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        우유 중 아플라톡신 M<sub>1</sub> 오염도 조사연구

        박성국(Sung Kug Park),강영운(YoungWoon Kang),권기성(Kisung Kwon),이광호(GwangHo Lee),김미혜(Meehye Kim) 한국식품과학회 2012 한국식품과학회지 Vol.44 No.2

        본 연구에서 적용한 시험법의 회수율은 97.4-122.5%, 상대표준 편차(RSD)는 6%이내로서 적합한 시험법임을 확인하였다. 조사된 원유 및 시유의 검출농도는 아플라톡신 M<SUB>1</SUB>이 평균 29.6 ng/kg(5.4-72.7 ng/kg)로 나타났으며, 원유 및 시유에 대한 아플라톡신 M<SUB>1</SUB> 오염수준은 현행 식품공전에서 정한 허용기준치인 500 ng/kg 보다 낮은 안전한 수준인 것으로 판단된다. Raw milk samples (n=28) obtained from milk tanks in 3 dairy plants of different regions and commercial milks (n=100) were collected from six cities. These samples were analyzed for the level of aflatoxin M<sub>1</sub> contamination using immunoaffinity columns and high performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescent detectors. Confirmation of aflatoxin M<sub>1</sub> (AFM<sub>1</sub>) identified in positive samples was based on the formation of the hemiacetal derivative (AFM<sub>2</sub>a) after derivatization with trifluroacetic acid. The average concentrations of aflatoxin M<sub>1</sub> in the raw milks were 25.1 ng/kg, and those values in commercial milks were 29.8 ng/kg. The highest level of aflatoxin M<sub>1</sub> in milk was 72.7 ng/kg. These results showed that the contamination of aflatoxin M<sub>1</sub> in milks consumed in the Korea was quite low compared to the standard in Korea Food Code (aflatoxin M<sub>1</sub> 500 ng/kg).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        훈제식육식품 중 벤조피렌 함량 분석 및 안전성 평가

        조현경,김미혜,박성국,신한승,Cho, Hyoun-Kyoung,Kim, Mee-Hye,Park, Sung-Kug,Shin, Han-Seung 한국축산식품학회 2011 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.31 No.6

        훈제식육식품을 통한 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)의 대표독성물질인 benzo[a]pyrene의 위해도를 판단하기위해 시중에 유통되는 69개의 훈제식육식품을 통한 위해성을 평가하였다. 사용된 훈제식육식품은 훈제 치킨, 오리, 칠면조, 돼지 등이며 benzo[a]pyrene의 검출범위는 불검출-2.87 ${\mu}g$/kg이었고 평균 농도는 0.42 ${\mu}g$/kg로 나타났다. 2005 국민건강영양조사를 참고하여 만성1일인체노출량을 평가한 결과 훈제식육식품을 통한 노출량은 총 0.187 ng/kg B.W./d로 나타났다. 위해도 산출을 위하여 benzo[a]pyrene의 위상부암에 대한 BMDL값인 0.31-0.74 mg/kg B.W./d와 만성1일인체노출량을 이용하여 MOE를 구한결과 MOE는 1,657,754-3,957,219 수준으로 나타났다. Benzo[a]pyrene의 오염도는 식품의약품안전청에서 제시하는 기준규격인 5 ${\mu}g$/kg 이하로 나타나 훈제식육식품을 통한 benzo[a]pyrene의 노출정도는 안전한것으로 판단된다. The content of benzo[a]pyrene from 69 smoked meat products commonly consumed in Korean food market was analysed with high performance liquid chromatography. Smoked meat products including smoked chicken, pork, turkey and duck were saponified, extracted and cleaned up to analyze the benzo[a]pyrene content. As a result of analysis from smoked meat products, the mean benzo[a]pyrene content was 0.42 ${\mu}g$/kg and the highest content of benzo[a]pyrene was 2.87 ${\mu}g$/kg detected in smoked chicken product. All somked meat products contained benzo[a]pyrene below the limit regulated by Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). Exposure assessment of benzo[a]pyrene from smoked meat products ingestion was calculated by using National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHNS). The estimated lifetime average daily intake of benzo[a]pyrene was 0.187 ng/kg bw/d. Margin of exposure of benzo[a]pyrene was ranged from 1,657,754 to 3,957,219.

