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        한국판 노인용 기호잇기검사의 유용성: 전두엽 기능 장애의 탐지

        박재설,강연욱,이한승,김윤중,마효일,이병철 대한치매학회 2007 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.6 No.1

        This study was conducted to determine the usefulness of the newly developed Korean Trail Making Test for the elderly (K-TMT-e) in detecting frontal lobe dysfunction. The subjects were 43 Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and 43 normal elderly (NE) volunteers. The subjects were given the K-TMT-e along with other frontal/executive tests such as Digit Span Test, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test-Copy, Contrasting Program Test, Go-No-Go Test, Controlled Oral Word Association Test, Korean-Color Word Stroop Test, and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. As scoring variables of the K-TMT-e, "time-to-completion" and the number of errors for each part were recorded. In addition, the difference in time-to-completion between two parts (B-A) and the ratio of the time-to-completion of two parts (B/A) were computed. The PD group showed significantly longer "time-to-completion" for Part B and greater "B-A" than the NE group. However, there were no significant differences in "number of errors" of each part and "B/A" between the two groups. Partial correlation analyses, which controlled for age and education level, were conducted to examine the relationships between the K-TMT-e and other frontal lobe tests in each group. Significant correlations were found between the K-TMT-e and most frontal lobe tests in both groups. Notably, "B-A" showed significant correlations with the greatest number of frontal lobe tests in both groups. Our results showed that the K-TMT-e is sensitive enough to detect the frontal lobe dysfunction in patients with early stage PD who have not progressed to dementia. Therefore, it suggests that the K-TMT-e is a very useful and valid instrument to evaluate frontal lobe function.

      • KCI등재

        Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE)과 Hasegawa’s Dementia Scale(HDS)의 점수 차이의 의미

        박재설,강연욱,유경호,이병철 한국임상심리학회 2010 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.29 No.1

        The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE; Folstein et al., 1975) and the Revised Hasegawa’s Dementia Scale (HDS-R; Imai & Hasegawa, 1994) have been widely used for screening dementia in both clinic and community settings. Although in most people, MMSE scores are usually somewhat higher than HDS-R scores, in the dementia clinic, there were cases of HDS-R scores being much lower than MMSE scores and vice versa This study was conducted to examine the cognitive characteristics of the patients who showed significantly lower or higher HDS-R scores as compared to the MMSE. A total of 2053 neurological patients were administered both the MMSE and the HDS-R along with a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery (Seoul Neuropsychological Screening Battery, SNSB). Eighty-four percent of the total patients had higher scores on the MMSE than on the HDS-R. The mean difference in scores between the MMSE and HDS-R was 3.64±3.10. Based on this score, patients whose HDS-R score was lower than their corresponding MMSE score by seven or more points were selected for the “HDS-R Low group” (n=330). Alternatively patients whose HDS-R score was equal to or higher their corresponding MMSE score were selected for the “HDS-R High group” (n=399). Further patients who exhibited a mean difference score (3~4 points) were selected for the “Average difference group” (n=458). Although there were significant differences in the HDS-R scores among the groups, three groups did not show any differences with respect to MMSE scores. Further, there were significant correlations between the difference scores and the subtests for verbal & visual memory, frontal/executive function, and language in the SNSB. These subtests explained about 20% of the total variance for the difference in scores. The “Low” group exhibited significantly lower performance than the other two groups on these subtests. Together, the results suggest that the size of the difference between the MMSE and HDS scores may provide a clue regarding the cognitive profile of dementia patients. Therefore, it is recommended that both the both the MMSE and HDS be administered together. This would allow for the gathering of a substantial amount of information in a relatively short time period, which is beneficial in dementia screening.

      • KCI등재

        치매환자 보호자에 의해서 보고된 알츠하이머치매와 혈관치매의 증상: 한국판 치매설문지 제작을 위한 기초연구

        박재설,류경희,강연욱,나덕렬 한국임상심리학회 2008 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.27 No.2

        As the number of elderly people increases, so does the number of dementia patients. There has never been a stronger imperative to develop instruments for dementia screening. The present study represents a preliminary stage in the construction of a Korean Dementia Questionnaire (KDQ) for use in the screening of dementia in clinical settings or epidemiological surveys. The family members of 86 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 57 patients with vascular dementia (VD) were interviewed individually. They were asked to report the cognitive, emotional, and physical symptoms that they had observed in their everyday contact with their patient relatives. A total of 299 dementia symptoms were reported by family members are reviewed, and 33 items were selected as preliminary items for the KDQ. When these 33 items were used to compare symptoms observed in AD and VD, valuable information was provided about the differentiation and severity of these two types of dementia. The results confirmed the clinical validity and utility of a KDQ consisting of 33 items selected in the present study. The need for a follow-up study to collect normative data on healthy elderly subjects is indicated, if the KDQ is to be used as an effective screening tool for dementia.

