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      • KCI등재

        비정치적 주체의 정치적 상상

        김휘열(Kim, Hwi-yul) 우리문학회 2013 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.40

        This study considers Seol Jeongsik"s Novel published liberation period. 『Cheong-Chun』 is the novel revealing the non-political subject through Park Dusu"s relation with Kim Chulhwan, Gong Hak, Hyeon Youngseop. Among others, Hyeon youngseop is the most special character. Unlike other characters, he is the only character that the name of a real person has been used. In reality, during colonized period Hyeon youngseop keep changing his identity from socialist to anarchist, to pro-Japanese ideologue. He is similar to the Hyeon youngseop Character in the novel. Through the analysis, it shows that the novel"s character Kim Chulhwan, Gong Hak, Hyeon Youngseop are symbols of the political subject of socialism, anarchism, pro-Japanese ideologue. Also, Pak Dusu, the main character of 『Cheong-Chun』 is autobiographical portrait of the artist as a non-political subject. He is eager to participate the group of activists as Kim Chulhwan and Gong Hak, but instead of participation he is hesitating and feels ashamed. Pak Dusu"s self-reflection of his hesitation is to show writer"s reflection about passive attitude during colonial period. Seol Jeongsik"s Novel also reveals state of the period not only the appearance of the subject who experienced the liberation period. The surrender of Japan and declaration of liberation finally come but it was not a real liberation as his poems and novels insist. 『Haebang』 is the novel that shows it was not a real liberation and makes reconsider it"s real meaning. Seol Jeongsik suggests the way to overcome that situation through organization and unite with people, through union of mind and body. He is against with a Kim Dongri"s opinion who is a representative purist. Kim Dongri insists the literture should be based on individuality. To solve periodical problem, Seol Jeongsik suggests organization, emphasizes solidarity, which is also represented by harmony of mind and body. Even Hyeon youngseop has the moment of the unity of mind and body, even for a moment. Novels describes the intellectual"s seeking the path through the dark period from colonial period to liberation period. Henceforth, if the 『Cold and Warm Current』 can be found it will be make possible more precise analysis about Seol Jeongsik"s Novel.

      • KCI등재

        선우휘 소설에 나타난 언론 주체 연구

        김휘열(Kim, Hwi-yul) 한국비평문학회 2014 批評文學 Vol.- No.52

        So far Seon-woo Hwi has been praised as the activistic humanist or criticized as the conservative anti-communist by critics. But the real work of his novels can"t be understood distinctly with regard to humanism or anti-communism, because many aspects of his novels are ironically mixed. Therefore in this article, I investigated into the novels which previous studies had not discussed much. First novel I examined was 『The Castle』 that the novel Seon-woo Hwi published for the first time, the novel has been wrongly reputed as the title of 『The Ghost』. The novel is a story of a ghost that watch and record his observation of the human world. And by the rule of the ghost world, he should be emotionaly neutral to human and record the human events rationally and objectively. In that respect, the ghost is an allegory of journalists that have to be politically neutral about recording realities. Second novel I observed was 『The Fort』. The novel distinguishes between the person who looks and the person who shows, that kind of divide is also a allegory of journalists and ideologists. The writer put emphasis on the person who looks which means journalist recording the truth of realities as objective observers. Third novel I would discuss is the 『Ho-jeop-mong』 and the title means "butterfly"s dream" from old fable of Chuang Tzu. The novel contains the criticism to a person that just closed his eyes whenever he confronted to the big tragic event of Korea like the Korean War of 4·19 revolution as if there were nothing happened. Three novels can be bind together when we recognize them as allegories of the subject as journalists. Korean media"s history has been a struggle with the government. The government tried to take control of the media, and the media sometimes confronted to it and sometimes complied to it. The important point of the three novels the writer wanted to tell through the allegories of "observer", "person who looks", "person who close his eyes" was that journalists in modern Korea suffered and anguished with the social reality that the media could not function as an genuine observer for the truth. In South Korea, there always was conflicts between government and the media, and Seon-woo Hwi"s novels in the midst of such a reality show the role and position of journalists as the genuine observers of the reality.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 해방기 『문화시보』의 매체적 위치와 의미 연구

