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      • KCI등재

        전상돌기에 발생한 점액낭종 1예

        박병후,이근익,김해유,김용완 대한이비인후과학회 부산,울산,경남 지부회 2020 임상이비인후과 Vol.31 No.2

        Sinus mucocele is epithelial lined benign cystic lesion usually due to obstruction of the sinus ostia. It is commonly seen in frontal and ethmoidal sinus, although rarely, in sphenoid sinus. Anterior clinoid process is bony process on the superolateral aspect of the sphenoid sinus and its pneumatization is observed approximately 9.5% in sphenoid sinus. An anterior clinoid process mucoceles account for merely 1% of paranasal sinus mucoceles and can lead to optic neuropathy, or even dysfunction of third, fourth, sixth cranial nerves due to its proximity to optic canal. There have only been 19 cases of anterior clinoid mucocele causing visual disturbance. We report a case of mucocele in anterior clinoid process in a 53-year-old man who presented with visual disturbance and ocular pain 1week ago.

      • KCI등재

        중이강 내 발생한 상피내암 1예

        박병후,백무진 대한이비인후과학회 2019 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.62 No.9

        Malignancy of the middle ear is rare and its estimated incidence is 0.18 cases per million peoplein the US, with its most common type being squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinomain situ is thought to be a precursor to squamous cell carcinoma, which is extremelyrare in the middle ear. The pathology reports of squamous cell carcinoma have not been wellcharacterizedas it has not been reported to date in Korea. Here, we report a case of squamouscell carcinoma in situ of the middle ear in a 66-year-old man, who presented with otorrhea andtympanic membrane perforation.

      • KCI등재

        한국여성의 월경주기에 관한 관찰

        박병후(BH Park),나종구(Rha CG),최응환(EW Choe),김승조(SJ Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1978 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.21 No.1

