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        고등학교 「현대 물리」 단원의 광전 효과 개념에 대한 비유물 개발 수업의 효과

        류수경,장현숙,최경희 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2008 교과교육학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구에서는 고등학교 학생들에게 고등학교 「현대 물리」 단원에서의 광전효과 개념에 대한비유물을 스스로 개발하게 하는 수업을 실시하였다. 학생들은 주로 자신들의 흥미와 관심거리에서비유물의 소재를 찾은 경우가 많았으며, 가장 많이 개발된 비유물은 빛을 점심시간의 반찬, 음식점, 자판기 등의 음식물로 비유한 것이었다. 비유물을 개발한 후, 학생들은 다른 친구들이 만든비유물을 자신의 것과 비교해보고 잘못된 점을 지적하는 토론 과정을 거치면서 과학 개념을 이해하고, 교사의 부연 설명이나 질문에 대한 답을 하면서 올바른 과학 개념을 인식하게 되었다. 비유물 개발 수업에 대한 학생들의 의견을 알아보기 위해 실시한 설문 조사에서는 비유물 개발 수업이새로운 개념을 기억하고 과학 개념을 이해하는 데 도움이 된다는 긍정적인 응답을 하였으며, 광전효과와 관련된 문제를 풀 때 도움이 된다고 응답하였다. 인터뷰를 통해 비유물 개발 수업의 효과는상위권 학생은 물론 중하위권학생들에게도 수업 참여에의 동기 유발, 오개념 파악 및 개념 변화,그리고 교수-학습 과정에 학생들을 적극적으로 참여시키는 데 있어 긍정적인 반응을 얻었음을 알수 있었다. 한편 비유물 개발 수업의 효과에 대한 인식은 학생들의 성취도에 따라 달리 나타났는데, 상위권 학생들은 알고 있는 개념을 정확하게 하는 계기가 되고 토의를 통해 생각지 못한 부분을 발견하여 정정할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다고 응답한 반면, 하위권 학생들은 수업에 흥미유발이되고 적극적으로 참여할 수 있으며, 동료들과의 토의로 개념의 이해가 수월했다고 응답하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of high school students' self-generatedanalogies on the concept of photoelectric effect in learning 「Modern Physics」 Unit in highschool physics. As results, most of them find analogies in their interest and concern such as side dishes, restaurants, vending machines and so on for the concept of light. They understand scientific concepts while discussing the faults of analogies made by their friends and comparing others with theirs. And they correct their misunderstanding for the concepts while they interact with their teachers. They responded positively for the effects of self-generated analogies in remembering and understanding scientific concepts and solving related problems. In interview,not only high achiever but also middle and low achiever, they answered that the generating analogies was helpful for motivating themselves, unterstanding the concepts, and making them participate in teaching-learning activity. Their perceptions for the effects of self-generated analogies were different among them according to their achievement level. High achievers answered that self-generated analogies give them an opportunity to think about concepts precisely and make them correct misunderstanding while discussing. However, low achievers responded that it is helpful for motivating for the learning activity and discussing with theirfriends make it easy to understand scientific concepts. Key words : photoelectric effect, high school physics, analogy, scien

      • 재가 척수장애인의 재활 프로그램에 관한 연구 : C.B.R을 중심으로

        류수경 강남대학교 (강남사회복지학교)사회사업학과 1989 社會事業論集 Vol.12 No.1

        현대사회는 인구가 증가하고 수명이 연장되며 급속한 산업화 도시화 됨에 따라 노인층 인구가 증가하고, 교통사고나 산업재해 등 각종 안전사고가 많아짐에 따라 장애인의 수가 점점 늘고 있는데 대부분의 장애인 현황을 보면 1985년 인구보건 연구원에서 실시한 「전국 장애자 실태조사 보고서」에 따르면 한국 장애인 수는「장애자 복지법」에서 규정하고 있는 장애인의 기준을 적용하여 915,000명으로 추정하고 있으나 각종 장애인 단체에서는 이미 100만이 훨씬 넘어섰다고 주장하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        초·중학생 대상 빈칸 메우기 검사를 통한 교사의 교육용 텍스트 이독성 수준 평정의 타당성 분석

        류수경,박태준,박은아,변태진,한정아,하명진,김지혜,최소영 한국교육과정평가원 2023 교육과정평가연구 Vol.26 No.4

        The goal was to determine whether the teacher's evaluation of text readability aligns with the students' perspective. Two sets of cloze tests were created and administered to measure the agreement between teacher-evaluated text readability and the difficulty derived from students' test results. A total of 286 students for field trial and 421 students for main survey those who are 6th grade elementary school and 3rd grade middle school participated in the tests. Rasch model analysis was used to examine the distribution of text difficulty, which was found to be evenly distributed. Spearman's Rho was employed to analyze the correlation between the teacher's evaluation sequence and the text difficulty sequence in the students' tests. The results indicated a high correlation of 0.8154 for elementary school students and 0.8374 for middle school students, confirming the validity of the text readability test and evaluation conducted in this study.

