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      • KCI등재

        분당 지역 주거환경의 환경친화성에 대한 조사 연구

        박남희,김준영,Park Nam-Hee,Kim June-Young 한국주거학회 2005 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the factors of environmental friendliness perceived among residents, and to provide housing designers and housing policy makers with the relevant information. Literature review and questionnaire survey were used in this research. Data drawn from 320 residents living in the Bundang area were analyzed. Data were analyzed with the SPSS PC+ 11.0 window version. The results were summarized as follows: 1) Residents were satisfied with the amenity of their residential environment but they were unsatisfied with other ecosystem among environment friendly factors. And they pointed out that three factors are very important factors among environmental friendliness, which are the environmental friendliness apartment community plan, the minimization of environmental pollution, the energy saving. 2) There was significant difference the evaluation of environmental friendly factors according to sex, age, educational level of wife, and income. Especially, women are unsatisfied with environmental friendliness of their residential environment and it was founded that the older the age, the more positive evaluation on their residential environment. 3) There was significant difference in the evaluation of environmental friendly factors according to location, housing type, homeownership, and residential period. Location was related to the amenity of their residential environment, housing type, homeownership, and residential period were related to the convenience of their residential environment.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 일본의 노인가구 주택개조 관련 정책에 관한 고찰

        박남희,권오정,최령,신혜인,Park, Nam-Hee,Kwon, Oh-Jung,Choi, Ryung,Shin, Hye-In 한국주거학회 2006 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.17 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the policies related to residential remodeling for elderly households of Korea and Japan. Documentary research methodology was used in this study. The major results of this study are as follows: 1) It is not enough that the housing policy of elderly households prepare institutions and standards for aging society in Korea. 2) Residential remodeling projects by this time were not to improve residential environment of elder]y households but to support only a few low income elderly households in Korea. 3) Housing policy of elderly households consisted of design and remodeling standards for barrierfree of new housing and housing stock, housing financing, human resource network, and educational program of housing remodeling in Japan. 4) Central government and local self-governing body have support system which is systematic and that is helpful to those elderly households who needs housing remodeling in Japan. 5) It is needed that local self-governing body frame a policy of residential remodeling for elderly households. And central government and local self-governing body prepare the policy of financial support and contents of residential remodeling for elderly households according to the level of housing quality and residents circumstances. And they have the education system for specialist of residential remodeling for elderly households and clarify the standards of residential remodeling for elderly households. 6) In-depth analysis study is need to find a suggestion in many cases of advanced nations.

      • KCI등재

        주거학 전공자를 위한 주거복지 교육 프로그램 모델 개발 기초연구

        박남희,최재순,Park Nam-Hee,Choi Jae-Soon 한국주거학회 2006 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to survey curriculum of the department of housing and to develop housing welfare educational program in order to offer the information helpful to the professional of housing education and housing policy makers. Documentary research and content analysis methods were used in this study. Data drawn from internet homepage of each universities and public institutions. The major results of this study are as follows. 1) There were 30 universities which has related to the department of housing and the name of major was very various. The half of their curriculum were housing and interior design. 2) The housing welfare educational program should be step by step. The first is basic step to team basic theory of housing and to establish concept of housing welfare. The second is application and practice step of housing design and housing policy and housing economics. The third is specific application step to consider that who were taker from the housing welfare policy and to take practical training in field.

      • KCI등재

        주민자치센터의 주거복지 전달체계 구축 연구 - 인천시를 중심으로 -

        박남희,최재순,Park, Nam-Hee,Choi, Jae-Soon 한국주거학회 2009 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to establish the housing welfare delivery system in Incheon. Documentary research and content analysis methods and survey were used in this study. Data drawn from internet homepage of each community center, gu-office and city hall in Incheon. The major results of this study are as follows. 1) Related works of housing welfare are housing welfare facility management, self helf center, support service of housing life, residential environment management 2) Housing welfare delivery system consists of city, gu-office, community center order. There are many problems that the lack of experts and department of housing welfare and inconsistent works. 3) There should be optimize the related works of housing welfare in order to increase of efficiency of works and to prevent overload to public servant. 4) Housing welfare delivery system needs to co-work through collaborative network in order to realize welfare society. And each main groups have to establish their horizontal relationships.