        1975년 3월 15일부터 4월 15일까지 1개월간에 걸쳐서 서울, 수원, 대전, 부평 지역의 학생 공장직공, 직장여성 및 일반여성 3,887명을 대상으로 하여 월경에 관한 조사를 실시하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 초, 중, 고, 학생 및 대학생의 초조경험률 국민학교 4학년생 1.4%, 5학년생 5.9%, 6학년생 10.9%, 국민학교 전체적으로 6.5%이며, 중학교 1학년생 13.2%, 2학년생 49.2%, 3학년생 72.8%, 중학교 전체적으로 42.3%였으며 고등학교 1학년생 98.5%, 2학년생 99.4%, 3학년생 98.3%로서 고등학교 전체적으로는 98.7%였고, 대학생은 100%였다. 2. 초조연령 a) 전체적으로는 14.3세, 초, 중학생이 13.5세로 가장 빨랐고, 고등, 대학생 14.0세, 공장직공 13.9세, 직장여성 14.0세, 일반여성이 14.9세로 가장 늦었다. b) 전체적으로 가장 빠른 초조연령이 10세이고 가장 늦은 연령이 22세이다. 3. 월경지속일수 초중학생 4.4일, 고등 대학생 4.4일, 공장직공 4.5일, 직장여성 4.6일, 일반여성 4.7일, 전체적으로 4.5일이다. 4. 월경량 초, 중학생 6.4개, 고등 대학생 7.1개, 공장직공 7.4개, 직장여성 7.4개, 일반여성 6.1개로 전체평균은 6.9개이다. 5. 월경시의 자각증상 전체적으로 없다고 한 경우가 22.4%, 하복통이 30.3%로 가장 많고, 하복부불쾌감이 16.5%, 요통 8.2%, 신경성 12.3%, 우울증 6.6%, 두통 2.4%, 악심이 0.28%로 가장 적으며 기타가 1%이다. 6. 월경주기의 규칙성 a) 전체적으로 규칙적인 경우가 15.3%, 불규칙한 경우가 26.4%, 빨라지는 경우가 31.8%, 늦어지는 경우가 26.6%이다. b) 규칙적인 사람과 1, 2, 3일씩 빨라지거나 늦어지는 사람을 합한 비교적 규칙적인 사람의 비율은 초, 중학생 58.1% 고등, 대학생 56.5%, 공장직공 52.5%, 직장여성 54.9%, 일반여성 58.9%, 전체적으로 56.0%로 과반수 이상을 차지한다. 7. 월경의 주기 a) 초, 중학생의 평균주기는 31.2일, 고등, 대학생 28.9일, 공장직공 29.5일, 직장여성 28.8일, 일반여성 28.7일, 전체적으로 29.3일이다. b) 27-29일형이 가장 많으며, 27~32일 범위내에 드는 경우가 71.1%로 거의 3/4을 차지한다. 8. 월경주기의 변동 각 주기형에서 전번 주기형과 이번 주기형이 같은 경우가 14.1%, 1일씩 차이나는 경우가 26.6%, 2일씩 차이나는 경우가 20.8%, 3일씩 차이나는 경우가 19.5%, 4일씩 차이나는 경우가 11.2%, 5일씩 차이나는 경우가 7.8%이다. * 본 논문의 요지는 제 36차 대한산부인과 학술대회에서 초록 발표되었음. * 본 연구는 1977년도 중앙의료원 임상의학 연구비의 보조로 이루어졌음. ** Chairman of Dept. of Ob. & Gyn. St. Marys Hospital, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Kor ea The following conclusions were obtained from the detailed survey of 3,887 women experiencing menstruation, who are school girls, industrial workers, office girls, and women in general. This survey was connucted in the areas of Seoul, Suwon, Taejeon, and Bupyong, for the basic study of natural rhythm method of contraception. 1. Experience of Menarche 1) Primary school girls 4th grade: 1.4%, 5th grade: 5.9% 6th grade: 10.9%, subtotal average:6.5% 2) Middle school girls 1st grade:13.2%, 2nd grade:49.2% 3rd grade:72.8%, subtotal average: 42.3% 3) High school girls 1st grade: 98.5%, 2nd grade: 99.4% 3rd grade:98.3%, subtotal average: 98.7% 4) College girls: 100% 2. Age of Menarche a) Average age was 14.3 and the earliest average age was found among primary-middle school girls with 13.5 and the latest was found among women in general with 14.9. Among the high school-college girls, the age of menarch was 14.0, the industrial workers 13.9, and the office girls 14.0. b) Range of menarche was 10 to 22. 3. Duration of menstruation Duration in the primary-middle school girls was 4.4 days, high school-college girls 4.4 days, industrial workers 4.5 days, office girls 4.6 days, women in general 4.7 days, and total average duration was 4.5 days. Among the total numbers, 21.9% of them was occupied in 3 days-group, 30.4% in 4 days-group, and 25.2% in 5 days-group. 4. Amount of menstruation Individual amount of menstruation was 6.4 pads in primary-middle school girls, 7.1 pads in high school-college girls, 7.4 pads in industrial workers, 7.4 pads in office girls, 6.1 pads in women in general, and total average amount of menstruation was 6.9 pads. 5. Symptoms accompanied by menstruation Out of total 77.6% women had some symptoms, while 22.4% had no symptoms. Among the symptoms, lower abdominal pain was the common ones with 30.5%, where as nausea was the smallest in number with 0.28%, lower abdominal discomfort 16.5%, lumbago 8.2%, nervousness 12.3%, depression 6.6%, headache 2.4% and others 1%. 6. Regularity of menstrual cycle a)

