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      • 지중송전케이블 중간접속함(PMJ) 절연파괴 원인 분석

        문경희(Kyoung-Hee Moon),강지원(Ji-Won Kang),박진우(Jin-Woo Park) 대한전기학회 2010 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.11

        본 논문은 154㎸ 지중송전선로의 중간접속함(PMJ)에서 발생한 절연파괴에 관한 고장원인을 분석하여 정확한 원인 규명 및 재발방지 대책을 제시하고자 한다. 접속함은 일반적인 성능이 케이블과 동등 이상의 특성을 유지하여야 하며, 케이블 고장은 케이블 자체 보다 현장에서 시공하는 접속함에서 발생할 우려가 매우 크므로 정확한 케이블의 고장원인을 분석하여 자재 생산 품질 관리외에 시공현장에서의 정밀 취급 및 시공공정에 따른 품질 중점관리가 요구된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        왕희지 초서의 예술성에 대한 고찰

        문경희(Moon, kyoung hee) 한국서예학회 2009 서예학연구 Vol.14 No.-

        중국문자의 발전은 실용에 유리하도록 움직였으며 이에 따라 서체의 변화를 촉진시켰다. 초서의 흥기는 문자적 서사의 실용적 가치를 뛰어넘어 개성표출과 정감미를 표현할 수 있는 예술로 발전하는 계기를 형성하였고 실용적 각도에서의 초서의 목적이 점차로 예술성 있는 서체로 인식되면서 예술가와 감상자의 심미욕구를만족시켰다. 특히 漢代를 지나 東晋시대에 들어서도 초서의 유행은 계속되었으며당시 사대부들은 초서의 미적 요구에 부합하도록 끊임없이 생각하는 계기를 가지며, 서법의 기교면에 있어서 초서를 발전시킴으로서 사회적으로 인정받는 예술이되었다.王羲之(321-379또는303-361)는 東晋시대의 瑯琊王氏 귀족집안의 대표적인書藝家로서 오늘날 書聖이라 일컫을 만큼 서예사에서 중요한 인물이다. 왕희지의초서는 뛰어난 미감을 가진 글씨로 法本이 되어온지 오래다. 여기에는 왕희지만의뛰어난 미학세계가 존재하였다는 것이다. 서법 창작의 근원을 자연속에서 찾고자하였으며, 자연산수가 뛰어난 강남에서의 생활은 예술적 미감과 흥취를 고무시키는커다란 자극이 되었다. 중국서예에서 자연미의 가치를 객관적으로 인식한 점은 서예의 형태미 묘사나 창작의 근원이 되었고 서예미학 발전에 영향을 주었다. 이것은서예가 자연현상에 근원하는 것을 지적하고 있는 것이다. 특히 초서에서는 이런 자연의 비유가 두드러지며, 서예가들 역시 대자연을 배우고 모방하여 물상을 개괄한뒤 점과 획으로 글자를 구성하여 예술세계를 펼쳤다. 왕희지 초서는 漢代의 고법을근원으로 前代에 볼 수 없는 유미한 서풍을 이끌어 시대를 풍미하고 차원높은 線예술의 美感을 주었다는 것이다. 왕희지의 예술세계는 질서와 규칙을 엄격히 지켜그만의 서법 원칙이 고스란히 담겨져 있다. 특히 장지와 종요의 예술적 영향을 받은 초서와 해서는 그만의 더욱더 뛰어난 예술미을 표현할 수 있었다. 추상적이며자유분방한 초서와 해서의 연관성을 통하여 두 서체의 양식적 통일감과 이질감속에서 독창적인 예술미를 보였다.또한 왕희지 초서에는 풍부한 정감표현이 많다는 점이다. 희로애락의 감정을 승화시키고 예술적 상상력을 표출하였다. 이것은 기법적인 문제와는 차원이 다른 정신성에 힘을 실어 뛰어난 미적 창작의 중요한 요소가 되었다.육조시대이후로 많은 서예가의 품평기준이 왕희지에 있었다. 많은 역대 서론가들은 왕희지 초서를 품등의 대상으로 삼아 우열을 논하고 비교하였다. 왕희지에대한 여러 품제론을 종합하여 볼 때 우수함은 인정하였으나 최고는 아니었다는 것이다. 그러나 역사속에서 왕희지 초서의 위상은 높았으며 추숭의 대상이었다. 이것은 왕희지 글씨가 宗祖로 되기에는 부족함이 없는 조화의 이치를 펼쳤음을 짐작할수 있다. 즉 왕희지의 서예술 세계가 학예일치의 이상을 통하여 고도의 정신성을바탕으로 미의식을 계승하여 펼친 것이기에 가능하였다는 것이다. Growth of Chinese calligraphy is moved advantageous practical use and promoted change of calligraphy style. Reconstrution of Ts‘ao-Shu(草書) make a chance to prosper to art of personnality expression and beauty of sentiment over practical value of history of chinese calligraphy, Gradually purpose of Tsao-Shu(草書) recognized a style of handwriting with creation has been satisfied esthetic desire of artist and appreciator in a point of practical view. Especially Ts‘ao-Shu(草書) was popular continually sets in the Chin dynasty pass by the Han dynasty, at that time, illustrious officials have an thinking opportunity to agree with requirement in the beauty of Ts'ao-Shu(草書), as developed of Ts'ao-Shu(草書) in technique of calligrahy became with recognized