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      • 원로과학기술자의 증언 2-박동길박사편

        박동,Park, Dong-Gil 한국과학기술단체총연합회 1979 과학과 기술 Vol.12 No.3

        과학자가 되려면 다른 학문에 비해 어렵고 특히 기초과학연구를 하는 과학자의 경우는 더욱 어려운 공부를 계속하여야 한다. 그러나 이것은 과학자 스스로 택한 고난의 길이기에 이들은 한결같이 과학자가 된 것을 만족하게 생각하고 있다. 과학자가 되기위해 험난한 인생의 가시밭길을 무수히 헤치고 살아온 박동길박사. 박동길박사는 약관 20세에 도일, 과학자가 되기 위해 살을 여의는 듯한 고생을 무릅쓰고 오직 학업에만 열중했다. 박동길박사가 과학기술에 관심을 갖고 지금까지 걸어온 배경과 지질학을 연구하게 된 동기를 알아보는데는 까마득한 박박사의 어린시절로 돌아가야 할 것 같다. 이래서 본지는 이번호부터 박동길박사를 모셨다. <편집자주>

      • KCI등재

        조선 왕실의례에 나타난 불자(黻字)연구

        박동일(朴桐一) 동북아시아문화학회 2017 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.53

        This paper aims to look into the origin and meaning of embroidered letters(Bulja, 黻字) in the Joseon"s Royal protocols and their cultural implications. It attempted to inquire into the special meaning of ancient embroidered letters in the Joseon"s Royal protocols in terms of characters and culture. First, Examined basic data, dictionary meaning and definition to consider the substantial truth of ancient embroidered letters and their implications. It was found that Daehanwhasajeon (大漢和辭典) defines the letter Bul(黻) as “fortune of happiness and wealth (茀祿福也).” Second, Carefully looked into the historical origin and cultural evidence of embroidered letters through the data presented. It confirmed the fact that the origin of ancient embroidered letters also supports this through Gongjagaeo(孔子家語). Through literature, it was revealed that the Yellow Emperor(黃帝) first made clothes embroidered with letters and institutionalized them. Thus, these embroidered letters began from about five-thousand years, and the origin is very old and left as a legend and myth, which were a historical truth. It was noted that during the Joseon Dynasty, embroidered letters were used only in royal costume, and they appeared in King’s, Queen’s and Crown Prince’s costumes. Third, Looked into Joseon Royal Book Gyujanggak Uigwe how embroidered letters appeared and were used in the state funeral during the Joseon Dynasty. The roof of the large bier and good for funeral ceremonies, Bulsap(黻翣) around the large bier and the shield Bangsangsi(方相氏) is holding, which are the biggest and representative goods for funeral ceremonies in Joseon’s state funeral protocols had embroidered letters. By looking into the cultural evidence and records about embroidered letters in the state funeral protocols, their full account could be understood. This shows that the transmission system of embroidered letters continued working in the Korean royal culture, and the execution system of embroidered letters was clearly working from the royal costume of the Joseon Dynasty to the large bier, Bulsap and Bangsangsi in the state funeral. To sum up the above discussions, embroidered letters are a historic construct holding Korean history and culture simultaneously, implying very special cultural implications. Since the ancient emperor prepared an ideological system with profound implications for the first time, they have been with Koreans for five thousand years, which means that embroidered letters have had great symbolisms and implications. Thus, embroidered letters are empirical evidence that clearly contains Korean values and goals of life. It seems that there are no other symbols implying complex history, culture, ideas and knowledge systems yet in Korean history. Therefore, embroidered letters are the symbol of the first ever penetrating the essence of Korean spiritual culture and can be evaluated as a representative example showing powerful cultural transmission of ancient Korean culture.

      • KCI등재

        소아 상완골 외과 골절 치료후 발생한 운반각 변화 : 운반각의 새로운 방사선적 측방 방법에 대하여 The New Radiologic Carrying Angle Measuring Method

        박동만,이정윤,김경택,손성근,김성수 대한골절학회 1995 대한골절학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        The lateral condyle fracture of humerus in children is the second most common fracture among the elbow fractures. In dealing with this fracture, we have frequently encountered the various complications due to physeal plate and intraarticular involvement. Change of the carrying angle is one of the common complications, but many authors reported different results about the change of carrying angle. Also, it is too difficult to measure the carrying angle during the early stage of the treatment because of cast immobilization, motion limitation of elbow, and wide variations of radiologic carrying angle according to elbow position changes. We performed this study to find the more stable and predictable new radiologic measuring mothod about the carrying angle, and then analysed the factors affecting the changes of carrying angle of the 23 patients of the lateral condyle fractures of the humerus in children who were treated and followed up more than twelve months at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Dong-A University Hospital from May 1990 to April 1993. The results were as follows. 1. Carrying angles by Beals method showed variable values according to the elbow positions, but A-angles by the new measuring method were relatively stable repudless of the elbow positons. 2. Increase of clinical carrying sngle was 3 cases, decrease was 9 cases, and ranges of clinical carrying angle change were from -7 degress to +4 depees. Imease of A-angle was 7 cases, decrease was 4 cases, and ranges of A-angle change were form -10 degrees to +10 degrees. 3. The change of carrying angle showed no correlation with Jacob stage, follow up duratian, metaphyseal height and interval between injury and treatment. But the incidence and the amount of carrying angle change were increased accarding to the inaeaaed age at injury(r=0.62, P$lt;0.01). 4. Tbere were statistical significant correlation(r= -0.65, P$lt;0.01) and regreasion between the change of carrying angle and A-angle: Y -0.99X + 0.56(Y:change of clinical carrying angle, X: A- angle change), (r2=0.42, P$lt;0.01).

