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        성인 교정환자의 치험 예

        박양호(Yang-ho Park),천세환(Se-hwan Cheon),이규홍(Kyu-hong Lee),황용인(Yong-in Hwang),김윤지(Yoon-ji Kim),김선아(Seon-ah Kim) 대한치과의사협회 2007 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.45 No.12

        노화가 진행되고 있는 중, 장년층의 교정치료시에 통상적인 교정치료의 방법과 함께 다음과 같은 사항을 고려하여야 한다. 1. 치주질환 존재시 교정치료전 치주치료를 선행하여야 한다. 2. 발치 치료가 필요할 경우 치주 상태 및 치아 상태를 고려하여 발치할 치아를 선정하여야한다. 3. 기존 보철물 존재시 보철물의 상태, 고정원으로 사용여부, 크기 조절 필요 여부, 환자의 경제적 상황 등을 고려하여 처치한다. 4. 치료 종료 후 가철식 유지장치보다는 고정식 보정장치를 이용하여 치아의 유지력을 보강하는 것이 권장된다. Recently orthodontics in elderly people is continually increasing due to aging of the society arising from decrease of birth rate as well as death rate. As the elderly population grows, needs for oral health care increases, and elderly patients with poor teeth alignment need more attention with orthodontic treatment. Our study analyzes various treatment protocols for different cases of aged orthodontic patients, and following are considerations in orthodontic treatment of elderly patients. 1. Periodontal treatment should be preceded before orthodontic treatment. 2. Periodontal condition should be considered when selecting teeth for extraction 3. In dealing with the residual prosthesis, condition of prosthesis, anchorage availability, and need for size reduction, patient seconomic status should be taken into consideration. 4. Fixed retainers are recommended for retention.

      • KCI등재

        Changes of Ascorbic Acid and Nitrate Content in Lettuce by Unbalanced Nutrient Solution

        박양호,이기상,장병춘,So Hyeon Park,Jae Hong Park,Ju Young Lee 한국작물학회 2006 Korean journal of crop science Vol.51 No.1

        This study was to verify that the uptake inhibition and accumulation of nitrogen in different potassium levels. Lettuce was used as model plant in this study and grown in pot of 10cm’s in diameter and depth with mixture media of vermiculite and perlite under supply of different culture solution for three weeks. Nitrogen absorption at root was inhibited by increased potassium concentration in nutrient solution, and nitrate accumulation of plant was depended on absorption of nitrogen because nitrate content of 0 K level was 4-5 times higher than that of 2 K level, Concentration of ascorbic acid was decreased by increasing the nitrogen absorption, since ascorbic acid (AsA) content of 2K level was higher than those of 0K level in both of old leaf and flesh leaf.

      • KCI등재

        급성메탄올중독사고, 왜 발생했으며, 그 대책은 무엇인가?

        정선 ( Jungsun Park ),양호 ( Yangho Kim ),김수근 ( Soo Geun Kim ),종식 ( Jong-shik Park ),한보영 ( Boyoung Han ),정은교 ( Eun Kyo Chung ) 한국산업보건학회 (구 한국산업위생학회) 2016 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        Objectives: Acute methanol poisonings known to be typical occupational diseases occurring in developing countries broke out in sub-contract manufacturers in the early 2016. The present paper attempted to identify underlying causes which hide under apparent findings, and suggest alternative policies to prevent recurrence of similar intoxication Methods: We evaluated occupational health and safety characteristics of workers in micro-enterprises similar to workplaces with methanol poisoning by in depth-interview of employers, workers, and labor inspectors, and literature review. Results: The common findings of workplaces with methanol poisoning were addressed; First, the victims were illegal agency workers. Second, the workplaces were sub-contract micro-manufacturers with less than 5 employees. Investigators found that local ventilations did not work, while most of workers did not wear any proper personal respiratory protective equipment in the workplace. In addition, periodic environmental monitoring and medical check-ups were not done. However, these apparent findings do not appear to be root causes of methanol poisoning. Our in depth-analysis clarified a root cause; micro-enterprises with less than 5 employees are exempted with essential regulations of OSH Act, and employers do not know about OSH Act. Conclusions: We suggest occupational health policies to prevent recurrence of similar intoxication; First, government should introduce programs so that all employers should know about employers` responsibilities in OSH Act from the start of business. Second, even manufacturers with less than 5 employees should not be exempted with essential regulations of OSH Act. Finally, employers should take responsibilities for health and safety of all the workers including agency workers working in workplaces.

      • KCI등재

        지역간 균형성장을 위한 지역정책의 효과분석

        박양호(Yang Ho Park),김학훈(Hak Hoon Kim) 한국지역학회 1994 지역연구 Vol.10 No.1

        The most important objective of the national development policy in Korea is the balanced regional development through the mitigation of concentration to the Capital region and the further development of other regions. Although various national policies have been formulated so far, the consequences of such policies for the balanced regional development have been unsatisfactory. This paper attempted to estimate regional growth factors through regression method. According to the results of this study, the differentiated regional policy for promotion and regulation to the location of firms and colleges and technological development have been operated only partially but not comprehensively nor systematically. Especially, much of financial assistance has not been differentiated regionally. This study is expected to contribute to the formulation of the rational regional policy in future.