art of the society. Wang Hsi Chi(王羲之, 321-379 or 303-361) is a great man the name of calligraphic prodigy as a representative calligrapher of a family of noble in the period of the Chin dynasty. Tsao-Shu(草書) of Wang Hsi Chi(王羲之) is a long time as a character model with outstanding a sense of beauty. There existed the realm of esthestics only him. Origin of calligraphy creation seek for a nature and excellent scenery of nature stimulated greatly a charm and a sense of beauty of art. In chinese calligraphy, objective perception to the value of natural beauty became the source of creation or shape description. there was effected developing of calligrahy esthetics This is the point out of calligraphy originated from the natural phenomenon. Especially, there is remarkable of compare to nature in Ts‘ao-Shu(草書), calligraphers extended the world of art consist of a dot and a stroke. also they learn and imitate after Mighty Nature later general an object. Ts‘ao-Shu(草書) of Wang Hsi Chi(王羲之) inflicted sense of beauty of line-art with high level to originated time-honored methods of the Han-dynasty to guide a style of calligraphy that never seen former age. Artistic world of Wang Hsi Chi(王羲之) was existed a principle of calligraphy only him to keep rigorously order and rule. Especially, Ts‘ao-Shu(草書) and K'ai-shu(楷書) of Wang Hsi Chi(王羲之) is affected by artistic influence of Chang Chih(張芝) and Chung Yu(鍾繇) which can express eminent beauty of art. A trailblazing art was showed in the unification and heterogeneity of two calligraphiy style through related to the freely Ts'ao-Shu(草書) and K'ai-shu(楷書). Also, Ts'ao-Shu(草書) of Wang Hsi Chi(王羲之) has a great expression of feeling. Feelings of pleasure, anger, sadness, happiness sublimated and expressed imagination of art. this was get an important element of esthetic creation different from technical problem with mental power . Since the Six dynasties, many calligraphers gave thought to Wang Hsi Chi(王羲之) in standard of estimation. From age to age many calligraphy critics compared and discussed with Ts'ao-Shu(草書) of Wang Hsi Chi(王羲之) as a target of criticism. when various theory colligate about Wang Hsi Chi(王 羲之) to several grade theory, he is not the highest grade but admited excellent. But a position to Ts'ao-Shu(草書) of Wang Hsi Chi(王羲之) was high and has got an object of respect in the history. This can guess reason of harmony that not lack of to be the founder of a religious sect handwriting of Wang Hsi Chi(王羲之). In other words, calligraphy circles of Wang Hsi Chi(王羲 之)could be spread throughout an ideal of agreement art and science that based on high spirit and succeed an esthetic sense.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        여성과 아동, 국가 간 입양의 정치경제