      • KCI등재

        국내 유통 두부류 및 묵류 중 중금속 함량

        김미혜,이윤동,박효정,박성국,이종옥,Kim, Mee-Hye,Lee, Yun-Dong,Park, Hyo-Jung,Park, Sung-Kug,Lee, Jong-Ok 한국식품과학회 2005 한국식품과학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        본 연구는 국내 유통되고 있는 두부류 총 175여건과 묵류 총 43건에 대하여 유도결합플라스마 분광기(ICP), 원자흡광광도계 (AAS), 수은분석기 등을 이용하여 납, 카드뮴 등 중금속 함량을 측정하였다 두부류 중 중금속의 최소치, 최대치 및 평균치는 수은 $0.1-8.2(0.3){\mu}g/kg$, 납 $ND-203.9(23.3){\mu}g/kg$, 카드뮴 $ND-46.0(8.1){\mu}g/kg$, 비소 $ND-61.3(0.7){\mu}g/kg$ 으로 나타났다. 또한 묵류중 중금속 함량은 수은 $0.1-1.3(0.3){\mu}g/kg$, 납 $ND-90.2(22.4){\mu}g/kg$, 카드뮴 $ND-31.0(3.7){\mu}g/kg$, 비소 $ND-23.6(1.1){\mu}g/kg$이었다, 본 연구결과, 우리나라 국민이 두부류 및 묵류를 통한 수은, 납, 카드뮴 섭취량은 FAO/WHO에서 설정한 잠정주 간섭취허용량의 각각 약 0.02% 0.3%, 0.3% 이하로 매우 낮은 수준이었다. Contents of heavy metals [mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As)] in 218 samples including soybean curds (n = 138), processed bean curds (n = 37), starch jellies (n = 33), and mixed starch jellies (n = 10) were determined using mercury analyzer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) or inductively coupled plasma spectrometer (ICP). Ranges and means of heavy metals in soybean curds and starch jellies were as follows [min-max (mean) values]: soybean curds -Hg $0.1-8.2(0.3)$, Pb not detectable (ND)-203.9(23.3),\ Cd ND-46.0 (8.1), and As ND-61.3 (0.7)${\mu}g/kg$, starch jellies-Hg 0.1-1.3(0.3)${\mu}g/kg$, Pb ND-90.2(22.4)${\mu}g/kg$, Cd ND-31.0(3.7) and As ND-23.6(1.1)${\mu}g/kg$. Daily intakes of Hg, Pb, and Cd from soybean curds and starch jellies were 0.001-0.3% of Provisional tolerable weekly intake established by FAO/WHO.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        식품 중 수은 위해평가

        최훈(Hoon Choi),박성국(Sung-Kug Park),김미혜(Meehye Kim) 한국식품과학회 2012 한국식품과학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        국내 식품의 수은 함량 실태를 검토하여 우리나라 국민의 중금속 노출수준에 따른 안전성을 평가하고자 하였다. 우리나라 국민 전체의 중금속 노출수준을 파악하기 위하여 Monte-Carlo simulation에 기반을 둔 확률론적(probabilistic) 위해평가를 실시하였다. 노출평가를 통해 추정된 인구집단의 식이를 통한 중금속 노출량으로부터 JECFA에서 제시한 PTWI 대비 위해도(%)를 산출하여 노출수준의 위해정도를 확인하였다. 본 연구에서 중금속 안전성 평가를 위한 대상 식품 선정은 식품의약품안전청에서 2000년대에 수행한 중금속 관련 연구과제 중 중금속 함량 원시자료가 확보된 178 식품 품목, 17,965건에 대하여 실시하였다. 식품 섭취량 및 체중은 질병관리본부에서 발간한 ‘국민건강영양조사 4기 2차년도(2008년)’ 자료를 활용하였다. 수은 함량은 농산물이 0.115(과실류)-45.448(버섯류) μg/kg이었고 육류는 3.723 μg/kg, 수산물은 9.344(극피ㆍ척색류)-194.914(어류) μg/kg, 가공식품에는 0.680(주류)-4.412(가공식품) μg/kg이었다. 식품을 통한 수은 섭취량은 4.29 μg/day으로 PTWI 대비 13.6% 수준이었으며, 극단(P95) 섭취량은 12.48 μg/day로 PTWI 대비 39.7% 수준이었다. 따라서, 우리나라 국민의 식이를 통한 수은 노출은 위해우려가 낮은 수준이었으며 이는 제외국과 유사하거나 낮은 수준이었다. The present study was conducted to assess the dietary exposure to mercury and the associated risks for Koreans resulting from their food intake. The probabilistic approach in the Monte Carlo simulation was used to estimate dietary exposures. Based on several reports regarding heavy metals published by KFDA in the 2000s, 178 types of representative foods were selected and data were collected on the occurrence of mercury. The contents of mercury in foods ranged: agricultural products 0.1 (fruits)-45.4 μg/kg (mushrooms), 3.7 μg/kg (meat), and 9.3 (Echinodermata, chordata)-194.9 μg/kg (fish). Others categories investigated were alcoholic beverages (0.7 μg/kg) and processed food (4.4 μg/kg). The mean and 95th percentile for exposure to dietary mercury were 4.29 and 12.48 μg/day, corresponding to 13.6% and 39.7% of PTWI (Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake), respectively. Therefore, overall level of mercury exposure for Koreans through food intake is below levels recommended by JECFA, indicating the least possibility of risk, and is less than or similar to levels reported in other countries.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        버섯류 중 납, 카드뮴 위해성 평가

