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        CMIP5 MME와 Best 모델의 비교를 통해 살펴본 미래전망

        문혜진(Hyejin Moon),김병희(Byeong-Hee Kim),오효은(Hyoeun Oh),이준이(June-Yi Lee),하경자(Kyung-Ja Ha) 한국기상학회 2014 대기 Vol.24 No.3

        Future changes in seasonal mean temperature and precipitation over East Asia under anthropogenic global warming are investigated by comparing the historical run for 1979~2005 and the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 run for 2006~2100 with 20 coupled models which participated in the phase five of Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project (CMIP5). Although an increase in future temperature over the East Asian monsoon region has been commonly accepted, the prediction of future precipitation under global warming still has considerable uncertainties with a large inter-model spread. Thus, we select best five models, based on the evaluation of models’ performance in present climate for boreal summer and winter seasons, to reduce uncertainties in future projection. Overall, the CMIP5 models better simulate climatological temperature and precipitation over East Asia than the phase 3 of CMIP and the five best models’ multi-model ensemble (B5MME) has better performance than all 20 models’ multi-model ensemble (MME). Under anthropogenic global warming, significant increases are expected in both temperature and land-ocean thermal contrast over the entire East Asia region during both seasons for near and long term future. The contrast of future precipitation in winter between land and ocean will decrease over East Asia whereas that in summer particularly over the Korean Peninsula, associated with the Changma, will increase. Taking into account model validation and uncertainty estimation, this study has made an effort on providing a more reliable range of future change for temperature and precipitation particularly over the Korean Peninsula than previous studies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        외환위기 전후 청년 코호트의 노동경력 비교

        문혜진(Moon, Hey Jin) 한국사회복지학회 2013 한국사회복지학 Vol.65 No.1

        외환위기 이후 청년실업의 증가가 사회적 문제로 부각되었으나, 청년층의 노동시장 경험에 관한 연구는 제한적으로 이루어져 왔다. 본 연구에서는 노동경력을 단순한 일자리 이동과 달리 노동지위의 연속적 배열과 순서적이고 위계적인 변화과정으로 개념화하였으며, 배열분석을 활용하여 외환위기 전후 청년층의 노동경력을 노동지위의 다양한 측면에서 비교하였다. 분석 결과, 외환위기 이후 첫 일자리로의 이행기간이 장기화되고 고용형태와 사업장 규모 면에서 첫 일자리의 질적 저하가 발생하였음이 확 인되었다. 또한 외환위기 이후 청년 코호트는 미취업형과 실업형, 비대기업형, 비정규직형 및 이동형 특성을 갖는 경력유형에 속할 상대적 위험률이 높았다. 이러한 결과는 전반적으로 외환위기 이후 청년층의 고용불안정성이 더 커졌으며, 내부노동시장형에 비해 외부노동시장형 경력유형이 상대적으로 증가한 것을 의미한다. This study aims to identify changes in early work career of youth cohort entering the labor market pre and post-the economic crisis and compare career pathway types of different cohorts. Labor market experiences of youth cohort were constructed by sequencing the number of organizations, kinds of jobs, the scale of the business, and type of employment. In addition, a holistic sequence was created by including complementary factors. In this sense, the labor market experience in this study was conceptualized as a process involving continuous sequences and hierarchical and orderly changes which differs from a simple job mobility. Sequence analysis involving Optimal Matching method was conducted to examine whether such cohort-differences in labor market experiences were related to differences in distribution of career pathway types. The result showed that the post-economic crisis cohort had a relatively higher likelihood of falling into the non-employment type, unemployment type, non-corporate employment type, irregular employment type, and mobile employment type. These findings provide empirical evidence supporting the hypothesis that the employment precariousness of cohort has exacerbated after the economic crisis.

      • <현대의 피에타>에 내재된 사진의 의미 작용

        문혜진(MOON HYE JIN) 한국예술종합학교 미술원 조형연구소 2007 Visual Vol.4 No.-

        We live in the post-industrial society where the real vaporizes and the image remains only. In this image-oriented period, the photograph is the only real thing which consists of reality and transfers our desire. This essay is about a way of reading photograph as palimpsest where all cultural, historical phases are overlapped. Because the problem of reading photography converges on signification not only in the aspect of text-image itself but also in the aspect of social system which produces and distributes the text-image. Among the various levels of photographic semiotics, I preferentially focus on the complex levels of code which image itself contains, and its encoding/decoding issues. Modern-day pieta is the representative image of Benetton's commercial photograph series in 1992, 'Shock of Reality'. As the realizing field of signification of photography, this photo paradoxically cross-connects the journalistic photography code and commercial photography code, For in-depth analysis, I introduce some remarkable notions of Roland Barthes' photographic semiotics and Stuart Hall's communication circuit theory and finally attempt to analyze complex levels of meaning in modern-day pieta using these theoretical apparatuses. Those are mythologies, the photographic paradox, anchorage and relay of text, systematically distorted communication, three hypothetical decoding positions etc. The very core of the signification in modern-day pieta is the paradoxical double-crossing of professional codes in two different fields, journalism and advertisement. The direct adoption of journalistic photograph in modern-day pieta means that it intends to use the myth around journalistic photography, truism. On the other hand, the apparent transgression of advertising photography code conceals producer's encoding intention for the higher attention effect. In these points, the professional codes of two fields are used as the naturalizing device which hides the ultimate goal of this photo, commerciality, and operates the myth of humanism. Moreover, modern-day pete relates ideological connotation of other genre to signitication of photography It is the appropriation of pictorial icon that identifies David Kirby as an AIDS patient with Jesus in secret. This appropriation is a powerful suggestion which naturalizes mythological messages like 'He is a victim' and 'All death of human is sublime.' The connotations of this photo, which include multi-layered oppositional sets like religiousness/secularity, repugnance against AIDS/humanism and humanism/commerciality intensify the heated controversy around modern-day pieta. In this dispute, logo and newspaper articles, which Barthes refers to as 'text', relay the signification of photography as the core of the dispute which initiates and develops. After all, diverse decoding positions in modern-day pieta lose their resistant possibility through corresponding to the ultimate purpose of an advertisement, an increase of attention. Modern-day pieta apparently goes against the professional code of the commercial, but actually adapts the code and makes the new rule. In Modern-day pieta, intentionally multi-crossed connotations collide each other and dynamically interact with each encoding/decoding process. By analyzing this photo, I try to practice reading the photograph which produces no less meaning than taking the photograph. Also, I expect to go on a first step to approach the present in which the photograph has already become a commodity and a sign.

