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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        저작권법상 형사벌칙 조항의 비판적 검토

        박강우(Park, Kang Woo) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2010 과학기술과 법 Vol.1 No.2

        Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions. Nowadays intellectual property has gaining more and more significance according to social change from industrial society to information society. In Korea legislatures for protection of intellectual property is varied including Copyright Law, Patent Law, Trade Secret Protection Law and etc. This article will review currents of intellectual property related crimes and focus on the features of intellectual property laws on this field. For example, Copyright Law has enhanced the amount of legal punishment for copyright violation and widened the scope of acts under punishment. This trend has been driven from lawmakers' strong intent for protection of intellectual property which has been influenced from business leaders. Other law for intellectual property has taken the similar measures for the infringement acts. I think that this development in this field is biased for the owners of rights and neglect the interest of the public to use the intellectual property freely. Intellectual property should not only protect the interest of the owners but also the public's interest for the intellectual property. There is also criticism because strict intellectual property rights can inhibit the flow of innovations to poor nations. Developing countries have benefitted from the spread of developed country technologies, such as the internet, mobile phone, vaccines, and high-yielding grains.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        대법원 양형기준안과 바람직한 양형개혁의 방향

        박강우(Park Kang-Woo) 한국법학원 2009 저스티스 Vol.- No.114

        증거에 의하여 사실을 인정하고 인정된 사실에 법률을 적용한 후 이루어지는 양형과정은 피고인이나 일반인에게 유무죄여부보다 오히려 더 큰 관심의 대상이다. 하지만 형사재판에서 적정하고 균등한 형을 도출해내는 작업은 매우 힘든 작업인데 양형과정에서 고려해야 할 양형인자가 너무 많고 다양하기 때문이다. 이러한 양형문제의 해결을 위해 법원은 양형위원회를 설치하여 오랜 논의와 작업 끝에 양형기준안을 발표하여 금년 7월 1일부터 시행하고 있다. 이번 양형기준안은 불합리한 양형편차의 해소를 위하여 매우 필요한 것이고 양형개혁의 소중한 시금석이 될 것이다. 이번 양형기준안은 영미의 수량화모델 가운데에서도 영국식의 개별적ㆍ서술적 모델을 표준으로 작성되었다. 이것은 망라적ㆍ격자형의 미국식 양형기준안이 개별 범죄유형별로 고유하고 특수한 양형인자를 충분히 반영하기 어려울 뿐만 아니라 법관의 양형재량을 배제하여 양형과정을 완전히 수량화ㆍ계량화하는 것이 가능하지도 않고 바람직하지도 않기 때문이다. 이번 양형기준안은 살인죄, 뇌물죄, 성범죄, 강도죄, 횡령ㆍ배임죄, 위증죄, 무고죄 7개 범죄군으로 대상을 한정하였는데 이들 범죄들에 대해서만 양형기준이 마련된 것은 국민적 관심과 발생빈도, 양형인자나 양형요소의 추출용이성 등이 고려된 것이다. 살인범죄에서는 범행동기, 뇌물죄에서는 뇌물액, 성범죄에서는 범행수단과 피해자의 연령 또는 결합되는 범죄의 내용, 강도죄에서는 범행수단과 범죄의 내용 또는 상습성ㆍ전과, 횡령ㆍ배임죄에서는 재산상 이득액, 위증죄에서는 범행의 목적, 무고죄에서는 범행의 내용이 가장 중요한 양형인자로 설정되었다. 이러한 양형기준안에 따라 양형기준의 객관성이 증대되고 양형편차가 어느 정도해소될 수 있을 것이다. 앞으로 양형의 합리화를 더욱 촉진하기 위해서는 양형의 수량화 내지 계량화모델이 갖는 한계를 분명히 인식하고 양형의 규범적ㆍ논증적 구조를 정형화하는 데 노력을 기울여야 한다. 아울러 양형을 법정형→처단형→선고형으로 구분하는 양형이론은 처단형에서 선고형으로 넘어가는 과정이 불명확하다는 점에서 이 부분의 이론개발이 시급하다고 할 것이다. 즉 책임에 기초한 형량결정이 먼저 이루어지고 예방목적을 고려한 형종선택, 형의 유예여부 등이 결정되어야 할 것이다. The criminal trial is a set of processes which decide the fact by evidences, applicate the statute to the fact, and sentence appropriate criminal sanctions. The judge can not neglect any phase of the criminal trial, but the defendants and the public put the most concern on the sentencing output. Sentencing process in criminal trial is very hard and difficult job for judges. The reason lies in too many sentencing facts which can not be simplified and graded, and there has been no systematic estimation process and criterions. Therefore, the practical sentencing work has been criticized by its empirical and statistical character rather than systematic and analytic. To assist sentencing decision in criminal trial Supreme Court presented sentencing guideline which is being into practice from July 2009 after long discussion and research. This sentencing guideline can be evaluated the milestone for the reform of criminal trial, but there is much to be done at this guidelines. The sentencing guidelines set the model after English Sentencing Guidelines which are characterized by its individual and partial model, so they are different from American Sentencing Guidelines which have covering all crimes. The Sentencing Guidelines of Supreme Court are seeking to make sentences predictable, to limit undesirable sentencing disparity and to make sentencing transparent. Also the guidelines seek to give citizens an honest, front-end account of sentences actually to be served. For this purpose the current sentencing guidelines are too brief to use for complicated sentencing cases. The quantitative sentencing model of England or the United States Guidelines have a basic limit which can not formalize the normative and argumentative structure of sentencing work. But the guidelines have made an important improvement by posing the reference circumstances and the assessing principle to decide suspension of the sentence. In the future, the cooperative efforts between the judiciaries and the academics should be kept on to develop the more systematic and perfect sentencing guidelines.