        문경희(Moon, Kyoung-Hee) 한국여성연구소 2015 페미니즘 연구 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 국가 간 아동 입양 체재의 역사적 형성과 전개에 대해 국제정치경제적 맥락에서 살펴봄과 동시에, 그 체재 속에 내재된 가부장적 젠더위계질서와 인종과 계층 요인을 밝히는 데에 있다. 국가 간 아동 입양 체재는 국제정치경제적 힘의 질서에 따라 변화한다. 냉전시기에 대외정책이자 (백인)부계혈통주의에 의해 본격화된 미국의 국가 간 아동 입양 정책은 유사한 정치경제적 이해관계와 가부장적 부계혈통주의에 기초한 가족·결혼제도를 가진 송출국(대표적으로 우리나라)와의 관계 속에서 지속적으로 전개되었다. 최근에는 국가 간 아동 입양 체재의 변화의 방향이 신자유주의에 기초한 글로벌 자본주의 확산과 맥을 같이 하고 있다. 따라서 국가 간 아동 입양의 자유 시장 체재는 더욱 공고해지고 있으며, 근본적으로 그 체재는 지구 양쪽 끝 여성 간에 생명의 출산과 양육을 둘러싼 국제재생산노동분업에 기초하고 있다. 이에 유입국과 송출국 정부 및 민간 입양 전문 업체와 또는 개인 중개업자, 의사, 변호사 등의 시장 주체(주로 남성)들이 국가 간 아동 입양 시장의 형성과 흐름을 주도하고 있다. 궁극적으로, 본 연구는 현재 자유 시장 체재 내에 편입되어 운영되고 있는 국가 간 입양 시장에 아동의 상품화, 입양의 상업화, 그리고 ‘블랙마켓’의 성장이 가속화되고 있으며, 이는 궁극적으로 여성의 섹슈얼리티와 재생산의 문제, 또한 전쟁이나 빈곤과 같은 사회적 문제를 국가 간 입양 제도에 전가한 것과 다름없다는 점을 강조한다. This paper examines inter-country adoption in the context of international political economy, paying special attention to its gender, racial, and class aspects. International economic and political power order plays a significant role in the emergence and course of inter-country adoption. Inter-country adoption is also conditioned by patriarchal social structures that chastise single mothers or women who do not bear sons, and recognize only patrilineal bloodlines. In addition, inter-country adoption is marked by the color hierarchies between white and non-white, and between black and Asian. The US, which has received the highest number of children adopted internationally, initiated inter-country adoption in the countries whose wars they had participated in. It forwarded it in the guise of Cold War foreign policy. Entering the Post-Cold War era of the 1990s, in the face of the global capitalist expansion and neoliberal ideologies, the baby trade grew and masked itself as humanitarian assistance. Notably, the inter-country market is structured based on the international division of reproductive labor between the well-to-do women coming from the North and their poor counterparts in the South. On the contrary, men are the major the market actors (private agents/brokers, i.e. doctors, lawyers, and pastors) who handle all the transactions between the sending and the receiving countries. As a result, the size of inter-country adoption industry has grown in recent years and within in the industry, black market does exist and expand. In summary, ideologies of capitalist patriarchy and racism are embedded in the inter-country adoption regime and it is not just about assuming parenting of a child but is also a means of forging alliances between nations, promoting the market actors’ economic gains, and fulfilling evangelical missions.

      • KCI등재

        국제결혼 이주여성을 계기로 살펴보는 다문화주의(multiculturalism)와 한국의 다문화 현상

        문경희(Kyoung-Hee Moon) 21세기정치학회 2006 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.16 No.3

        This paper looks into multiculturalism, some political and feminist critiques on multicultural issues with special attention to Korea which is becoming a multicultural society. International marriage between a Korean man and foreign woman has rapidly grown in Korea in recent years. In the face of the growing number of foreign population, especially foreign brides, in Korea, the country is urged to adopt multicultural politics. Migrant women who came to Korea after an international marriage have found it difficult to fully integrate into the Korean society and in many cases they have experienced violation of their human rights in the processes of marriage and settling in Korea. The country's cultural and ethnic homogeneity, patriarchal gender relations, as well as the commercialized process of international marriage make the migrant women vulnerable to all forms of discrimination and also make it difficult for them to adjust to life in Korea. Multiculturalism, based on the notions of cultural pluralism and(or) cultural relativism, emphasizes the respect of cultural rights of minority groups. It is evident that in many countries multiculturalism has contributed to integration of minority group members into the mainstream of their society to some extent. However, it is criticised that multiculturalism has failed to achieve the full integration of all minority group members into mainstream society because of its nature disagreeing with liberal democracy and feminism. To many feminists, multiculturalism is bad for women in the aspects that it does not give top priority to women's human rights and it is used to exploit minority group members for the host country's economic and social benefits. Taking the criticisms into consideration, this papers sees that it is important for Korea to first examine multiculturalism and its critiques from various angles and also learn from other countries' experiences. Based on the examination, Korea needs to adopt multicultural policies that respect migrant women's human rights and give them a feeling of security and self confidence living in the society.