      • KCI등재

        포은 정몽주의 사행시에 나타난 문명의식

        박양호(Park, Yang-Ho) 포은학회 2021 포은학연구 Vol.27 No.-

        포은 정몽주는 역사적으로 대전환기였던 고려 말 수차례 명(明)과 일본을 다녀왔다. 뛰어난 외교가였을 뿐만 아니라 성리학자이자 시인이기도 했던 포은은 사행 중에 많은 시를 남겼다. 본고는 사행시를 중심으로 포은의 천하 인식과 문명에 대한 인식 양상을 고찰하고자 하였다. 포은은 공민왕이 반원 개혁정책으로 왕권 강화를 도모하던 시기에 관료 생활을 시작하였다. 공민왕의 친명 정책과 명 사행의 영향으로 포은은 친명 입장을 분명히 했다. 절반만 입경(入京)하였지만 6차례나 명 사행에 나서, 중원을 지배한 명나라의 강한 정세와 우수한 문물을 직접 경험했기 때문이다. 게다가 명은 한족이 세운 나라이므로 성리학적 사고에 비추어 볼 때 정통성도 갖추었다. 포은에게 명은 「원의 사신을 맞아들이지 말기를 청하는 소」에 표현한 것처럼 천하의 의주(義主)로 대접할 만한 대상이었다. 성리학에 기반한 명분론적 화이관과 경험을 바탕으로 형성된 형세·문화적 화이관에 따라, 포은은 명나라를 천하의 중심이자 문명 질서의 중심으로 인식하였다. 이는 사행 중에 지은 시에 잘 나타나는데, 명 사행시와 일본 사행시에 나타난 포은의 태도와 표현에는 사뭇 차이가 있다. 이에 본고에서는 포은의 문명의식을 둘로 나누어 정리하였다. 먼저 명 사행시를 살펴, 포은이 명을 중화 문명으로 인식하고 이를 따르려 하였음을 확인하였다. 포은은 명 방문과 황제와의 만남에 감격했고, 명의 화려하고 웅장한 모습에 감탄하였다. 또 명이 천하를 통일하였으니 태평한 시절이 오리라 희망하며, 중화와 이적이 한집안이 되었음을 여러 시에서 강조하였다. 명 중심의 문명 질서를 인식하고, 고려도 같은 질서를 따르고 있으니 중화와 다를 것이 없다는 문화적 동질감과 자부심을 표현한 것이다. 다음으로 일본 사행시 「홍무 정사년에 사명을 받들고 일본에 가서 지은 시」를 살펴, 오랑캐의 풍속이 남아 있는 일본에 대한 포은의 이질감과 우월감을 확인하였다. 일본에 머무르며 고향에 돌아가지 못하고 있는 자신의 처지, 향수(鄕愁), 낯선 풍속에 대한 이질감이 시 전체에 걸쳐 강하게 드러나 있었다. 포은은 중화 문명을 따르는 것에 자부심을 가지고 있었기에, 이민족의 문화에는 거리감을 느끼고 고향을 더욱 그리워하는 모습을 보인 것이다. Po-Eun, one of the newly emerging confucian bureaucrats in the late period of the Koryo dynasty, was highly knowledgeable in Neo-Confucianism, and had a deep consciousness of civilization. He also participated in the realpolitik actively by awakening the people, and expressed his deeds and emotions in his Chinese poems. The late period of Koryo in which Po-Eun took the office was unstable in domestic politics, and China was also unstable due to the transition period from the Yuan to the Ming dynasty. Po-Eun started to take office as ho passed the state examination in 1360 (the 9th year of King Gong Min rule). King Gong Min tried to reform politics with the idea of Ming-friendly policies, which Po-Eun supported. After King Gong Min was assassinated, he was banished because he made an appeal against influential families such as Lee In-Im trying to reopen the relationship with Yuan dynasty. Even though Po-Eun was a literati, he serviced in a war four times and traveled to China and Japan in disguise seven times. As a confucian scholar, Po-Eun had a Sino-center view, centering on Chinese culture built by Han people. He considered Ming dynasty Sino-center, praised advanced culture of Ming, and included his praise for Ming emperor, palace, and capital city in his poems he left when he traveled to China in disguise. However, this attitude was different from blind worship to the power in that he praised Ming dynasty only after he experienced extremely strong power and civilization of the Ming. Because of this, world view of Po-Eun is seen as situational and cultural Sino-centralism. Po-Eun, who had the consciousness of distinguishing Chinese people from barbarians based on culture, wrote many poems which emphasized that Koryo was not different from China in that Koryo people recognized and followed truth and virtue. On the other hand, his poems he wrote when he traveled to Japan revealed his sense of difference toward Japanese culture. In these poems, he expressed his longing for hometown and his sense of superiority of Koryo culture, which shows his sense of civilization.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 중립스키마 기반 모델링&시뮬레이션 상용소프트웨어 간의 상호운용성 구현에 관한 연구

        박양호(Yang Ho Park),강형석(Hyung Seok Kang),노상도(Sand Do Noh) (사)한국CDE학회 2014 한국 CAD/CAM 학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.2

        오늘날 제조업은 나날이 높아져가는 글로벌 경쟁의 장벽을 넘고, 세계화된 시장에서 살아남기 위한 생존 전략으로 PLM(Product Lifecycle Management), 디지털 가상 생산기술과 같은 엔지니어링 정보기술을 도입하고, 기업 통합을 통하여 경쟁력을 극대화함으로써 경쟁환경에서 승리하고 기업 활동을 영속하기 위해 투자를 아끼지 않고 있다. 그러나, 기업의 다양한 조직, 프로세스, 데이터, 어플리케이션을 고려할 때, 이를 통합하여 하나의 체계로 예측 불가능한 변화에 대한 대응력을 높이는 노력은 그 장점에 비해 산업계에 적용된 사례가 희소하다. 제조기업의 상호운용성을 구현하기 위해서는 기존 도입된 상용패키지, 인 하우스 어플리케이션을 포괄하여 통합하고 이를 자동화하는 체계적인 방법이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 제조 기업의 생산성을 극적으로 높일 수 있는 시뮬레이션 기술과 상호운용성에 대해 살펴보고, 중립스키마 기반의 상호운용성 구현에 대한 구체적인 방법론을 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

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