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      • KCI등재

        수경재배 잎들깨의 생육과 수량에 미치는 코이어 배지의 혼합비율 효과

        박평식,박종원,현혜경,김현숙,함수상,김학헌,최효길 한국환경과학회 2024 한국환경과학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        This study aimed to determine the most suitable coir substrate mixing ratio for optimizing the growth and yield of the “lpduelkkae 1” cultivar. We comprehensively analyzed the physicochemical properties, growth, and yields of four different substrate combinations: perlite (coir with mixing ratios of 70:30 (PC30), 50:50 (PC50), and 30:70 (PC70)) and 100% coir (C100). The results revealed substantial differences in substrate properties. C100 exhibited the highest total porosity and the lowest solid phase, indicating excellent air permeability. The pH levels and electrical conductivity (EC) values ranged from 5.4-6.8 and 1.2-3.1 dS·m-1, respectively. Leaf growth parameters, including length, width, and dry weight, showed positive correlations with high coir ratios, except for PC30. PC70 and C100 outperformed other substrates in stem growth, exhibiting superior stem diameter and fresh and dry weights. The quantity of marketable leaves was the highest in the C100 substrate. Furthermore, C100 comprised integrated levels of essential nutrients, such as Ca and Mg, owing to its high coir content. In conclusion, a coir ratio of approximately 70% (v/v) should be maintained in the substrate for creating an optimal cultivation environment. Furthermore, the selection of humidity-resistant varieties as well as precise nutrient and moisture management for different seasons and growth stages are crucial for a successful perilla leaf hydroponic cultivation.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮前期 開城商人의 商業活動

        朴平植 조선시대사학회 2004 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.30 No.-

        This paper studied the Gaesung(開城) Merchants' commercial activities in the early Chosun(朝鮮) Dynasty from a viewpoint of domestic commerce and foreign trade, being based on the commercial environment in Gaesung. The Gaesung Merchants of the early Chosun Dynasty had been competing with Seoul Merchants for both the domestic and international commerce rights, utilizing the historical experiences of the commercial culture formed out of Koryŏ(高麗) on the basis of the commercially peculiar surroundings of Gaesung which had been called ‘commercial city’ since the foundation of Chosun Dynasty. In this process, despite the commercial policy of ‘Restraining Commercewhich Chosun government had advocated and emphasized, overcoming it, they learned to form the commercial organization that was characterized as the credit and banding together. They, consequently, accumulated an enormous fortune to be equal to Seoul Merchants. In the long run, this aspect that the Gaesung Merchants showed in the commercial history of early Chosun reflected the position of the economic category which commerce couldn't help having in disrelation to Restraining Commerce’ of Chosun government and socio-function of merchants. Moreover, such Gaesung commerce and Gaesung Merchants' positions not only proved that the commercial tradition of Koryŏ had not been extinguished in the Chosun which looked on Neo-Confucian Metaphysics(性理學) as Nation-ideological study, but also must have been the historical assumption both the domestic commerce and foreign trade development in the late Chosun.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우즈베키스탄에 대한 농업투자환경 조사

        박평식,박승용,유홍섭,이상덕 한국국제농업개발학회 2009 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.21 No.4

        The food problem is one of the big issues causing international economic crisis. The world's grain consumption has surpassed the supply, it is expected that the price of grains will continue to increase. Korea has achieved self-sufficiency of rice, but that of other grains is very low such as wheat, corn and soybean. Korea is one of the world's largest grain importers, Consequently, Korea should exert great effort to prepare for food security. This paper aims to investigate the agricultural situation of Uzbekistan in Central Asia to secure food production base. Uzbekistan has relatively vast land resource and development potential. Furthermore, it is a main exporter of wheat and cotton. Uzbekistan is interested in agricultural development, but it needs high technology and capital investment from Korea. The Korean government should closely observe the world's supply and demand situation, plan policies to diversify import sources, to maintain and expand the domestic production base, and to secure overseas grain production base. Korea needs to develop the overseas food production base such as Uzbekistan which has much potential, and increase investment for research to implement the self-sufficiency. The areas with possibility for investment in Uzbekistan's agriculture are as follows ; agricultural product processing, green house facilities, irrigation system and water-saving technique, advanced agricultural technology co-operation, and etc. Investment on research and development for the foreign agriculture should proceed vigorously. 식량안보 차원에서 해외 식량기지 건설을 추진하기 위해서는 투자수익률이 낮고 자본 회수기간이 긴 농업개발의 특성상장기적인 관점에서 대상지역과 작물에 대한 충분한 사전검토와 전략을 수립하여 진출해야 한다. 정부는 진출국가와의 협약체결, 제도적 및 외교적 지원, 기술 정보 제공, 금융지원 등의 역할을 담당하고, 민간이나 공기업이 철저한 사전 타당성조사를 하고 착수해야 할 것이다. 토지자원과 에너지 자원이풍부한 중앙아시아 진출을 위해서는 내륙국가라는 점을 충분히 고려하여 충분한 준비가 필요하다. 특히 현지조사단을 구성할 때는 농작물 재배기술과 생산기반, 농업경영 전문가가 반드시 포함되도록 하고, 대상작물의 건조·저장·가공 등 수확후 처리방안을 중점적으로 검토하여, 유통인프라가 확보되어야 위험관리 측면에서도 효과적으로 생산할 수 있을 것이다. 앞으로 해외 식량기지 확보를 위한 기술적 지원연구도 강화되어야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 그동안 우리에게 정보가 부족했던 중앙아시아 농업의 중심 국가인 우즈베키스탄에 대한 농산업 투자진출 가능성을 중심으로 농업환경여건을 개괄적으로 살펴보았다. 이 연구로 중앙아시아 농업연구의 첫걸음을 내디뎠다고 할 것이며, 오랜 기간동안의 사회주의 시스템에서 개방화로 이행하고 있는 농업구조 발전문제나 농산물 유통시장, 분야별 농업기술 수준, 농업노동 관행, 농업유전자원 등 공동연구 및 협력분야, 농산물 수출입 관행 및 제도적인 측면 등 다음 연구과제로 남긴 다. 총론에 이어 앞으로 각론적인 분야별 심층연구가 이어지길 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        A Confucian State and Its Commerce: The Commerce of Early Chosŏn Revisited