      • KCI등재

        이주노동자의 사회공간적 특성과 권리에 대한 연구

        문경희(Kyoung-Hee Moon) 21세기정치학회 2013 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.23 No.3

        This paper examines aspects of international migrant workers’ experiences of spatial division and social exclusion in Korea. The spaces which the industrial migrant workers holding a Non-professional Employment (E-9) visa use in a daily life are hierarchical in terms of race, ethnicity, and class. They are not only physically but also socially divided and marginalized. Koreans seem to consider migrant workers as a labor product which is circulated between their countries of origin and destination in response to the international labor market demand. It is largely because they have little possibility of becoming permanent residents and later Korean citizens by naturalization as they are legally limited to stay in Korea for no longer than five years. Their temporary visa status makes migrant workers’ positions in Korean capitalist society very vulnerable. Migrant workers tend to remain in their living boundary because of lack of information, financial resources, and language barrier. Because their major goal to stay in Korea is to earn money as much as possible within a short-time period and therefore, they focus on reducing their social activities which cost money. Thus, instead of showing unsatisfaction of the oppressed or uncomfortable spaces, migrant workers prefer or feel more comfortable connecting with their family members and friends in their homeland or who are working in different countries. The development of information technology makes this possible. As a result, migrant workers seem to spend most of their time in media or cyber space, rather than engaging with their local community. This implies that to migrant workers, Korea is considered as a place like ‘temporary shelter’ or ‘international terminal’, where money and people only circulate. This paper claims that absence of the right to space is the same as absence of human rights as well as civil rights. ‘Multicultural’ policies implemented in contemporary Korea is not effective to protect the migrant workers’ rights to space. More ethnic enclaves based on racial and cultural homogeneity will appear in many parts of Korea. In this context, Korean society needs to strengthen its politics of recognition and politics of redistribution, which are essential concepts of multiculturalism.

      • KCI등재

        호주 노동당 정부의 중견국 외교에 대한 고찰

        문경희(Kyoung-Hee Moon),이희진(Lee Hee Jin) 21세기정치학회 2012 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.22 No.2

        This paper aims to look into the changing nature and characteristics of Australia's middle power diplomacy, as well as factors affecting its success. Middle power diplomacy is one of the major diplomatic strategies chosen by the Australian labour party, rather than the conservative coalition parties. It is notable that the nature and characteristics of the diplomacy have changed over a time period, resulting in producing different policy outcomes. Based on this, this paper intends to discuss the four major questions as follows. Firstly, who is a middle power state, and what diplomatic role does it play? Secondly, what is the Australian Labour party's perception of international relations and how has this affected the party's adoption and continuation of the middle power diplomacy. Thirdly, how have the contents and characteristics changed over a time period? Fourthly, what has done by the current Australian Labour government in terms of its middle power diplomacy and how have they been assessed? The major argument of this paper is that the Labour government was seen as 'punching above its weight' in international affairs from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s due to its effective middle power diplomacy. The five Cs, including capacity, concentration, coalition-building, creativity, and credibility are considered to be the major elements shaping its effectiveness. However, the current Labour government's diplomatic approaches as a middle power is argued to be less effective than before, assessed as lacking the five Cs. The current government's close tie with the United States is making its diplomatic approach more friendly toward the strong states, rather than weak states. Additionally, there is also a controversy over Australia's identity as a middle power state in international affairs. Consequently, the current Labour administration's middle power diplomacy is considered particularly as neither creative nor credible. In conclusion, this paper emphasizes that the current Australia's middle power diplomacy needs to be reconsidered with the focus on the factors causing its ineffectiveness, including the state's identity as a middle power as well as its relationship with strong states like the US.

