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        사회적 협동조합의 현황과 법적 과제

        박광동 아주대학교 법학연구소 2015 아주법학 Vol.9 No.3

        우리나라의 사회적 협동조합은 다양한 방면에서 점차적으로 증가하고 있다. 사회적 협동조합에 대한 법적 근거는 「협동조합기본법」인데, 「협동조합기본법」은 민관협력에 의해 이루어진 법률이다. 다만 「협동조합기본법」에서 사회적 협동조합과 관련하여 법체계적인 문제나 법제도적인 문제에 대한 논의가 진행되고 있다. 이러한 논의는 사회적 협동조합이라는 아직은 익숙하지 않고 사회적 기업 등과 같은 비슷한 구조를 가진 제도와의 구별 문제 등이 아직 선명하지 않기 때문이다. 또한 이러한 불분명성은 「협동조합기본법」상의 협동조합과 사회적 협동조합의 구별에 있어서도 마찬가지 이다. 사회적 협동조합의 실질적 운영을 위해서는 종전의 단체 중 사회적 협동조합으로의 전환을 도모하는 경우에 이에 대한 효율적인 제도 구축이 필요한 상황이다. 물론 이에 대해서도 다양한 입장이 있을 수 있으나, 사회적 협동조합의 공익적 성격을 고려한다면 그 적용범위를 점차적으로 확대하는 것도 필요할 것이다. 사회적 협동조합은 민간주도의 자주적 조직체로서의 성격이 본래적 성질이기는 하나, 우리나라의 경우에 민관협력에 의해 「협동조합기본법」이 제정되게 되었다는 측면과 사회적 협동조합의 초기적 진흥책으로서 어느 정도의 정부주도의 규제 중심의 규정을 둔 것이기는 하나, 운영에 있어서 많은 부분에 정관으로서 규정하게 하고 있다는 측면에서 어느 정도 민간주도의 자주적 운영을 보장하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 다만, 향후에 어느 정도 사회적 협동조합이 기틀을 마련하고 촉진이 된다면 정부주도의 규제 중심적 규정은 점차적으로 더 폭넓게 완화시키는 방향으로 갈 필요가 있을 것이다. 그 밖에도 사회적 협동조합의 설립이 촉진되고, 운영에 있어서도 효율적으로 될 수 있는 다양한 입법적 분석이 필요할 것이다. Social cooperatives in various areas are gradually increasing in Korea. Framework Act on Cooperatives governs a social cooperative in Korea, and this act is a product of a private and public cooperation. However, some discussions on issues of legal system and structure related to a social cooperative under Framework Act on Cooperatives are still pending. Such discussions on the issues mentioned above take place because there is an unclear distinction between a social cooperative and a social enterprise, and “social cooperative” is unfamiliar term to the public. In addition, such unclear distinction is also evident in Framework Act on Cooperatives. Furthermore, to operate a social cooperative in practice, there should be an efficient system that allows an association to transform into a social cooperative if the association chooses to. Of course, various opinions against the system may be raised. However, considering the public interest on a social cooperative, gradual increase of its scope is necessary. True nature of a social cooperative is private. However, in Korea, Framework Act on Cooperatives was enacted as a result of private and public cooperation. While the Korean government has an authority to intervene social cooperatives, it allows social cooperatives to establish their own bylaws, and to manage under such bylaws independently from the government. This shows that independent management of a social cooperative is, to some extent, guaranteed. However, when a basic system for a social cooperative is established in the future, government led regulations on social cooperatives should be eased. Furthermore, more legislative analyses are necessary to promote efficient establishment and management of a social cooperative.

