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      • KCI등재

        가변풍량제어시스템과 냉복도밀폐시스템의 적용에 의한 데이터센터의 냉방에너지 절감 효과 분석

        박병윤(Park Byung-Yoon),정용호(Jung Yong-Ho) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2013 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.7 No.3

        In order to keep the data center server room temperature condition, cooling energy consumption has been rapidly increased as the increasing internal heat gain from the server devices. And the cooling units for server systems are fully operated to satisfy the indoor temperature condition, it results in the excessive energy consumption. There are many wastes of cooling energy which is caused by the structural problems in data center server room. For example, a leakage by the electric cable hole, mixing or recirculation of hot air from the hot aisle to the cold aisle, short circulation of the CRAC(Computer Room Air Conditioning), and others. So there are many strategies to reduce the waste of cooling energy in data center. In this study, cold aisle containment system and variable air volume system were proposed among the various strategies to reduce the energy cosumption. To verify the effectiveness of the energy saving system, test bed which is same with exist server room was set up in IDC(Internet Data Center) building and comparative experiments were carried out in actual conditions. As the result, in case of setting server room temperature 30℃, the server device inlet temperature exceeded 27℃ class 1 condition of the ASHRAE standard. But in case of setting server room temperature below 26℃, the range of inlet temperature of server system was 18~26℃ by cold aisle containment system. In case of variable air volume system and setting server room temperature 26℃, total energy saving was 19.8% to conventional cooling system. After all, variable air volume system and cold aisle containment system were proved to be the effective solution for energy saving cooling system.

      • 해양문화콘텐츠 활용 사례 연구 : ‘제주해녀축제’를 중심으로

        김은정 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회 2018 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회 학술대회 Vol.2018 No.1

        2007년 10월, 제주의 가장 큰 축제인 탐라문화제의 부대행사로 시작한 ‘제주해녀축제’는 2010년부터 독립적으로 개최되어 올해로 11회를 맞이한다. 2016년 11월, 에티오피아에서 열린 제11차 유네스코 무형유산보호협약 정부간위원회에서 한국의 19번째 인류무형문화유산으로 ‘제주 해녀문화’ 등재가 최종 결정되었다. 인류무형문화유산은 공동체, 집단 및 개인들 문화유산의 관습, 재현, 표현, 지식과 기술뿐만 아니라 도구, 사물, 공예 및 공간 등 모두를 의미한다. ‘살아 있는 유산’으로서 ‘제주해녀문화’는 인류무형문화유산으로서는 물론 이를 활용한 콘텐츠로서도 매력적인 가치를 충분히 가지고 있다. ‘제주 해녀문화’는 해양문화에 속하고 ‘제주해녀축제’는 ‘제주 해녀문화’를 활용한 문화콘텐츠에 속한다. 이를 근거로 ‘제주해녀축제’를 해양문화콘텐츠 활용 사례로 보고 ‘제주해녀축제’가 지역적, 국내적인 축제에서 더 나아가 세계적인 메가 이벤트로 발전할 수 있는 활용방안에 대해 연구하였다.

      • KCI등재

        반사거울 방식을 이용한 중정 내 자연채광 성능 분석 연구

        박병윤(Park,Byung-Yoon),최창호(Choi,Chang-Ho) 한국태양에너지학회 2011 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.31 No.4

        To lead lighting inside. design solution and mechenical solution can be used. A inner court and atrium are samples for design solution. However. physical and environmental elements for building design are not taken positively into consideration. So low position of the inner court is difficult to reach lighting performance and a urban landscape gets damaged. On this study. selecting a building with a inner court, best design method is suggested to apply reflecting mirror. building direction. building shape and solar position are considered to deside the setting angle for reflecting mirror. Performance for the setting reflecting mirror is verified through various simulation cases. and is got more lighting performance than the present situation on the building inside.

