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      • KCI등재

        석유 및 석탄화학의 대보수작업중 벤젠노출 특성 비교

        정은교 ( Eun Kyo Chung ),유계묵,신정아 ( Jung Ah Shin ),권지운 ( Ji Woon Kwon ),박현희 ( Hyun Hee Park ),정광재 ( Kwang Jae Chung ),이인섭 ( Seop In Lee ),강성규 ( Seong Kyu Kang ),류향우 ( Hyang Woo Ryu ),김영선 ( Yong Sun Kim ) 한국산업위생학회 2010 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        This study was conducted to investigate the benzene exposure levels in coal chemical and petrochemical refining industries during BTX turnaround (TA) processes where benzene was being produced. Three companies producing benzene were selected, one coal chemical and two petrochemical industries. TA processes were classified into three stages: shut down, maintenance, and start up. Data was analyzed by classifying the refining method into 2 groups (Petrochemistry, Coal chemistry) for 823 workers. Comparing the data from petrochemical industries with data from a coal chemical refining industry, while benzene concentration levels of long-term samples during TA were not statistically different (p>0.05), those levels of short-term samples were significantly different (p<0.001). About 4.79 % of data in petrochemical industries exceed the occupational exposure limits (OELs) of benzene, 1 ppm. In a coal refining methods, about 15.7% exceeded the benzene OELs. The benzene concentrations in maintenance and start up stage of TA for petrochemical refineries were higher than those in a coal chemical refinery (p<0.01). These findings suggest that the coal chemical refining site requires more stringent work practice controls compare to petrochemical refining sites during TA processes. Personal protective equipments including organic respirators should be used by TA workers to protect them from benzene over-exposure.

      • KCI등재

        주물공장 근로자에서 발생한 국한성 석면폐증 1예

        김태우,고동희,김민기,유승원,류향우,한정희,정순희 大韓産業醫學會 2009 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        배경: 주물공장 근로자에서 발생한 석면폐증의 작업 관련성을 평가하고 그 증례를 보고하고자 한다. 증례: 30년간 주물공장에서 근무한 환자로 인후통, 기침, 노란 가래가 있어 검사한 결과 결핵이 의심되어 치료 하였으며, 치료 중 석면폐증으로 진단되었다. 작업 관련성 평가를 위해 실시한 폐 조직의 조직학적 검사에서 1 cm^(2)당 3개의 석면소체가 발견되었고, 투과전자현미경으로 분석한 석면 함유량은 23.26x10^(6) fibers/g이었다. 결론: 작업환경조사, 폐 조직의 석면 분석 등을 통해 작업 관련성이 높다고 판단하였다. Background: Foundry workers are known to be exposed to silica and have an increased risk of Silicosis. There are also reports that state these foundry workers were associated with asbestos-related change in the X-ray results of the lungs. This report discusses a case of localized asbestosis developed in a foundry worker who worked in 12 Korean foundries. Case report: A 49-year-o1d man who worked at molding and melting for 30 years, Presented with sore throat, cough and yellow sputum for 1 month. From physical and clinical examination, Pulmonary tuberculosis was highly suspicious; therefore, he was medicated for 6 months. After tuberculosis medication, the radiological finding was reactivation of tuberculosis, and an asbestos body was detected at a trans-bronchial lung biopsy. During an operation, operators found multiple palpable masses and bullae 10calized in the right upper lobe (RUL) and performed right upper lobectomy and right middle lobe wedge resection. Using hematoxylin-eosin stain and iron stain, we could detect asbestos bodies by light microscopy. We analyzed the asbestos fiber burden in dry lung tissue by transmission electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (TEM-EDX). The fiber type was chrysotile and the fiber burden was 23.26 x 10^(6) fiber/g dry lung. Discussion: This case study of a foundry worker with localized asbestosis is uncommon in Korea. We found an occupational relationship between the foundry worker and localized asbestosis through various investigative techniques such as measurements taken at his working environment, clinical, radiological and pathological examination of the foundry worker and mineralogical examination of the asbestos fiber.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경기지역 일부 이주노동자들의 직무스트레스와 우울 증상의 상관성