      • KCI등재

        실리콘 보형물 (Silicone Implant)을 이용한 턱끝성형술

        박동만 대한미용성형외과학회 2011 Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Vol.17 No.2

        A line is drawn from the nasal tip to the most anterior point of the lower lip. The distance from soft tissue pogonion to the ideal soft tissue pogonion is the amount of correction. Alloplastic augmentation does not correct the soft tissue in a 1 : 1 ratio. In the case of a patient having normal soft tissue (8~11mm), the ratio of the soft tissue correction is 1 : 0.66. In the case of a patient having a soft tissue deficiency (less than 7 mm), the ratio of the soft tissue correction is 1 : 0.8. In the case of a patient having a soft tissue excess (more than 12 mm), the ratio of the soft tissue correction is 1 : 0.5. The length of the implant is required to be more lateral to the mental foramen by 1~1.5 cm for restoration of the prejowl sulcus. The posterior surface of the implant must be carved to shape precisely to the bony surface. I usually make several vertical etchings and 20~30 holes in the implant. The vertical etchings help expand the implant to securely fit the mandibular contour. Fenestrated silastic implants can be further stabilized with fibrous tissue ingrowth and future reconstruction if bony erosion occurs. (Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 17: 55, 2011)

      • KCI등재

        한국어 인칭의 보편성과 특수성

        박동열(Park Dong yeol)(朴東㤠,) 형태론 2016 형태론 Vol.18 No.2

        본고는 한국어 인칭 실현 양상에 관한 목정수 (2014)의 저서 『한국어, 그 인칭의 비밀』 에 나타난 인칭 개념과 인칭 분석의 틀을 정신역학적 관점에서 재해석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 먼저, 그의 인칭 개념은 비교언어학과 유형론적 관점에서 보편성을 가질 뿐만 아니라 기존 개념과 달리 광의적이다. 필자는, 이 광의의 인칭 개념을 가지고 그가 설정한 한국어 인칭체계는 보편적 적용이 가능한 체계이며, 저자의 ‘어미중심 문장론’과 ‘인칭중심 언어학’ 주장은 바로 넓은 인칭 개념에서 기인하는 것으로 보았다. 다음, 그의 전방위적 인칭 분석은 발생적 관점에서 재해석될 수 있다. 즉 한국어 인칭 양상은 잠재적 인칭 자질을 내포한 형태소 층위에서 출발하여 발생적으로 단어 층위, 문장 층위를 거치면서 각종 문맥의 영향을 받아 중층적으로 발현된 것이다. 따라서 필자는 좀 더 체계적 인칭 분석을 위해 각 층위에서 발생하는 인칭 작용을 세밀히 분석할 필요가 있다고 보았다. The objective of this article is to reinterpret the concept of person and the frame for the analysis of person shown in the book Korean language, Secret of the Person, written by Mok, Jungsu. First, unlike existing concept, his concept of person is broad and universal as well in the perspective of comparative linguistics and typology. We claim that Korean person system he established on the basis of this broad concept, can be applied universally and his argue about ‘inflectional ending-centered syntax’ and ‘person- centered linguistics’ is due to this large concept of person. Second his various analysis of person can be reinterpreted in the genetic viewpoint. That is, Korean person starts from the morpheme layer which involves a potential person figure and then goes through the word layer and the phrase layer in the genetic fashion to be realized with the effect of various contexts in multi-levels. Therefore we claim that it is necessary to minutely analyze the process of person rising which occurs in each layer for more systematic analysis.

      • KCI등재

        Total Facelift: Forehead Lift, Midface Lift, and Neck Lift

        박동만 대한성형외과학회 2015 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.42 No.2

        Patients with thick skin mainly exhibit the aging processes of sagging, whereas patients withthin skin develop wrinkles or volume loss. Asian skin is usually thicker than that of Westerners;and thus, the sagging of skin due to aging, rather than wrinkling, is the chief problem to beaddressed in Asians. Asian skin is also relatively large in area and thick, implying that theweight of tissue to be lifted is considerably heavier. These factors account for the difficultiesin performing a facelift in Asians. Facelifts can be divided into forehead lift, midface lift, andlower face lift. These can be performed individually or with 2−3 procedures combined.

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