      • KCI등재

        소프트 타겟 테러대응을 위한 민관협력에 관한 고찰

        병후,보라 한국테러학회 2016 한국테러학회보 Vol.9 No.3

        Since 9/11, trend in terrorist attacks has changed from hard target terrorism to soft target terrorism, which are particularly vulnerable to terrorist attacks and other forms of crime. It is also reported that attacks by sole terrorist or a small group of terrorists are increasing without any physical contact to the terrorist groups. Recent terrorist attacks and terrorism related incidents indicate that South Korea is no longer free from new types of terrorist attacks. It suggests that South Korea be ready for both homegrown terrorism and lone wolf terrorism. Considering the facts that Korea will hold Pyungchang Olympic Games in 2018 and it is listed on the list of possible terrorist attacks by IS and its supporters, it needs to prepare how to counter the soft target terrorism as well as hard target one. This study explored the theoretical backgrounds of soft target terrorism and its characteristics and vulnerabilities. In addition, it discussed public-private partnership for the response to soft target terrorism. 최근의 테러 발생 추세는 하드 타겟을 대상으로 하는 테러에서 소프트 타겟을 대상으로 하는 테러로 점차 변하고 있으며, 직접적인 테러단체와의 접촉 없이 테러를 시행할 수 있는 개인 및 소수의 집단들에 의한 테러가 증가하고 있다는 특징을 갖는다. 9/11 이후 빠르게 변화하는 테러발생양상을 고려하였을 때 한국 역시 더 이상 테러 청정국가가 아니며, 이에 대한 대비태세를 갖출 필요가 있다. 2018년 평창 올림픽의 개최 및 IS의 지속적인 테러지시 국가명단 포함 등, 한국이 테러대응전략을 모색하기 위해 전통적인 하드 타겟 뿐만 아니라 소프트 타겟 또한 함께 고려해야 할 것이다. 이 연구에서는 소프트 타겟 대상 테러에 대한 논의를 소개하고, 각 주요 시설별 특징과 취약점을 살펴보았다. 그리고 소프트 타겟 대상 테러 대응을 위한 민관협력체계에 대하여 고찰하여 보았다.

      • KCI등재

        현장 열응답 시험(TRT)과 CFD 역해석을 통한 지반의 열전도도 평가

        문서,이철호,상우,병후,최항석 한국지반공학회 2012 한국지반공학회논문집 Vol.28 No.12

        In this study, a series of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) numerical analyses were performed in order to evaluate the thermal performance of six full-scale closed-loop vertical ground heat exchangers constructed in a test bed located in Wonju. The circulation HDPE pipe, borehole and surrounding ground formation were modeled using FLUENT, a finite-volume method (FVM) program, for analyzing the heat transfer process of the system. Two user-defined functions (UDFs) accounting for the difference in the temperatures of the circulating inflow and outflow fluid and the variation of the surrounding ground temperature with depth were adopted in the FLUENT model. The relevant thermal properties of materials measured in laboratory were used in the numerical analyses to compare the thermal efficiency of various types of the heat exchangers installed in the test bed. The simulation results provide a verification for the in-situ thermal response test (TRT) data. The CFD numerical back-analysis with the ground thermal conductivity of 4 W/mK yielded better agreement with the in-situ thermal response tests than with the ground thermal conductivity of 3 W/mK.

      • KCI등재

        비강 내 발생한 고립성 섬유종 1예

        이명준,박병후,조재만,김용완 대한이비인후과학회 부산,울산,경남 지부회 2018 임상이비인후과 Vol.29 No.2

        The solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a mesenchymal neoplasm that is described as spindle-shaped tumor cells on a collagenous background originating from pleural tissues. Recently, extrapleural SFT has been reported in nearly all sites, including the sublingual gland, parotid gland, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Complete surgical excision is primary treatment for SFT, but diagnosing SFT is not often made until immunohistochemical evaluation after surgical resection. We report that the patient, 45-year-old male, was considered as a case of inflammation polyp arising from left nasal cavity with initial biopsy, however, it has turned out to be SFT after surgical treatment.