      • KCI등재

        영화 <수취인 불명>(2001)에 나타난 세대 간 전쟁기억의 전승과 이미지의 형상화 -집단기억과 세대이론을 중심으로-

        박병윤 ( Byung Yun Park ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2013 현대영화연구 Vol.9 No.2

        Memories of the past events or experiences or to recall is the act of keeping. But remember, the meaning of the subject and in society in that it can be obtained, depending on the memory configuration is optional and can never be called, and the social context and the events of the past in various forms in accordance with the terms of the memory can be Maurice Halbwachs remember the “personal belongings but also popularly used as a symbol and a story that is stored, transmitted, and the product of the social means” looking into the autobiographical memory and historical memory, and looked at by dividing the collective memory, especially in war memories of the ‘collective memory’ as a country and member plays an important role in the formation of their identity, so many countries, the official history of the war gives special meaning to. From this point of view at the time of the war in 1950, South Korea Koreas happened across social changes, as well as brought to us to live the present influence is still being remembered. Of the division of Korea due to the war situation, rationalizing the national norm of violence that has been used is the most appropriate two euros. This war of the Republic of Korea, South Korea to form a collective memory, its influence continues to the present in that it is different from any other single country, South Korea and the unique atmosphere brings on national sentiment. After all the events of the past South Korea the war is not fixed, or the subject and the situation varies depending on the flow of time and the generations can be remembered. Korea War that the past 60 years, even today, we still have a division in the country to live and the collective memory of consciously or ever envision is muui. This ‘collective experience of war’ and ‘inter-generational tradition’ in terms of the Kim Ki-duk`s film <Address Unknown> U.S. base near the village in the 1970s against the backdrop of the war in the ‘survivors’ own experience and the collective memory of the war due to the lasting division and after that move on to the next generation, a tradition symbolizing the memory image of the enemy is shown. 20 years after the armistice generations years, flows through the years, but nonetheless still a remnant of war and the scars that remain have no qualms stalking the town of USFK military figure and from time to time to train fighters,gun,bow,such as day-to-day use of weapons of war became a long truce still, despite the war cloud passed, will remain the same anxiety appears visualization. Kim Ki-duk is also extremely special to remember the iconic image of the war between the generations been handed down generations and memories, or in the same generations stylized differences and conflicts naeeotda put the brutal images. Thus, this study comes from the Korea War division resulting in the formation of collective memory and tradition of intergenerational memory based on the theory of Karl Mannheim and this film <Address Unknown> symbolically, how to evaluate imaging hayeotneunjireul analysis.

      • KCI등재

        특집논문 : 에밀 쿠스트리차 영화의 환상성과 시대의 알레고리

        박병윤 ( Byung Yun Park ),정태수 ( Tae Soo Jeong ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2015 현대영화연구 Vol.11 No.3