      • KCI등재

        두개안면이골증의 두 증례

        류수경,강기현,고광준 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2004 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.34 No.3

        Craniofacial dysostosis is considered to be one of rarely observed syndromes characterized by premature closing of all cranial sutures. The first patient was a 4-year-old male infant who had been complaining of empyema. Clinical findings showed exophthalmos, hypertelorism and facial asymmetry. Conventional radiographs demonstrated abscence of cranial sutures and underdeveloped maxilla. CT scan demonstrated the digital impressions of the inner surface of the cranial vault, enlarged and depressed sella turcica. The second patient was a 2-year-old female infant who had been complaining of facial deformity. Clinical findings showed hypertelorism and underdeveloped maxilla. Radiographs showed premature synostosis of all cranial sutures, depressed and enlarged sella turcica, and hypoplastic maxilla. 3 years after operation, her look improved. However, resurgery may be considered to decreasing intracranial pressure and for correction of facial deformity. Two interesting cases showing ‘cloverleaf’ skulls were presented.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of 2-deoxy-D-glucose and quercetin on the expression of osteonectin and osteopontin during the differentiation of irradiated MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cells

        류수경,고광준,김경아 대한영상치의학회 2008 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.38 No.4

        Purpose : To characterize the effects of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) and quercetin (QCT) on gene expression of osteonectin (ON) and osteopontin (OP) in irradiated MC3T3-E1 cells. Materials and Methods : When MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cells had reached 70-80% confluence, cultures were transferred to a differentiating medium supplemented with 5 mM 2-DG or 10 μM QCT and then irradiated with 2, 4, 6, and 8 Gy. At various times after irradiation, the cells were analyzed for the expression of bone mineralization genes such as ON and OP. Results : The mRNA expression of both ON and OP was increased according to the culture time in the differentiation medium, and the increase of the genes peaked at 14 days after the differentiation induction. In the case of OP, the increase of mRNA expression was maintained to 28 days after the differentiation, while the mRNA level of ON was reduced to the basal level at the same time. Irradiation adding 2-DG showed a significant peak value in the expression pattern of ON at 4 Gy 7 days after irradiation. Irradiation adding QCT increased the mRNA expression of ON and OP in a dose-dependant manner, but irradiation adding 2-DG did not show any differences between the control and experiments 14 days after irradiation. Irradiation adding QCT increased significantly the expression patterns of ON 21 days after irradiation. Conclusion : The results showed that QCT acted as a radiosensitizer in the gene expression of ON and OP during differentiation of the late stage of irradiated MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cells in vitro. (Korean J Oral Maxillofac Radiol 2008; 38 : 195-202) Purpose : To characterize the effects of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) and quercetin (QCT) on gene expression of osteonectin (ON) and osteopontin (OP) in irradiated MC3T3-E1 cells. Materials and Methods : When MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cells had reached 70-80% confluence, cultures were transferred to a differentiating medium supplemented with 5 mM 2-DG or 10 μM QCT and then irradiated with 2, 4, 6, and 8 Gy. At various times after irradiation, the cells were analyzed for the expression of bone mineralization genes such as ON and OP. Results : The mRNA expression of both ON and OP was increased according to the culture time in the differentiation medium, and the increase of the genes peaked at 14 days after the differentiation induction. In the case of OP, the increase of mRNA expression was maintained to 28 days after the differentiation, while the mRNA level of ON was reduced to the basal level at the same time. Irradiation adding 2-DG showed a significant peak value in the expression pattern of ON at 4 Gy 7 days after irradiation. Irradiation adding QCT increased the mRNA expression of ON and OP in a dose-dependant manner, but irradiation adding 2-DG did not show any differences between the control and experiments 14 days after irradiation. Irradiation adding QCT increased significantly the expression patterns of ON 21 days after irradiation. Conclusion : The results showed that QCT acted as a radiosensitizer in the gene expression of ON and OP during differentiation of the late stage of irradiated MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cells in vitro. (Korean J Oral Maxillofac Radiol 2008; 38 : 195-202)

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