      • KCI등재

        알쯔하이머형 치매와 혈관성 치매의 시공간구성능력의 비교: Rey Complex Figure Test의 반응을 중심으로

        박재설,강연욱,진주희,나덕렬 한국임상심리학회 2005 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.24 No.3

        The present study was conducted to examine the differences of visuoconstructive functioning between dementia of the Alzheimer's type (DAT) and vascular dementia (VaD) according to the severity of dementia. The Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) was administered to 98 DAT, 63 VaD, and 102 healthy elderly (NC). Three groups did not differ in age and education. There was no difference between DAT and VaD in the severity of dementia assessed by the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR) and Korean-Mini Mental State Examination. Copy trial of the RCFT was scored based on Taylor's classical 18-units scoring system and the Bernstein- Waber's Developmental Scoring System (DSS). DAT and VaD did not differ on the total copy score and all the measures of DSS (organization, style, and error), whereas these two groups showed significant deficits compared with NC. Each dementia group was divided into 3 subgroups based on the CDR score; very mild (0.5), mild (1.0), and moderately (2.0) demented groups. Progressive impairments of visuoconstructive functioning were found in DAT, as the severity of dementia increased. More distortions or omissions of the configurational structures and left-side part were found in “mild” than “very mild” DAT, whereas more deficits in internal details and right-side part were found in “moderate” than “mild” DAT. A significant deterioration in visuoconstructive functioning in VaD was also found, as the severity of dementia increased. Unlike the DAT, however, there was no difference between “very mild” and “mild” VaD, whereas moderately demented VaD showed more deficits in configurational structures than “mild” VaD. These results were also confirmed by the analyses based on the DSS. This study suggests that there would be significant differences in the deterioration process of visuoconstructive functioning between the DAT and the VaD.

      • KCI등재

        청년 일자리 창출을 위한 특례보증의 성과 연구 : 광주⋅충남신용보증재단을 중심으로

        박재설(Jae-Seol Park),배진성(Jin-Sung Bae) 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2019 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.9 No.9

        지역경제 성장과 관련 지역의 청년실업을 낮추는 정책은 매우 중요하다. 많은 지자체에서는 지역 경제 활성화를 위해 청년들에게 다양한 지원 정책을 펴고 있다. 그 중에서도 지자체의 출연을 받고 있는 광주재단은 지역 내 청년창업가들을 위해 200억원의 청년창업 특례보증을 시행하였다. 충청남도는 충남재단을 통해 도내 청년 실업률 해소와 청년 창업 활성화를 위해 ‘충남형 청년아름가게 소상공인자금 지원 사업’을 2014년 말부터 시행하였다. 두 재단의 특례보증에 대한 설문 및 투입산출 분석 결과, 청년들의 안정적인 경영환경을 조성하고, 창업을 촉진하는 등, 청년창업자의 사업의욕을 고취시키고 자생력을 제고시키는 성과를 달성한 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 특례보증은 일반보증과 달리 공공성과 위험성이 높은 분야에 집중할 필요성도 제기되는 만큼 두 재단 모두 청년 창업에 있어 도소매업과 음식숙박업과 같은 생계형 창업에 집중된 것은 지양할 과제이다. 특히, 청년들에게 창업의 기회를 확보하고 성장의 마중물 역할을 할 수 있는 청년창업 자금은 지속적으로 확대할 필요가 있다. 이와 함께 신용도가 높은 청년창업자에 대한 쏠림현상을 해소해야 할 것이다. 앞으로도 중앙정부와 지방정부는 청년창업자의 적정 공급규모를 산출하고, 안정적이고 지속적인 청년 일자리 창출은 위한 자금이 공급될 수 있어야 할 것이다. Policies that reduce regional economic growth and youth unemployment in the relevant areas are very important. Many region governments are implementing various support policies for young people to revitalize the regional economy. Among other things, the Gwangju Foundation, which is receiving contributions from region governments, provided 20 billion won in special guarantees for young entrepreneurs in the region, with 2 billion won in compensation from the city government. Chungcheongnam-do also implemented the Chungnam-type Youth Beauty Shop project from the end of 2014 through the Chungnam Foundation to help ease youth unemployment in the province and revitalize youth start-ups. The survey and input-output analysis of the two foundations showed that they achieved achievements in encouraging young start-ups desire to do business and enhancing self-sustaining power by creating a stable management environment and promoting start-up. However, unlike general guarantees, it is also necessary to focus on areas of high public nature and risk, so it is a matter to be avoided that both foundations are focused on youth start-ups such as wholesale and retail and food and lodging. In particular, it is necessary to continuously expand the funds for youth start-ups that can secure opportunities for start-ups and serve as a catalyst for growth. At the same time, the government will have to address its focus on young startups with high credit ratings. In the future, the central and local governments will have to calculate the proper supply scale of young start-ups, and funds will be available for stable and sustained job creation for young people.