        에밀 쿠스트리차는 1981년 첫 장편 데뷔작 이후 오늘날까지 8편의 장편 극영화를 만들면서 1941년 나치의 지배에서부터 각 공화국 간의 내전과 독립, 그리고 민주주의와 자본주의의 도입에 이르기까지 매우 격렬하고 역동적인 시대의 흐름을 시대적 배경으로 삼고 있다. 여기에 집시들의 가난한 삶과 무슬림과의 갈등 등의 소재들이 추가되어 그의 영화는 대담하면서도 위험한 작품들이다. 그의 영화에는 여전히 사회와 개인의 문제, 정권과 이데올로기에 대한 발언들이 빠지지 않으면서 여전히 자기만의 방식과 화법을 구사하고 있다. 특히 쿠스트리차의 장편 극영화 8편은 당시 정치적으로 혼란스러웠던 다른 국가들의 영화와 마찬가지로, 민감한 정치 사항들에 대해 직접적으로 비판하거나 사실적 묘사를 하기 보다는, ‘환상성’과 ‘알레고리’의 방법을 통해 보다 은유적이고 함축적으로 관객들에게 이야기하고 있다그의 영화는 현실과 꿈, 혹은 현실 속 비현실의 상황이 항상 ‘환상적’으로 등장하는데, 현실과 환상의 세계가 분리되어 나타나는 것이 아니라 두 세계의 공존을 통해 그 경계를 모호하게 만들어버린다. 또한 그는 ‘비유’의 방법으로서 벤야민식 의미의 ‘알레고리’를 사용하고 있다. 현실을 기준으로 하여 여기서 벗어난 것에 대한 ‘명백한 가시화’의 환상성과 역사와 이데올로기를 그대로 담아내는 알레고리의 기법은 쿠스트리차의 영화에서 주된 영화 표현 방식으로 사용되고 있다. 이러한 역사성과 시대성을 과거와 현실을 통해 환상적으로 재현하여 시대의 알레고리를 묘사하였고 극적인 요소들을 통해 현실과 비현실의 경계의 모호한 경계를 효과적으로 표현하였다. 또한 비현실적 상황의 현실적인 전개 방식인 ‘마술적 사실주의’에 따라서 관객들에게 ‘진짜 현실’을 일깨워주는 방식으로 사회적 경각심을 놓치지 않았다. Emir Kusturica has made eight feature films since his first feature film debut in 1981 until today. A very intense and dynamic flow of time ranging from Nazi domination of the 1941 civil war and independence, and the introduction of democracy and capitalism make it a historical background. Here the conflict of the poor life of gypsies and Muslims are material to his film work is bold yet risky. His films still do not fall for their comments to social and personal problems, the regime and ideology. Especially Feature film 8 side of Kusturica, like the film in other countries confused at the time politically, for sensitive political matters criticisms directly, or than a realistic description, implicitly audience through the process of ‘fantasy’ and ‘allegory’ They are talking to. His films have appeared Present Situation and dreams, reality or unreality is always ‘fantastic’. Is the world of reality and fantasy blur the boundaries separating`ll make it through the coexistence of two worlds, not shown. He also uses the allegory of Benjamin as a way of analogy. Method of allegory that capture the history and ideology, as it has been used as the main movie in a movie representation of Kusturica. This historic castle was to recreate a fantastic performance period through the past and the reality of the times ambiguous allegory depicting the boundaries of the boundaries between reality and unreality effectively expressed through dramatic elements. Also it did not miss a realistic way deploy social awareness in a way that reminds us the ‘real reality’ to audiences in accordance with the “magical realism” of unrealistic situations.

      • 초,중등 영화교육 시행 10년을 바라보며 영화와 미술의 상호매체성 -페드로 알모도바르의 <내가 사는 피부>를 중심으로-

        박병윤 ( Byung Yun Park ) 한국영화교육학회 2012 영화교육연구 Vol.14 No.-

        Media is affected adjacent arts film from the birth itself. Paintings from dozens of chapters activity was gathered Was this animated movie. Film, sound absorption and also because these composite media, film and other artistic interaction between the inevitable only be no Than Intermedial paintings of literature and movies like this one step further enrich the film`s story and express how he gave us, have made interested in these genres other than the adjacent arts and interaction. In the film, the visual aesthetics of movement, dance and film, as well as the interaction of the actors or insert a different movie, the shooting of the film process to break down the boundaries of film and reality by showing the process of de-spatialized through metabolism and who rely on the behavior away from the narrative style of the film, based on a combination of various genres and to try new ways. Also implies implicit and painting in the movie that was borrowed for the mise-en-soon the film`s narrative is associated with an important motif and a double track is. This paper, especially about sex movies with a focus on Intermediality appear in his movies such as painting and sculpture of ``art`` and plastering ahbim as a ``movie``, and movements of the artists` dance of Pedro Almodovar`s recent work in this film, is used by looking at how to analyze a variety of Intermediality. Also been actively studied since the 1990s, Intermediality theory and cinematic applications prior to analysis, the film`s look.

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