      • KCI등재

        장사법상 묘지시설의 설치 제한에 관한 법제 개선방안

        박광동 한국토지법학회 2012 土地法學 Vol.28 No.2

        A funeral system which has close connection with social values and social environments receives recently lots of changes. However, in spite of these changes, with regard to the cemetery system under the Act on Funeral Services, very strict regulations are applied to the realm to regulate matters on the cemetery installation. One of the very strictly applied regulations among them is a provision on the cemetery installation restriction region relating to Article 17 of the Act on Funeral Services. This installation restriction of the cemetery, etc. was first introduced as Article 15 under the title of the Act on Funeral Services on January 12, 2000 and has carried over until now. Provided that, its detailed contents have been amended several times but changed into the more strict phases rather than the mitigated aspects in the relationship with other laws. Then, the relationship of the present Act on Funeral Services with lots of laws & regulations on the cemetery installation restriction region is put more strict limitation by the Act on Funeral Services itself rather than the compulsion by the applicable laws & regulations. However, it is necessary to reconsider the strictness of the cemetery installation restriction among the present funeral service systems in step with the change of social environments on the funeral culture. In the view of legal system, two mitigation plans may be considered as follows: one plan to mitigate the individual legal provisions of Article 17 of the Act on Funeral Services and the other plan to amend some provisions relating to other laws among the general rules of the Act on Funeral Services. With regard to the plan to regulate the relationship with other laws & regulations, there are several plans depending on how to set up the relationship with other laws & regulations. In the event that it is required to make the Act on Funeral Services completely amended to form a new type of funeral system, it is effective to achieve the purpose of the legislation for the mitigation of the cemetery installation restriction according to the relationship of the Act on Funeral Services with other laws through a plan to prescribe in the general rules the type in which some matters in the relationship with other laws are preferentially applied by the Act on Funeral Services and other matters shall be preferentially applied by other laws & regulations. 사회적 가치관 및 사화환경과 밀접한 연관성을 가지고 있는 장사제도는 최근에 많은 변화를 맞이하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 변화에도 불구하고 장사법상의 묘지제도와 관련하여서는 묘지설치에 관한 사항을 규정하는 영역에 매우 엄격한 규제가 적용되고 있다. 이 중 가장 엄격하게 적용되는 것 중의 하나가 장사법 제17조와 관련한 묘지설치제한지역에 대한 규정이다. 이러한 묘지 등의 설치제한은 장사법의 제명하에서는 2000. 1. 12. 법률 제6158호 장사법 제15조로 처음으로 도입되어 현재까지 이어지고 있다. 다만 세부적인 내용에 있어서는 몇 번의 개정이 있었으나, 타 법률과의 관계에서 완화되는 측면보다는 좀 더 엄격화되는 측면으로 변화되어 갔다. 그런데 현행 장사법에서의 묘지설치제한지역에 대한 많은 관련 법령과의 관계는 해당 관련 법령에 의한 강제되기 보다는 장사법 자체에서 더욱 엄격한 제한을 가하고 있다. 그러나 현재 장사제도 중 묘지설치제한의 엄격화는 장사문화에 대한 사회적 현황 변화에 발맞추어 재검토할 필요가 있다. 법제적인 관점에서 이를 완화하는 방안으로는 장사법 제17조상의 개별적인 법률사항에 대한 완화 방안과 장사법 총칙상의 다른 법률과의 관계 부분의 개정을 통한 방안을 구상할 수 있을 것이다. 이 중 다른 법령과의 관계를 규정하는 방식은 그 법령과 다른 법령과의 관계를 어떻게 설정하는가에 따라 여러 가지 방식이 있다. 이 중 장사법의 전면개정이 이루어져 새로운 형태의 장사제도가 이루어져야 한다면 다른 법률과의 관계에 대해 일정사항에 대하여는 장사법을 우선 적용하고, 다른 사항에 대하여는 다른 법령을 우선 적용하도록 하는 방식의 형태로 총칙장에서 규정하는 방안이 장사법에서의 타른 법률관계에 따른 묘지설치제한의 완화를 위한 입법화의 목적 달성에 효율적일 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        일본의 디지털(Digital)동산양도등기제도에 관한 고찰