      • KCI등재

        체포ㆍ구속제도의 문제점과 개선방안

        박강우 ( Park Kang-woo ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2012 외법논집 Vol.36 No.1

        This paper aims to review the theory and practice of detention in criminal procedure and to suggest amendment of criminal procedure in Korea. I review critically the situation of theoretical debates on the detention in general and the real state of its application and seeks for where the detention system should head in the future. In short, the main proposals are as follows: First, the imprisonment-criteria, which functions as the factual reason for detention in practice, should not be applied any more. The application of imprisonment-criteria in detention decision by judges is against the principle of innocence assumption and the purpose of the detention system. Second, the degree of crime suspicion as basic cause of detention should be interpreted differently from that of arrest. The degree of crime suspicion in arrest is lower that of detention. Third, the seriousness of crime should not be applied as independent detention reason, because the goal of detention in criminal procedure is securement of future procedure proceeding, not the punishment of defendant. The risk of recidivism and danger of harm to others also should not be applied as independent detention standards. Fourth, the detention warrant screening by judges and bail system should be promoted in practice aggressively to enhance the principle of non-detention in criminal procedure and to protect the rights of the accused. Finally, immediate complaint to the decision of judges on arrest warrant should be allowed to accumulate the judiciary review on the arrest decisions. In the end, the principles of non-detention in investigation and innocence assumption can be enhanced by mutual understanding and mutual cooperation between judges and prosecutors more effectively.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노인범죄와 노인의 범죄피해, 범죄두려움에 관한 고찰

        박강우(Park, Kang Woo) 한국피해자학회 2017 被害者學硏究 Vol.25 No.3

        The elderly population of Korea over 65 ages is over 14% in total population in 2017, so Korea has been entered in aging society. Therefore, the crime by the elderly, victimization of the elderly, and fear of crime have been the serious social problem to cope up with. This study aims to examine the reality of elderly crime, to review the criminological theories on the elderly crime, to suggest the countermeasures on elderly crime and victimization of the elderly in Korea. First of all, many criminological theories efforts to explain crimes of the elderly. The Anome/Strain theory try to explain crimes of the elderly by the causes of the social isolation and strain due to the death of the spouse, retirement from the job, deconditioning of the health, and financial decline. Next, the Social Bonding/Control theory seek to the elderly crime by the loose connection with family, friends and other people and social isolation. According to the many research, fear of crime in elderly people is high than the young people, it is paradoxical allowing for the low criminal victimization rate of the elderly compared to that of the young people. This can be explained by many causes from the literature. Some researchers have addressed different components of fear, such as perceived risk, vulnerability, or feeling unsafe; while others have suggested that the victimizing crime determines the existence of fear. Still others have addressed the nature of the environment as a contributing factor in either minimizing or increasing the potential for crime and/or elderly fear. Finally, many social and economical programs have been suggested to reduce the crime of/against the elderly since the 1970s across the Europe and North America. The majority of these programs focus upon the traditional types of criminal offenses. These programs can be categorized according to the four major headings. The first two are intended to reduce the prevalence of crimes against the elderly. The later two are focused on the individual s behaviour tips to prevent crimes against the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        형량불가능한 의무충돌과 형법적 해결방안