      • SCOPUS

        혈관성 치매와 알츠하이머형 치매의 단어 유창성 비교

        박재설(Jaeseol Park),강연욱(Yeonwook Kang),장은주(Eun Joo Chang),오은아(Euna Oh),유경호(Kyung Ho Yu),이병철(Byuug Chul Lee) 한국언어청각임상학회 2006 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.11 No.3

        본 연구는 혈관성 치매 환자들(VD)과 알츠하이머형 치매 환자들(DAT)의 단어 유창성을 비교하여 단어 유창성 검사에서 요구되는 인지과정인 군집화와 전환에 두 치매 집단이 어떤 결함을 지니고 있는지를 알아보고자 수행되었다. 치매 집단은 치매의 초기 단계에 속하는 37명의 VD와 44명의 DAT로 구성되었고 66명의 정상 노인(NE)이 통제집단으로 참여하였다. 대상자들에게는 의미(동물)와 음소(ㄱ,ㅇ,ㅅ) 유창성 검사를 실시하였고, 각 검사에서 4개의 점수(정반응 수, 군집 크기, 전환 수 및 오류 수)를 산출하였다. 그 결과, VD와 DAT는 모두 치매의 초기부터 단어 유창성 검사에서 정상노인들보다 현저하게 낮은 수행을 나타내지만 군집화와 전환의 결함 여부 및 결함이 나타나는 시점은 서로 다르다는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 이 결과가 VD와 DAT의 변별에 어떤 함의를 가지는지 논의하였다. The present study was conducted to examine the deficits of clustering and switching processes on the semantic and phonemic fluencies in 57 vascular dementia(VD), 44 Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type(DAT), and 66 normal elderly(NE). All the patients were in very mild to mild level of dementia (CDR≤1.0). The subjects were given the tests of phonemic(ㄱ, ㅇ, ㅅ) and semantic fluency(animals). The following 4 types of scores were obtained from each test: (a) total number of words generated, excluding errors; (b) mean clustering size; (c) number of switches; and (d) number of errors (repetitions and intrusion). The results found that both VD and DAT, even at the early stages of dementia, showed significantly lower performance on the verbal fluency test than the NE did. The types and timing of deficits in clustering and switching processed between two dementia groups. We discussed their implications on the differentiation between VD and DAT.

      • KCI등재

        종합관측부이 개발 및 실시간 관측기술

        재설,이동영,우선,광순 한국해안해양공학회 1999 한국해안해양공학회 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        장기간의 해양 모니터링을 위해서는 종합관측부이를 국산화하여 활용하는 것이 요구된다. 이런 요구에 부응하여 한국과 비슷한 여건의 대만 성공대학과 공동연구를 통해 종합관측부이 제작기술을 도입하여 이를 한국에서 효율적으로 해양 환경 모니터링에 활용할 수 있게 발전·개선시켰다. 부이의 크기는 육상 운반과 해상 설치에 편리하도록 직경 2.5m로, NOAA의 3.0m 부이보다 작다. 부이의 동적특성을 수치모델로 해석하였는데, 주기가 4초 이상의 파랑을 관측하는 데는 문제가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 부이의 관측 및 제어 시스템을 개선하여 더 많은 관측센서를 부착할 수 있고, 전원 소모량을 줄이고 또 자료의 분석 및 관리 기능을 높혔다. 이 논문에서는 개선된 종합관측부이의 각 구성부분을 자세히 설명하였다. 종합관측부이는 풍향, 풍속,기온, 습도, 기압 및 파랑 등 기존의 해양 기상 요소에다 수온, 염분, DO, pH 및 탁도 등 해양환경 요소를 첨가하였다. 원해에 설치된 부이로부터 실시간 자료 전송을 위해 Inmarsat 위성통신 시스템을 이용하였다. 개선 제작된 부이는 포항 앞바다에서 1개월 간의 시범 운영을 통하여 계류, 자료 송신에 대한 성능 실험과 파랑자료를 검증하기 위하여 네덜란드의 Datawell사의 Wave-rider부이와 동시 관측 실험을 수행하였는데, 좋은 결과를 얻었다. It is desired to use a domestically manufactured ocean data buoy for the long-term operational ocean monitoring. The ocean data buoy manufacturing technology was introduced through the research cooperation with the Qingkong University of Taiwan. The introduced ocean data buoy system was further expanded and improved for more efficient application for the marine environmental monitoring in Korea. The size of the ocean data buoy is 2.5 m in diameter, which is smaller compared to the NOAA's 3.0 m discus buoy to allow easy land transportation and ocean deployment as well. From the dynamic response test of the buoy carried out numerically, it was shown that the measurement of waves with period greater than 4 seconds is acceptable. The measurement and control system of the data buoy were improved to increase the number of measuring parameters, to reduce power consumption and to enhance better data analysis and management. Each component of the improved data buoy system was described in detail in this paper. Water quality sensors of water temperature, salinity, DO, pH and turbidity were added to the system in addition to the marine meteorological sensors of wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, air pressure and wave. Inmarsat satellite communication system is used for the real-time data telemetry from the buoy deployed offshore. A field performance test of the improved and domestically manufactured buoy was carried out for a month at the open sea off Pohang together with DatawelI's Wave-rider buoy to compare the wave data. The results of the test were satisfactory.

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