        박광동 한국법제연구원 2008 법제연구 Vol.- No.34

        To activate fund-raising through movable property, Korea and Japan needed to establish a system for registration of movable property transfer. For the purpose, Japan has already established a special law for transfer of movable property and discussion about the establishment of such a law is currently underway in Korea. In the event that registration of movable property transfer comes into effect in Korea, digital registration of movable property transfer would take effect just as in Japan. As stated above, discussion about solutions of problems concerned with enforcement of digital registration of movable property transfer is currently underway in Japan. This suggests that Korea should also examine legal and legislative problems before introduction of digital registration of movable property transfer. In connection with it, some legal systems should be prepared. To be specific, a user of registration system should be introduced to secure the authenticity of the registering subject in the use of digital registration of movable property transfer, first of all. In the second place, the principle of application by the party concerned based on the principle of joint application details should be introduced to secure the authenticity of registration as well as digital seal and digital certification required for security of authenticity of documents in the use of digital documents to be followed as an inevitable consequence of the introduction of digital registration of movable property transfer. In the third place, in a way to protect registration information, details of registration should be classified. In the fourth place, the register should be compiled on the basis of transferer for precise public notice of the right, and fast and easy retrieval. Lastly, with reference to the change of a real right, unlike the existing system that the real right is changed with the declaration of intention and transfer of a real right, the real right for digital registration of movable property should be regarded as being changed only when the declaration of intention of a real right is matched with the application for registration. In the legislative aspect, the movable property transfer registration bill should have a provision of legal ground for digital registration of movable property, and enforcement rules should have detail provisions about it. To be specific, such rules should have provisions about keeping period of records, particulars to specify movable property, delivery method of application magnetic disc, items to be written on the application magnetic disc and application method for registration by electronic information processing system. To activate fund-raising through movable property, Korea and Japan needed to establish a system for registration of movable property transfer. For the purpose, Japan has already established a special law for transfer of movable property and discussion about the establishment of such a law is currently underway in Korea. In the event that registration of movable property transfer comes into effect in Korea, digital registration of movable property transfer would take effect just as in Japan. As stated above, discussion about solutions of problems concerned with enforcement of digital registration of movable property transfer is currently underway in Japan. This suggests that Korea should also examine legal and legislative problems before introduction of digital registration of movable property transfer. In connection with it, some legal systems should be prepared. To be specific, a user of registration system should be introduced to secure the authenticity of the registering subject in the use of digital registration of movable property transfer, first of all. In the second place, the principle of application by the party concerned based on the principle of joint application details should be introduced to secure the authenticity of registration as well as digital seal and digital certification required for security of authenticity of documents in the use of digital documents to be followed as an inevitable consequence of the introduction of digital registration of movable property transfer. In the third place, in a way to protect registration information, details of registration should be classified. In the fourth place, the register should be compiled on the basis of transferer for precise public notice of the right, and fast and easy retrieval. Lastly, with reference to the change of a real right, unlike the existing system that the real right is changed with the declaration of intention and transfer of a real right, the real right for digital registration of movable property should be regarded as being changed only when the declaration of intention of a real right is matched with the application for registration. In the legislative aspect, the movable property transfer registration bill should have a provision of legal ground for digital registration of movable property, and enforcement rules should have detail provisions about it. To be specific, such rules should have provisions about keeping period of records, particulars to specify movable property, delivery method of application magnetic disc, items to be written on the application magnetic disc and application method for registration by electronic information processing system.