      • 공공기관 u-Work 서비스 모델 및 구축방안

        조동권,박병후,남장현,민경선 한국정보통신설비학회 2008 한국정보통신설비학회 학술대회 Vol.2008 No.1

        최근 유가의 상승은 공간이동의 비용을 매우 크게하여 경제성장을 약화시키고 있다. 이러한 시기에 본 논문은 시간적/공간적 제약을 극복하고 효율적으로 작업할 수 있는 서비스 모델을 제안한다. 인터넷 및 IT인프라의 발전은 사람들이 시간과 공간의 제약없이 언제, 어디에서나 누구와도 작업할 수 있도록 가능하게 할 것이다. 정해진 시간이 아니라 자기가 일하고 싶은 시간에 가상의 일터에서 가상의 조직을 이용하여 전 세계 어디에 있는 누구와도 같이 일을 할 수 있는 공간이 만들어지는 것이다. 이렇게 일하는 방식을 u-Work이라하며 u-Work서비스가 가능하게 해 준다. 본 논문은 u-Work의 유형을 재택근무, 이동원격근무, u-Work센터근무로 분류하고, 공공기관 u-Work서비스 모델을 제안하고자 한다. 또한, 제안한 공공기관 u-Work서비스 모델의 구축방안을 시설인프라 측면, IT인프라 측면, 운용인프라 측면으로 나누어 기술한다. 구축된 u-Work서비스는 전 세계의 전문인력을 활용할 수도 있으며, 사회적 약자의 생산활동 참여 기회를 높이는 등 유연한 노동시장을 만들어 줄 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        상악동 기원의 반전성 유두종의 수술법에 따른 결과 비교: 전누골와 접근법과 Caldwell-Luc 접근법

        영준,박병후,서태경,김미라,김상연,김신혜,백무진,강명주,김용완 대한이비인후과학회 2021 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.64 No.3

        Background and Objectives Endoscopic prelacrimal recess approach (PLRA) was introducedto treat maxillary sinus inverted papilloma (IP) without sacrificing the inferior turbinateand nasolacrimal duct. This study aimed to compare surgical outcomes of prelacrimal recessapproach with the conventional Caldwell-Luc approach (CLA) to remove IP of maxillary sinusand to evaluate the usefulness of the PLRA. Subjects and Method We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 51 patients who weretreated in our institution for IP of nasal cavity and sinuses between March 2010 and June 2019. Twenty patients had maxillary sinus IP. Sixteen patients underwent endoscopic sinus surgerycombined with either CLA (n=8) or PLRA (n=8). Demographic data, surgical technique, site ofIP origin, intra- and postoperative complications, duration of follow-up, recurrence rate andpathologic diagnosis were reviewed. Results IP was the pathologic diagnosis for all 16 cases. Gross total removal was achieved inall cases. The mean follow-up period was 20.1 months in CLA group and 12.5 months in PLRAgroup. There was one case of massive bleeding during operation requiring transfusion and postoperativeICU care in CLA group. On postoperative follow-up, two patients from the CLAgroup had recurrence during the follow-up period. One patient had numbness around the gingivalarea, another patient had transient wound dehiscence, and another had persistent oro-antralfistula. In PLRA group, one patient had periorbital swelling after blowing nose; otherwise, noother patient from the PLRA group developed subjective complaints after surgery. Conclusion Endoscopic prelacrimal recess approach showed lower complication rates andrecurrence rates compared to CLA. PLRA is a safe and effective method for the excision of primarymaxillary sinus IP.

      • KCI등재

        현장 열응답 시험을 통한 수직 밀폐형 지중열교환기용 그라우트와 열교환 파이프 단면의 성능 평가

        최항석,문서,민선홍,병후,이철호 한국지반공학회 2010 한국지반공학회논문집 Vol.26 No.7

        In performing a series of in-situ thermal response tests, the effective thermal conductivities of six vertical closed-loop ground heat exchangers were experimentally evaluated and compared one another, which were constructed in a test bed in Wonju. To compare thermal efficiency of the ground heat exchangers in field, the six boreholes were constructed with different construction conditions: grouting materials (cement vs. bentonite), different additives (silica sand vs. graphite) and the shape of pipe-sections (general U-loop type vs. 3 pipe-type). From the test results, it can be concluded that cement grouting has a higher effective thermal conductivity than bentonite grouting, and the efficiency of graphite better performs than silica sand as a thermally-enhancing addictive. In addition, a new 3 pipe-type heat exchanger provides less thermal interference between the inlet and outlet pipe than the conventional U-loop type heat exchanger, which results in superior thermal performance. Based on the results from the in-situ thermal response tests, a series of economic analyses have been made to show the applicability of the new addictives and 3 pipe-type heat exchanger.

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