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        낙동강 삼각주 서부지역의 제4기 후기 고환경 변화

        류춘길,강소라,정성교 한국지구과학회 2005 한국지구과학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        Late Quaternary deposits of the core in the western area of the Nakdong River delta consist of foursedimentary units: Unit I, II, III and IV, in ascending order, controlled by the sea-level change since the last interglacialperiod. Unit I unconformable overlying Cretaceous basement rocks is composed of sandy gravel and sand deposited in afluvial channel before the first marine transgression. Unit II composed of stiff masive mud is interpreted as a shallowmarine deposits formed during the last interglacial period (probably MIS 5). The development of the fissures coated withoxidized materials in the upper part of Unit II is a feature of subaerial exposure, which indicates erosional contact withthe upper Unit III. Unit III is made up of soft masive mud and soft shelly massive mud deposited in a tidal flat and ainner shelf, respectively, since the Holocene transgression (about 9,000 yr BP). Unit . consisted of soft shell bedded mudlower shell bedded mud was deposited in a tidal flat and the upper sandy mud was deposited in the floodplaincorresponding to present site of the Nakdong River delta..........the Nakdong River delta, late Quaternary stratigraphy, depositional environments, sea-level change, lastinterglacial. . : ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... , ... .... . AMS 14C ..... .... . 4 낙동강삼각주서부지역의시추코아에대한퇴적상, 유공충화석군집및 AMS C 연대측정을수행하고제4기퇴적층의고환경변화를분석하였다. 분석결과, 연구지역의제4기후기퇴적층은네개의퇴적단위(하부로부터Unit I, II, III, IV) 로구성된다. Unit I은연구지역에최초해침이일어나기전육성환경에서형성된하도퇴적층이다. Unit Ⅱ는연안성규조의출현으로부터천해에서형성된해성퇴적층으로판명되었으며, 퇴적층상부에는대기노출에의한건조와산화에의한균열이발달하고있어상위퇴적단위와층서적으로뚜렷하게구분된다. 이퇴적단위는이전간빙기(MIS 5)에형성되었을가능성이매우높다. Unit II를부정합으로피복하는 Unit III 은약 9,000 yr BP 경홀로세해침이시작되면서담수의영향을받는하구의조간대에서형성되기시작하였으며, 해침이좀더진행되면서약8,000 yr BP부터는내대륙붕환경에서퇴적되었다. Unit IV는해수면이안정된후, 약 5,000 yr BP 를전후로한시기에낙동강삼각주의성장에의해형성되었다. 먼저삼각주의하부삼각주평원에해당되는조간대퇴적층이형성되고, 이후삼각주의전진에따라연구지역은현재의삼각주평원의배후지역인범람원환경으로변모하였다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영남지역 구석기유적의 지형 및 지질환경적 입지 특성

        류춘길(Ryu, Choon-Kil) 한국구석기학회 2016 한국구석기학보 Vol.- No.34

        Geomorphological and geological site characteristics were analysed of 25 paleolithic sites excavated in Yeongnam district. The sites were mainly located at gentle slope of mountainous and lowland area close to the final river in local drainage system. In micro-landform elements, the sites were distributed in bottom land, alluvial toeslpope, and terrace surface as well as crest flat, crest slope and footslope. Marine terrace, fluvial terrace and paleo-colluvial deposits were main geological units. The sites was mainly located at fluvial terrace and paleo-colluvial terrace. Fluvial terraces were correlated to L2 in stratigraphy, which indicates the sites may be late Paleolithic age. The terraces were classified by meandering river, valley stream and alluvial fan, herein meandering river was a main site. Depositional mechanism of cultural layers were divided into colluvial and fluvial processes. Colluvial deposits were main constituents of paleo-colluvial deposits, and also were developed at upper part of terraces close to mountainous area. The occurrence of loess-paleosol and stratigraphic application of soil wedge in Paleolithic sites might be important future subjects. 영남지역에서 최근까지 발굴조사된 25곳의 구석기유적을 대상으로 지형 및 지질환경적 입지 특성을 살펴보 았다. 지형환경 요소에 있어 지형적으로 유적은 지역적 유역 내에서의 최종 하천과 비교적 인접한 산지 사면 저부의 완경사지 또는 평탄지와 하천 주변 평탄지에 주로 입지한다. 미지형 분류에 있어서는 정부평탄지, 정부사 면, 산록사면 등의 구릉성 지형면을 비롯하여 곡저면, 충적면 및 단구면 등에 입지한다. 지질환경 요소에 있어 서는 해성단구, 하성단구 및 고기붕적층의 제4기 지질 및 층서단위에 분포한다. 하성단구에 가장 많으나 고기 붕적층에도 다수 확인된다. 하성단구는 저위2면에서의 분포 비율이 훨씬 높아 후기 구석기유적의 분포가 우세할 것임을 시사한다. 하성단구는 하천 성격에 따라 사행천, 곡부 소하천 및 충적선상지 등으로 구분되며, 사행 천과 충적선상지가 우세하다. 문화층의 퇴적기원은 사면 붕적작용과 하천 퇴적작용으로 대별된다. 붕적층은 고기붕적층 뿐만 아니라 배후산지와 접한 단구면 상부를 점하기도 한다. 앞으로 단구와 같은 평탄지에서의 중국 황사 기원 고토양층의 존재 가능성, 그리고 토양쐐기의 존재 및 매수와 층서적 활용 등에 대해서 활발한 논의와 연구가 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        제주 서귀포 무인도서의 지형 및 지질 - 범섬, 문섬, 섶섬을 중심으로 -