        최훈(Hoon Choi),박성국(Sung-Kug Park),이범노(Bum-Noh Lee),김미혜(Meehye Kim) 한국식품과학회 2012 한국식품과학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        본 연구에서는 버섯류의 중금속 함량 실태조사를 통해 우리나라 국민이 식품으로써 버섯을 섭취할 경우 중금속 노출수준에 따른 위해성을 평가하였다. 버섯류의 중금속 함량 실태조사를 위해 국내 유통 중인 버섯류 17개 품목, 536건을 수거하였으며 버섯류 중 납 함량을 조사한 결과, 생물버섯은 평균 0.005(큰 느타리)-0.026(송이) mg/kg이었고 건조버섯은 평균 0.014(느타리)-16.411(석이) mg/kg이었다. 카드뮴 함량은 생물버섯의 경우 평균 0.002(팽이)-0.205(노루궁뎅이) mg/kg이었고 건조버섯은 평균 0.021(동충하초)-2.650(신령) mg/kg이었다. 따라서, 국내 유통 중인 버섯류의 중금속 함량은 타 문헌과 유사하거나 낮은 수준이었다. 노출 및 위해성 평가를 위해 버섯별 섭취를 통한 중금속 노출량을 산출한 후, Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives(JECFA)에서 설정한 PTWI 또는 PTMI값 대비 위해도를 평가하였다. 버섯 섭취로 인한 전체국민의 평균 납 노출량은 0.053 μg/day으로 PTWI 대비 0.03% 수준이었으며, 카드뮴 평균 노출량은 0.168 μg/day으로 PTMI 대비 0.37% 수준이었다. 따라서, 국내 유통되는 버섯을 식품으로써 섭취할 경우 전체국민의 중금속 평균 노출수준은 JECFA의 인체노출안전기준보다 낮은 위해도를 보임으로써, 우리나라 국민은 버섯에 존재하는 중금속의 위해성으로부터 안전한 것으로 사료된다. The present study was carried out in order to assess the dietary exposure as well as the risk for lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) exposure through mushrooms among the Korean population. Various samples (n=536) covering 17 kinds of mushrooms were collected from retail outlets and markets in Korea. The contents of Pb were 0.005 (King oyster)-0.026 (Matsutake) mg/kg in raw mushrooms and 0.014 (Oyster)-16.411 (Manna lichen) mg/kg in dry mushrooms, respectively. The contents of Cd were 0.002 (Enoki)-0.205 (Hericium erinaciium) mg/kg in raw mushrooms and 0.021 (Vegetable worms)-2.650 (Agaricus blazei Muill) mg/kg in dry mushrooms, respectively. The mean dietary exposure of Pb for the general population was 0.053 μg/day, taking 0.03% of provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI). The mean dietary exposure of Cd for the general population was 0.168 μg/day, corresponding to 0.37% of provisional tolerable monthly intake (PTMI). Therefore, the level of the overall dietary exposure to heavy metals through mushroom for the Korean population was far below the recommended JECFA levels, indicating little possibility of concern.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        농산물 중 비소 위해평가

        최훈 ( Hoon Choi ),박성국 ( Sung Kug Park ),김동술 ( Dong Sul Kim ),김미혜 ( Mee Hye Kim ) 한국환경농학회 2010 한국환경농학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        The present study was carried out to assess exposure & risk for Korean by total and inorganic As intake through agricultural products. Total arsenic analysis was performed using microwave device and ICP-MS. 50% MeOH extraction and anion-exchange HPLC-ICP-MS method has been used to determine arsenic species. 329 samples covering 20 kinds of agricultural products were collected from various retail outlets and markets across Korea. The concentration of total As was in the range of 0.001~0.718 mg/kg, while inorganic and organic arsenic species in all samples was not determined. For risk assessment, probable daily intake was calculated and compared with provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI, 15 μg/kg b.w./week for inorganic arsenic) established by JECFA. The median daily exposure to total and inorganic As by intake of agricultural products except rice was ranged 0.0002~0.012, 0.0001~0.001 μg/kg b.w./day, corresponding to 0.01~0.5%, 0.002~0.1% of PTWI, respectively. The median level of total and inorganic As intake through rice was 0.603 and 0.041 μg/kg b.w./day, and 28.1% and 1.9% of PTWI, respectively. Therefore, the level of overall exposure to arsenic for Korean through agricultural products was below the recommended JECFA levels, indicating of least possibility of risk.

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