        이선웅,김규상,김태균,류향우,이미영,원용림,송윤희 大韓産業醫學會 2009 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        목적 경기지역 일부 이주노동자들의 우울 증상을 파악하고 이에 영향을 미치는 요인을 평가하기 위해 직무스트레스를 중심으로 상관성을 분석하고자 하였다 방법 경기지역 9개 이주노동자 센터에 방문한 이주노동자 488명을 대상으로 12개국 언어로 번역된 구조화된 설문지를 사용하였다 조사항목은 사회 인구학적 및 작업관련 요인 건강행태 과거력 직무스트레스 우울 증상이었으며 직무스트레스는 8개 하부항목이 포함된 한국형 직무스트레스 측정도구K0SS-26을 사용하였다 우울 증상은 조맹제 등이 번역한 CES-D 번역판을 사용하였다 단변량 분석결과 유의한 관련 요인과 직무스트레스를 독립변수로 하여 우울 증상자 유무에 대한 다중 로지스틱희귀분석을 시행하여 관련 위험요인들의 상관성을 평가하였다 결과 연구대상 전체의 우울 증상율은 25.2%였지만 비중국 국적 및 불법 체류자는 각각 32.1%, 32.8%에 달하는 결과를 보였다 관련 혼란변수를 보정한 상태에서 직무스트레스 요인(OR 2.55 95% CI=1.30-4.99)이 우울 증상과 유의한 상관성을 나타내었으며 직무스트레스 하위영역 중 물리환경(OR 2.97 95% CI=1.59-5.53) 직무요구(OR 2.33 95% CI=1.26-4.32) 및 직장문화(OR 3.10 CI=1.49-6.48)가 우울 증상자 발생과 유의한 상관성을 나타냈다 결론 연구대상의 우울 증상율은 국내 일반인구집단과는 비슷한 수준이나 국내 근로자 집단에 비해서는 높았으며 특히 내부집단별로 비 중국국적 및 불법 체류자의 우울 증상율이 높았다 하지만 국적구분과 체류자격의 사회인구학적요인보다 직무스트레스요인이 이주노동자들의 우울증상과 보다 직접적인 상관이 있는 것으로 판단되어 이주노동자들의 우울 증상 발생을 예방하기 위해서는 효과적인 직무스트레스 중재방안이 조치되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. Objectives To investigate the mental health status of migrant workers We focused on the relationship between depressive symptoms and job stress Metheod A questionnaire was administered to 488 migrant workers who visited NGO migrant worker centers located in Kyung-gi province A structured self-reported questionnaire was used to assess each responder's sociodemographics work related characteristics health behaviors past medical history job stress and depression symptoms The job stress questionnaire was used according to K0SS-26 and depression symptoms were measured using CES-D which was translated into Korean We used multiple logistic regression analysis to assess the relationship between risk factors included job stress and depression symptoms Results The prevalence of depression symptoms in survey subjects was 25.2%, but the prevalence of non Chinese nationalities and illegal workers were 32.1% and 32.8% respectively Adjusting for confounding factors job stress (OR 2.55, 95% CI=1.30-4.99) had a statistical meaningful relationship with depression symptoms Among job stress domains, physical environment (OR 2.97 95% CI=1.59-5.53) job demand (OR 2.33 95% CI=1.26 4.32) and occupational climate(0R 3.10 CI=1.49-6.48) were most likely to experience depression symptoms Conclusions The prevalence of depressive symptoms among the study subjects was similar to the prevalence among the general population in Korea but higher than that among the Korean workers In particular, the prevalence among non-Chinese and illegal workers was higher However, the job stress factor appeared to have a more direct correlation with depressive symptoms than the sociodemographic factors of nationality or residential status Hence in order to prevent depressive symptoms of the migrant workers we believe that intervention on job stress is necessary

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