        박강우(Park, Kang Woo) 인하대학교 법학연구소 2017 法學硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        형법에서 의무의 충돌이란 법형상은 그 법적 성질부터 해결방안에 대해 지금까지 다양한 논의가 전개되었음에도 아직까지 만족할만한 해결에 도달하지 못하고 있다. 특히 동가치 법익을 보호하기 위한 해결불가능한 의무충돌의 경우 위법성조각사유로 볼 것인지, 책임조각사유로 볼 것인지 논쟁이 격화되고 있다. 이 논문에서는 의무충돌에 관한 독일과 일본의 다양한 논의를 살펴보고 검토한 후, 합당한 해결방안을 모색하고자 한다. 독일에서는 행위자에게 선택의 여지가 남아있지 않은 해결불가능한 의무충돌에 대해 법이 불가능을 명할 수 없다는 입장에서 행위반가치의 결여를 행위태양에서 구하여 위법성조각사유로 보아야 한다는 오토와 만가키스의 견해가 유력하게 제기되고 있다. 하지만, 해결불가능한 의무충돌에서 불가능의 근본적 이유는 법규범의 자기모순성에서 찾아야 하고 이를 생명가치에 대한 관여방식에서 구하는 것은 헛된 수고라고 생각된다. 결론적으로 해결불가능한 의무충돌에서 진퇴양난에 빠진 행위자는 자신의 양심에 따라 성실하게 한 쪽의 의무를 이행하였다고 판단되었을 때 위법성이 조각된다고 보아야 할 것이다. Eine Pflichtenkollision liegt vor, wenn der vermeintliche Unterlassungstäter gleichzeitig mehreren Handlungspflichten nachzukommen hat, aber nur einer davon genügen kann. Schulbeispiel ist der Rettungsschwimmer, der beobachtet, dass gleichzeitig zwei Nichtschwimmer zu ertrinken drohen, aufgrund der Entfernung der Opfer zu seinem Standort aber nur einen der beiden zu retten vermag. Es müssen also zwei Handlungspflichten kollidieren, wobei die Erfüllung der einen nur auf Kosten der anderen möglich ist. Dabei, die Pflichten müssen gleichwertig sein. Eine Pflicht muss erfüllt worden sein. Erforderlich ist weiter die Kenntnis der rechtfertigenden Lage. Zwar ist strittig, ob der Handelnde dann im Hinblick auf das Unterlassen der anderen Handlung nur entschuldigt ist. Die herrschende Meinung nimmt jedoch an, dass der Unterlassende nicht rechtswidrig handelt. Dafür mannige Meinungen vorzeigt werden kann. Mangakis behauptet, dass der Handelnde im Pflichtkollision habe gesetliche Handlungsschance nicht kann, denn dabei die Gesetz im Widerspruch stehen. Aber, dabei Mangakis und Otto behaupten die Haltung der Handelnde im Betracht ziehen muss. Jedoch die Ursache der Unmöglichkeit der gesetzliche Handlung ist im Rechtsordnung, not in der Handelnde. Also, Ich behaupte, dass der Handelnde im unlösenbare Plichtkollision hat keine gesetzliche Handlungsschance, so wenn er nach gewissenhafte Prüfung handeln werden, er nicht rechtswidrig handelt.

      • KCI등재

        인간배아연구의 법적 규제

        박강우(Park, Kang Woo) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2010 과학기술과 법 Vol.1 No.1

        Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are able to maintain pluripotency in culture, to proliferate indefinitely and to differentiate into all somatic cell types. Due to these unique properties, hESC may become an exceptional source of tissues for transplantation and have a great potential for the therapy of incurable diseases. This essay reviews the legal problems of human embryonic stem cell research. Firstly, the definition of embryonic stem cell and the risk of embryonic stem cell research are discussed. Secondly, the legal problems of human embryonic stem cell research are discussed. Thirdly, the specific problems of current 'law on bio-ethic and security' (2005) in Korea are discussed. Lastly, the vary measures and laws are available to prevent and minimize dangerousness in bio-technology area and the problems of desirable and efficient method has been addressed. The legal control on human embryonic stem sell is necessary to protect human dignity. But, many pro-research scientists stand against it. They asserts that hESC research will be helpful to cure human disease that have so far defied cures, such as type 1 diabetes, the Alzheimer's disease, the Parkison's disease. But, pro-life group asserts that the human embryo should be protected equally as human beings. Therefore, they insists that all sorts of experiments connected with human embryo should be prohibited. In this paper I propose compromise solution. Human embryonic stem sell reasrch should be allowed to help patients with incurable diseases. But human cloning research can be dangerous to human dignity and should be under control by government and public agencies. Also, diverse measures and laws should be employed to regulate human embryonic stem cell research. The best choice is the self-control of human biotechnology scientists. But also other methods should be combined with above self-control by scientists.

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