        류춘길 ( Ryu Choon-kil ),오강호 ( Oh Kang-ho ),고영구 ( Koh Yeong-koo ),정철환 ( Chung Chull-hwan ),오홍식 ( Oh Hong-shik ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2021 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.33 No.4

        This study focuses on geomorphological and geological features and the processes of their formation on Beomseon, Munseom, and Seopseom, uninhabited islands of Seogwipo city, Jeju Island. On the sea shores of the aforementioned islands, sea cliffs, weathering depressions as tafoni, and sea caves are well developed in variable forms and arrays. The sea cliffs are generally steep but, in the southern area of the Munseom, partly gentle. In addition, shore platforms are also well developed on the seashores of the islands. In the case of Beomsum, the northern platform reached a width of 90m. Of the above sea caves, some are considered as paleo-sea ones with respect to developing heights. A few caves in Munseom are arranged in NE-SW linear trends. Plentiful taponi vary in form and size, developed on the sea shores of the islands. The tafoni are mainly circular to elliptical in shape. On the sea shore in Seopseom, the formation of tafoni on the bases of developing stages could be observed. The above islands are, geologically, composed of massive, aphyric trachytes and correspond to volcanic edifices of lava domes. Beomseom is assigned to trachyandesite and, meanwhile, Munseom and Seopseom are designated as trachytes in accordance with the TAS diagram, respectively. The trachytes all belonged to alkaline series. Remarkable structures in the volcanic rocks are columnar joints. The joints are more or less poor in Seopseom relative to the other two islands. In addition, structures from lava flows are locally developed in Munseom and Seopseom. Accordingly, it is considered that the above islands would offer valuable basic data in natural heritage studies.

      • KCI등재

        Geotechnical Characterisation of Busan Clay

        정성교,류춘길,민세찬,이정만,홍양표,Enkhtur Odgerel 대한토목학회 2012 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.16 No.3

        In the Nakdong River delta, the depositional environment is slightly different in every locality. An attempt was made to conduct a geotechnical characterization of clay in the floodplain of the delta area, where a series of field and laboratory tests was executed at five sites. The results indicate that variations in the slope of cone resistance change with depth are utilized to stratify the deposits and to extend a paleoenvironmental profile that has been investigated at a neighboring site. Some of the index properties and the compression index appear to correlate with the depositional environment, so that they have a well-defined trend with depth irrespective of location and empirical formulas may be developed between them. However, on the top 10 m layer deposited during regression, several properties are different in the tested sites. The ratio of the field vane strength to the effective overburden stress shows a poor correlation with water content, indicating no relationship with the plasticity index. The in-situ void index Iv0 shows that clays of the Tidal Flat (TF) and Inner Shelf (IS) units are more structured than other normally consolidated clays, whereas that of the Shallow Marine (SM) unit, which is overconsolidated, is not. The sensitivity (St), ranging from 5 to 9 at a location, vary in a manner similar to a well-defined trend of the properties. Based on the Iv0, recompression, and Cc-e0-St relation, the clay is moderately or highly structured but weakly bonded, where Cc is compression index and e0 is initial void ratio.

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