      • KCI등재

        부동산민간경매제도의 도입에 관한 연구 - 담보권실행으로서의 민간경매를 중심으로 -

        박광동 한국토지법학회 2008 土地法學 Vol.24 No.2

        Current real estate auction system is administered inflexibly under rigid procedures by courts, resulting in inflexible real estate market as well. Inflexibility in financial and real estate markets is also attributable to this shortcoming of the system. To solve this problem, introduction of the civil auction system as an execution of security rights is under discussion. Advocates of the civil auction system adduce its speediness and cost-effectiveness as its merits. There seems no argument against the former, in that, in the civil auction system, a qualified civil performer can carry out an auction according to the execution contract between a creditor and a debtor on the method of execution of mortgage, instead of conventional procedures in which auction for the execution of security rights could be held only in courts, public power borne by the government. However, auction for the execution of security rights doesn't require judgement in both Korea and Japan. In addition, you should bear costs when you choose a set of 3-document option among A~D options. And, there accompany various expenditures in announcing and bidding, in the case where public auction is adopted as a way of conversion of real estate into money. After all, we can hardly conclude that the civil auction system is less costly compared to the conventional one. On the other hand, in the viewpoint of opposers to the civil auction system, it is hard to predict if there is little possibility for anti-social power to interfere, although it is admittible that the interests of the parties could be easily protected by working out a 3-document set. In conclusion, it is necessary for Korea to consider introducing the civil auction system in view of deregulation, privatization, and downsizing public officials, promotion of civil employment, and improvement of court auction procedures, and so on. In that case, it is also necessary to give careful consideration to discussion in Japan when it first introduced the civil auction system. However, I think limited introduction would be more proper for Korea, rather than full-scale introduction. Korean auction procedures take a long period of time on the average (about one year, avg.) from the receipt of an application for auction to the conversion of claims into money. Therefore, limited only to a case where a financial institution is the applicant and creditor, a standard contract may be concluded as an execution contract, and then executed by a qualified civil performer as a trustee. 현행 부동산경매는 법원의 일률적 절차에 의한 비탄력적 운영형태를 벗어나지 못하여 경매에 의한 부동산시장의 운영형태가 비탄력적으로 운영되어 금융·부동산시장의 탄력적 운영에 도움이 되지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 담보권실행으로서의 민간경매제도의 도입에 대해 논의가 되고 있다. 민간경매제도의 도입과 관련해서는 민간경매제도의 도입에 관한 찬성론은 주로 경매절차의 신속화, 저비용화를 논거로 들고 있는데, 경매절차의 신속화 측면에서는 국가공권력인 법원에서만 담보권실행을 위한 경매를 할 수 있었던 것을, 일정한 자격을 갖춘 민간경매 실시자가 채권자와 채무자와의 사이에 체결된 저당권의 실행방법에 관한 집행계약에 의해 경매를 실시할 수 있으므로 신속성 측면에서는 이론이 없을 것으로 보인다. 그러나, 우리나라나 일본 모두 담보권실행을 위한 경매에 있어서 판결을 요하는 것은 아니고, 또한 A-D안 중 3점세트를 작성하는 안으로 선택시 그에 대한 비용부담이 있다. 그리고, 부동산에 대한 환가방법으로 공개경매를 채택하게 될 경우 그에 수반한 공고와 입찰에 수반되는 제반비용이 든다는 점에서 민간경매의 도입이 반드시 현재의 경매보다 비용이 더 저렴할 것이라고 단정하기는 어렵다. 그리고, 민간경매제도의 도입에 관한 반대론의 입장에서는 3점 세트를 작성해야 이해관계자의 이익을 보호하기 쉽다는 측면은 인정할 수 있으나, 반사회적 세력이 개입할 여지가 적다는 것은 미리 예단하기 어려운 측면이 있다. 결론적으로는 현재 우리나라에 있어서도 규제개혁·민간개방의 추진 및 공무원조직의 슬림화 및 불경기시의 민간고용의 확보에의 기여, 법원경매운용의 개선의 이바지의 측면에서 민간경매의 도입을 고려할 필요성이 있다. 또한 본 제도의 도입에 있어서 일본에서의 민간경매제도 도입에 대한 논의를 충분히 검토할 필요가 있다. 다만, 민간경매제도에 대한 도입에 있어서 그 시행범위는 전면적인 도입보다는 한정적 도입이 타당하다고 생각한다. 즉, 우리나라의 경매절차는 경매신청사건 접수부터 담보가 있는 채권을 환가하는데 평균적으로 많은 시간(평균 1년 정도)이 든다는 점에서, 금융기관이 신청채권자인 사건에 한하여 정형적인 계약을 집행계약의 형태로 체결하고 이를 민간경매실시자가 수탁받아 시행하는 방안을 강구할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        부동산등기 디지털화의 동향과 법제화 방안

        박광동 한국집합건물법학회 2015 집합건물법학 Vol.15 No.-

        In relation to the directional nature of a future real estate registration system, it is necessary to review both the introduction of new system relating to a declaration for the real estate digital registration and the connection of relevant administrative information system in the closer legal viewpoint. The basis for this review shall be focused on the protection of the people's property rights. It is necessary to grant the compulsoriness to the exchange of computerized information & data between organizations in relevant laws. Furthermore, with regard to the improvement plan of current legal system about the real estate digital registration system, ① the effectiveness time of a registration can be accessible in a digitalized register type, and ② it is necessary to make a plan in which the confirmation procedure of parties to a sale is implemented by a professional agent even in the declaration of transactional amount in relation to a real estate transaction declaration system. ③ With regard to the introduction of a comprehensive public booking system of a real estate, it is reasonable to implement a legal system by the enactment of a new law. 향후 부동산등기제도의 방향성과 관련하여서는 부동산디지털등기신청 등과 관련한 새로운 제도의 도입과 관련 행정정보시스템과의 연계에 있어서 좀 더 면밀한 법적 관점에서의 검토가 필요하다. 이러한 검토에 있어서 그 기준이 되는 것은 국민의 재산권 보호에 중심을 두어야 할 것이다. 이를 위해서 관련 법률 등에서 기관 간에 전산정보자료의 교환 등에 대한 강행성을 부여할 필요가 있을 것이다. 그리고 부동산디지털등기제도에 대한 현행 법제에 대한 개선방안과 관련하여서는 ①등기의 효력발생시기를 디지털화된 등기부방식에서의 접근하고, ②부동산거래신고제도와 관련하여서는 전문자격자 대리인에 의한 거래금액신고시에도 매매당사자의 확인 절차 등을 두는 방안이 필요하다. ③부동산종합공부제도의 도입과 관련하여서는 새로운 법률의 제정의 의한 입법화가 타당하다.

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