        김휘열 ( Hwi Yul Kim ) 반교어문학회 2015 泮橋語文硏究 Vol.0 No.41

        본 논문은 해방기 간행된 『문화시보』의 내용을 소개하고 당대의 문화.정치 지형 속에서 이 신문의 위치와 의미를 파악해보려 한다. 『문화시보』는 1947년 12월 16일에 안석주가 편집인 겸 발행인으로 문화시보사에서 발간한 일간지이다. 안석주는 식민지 시기 파스큘라.카프에 가담하여 활동하다 식민지 말기 친일활동으로 기울었던 문인이다. 그는 소설·삽화·만화, 미술비평 등 다양한 예술 영역에서 활동을 했던 인물로 문학인보다는 예술인의 범주에 더 가까운 인물이라 할 수 있는데, 『문화시보』 또한 그러한 종합예술지적인 성격을 띠고 있다. 『문화시보』는 서정주, 박종화, 함대훈, 한흑구 등의 해방기 우익 문인들이 참여했던 일간지로 민족주의.자유주의 노선의 신문으로 분류할 수 있다. 한국에서는 국회도서관에 그 창간호만이 보관되어 그 전모를 파악하기가 어려웠으나, 필자는 University of California, Berkeley의 동아시아 도서관에 두 달 가량의 분량이 소장되어 있음을 발견하였다. 따라서 입수한 분량을 통해 『문화시보』의 자세한 지면 구성과 기사의 내용 분석을 수행하여 신문 자체의 성격과 특징을 파악하고, 해방기에 『문화시보』가 갖는 당대적인 위치를 살펴보았다. 좌우를 막론한 해방기의 과제인 ‘민족문화건설’에 『문화시보』는 한국문화를 세계문화와 접목시키는 방법으로 대응하려 했고, 연재 시와 소설을 모두 번역 작품으로 선정한 데에는 그러한 새로운 한국문화건설의 욕망이 반영되어 있었다. 또한 문학관련 특집 기사에서는 백조 동인의 문학사적 역할과 정통성을 강조하며 정치성보다는 문학의 순수성과 예술성을 강조하는 면모를 보였다. 1947년 12월 미군정의 영향으로 좌익 언론의 활동이 힘을 잃고 사그라들었던 상황에 등장한 『문화시보』는 우익지의 한 분파로서, 당시 민족문화건설이라는 국가적 과제에 ‘문화’라는 표어를 내세우며 대중매체로서의 핵심적인 역할을 담당하려는 일종의 시도라 볼 수 있다. This research introduces the contents of Mun-hwa-Shi-bo, a newspaper published in the Liberation period and to verify its location within the cultural and political topography. Since September 16th 1947, the newspaper was edited and published by Seok-ju Ahn. During the colonial period, Ahn had been a member of PASKYULA, a leftism group, before becoming a pro-Japanese artist. He was active in many cultural spheres, writing novels, drawing cartoons, and even taking part in making films. His affinity for art over literature is reflected in the content of the Mun-hwa-Shi-bo. The daily newspaper`s writing staff included rightist literary persons such as Jeong-ju Seo, Jong-hwa Park, Dae-hoon Ham, Heuk-ku Han, so its political stance is closer to national liberalism. In Korea, there is only one issue of Mun-hwa-Shi-bo in the National Assembly Library, so it is hard to grasp the real contents of the newspaper. While I was staying in the United States as a visiting student researcher, I found the newspaper published from December 16, 1947 to January 18, 1948 in the UC Berkeley East Asian Library. This made it possible to investigate it more closely and in detail. In this research, I look into the configuration of the sections of the paper and its contents. Through this examination, I can determine the character of the newspaper and its purpose and value in the liberation period. It shows clearly how Mun-hwa-Shi-bo contributed to the national culture building in that period.

      • KCI등재

        곽학송 소설에 나타난 간첩, 그 이중적 육체에 대하여

        김휘열(Kim, Hwi-Yul) 우리문학회 2014 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.44