      • KCI등재

        노인가구의 주거현황 DB 요소의 유형화에 관한 기초연구

        박남희,최재순,Park, Nam-Hee,Choi, Jae-Soon 한국주거학회 2010 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.21 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate housing DB construction for elderly people. Document research and content analysis methods were used in this study. The major results of this study are as follows. The number of elderly household is increasing very rapidly. In particular, they consist of a single person or a couple. These households prefer to live and age in a detached house. However, the social welfare system does not satisfy their needs. Therefore a systematic social support or welfare system is required to reflect their needs. For example, related works of housing welfare need to be prepared so that their data base system correctly reflects the socio-demographic characteristics and living conditions of the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        주거학 전공분야를 위한 공간정보 관련 교과과정 개발 기초연구

        박남희,최재순,Park, Nam-Hee,Choi, Jae-Soon 한국주거학회 2011 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.22 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to develop the curriculum of spatial convergence studies for the major field of housing and interior design. Documentary research and content analysis methods were used in this study. Data drawn from internet homepage of each universities which were 20 colleges the major field of housing and interior design and 160 colleges of architectural design, and public institutions the MLTM and the KRIHS. The major results of this study were as follows. 1) Government has been supported the specialized graduate school of spatial information and the university which they have spatial information curriculum during 5 years. 2) The department of spatial information has been educated the theory and practice about spatial issues in order to train the spatial specialist helpful to the new growing industry. 3) There were little changed curriculum which has related to the department of housing and interior design. The half of their curriculum were housing project and interior design. The spatial convergence studies educational program should be grow up step by step. The first is basic level to learn the basic theory of spatial studies for example the spatial introduction or the housing and the second is low level to learn the depth theory of spatial studies for example the design I or the housing development. The third is middle level to apply the depth theory of spatial studies for examples the design II, III or housing policy and institutions. And the last is high level to practice the depth theory of spatial studies for example housing construction or internship.

      • KCI등재

        세종시 유치원의 식생활지도 실태에 대한 영양사와 학부모의 인식

        박남희,이제혁,Park, Nam-Hee,Lee, Je-Hyuk 한국식품영양학회 2020 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.33 No.4

        This study aimed to investigate the dietary guidelines from the dietitians and parents' perceptions in kindergarten. The survey was carried out by 39 dietitians and 320 parents in kindergarten of Sejong city from April 18 to May 14, 2019. Approximately, 48.6% of dietitians responded that the amount of food provided was adjusted according to the age and weight of the infant. Both dietitians and parents responded the most to 'to build the right eating habits' as the reason for dietary guidance. As a guiding method for infants who sneaked unpleasant food, 62.9% of dietitians responded 'teach them about the wrong behavior on the spot', and 63.7% of parents stated 'talk about wrong behavior later'. The necessity of linking the dietary guidance between kindergarten and the family was recognized by dietitians and parents. The most important content for the linkage of the dietary guidance was 'correct eating manners and attitude'. The biggest problem in the dietitian's dietary guidance was the guidance on an unbalanced diet. Our results indicated differences in the dietary guidance contents of dietitians' and parents' perception of importance. Apparently, it is considered essential to link kindergarten with the family to provide correct and effective guidance for children.

      • 상품화 현상을 통해 본 현대문화의 보편성과 특수성 -사회적 과시의 한국적 특수성 연구를 위한-

        박남희 ( Nam Hee Park ) 한국해석학회 2008 해석학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Im Zeitalter der Globalisieung gewinnt die Kultur immer mehr an Bedeutung. Denn die moderne Gesellschaft zeigt immer groβeres Interesse an der Kultur als Konsumguter, Man kann sogar sie als Konsumgesellschaft der Kulturguter bezeichnen. In dieser Hinsicht zielt mein Aufsatz darauf ab, Charakteristiken und Bedeutungen der koreanischen Kulturgemeinschft zu untersuchen. Hier sollen allerdings allgemeine oder besondere Aspekte dieser Gemeinschaft konkret behandelt werden. Der Grund solcher Problemstellung laβt sich folgendermaβen erklaren: Mit der Konsumierung von Waren entwickelt sich der Kapitalismus. In der kapitalisierten Gesellschaft sind Waren nicht mehr bloβ etwas, was durch deren Bedarf konsumiert wird, vielmehr ein neues Sinngebilde, worin die Strukture und der Wert dieser Gesellschaft enthalten sind. Also Waren funktionieren nicht als etwas Wirtschaftliches, sondern als etwas Kommunikatives, was Menschen miteinander verknupft. Daher sind Waren in der modernen Philosophie als ein sprachliches Problem zu untersuchen, und in diesem Aspket das Phanomen von Warenproduktion und -kunsumierung in der modernen Gesellschaft zu betrachten und zu analysieren, muss eine Aufgabe der hermeneutische Methodologie sein. Aus dieser Untersuchung ergibt sich, dass am Phanomen der Warenkultur sowohl die Besondertheit jeder Gesellschaft, als auch die kulturelle Allgemeinheit dieses Zeitalters bestimmt werden.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 프랑스 회화에 나타난 東洋性에 관한 연구 : Orientalism과 Japonism을 중심으로

