA Tour has been held while making Tour across golf course that meet certain requirements. In the process, gallery usually visit golf course including round that they have never experienced, or necessarily visit some regions to which they have never went. This results in increase of influx of outsiders who do not reside in the regions, which is favorable for local Tourism. From the empirical analysis, it is also found that the gallery who are satisfied with the KLPGA Tour are willing to revisit the regions. Thus, the KLPGA Tour is can be determined to have positive effects on related industries and also contribute to local effects such as local tourism and publicity. In conclusion, the KLPGA Tour have positive effects on regions, golf course and gallery, which is supported by various results of the empirical analysis.

      • KCI등재

        바르트의 계시해석에 나타나는 탈(脫)형이상학적 현존의 사유

        박형국 ( Hyung Gug Park ) 한국조직신학회 2011 한국조직신학논총 Vol.29 No.-

        The reestablishment of a mutual relationship between being[s] and thought without total presence and mastery matters. In this paper, we propose to pay attention to the significance of emerging post-metaphysical thinking of presence to avoid the mastery of being[s] by a totalizing human metaphysical thought, that is, what Derrida calls "metaphysics of presence." From such a post-metaphysical perspective, we attempt to interpret Karl Barth`s conception concerning the mediation of revelation as a theological form of the post-metaphysical thinking of presence. To elucidate what Barth tries to reformulate the presence of God`s being in his conception as to the mediation of revelation against the backdrop of the modern metaphysical thought of presence, we shall look into the post-metaphysical thinking of presence by Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Marion as a convex mirror, bearing their divergence in mind. Our strategy for a Barth-Derrida/Marion parallel is twofold: on the one hand, we attempt to illuminate the post-metaphysical thrust of Barth`s critique of modern "religionism" based on the conception of the analogia entis in the light of Derrida`s and Marion`s critique of "metaphysics of presence." We would like to highlight Barth`s critique of the problem of the Cartesian "metaphysics of presence" foundational to modern "religionism." In other words, Barth is highly problematic with the inevitable eclipse of the otherness of God`s being by the direct or immediate economy of presence of self-consciousness. On the other hand, we try to elucidate Barth`s analogicallyoriented dialectical thinking concerning the mediation of revelation in the light of both Marion`s post-metaphysical thought concerning "the phenomenon" and "excessive givenness" and Derrida`s post-metaphysical thought about "the text" and "aporetic differance." Both Derrida and Marion would investigate the economy of presence free from some structural deterioration of the presence of beings to which Western "metaphysics of presence" has supposedly given rise and as its sequel the problem of the domestication of the otherness of beings. While Derrida suggests the post-metaphysical conception of presence in terms of the aporetic gift taking after textua "differance," Marion proposes the post-metaphysical economy of presence in terms of the excessive gift resembling phenomenal "givenness." However, their approaches are quite different. Derrida tries to make the direct or immediate self-presence of beings impossible by arguing for the represence of beings via the text as a medium. Marion proposes the mode of the presence of beings in terms of "the saturated phenomenon" as "pure givenness" through the excess of intuition over intention or concepts. However, in spite of their difference, both Derrida and Marion go hand in hand in laying out the economy of presence that honors the alterity of beings as the other without their assimilation into human thought through the immediate economy of presence. In the meantime, when Barth deploys the threefold form of the Word of God as the mediation of revelation in The Gottingen Dogmatics and Church Dogmatics, his primary concern is to secure the indirect economy of presence different from the immediate presence of the being of God via self-consciousness. Barth argues that God`s revelation is mediated through signs-giving in terms of the analogia fidei rather than the analogia entis. Barth`s point is that the r e-presence of God`s being in terms of the linguistic or semiotic mediation is a viable path to shield the otherness of God`s being, while eluding the total presence of the Cartesian metaphysical thought of presence based on self-consciousness. In this way, Barth`s thinking regarding the re-presence of God`s being seems to converge into Derrida`s post-metaphysical thinking as to the re-presence of reality in terms of the generalized text. In addition, what is noticeable in Barth`s thinking of the mediation of revelation is an evolving idea that "God gives himself" (the being of God) to the economy of presence. Barth`s theological conception of the divine gift is a postmetaphysical mode of presence entirely different from the modern metaphysics of subjectivity in that Barth`s conception of divine subjectivity is a giving subject in terms of the presence of the gift rather than a constructing subject in terms of self-presence. Barth`s emphasis on the primordiality of the presence of the gift of the being of God in the knowledge of God tends to be resonant with a certain fundamental feature of Marion`s phenomenological thinking of the excessive presence of the gift in terms of "pure givenness" or "the saturated phenomenon." For Marion, the phenomenon is fundamentally the presence of the gift rather than self-presence. Thus, Barth`s theological economy of divine presence seems to converge into Marion`s thinking of phenomenological presence in terms of their common emphasis on the primordiality of the gift of being[s].

      • KCI등재

        산세라인 자동화를 위한 농도 측정 시스템 개발

        박형국(Hyoung-Kuk Park),이종현(Jong-Hyun Lee),노일환(Ill-Hwan Noh) 제어로봇시스템학회 2013 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.19 No.10

        This paper proposes the development of a new method for online analysis which measured acid concentration in a pickling line. Pickling is the most important step to remove surface scale layers and is strongly depending on the exactly controlled pickling liquor composition. Today, there is no feasible system available for the online control of pickling lines. Within this paper, new methods for online analysis of pickling liquors have been tested and implemented into an overall pickling process control tool. This method measured simultaneously the hydrochloric acid and iron ion concentration in a solution of hydrochloric acid by measuring the ultrasonic speed, the solution temperature, and the electrical conductivity. Experimental results showed excellent precision and the measurement error was ± 2 g / l compared with the neutralization titration measurement.

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