        곽학송의 소설은 최근 활성화되고 있는 간첩 연구에 있어서 빼놓을 수 없는 텍스트다. 지금까지 곽학송은 「철로」(『교통』지에 1955~1956년 연재된 작품으로 1956년 노동문화사에서 『자유의 궤도』라는 제목으로 단행본이 간행됨)란 작품을 제외하고 큰 주목을 받지 못했다. 당대 문단에서는 「철로」가 이념 전쟁 속에서 내면적 자유를 추구하는 개인의 심리를 빼어나게 묘사했다고 평가했으나 그의 이후 작품에 대해서는 이렇다 할 평이 없었다. 평안북도 정주 출신으로 선우휘와 비슷한 연배인 그는 1950년대 말의 반공의식을 1980년대까지 유지하였는데, 그의 작품 또한 근본적으로는 그러한 반공주의적 인식에 기반하고 있다. 그는 육군 9818부대 집필위원으로 활동하고 『북한』이라는 잡지에 반공적 소설을 싣는 등, 수필이나 작품활동을 통해 반공 의식을 강하게 드러냈다. 그러나 흥미로운 것은 간첩이라는 경계적 인물이 등장하는 그의 소설들에서는 그 반공의식의 균열점들이 나타난다는 점이다. 전쟁 이후 남한 사회는 일종의 반공규율사회였다. 월남민으로서 곽학송은 공산주의의 규율과 제제를 피해 내려왔기에 그의 반공주의는 자유주의와 일맥상통한다. 그러나 남한에서도 또한 완전한 ‘자유’는 존재하지 않았다. ‘종전’이 아닌 ‘휴전’이라는 상황에 덧붙여진 반공주의적 규제는 남한 역시 북한만큼은 아니더라도 문제였다. 「철로」의 현수가 자유주의자이자 탈이념주의자인 것은 바로 이와 같은 상황 때문이었을 것이다. 이념전쟁인 6·25가 휴전이라는 애매한 상태로 한시적으로 종결되었고, 지속되는 이념의 극한 대립은 남북한의 자유를 침해하고 있다는 것이 곽학송의 생각이었다. 그래서 그는 자신의 소설 속 극단적인 이념주의자 이기호와 같은 인물을 긍정하지 않는다. 안현수와 같은 인물들은 반공주의의 입장에 서 있으나 항상 이기호와 같은 인물의 이념 최우선주의를 거부한다. 「집행인」의 현수는 이기호에게서 자꾸만 벗어나고 멀리 달아나려 하는데, 이것은 역무원으로서의 작가의 개인적 경험과 가치관이 가장 많이 반영된 현수라는 인물을 통해 작가 자신의 탈이념적 욕망을 상징적으로 나타낸 것이다. 반공규율사회 속에서 개인들의 욕망은 규율에 어긋나거나 반대되는 흐름들을 내포하고 있었고 그런 힘들은 규제적 반공주의에 흠집을 내었다. 즉 전후 한국사회는 한쪽으로 일방적인 힘만이 가해지는 사회가 아니라 다양한 충동과 충돌을 빚어내는 내부적 힘들이 상존하는 사회였다고 할 수 있다. 곽학송의 소설들은 그런 틈새를 조명하고 재발견할 수 있는 작품으로서 그 의의를 인정받을 수 있다. 본고의 작업은 또한 반공주의의 독특한 문학적 표출양상을 탐색하는 하나의 기회가 될 수 있을 것이다. 여전히 미답의 영역으로 남아있는 곽학송의 대중·통속·추리소설들에 대한 분석은 향후의 연구에서 보완할 계획이다. As an author, Hak-song Gwak has an important role in understanding the relationship between the KoreanWar and Korean novels in the 1950s. He, after escaping to the South fromPyeong-an-buk-do before the outbreak of war, published his much anticipated book Railroad that describes the ideological problemof the KoreanWar as a railroad staff or as a living character in 1955. Although he was an prolific author of abundant publications of releasing 21 novels and short stories in the late 1950s alone and totalling over 10 novels and over 100 short stories in his entire life, for some reason, was forgotten from the Korean literary circle and was seldomreferred to by critics and researchers. This study aims to reappraise the importance of his novels among Korean novels of the 1950s. Critics at that time assesses that his novels are restricted to novels based on 19th century realism and that there are no valuable pieces except for theRailroad. But this was because critics at that time considered his novels only under the context of humanismand existentialism. In terms of ideological context, the importance of his novels can be reilluminated. This study focused on the frequent description of spies in the novels of Hak-song Gwak. Many spies often appearing in his pieces of Neutral Zone, Kim and Lee and Executor, instead of working for only one side, are double agents who work for both sides. Double agents have disruptive ideological identity in order to survive. They carried out their duties fromthe South Korea and North Korea in order to guarantee the survival of individuals or their families in extreme situations, and this standing as double agents in return becomes an element that builds on themajor conflict in the narrative structures. The problem of double agents is important in the context that the performance of commands given by the ideology (or the group based on the ideology) and its result reflects the image of individuals that shakes dignity in the devastating destiny. Therefore, double agents symbolize the unavoidable psychological and physical disruption of individuals who does not clearly belong to North or South who endeavors to survive in a war. North Korean refugees and war refugees who lost their hometown and living base were in that situation and one of themwas Hak-song Gwak. The fact that the author focused on a figure who can exist as a double agent in a novel based on the KoreanWar implies that the author himself cannot be free fromthe problemof ideology and personal conflict.


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