        박남희(Nam-hee Park) 서양미술사학회 1993 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        After 1972 Munich Olympic Games, the study of interaction between Oriental art and Western art has been activated in Europe especially Germany and France. In order to understand the interrelationship between Western art and Oriental art, which provided a breakthrough to the rational and logical modern Western art, the recent trends in studies in Europe of 19th Century Paintings have to be considered first. In this study, the nature of Orientalism shown in 19th Century French paintings will be reviewed by comparing the Orientalism of early 19th Century and Japonism of late 19th Century. The Orient as shown in Orientalist paintings reflects the illusion and the curiosity of the Western people. The Orient as shown in the paintings of Delacroix, who was known to have interest in the historical mind from Oriental objects and thus set up his subjective color sense, is the misinterpreted Orient. It was far from the realistic Orient and was mysterified in imagination. The same trend could also be found in other Orientalist’s paintings. The Orient itself had contributed to the beginning of its conquest politically by attracting people’s attention through satisfying the sense of superiority to the Orient and the erotic curiosity. On the contrary, the Japanese woodblock prints (Ukioe) influenced the Western painting very much in the late 19th Century. The plane and simple format and space composition in Manet’s paintings, the fast and wild brush strokes and very vivid colors in Van Gogh’s paintings, the unconscious snapshot-like poses in Degas’s paintings, decorative patterns and the flat images in Gauguin’s paintings, unfamiliar to the Western people, the comic and distorted faces expressed through simple lines in Lautrec’s paintings, all these were influenced by the woodblock prints of Hokusai, Utamaro, and Hiroshige. As a result, the traditional representation of perspective was lost and the plane and simplified painting styles was established, which also affected the artists of 20th Century such as Matisse and Picasso. In the last chapter, how the influence of Orientalism and Japonism show up in the paintings is compared. It is shown that Orientalism provided the allegory in the paintings(i, e., the visual objects in the paintings) and Japonism effected the Western painting techniques. Western Hegemonism toward the Orient was not expressed at all in Japonism. The social characteristics of 19th Century French painting can be understood in this way.

      • KCI등재

        Adobe Photoshop Program을 활용한 Digital Textile Printing의 창조적 의미와 복제의 재해석

        박남희(Park Nam Hee) 한국미술교육학회 2007 美術敎育論叢 Vol.21 No.3

          발터 벤야민(W. Benjamin)은 기계복제시대에 등장한 새로운 매체에 의해 소실된 예술 작품의 유일 무이성, 전통과 결부된 진정성, 통일성을 아우라(aura)의 상실로 규정하고 이를 현대 미술의 특성으로 간주하였다. 컴퓨터를 사용하여 미술작품의 이미지들을 디지털화 하고 그 이미지들을 포토샵을 활용하여 합성, 재구성, 재조립하여 디지털 프린팅으로 물질화 한 작품들을 복제로 인식하지 않고 아우라의 회복, 재생산, 새로운 확장, 원형으로 인식한다는 가설에서 본 연구가 시작되었다. 포토샵의 다양한 도구와 기법, 레이어의 사용, 프렉탈 이미지와의 결합으로 전통 조형의 방법으로 불가능한 새로운 조형성을 창출할 수 있다. 디지털 프린팅의 단순한 전자 복제의 차원을 넘어선 창조적 의미를 문헌 연구와 실증 연구로 증명하며 실증 연구는 본 연구자가 전통 조형 방식과 프렉탈 이미지를 포토샵으로 결합하여 디지털 프린팅 한 작품들을 연구 범위로 한다.   Walter Benjamin claimed that the art works, deprived authenticity, unity and uniqueness were "Loss of Aura" and by new media which were introduced in the age of mechanical reproduction. the works lost their characters derived from the tradition. He therefore. considers it as the character of contemporary art.<BR>  With computer, the images in the art works can be digitalized and then those images reconstructed and re-composed by using a program like Adobe Photoshop will consist of an art piece. In the study. that art piece is not perceived as the simple duplication of materialized work but as the new originals and restoration, reproduction. and new extension of aura. This hypothesis is the rise of the study.<BR>  Through Adobe Photoshop Program, the artists are able to employ various tools and techniques and combine fractal images with those of Korean tradition. Of these practices, there are possibilities to create unprecedented compositions which are unattainable within the traditional methods.<BR>  This study provides creative purport beyond the simple perspective of copy with computer. The theory is corroborated through the study of the writer"s digital printing art works combined fractal images with traditional and documents regarding this field.

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