      • 시대적 전환과 포스트모더니즘 논쟁

        문혜진(Moon, Hye Jin) 한국예술종합학교 미술원 조형연구소 2008 Visual Vol.5 No.-

        This essay is concerned about a heated controversy about post modernism in South Korea from late 1980’s to early 1990’s. During this period, a huge and fundamental change began in every realm of the society, which had resulted from the end of the Cold War, the rise of consumerism, the liberalization of abolition of censorship of the culture. The controversy about postmodernism which was the most argumental and intensive dispute in the history of criticism in South Korea changed the whole basement of recognition of art in Korea, which meant the passage of the paradigm from grand narratives to multi-culturalism. Assuming that the controversy as the mirror of the era had been condensing complexity and contradiction in korean art world, I explore how different point of views divide on the basis of the conflicting political standpoints and how diverse understandings are possible in the name of the post modernism. On one side, there were Modernist critics who expected post modernism to succession of the modernism. On the other side, there were realist critics who believed postmodernism as the cultural logic of the post-capitalism era. And the last, there were third eye from abroad. Two Korean critics in America reminded us of the inevitable necessity of the third world identity. Through this long and winding road, Korean art world realized the systematic problem in Korean art history and started to consider the real after-modern in third world Korea.

      • KCI등재

        생애과정 관점에 대한 고찰과 적용: 성인으로의 이행과정에 대한 탐색적 분석

        문혜진 ( Hey Jin Moon ) 한국사회복지연구회 2010 사회복지연구 Vol.41 No.3

        ‘생애과정 관점’은 생애과정을 제도와 역사에 내재된 단계화된 연령구조로 인식하고, 맥락적 관점에서 개인과 집단의 생애를 이해하려는 이론적 방향이다. 독일과 미국을 중심으로 사회·역사적 변화의 맥락 속에서 생애과정을 분석하고, 생애과정에 미친 제도와 국가의 역할을 다루는 연구가 이루어졌고, 노동궤적에서 나타나는 경로와 노동성과의 차이, 생애과정에서 나타나는 불평등에 관한 연구 등에서 생애과정 관점이 적용되어 왔다. 국내에서도 다양한 분야에서 생애과정에 관한 연구가 시도되고, 결과가 축적되고 있으나 이론적 방향이나 체계로서 확립되지는 못하였다. 생애과정 관점을 적용하여 개인의 생애과정과 역사적, 사회적 변화를 접목시키는 시도로 1930~1979년 사이에 출생한 코호트의 역사적 위치를 확인하고 성인으로의 이행과정에서 나타난 변화를 추적하였다. 그 결과, 교육기간의 연장으로 인 해 후속 이행의 시기와 구조에 변화가 발생하였고, 1960년대 출생코호트까지 젊은 코호트로 올수록 교육종료와 노동시장 진입, 결혼과 첫 출산이 이루어지는 시점이 지연됨과 동시에 대부분의 구성원이 압축된 연령 구간에서 이행을 완료하는 생애과정의 표준화가 이루어졌음이 확인되었다. 1970년대 출생 코호트는 이전 코호트와는 다른 이행패턴을 보이고 있으나 이행시기의 지연으로 구성원의 이행이 완료되지 않은 우측 절단이 발생하여 그 정확한 변화를 확인하지는 못하였다. The Life-Course perspective is a theoretical orientation that views the life-course as the age structure embedded in social institutions and history and understands the life-course of individual and group in the contextual perspective. The life-course perspective studies were developed in Germany and North America. They study social and historical effects and the effect of institutions and the state on the life-course, the pathway of the work career and differences of labour outcomes, and the inequality that is developed in the life-course. In Korea, the life-course perspective studies were tried in various fields and cumulated. However, it didn`t established as a theoretical orientation. For applying the life-course perspective to connect the individual life-course with social and historical event, I describe the historical location of individuals born between 1930 and 1979 and analyse the change of their transitions to adulthood exploratorily. On results, the extension of education made the structural change of their life-course, and in young cohort the timing of leaving school, entering workforce, marriage and childbirth was delayed and transitions were made in narrower spread. It means the standardization of the life-course as appears in modern society. The 1970s birth cohort has the differenciated life-course pattern, however I cannot verify that change because of the right censoring.

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