      • KCI등재

        여성과 정치 그리고 할당제

        문경희(Moon Kyoung-Hee) 한국여성연구소 2007 페미니즘 연구 Vol.7 No.1

        이 글은 의회선거 후보 여성할당제에 대한 국제적 동향과 쟁점 분석을 목적으로 한다. 1995년 베이징 여성대회는 여성의 정치적 대표성 확대의 중요성과 할당제가 그러한 목표를 달성하는 가장 빠른 경로(“gender quotas as the fast track”)라는 담론을 전 세계에 성공적으로 확산시켰다. 결과적으로 베이징 여성대회를 기점으로 약 80-90여 개에 달하는 국가들이 의회 내 여성의 대표성을 확대하기 위해 할당제를 도입했다. 그러므로 할당제는 오늘날 일어나고 있는 전 지구적 현상이라고 할 수 있다. 이 글에서 주로 다루는 이야기는 국가의 할당제 채택 동기, 할당제 논의 주도 세력, 할당제 논의의 핵심 및 향후 페미니스트 과제이다. 또한 한국의 할당제 시행 결과에 관해 논의한다. 할당제가 ‘평등으로 가는 열쇠’라고 인식되고 있지만 다른 한편에서는 할당제에 대한 반대 논의가 끊임없이 이어지고 있다. 할당제를 반대하는 사람들의 의견은 전 세계적으로 거의 공통적인데, 크게 자유주의와 페미니즘의 시각에 입각한다. 이때 페미니즘 시각이란 할당제가 정치 영역에서 여성들의 대표성을 증가시키는 중요한 수단이라는 점에는 동의하지만 할당제가 여성에게 불리하게 작용하는 효과 때문에 할당제를 반대하는 일부 페미니스트들의 시각을 말한다. 이들 논의의 주요 논점은 여성의 자질과 능력, 유권자의 선택의 자유, 여성 간의 차이, 남성 위주 정치문화 등에 근거한다. 자유주의뿐 아니라 페미니즘 내부에 존재하는 할당제에 대한 비판이 유효한지 밝혀내기 위한 국가 단위의 실증 비교분석이 요구된다. 최근에 할당제를 도입한 한국에서도 할당제 논의나 효과를 파악하기 위한 페미니스트 실증 연구가 이뤄져야 한다. The major aim of this article is to look into electoral gender quotas, specifically providing an overview of the international trends in the adoption of quotas and new emerging issues. 1995 Beijing Women’s Conference contributed to the successful spread of the importance of women’s representation in politics and also the notion, “gender quotas as the fast track”around the world. As a result of it, quotas have been adopted by as many as 8-90 countries since 1995. In this regard, gender quotas can be seen as a global phenomenonin the contemporary era. The discussions of this article includes reasons for quota adoption, political actors leading quota debates, major ideas of quota debates, and further studies on quotas. The discussion on the effects of quotas in Korea is also introduced. While the perception of “quotas as a key to equality” is widely accepted, controversies over quotas still remain. Quotas are largely opposed by people with a liberalist view. Some feminists also oppose quotas because of the negative effects of quotas on women, although they admit that quotas play an important role in expanding women’s representation in politics. The major arguments of the opponents are related to liberal principles of equality of quotas, and merit, the fear of tokenism, and so forth. In order to respond to the opponents, further studies are needed, especially empirical studies on the predictions of advocates of quotas. Empirical studies on quotas are particularly needed in the countries, like Korea, which have recently adopted electoral gender quotas but have had few analyses of quota effects yet.

      • KCI등재

        호주의 중견국 공공외교와 ODA 고등교육 장학협력사업

        문경희(Kyoung-Hee Moon) 21세기정치학회 2014 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.24 No.3

        This paper examines the scholarships to higher education(HE), paying special attention to its relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness as an ODA program by focusing on the case of Australia. The flow of this study is as follows. Firstly, the paper discusses the importance of the aid scholarships to HE as public diplomacy. It is seen as ‘soft power’ potential, particularly by the middle power countries. The major focus of this part is to address that a range of appropriate measures need to be taken at each step of the HE scholarship program to enhance its relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness. Secondly, the case of Australia is introduced. Claiming as a middle power country, the Australian government has implemented the HE scholarship program as public diplomacy, specifically to build and strengthen the people-to-people links between the country and the weak power countries in the world. The second part of the study focuses on explaining Australia’s HE scholarships in terms of the history, budget and partner countries, and goals, linked to its middle power diplomacy. In the third part, the Australian programs are evaluated in terms of the three categories indicated above, its aid relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness. The major sources of the data used in this study are reports, papers, and media materials published by the Australian government, external organisations, and also individual scholars. In conclusion, the Australian case implies that the donor countries including Korea, need to take a range of measures that are appropriate to each stage of the program (from the selection, preparation, training, and to even post graduation stages), as well as adopting regular monitoring and evaluating system, in order to make the HE scholarship as an effective aid program.

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