        박평식 고려대학교 한국사연구소 2020 International Journal of Korean History Vol.25 No.2

        This research engages the criticism and concerns on the current struc-ture of understandings prevalent in academic studies of the early Chosŏn commercial history conducted in Korea and overseas. In contrast to the prevailing viewpoint regarding the fifteenth and six-teenth century commerce in Chosŏn, it is yet to be thoroughly examined whether it was indeed a time of commercial stagnation, so much as that it had created a self-sufficient natural economy. Moreover, in the advance of ‘the age of commerce’ in a global perspective, what is also not yet de-termined is whether Chosŏn was undeniably alienated from or intentionally distanced itself from joining this global trend, and as an exemplary Confucian state, kept this pro-agricultural feature of denying the mere existence of commerce and suppressed any kind of development for as long as two centuries. Since the end of the Koryŏ Dynasty, commerce in Chosŏn, after having been restructured in accordance with the Confucian order at the beginning of the state, continued to adapt and develop internally while also expanding contact and trade with China and Japan. Chosŏn’s commercial development became more prominent in the sixteenth century. During this period, there had been commercial expansion and development in the capital, the emergence of non-licensed merchants and their pressuring of the original licensed market, or sijŏn, in the form of nanjŏn, the appearance of local markets and their country-wide dispersion, the circulation of a quasi-nominal crude cotton cloth currency, or ch’up’o, as a means of exchange leading to the development of a ‘ch’up’o economy’, and merchants actively engaging in foreign trade between China and Japan by intermediating Chinese luxury goods and Japanese silver. These points have gone unnoticed in the existing literature of historical studies in Korea and elsewhere. Undoubtedly, Chosŏn merchants vibrantly and purposefully engaged in commercial activities in the era of commerce that began to form from the sixteenth century at the level of global history including East Asia. Therefore, Chosŏn, as a Confucian state and an agricultural society, experienced a historical progression in commercial perceptions and poli-cies which can be organized into three phases; from (I) the promoting of the root [agriculture] and the constraining of the branch [commerce] to (II) the adopting of commerce to supplement agriculture, and finally, to (III) the building of a nation state upon commerce and industry. The de-tailed aspects of Chosŏn commerce in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries illustrated in this paper describe the typical features of phase (I), and the conditions in the transitional period from phase (I) to phase (II). 본고는 한국사학계와 세계 역사학계의 조선전기 상업사 이해 체계에 대한 비판과 문제의식 속에서 작성되었다. 한국사에서 15∼16세기는 상업이 부진하고 침체하여, 이른바 ‘자급자족’의 자연경제가 펼쳐졌던 시기였을까? 더욱이 당시 세계사 차원에서 이른바 ‘상업의 시대’가 발흥하였던 시기에, 조선 사회는 이 같은 흐름에서 소외되거나 아니면 스스로 이를 거부하면서, 전형적인 유교 국가로서 상공업을 부정하고 억압하는 농업사회의 면모를 이 시기 내내 고수하고 있었을까? 고려 말 이래 조선 상업은 국초의 유교적 재편성 과정을 거쳐 그 내적인 변동과 발전을 추진하는 가운데, 그리고 중국과 일본 등 주변 나라들과의 접촉과 교역을 통해서 그 변화를 지속하고 있었다. 특히 16세기에 들어서는 그 발달상이 더욱 두드러졌다. 이 시기 도성 상업의 확대와 발전, 비시전계 사상인의 등장과 ‘난전’으로서 시전 압박, 지방 장시의 출현과 전국 확산, 교환수단으로서 준명목화폐인 추포의 통용과 ‘추포경제’의 진전, 그리고 중국의 사치품과 일본산 은을 활용하여 양국을 잇는 중계무역을 통해 대외무역에 적극 나서고 있던 조선 상인들의 모습 등은 모두 한국 또는 세계 역사학계의 평가와는 전혀 다른 양상들이었다. 당대 동아시아를 무대로 펼쳐지던 상업의 시대에 조선 상업과 상인들 역시 능동적이고 주체적으로 참여하고 있었던 것이다. 요컨대, 유교 국가이자 농업사회인 조선에서 상업은 (Ⅰ) ‘무본억말’ 단계 → (Ⅱ) ‘이말보본’ 단계 → (Ⅲ) ‘상공업입국’의 단계로 역사적인 진행을 하였으며, 그 중 15∼16세기의 상업은 (Ⅰ)단계 조선 상업의 전형이자 장차 (Ⅱ)단계로 전환되는 과도의 시기에 해당하는 것이었다.

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