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      • KCI등재

        텔레비전 뉴스 수용자의 유형에 관한 연구 : Q 방법론적 접근

        김홍규 ( Hung Kyu Kim ),김우룡 ( U Ryong Kim ) 한국주관성연구학회 1998 주관성연구 Vol.- No.3

        As the number of television channels and broadcasting time increased after the period of various channels performance has started. one of the most consolidated television program could be said to be the reporting programs. Since the increasing phenomenon of reporting programs is not only limited to Korea but is becoming a trend to the whole world, the situation is that the television news is saturated deeply in matter of time and space of our daily lives and is settling to become a part of our everyday lives. This research, made in regard to such cognition, aimed at understanding the subjectivity of the television news audiences and finding its characteristics in order to find the characteristics of the Korean television news audiences. For this, the following research problems were made. 1. What is each different type of subjectivity of Korean TV news audience, and what is its characteristics? 2. What is the problem of Korean TV news program that news audience think and what is the remedy? Based on the purpose of research mentioned above, Q-factor was analyzed in order to find the subjectivity of Korean television news audiences on television news, and consequently four patterns were shown, and they Were named as ``Anti-sensationalist``, ``TV-world``, ``TV-Trustworthy`` and ``Practical Information Pursuit``. Television news audiences who belong to Anti-sensationalist, think subjects of news are excessively devoted to politics and the rivalry of program popularity ratings among the broadcasting companies cause news reports to be chiefly focused on amusement or on sensational exposure which deteriorates the news programs in general; and therefore, Korean television newscasting is not serving well its social part as a media. As for TV-world, the audiences has a characteristic of putting the importance to ambience and realism conveyed through pictures in television, and cognizes television as the ``eye`` for looking at the world to feel the ambience better with the accidents and issues seen particularly through television screens. Television news audiences who belong to 1Y ?Trustworthy reckon the television news as the most popular medium of conveying news and also regard its influence as the most considerable. Furthermore, they think television news of Korea is mostly impartial, and people are enabled to know the issues of the worldly affairs better after watching the television news program. Consequently, Type3 was named ``Trustworthy type of TV news``. Television news audiences who belong to Practical Information Pursuit, think news should give practical help to life above all things. However they think not only television news but other media are exercising considerable influences to daily lives and therefore do not cognize or regard the influence of television news importantly. When faced with the question "How objective and reasonable is the result obtained from this research examining?", it seems nothing more could be answered except that this research was just an extreme experiment. Nevertheless, this monograph tried to help in developing and producing superior news programs in order to reckon and understand the various characteristics of television new audiences.

      • KCI등재

        류머티스 관절염 환자의 원인지각과 건강추구행위에 관한 탐색적 연구

        김분한 ( Boon Han Kim ),김홍규 ( Hung Kyu Kim ),정연 ( Yun Jung ),강화정 ( Hwa Jeong Kang ) 한국주관성연구학회 1998 주관성연구 Vol.- No.3

        This study was undertaken to find out the causal perception and health seeking behaviors of Rheumatoid arthritis patients, define and understand the typology and find the relationship between causal perception and health seeking behavioral types. The Q-population consisted of 236 statements of causal perception and 249 statements of health seeking behavior were collected. 38 Q-samples each of both causal perception and health seeking behavior were selected. The P-sample for this study were made up of 28 female Rheumatoid arthritis patients from a Rheumatoid arthritis specializing hospital who had only visited the hospital once. Each respondent were given 2 Q-sets (causal perception and health seeking behavior) of 76 statements and sorted them according to 9-point scale. The result of Q-sorting were coded and analyzed using QUANL PC program. 1) Typological Observation on Causal Perception (1) Physical Fatigue Type: Type 1 perceived that the illness occurred due to excessive work requiring physical labor or strain that had occurred from not resting after excessive physical labor, therefore, thinking the origin of the illness was from physical strain. (2) Dispensation of Nature Type : Type 2 perceived that the major cause for the illness is not only excessive physical labour but also fecundity and old age. (3) Causality to Environment Type: Type 3 perceived that Rheumatoid arthritis occurred from injury to the joints or bad and humid weather. (4) Conscience of Guilty Type : Type <1 consisted of people with guilty conscience for lack of religious commitment. They perceived that the illness was a punishment from God for not praying or because of bad luck. (5) Rationally Perceiving Type: People who belong in type 5 perceived the cause of illness in light of scientific facts such as genetics, unbalanced diet or lack of exercise. (6) Psychological Stress Type: People who belong in type 6 believed that excessive stress was the cause of the illness. 2) Typological Observation on Health Seeking Behaviors (1) Oriental Medical Treatment Type: People categorized in type 1 used Chinese medical treatment such as acupuncture. Ttum (maxacautery). Bu-Hwang (Chinese therapy using cupping glass to get rid of pus and bad blood) to ease pain in the joints and seek health or warm bath therapy such as sauna. 1967 warm-water bathing, fomentation to promote blood circulation. and therefore categorized oriental medical treatment type. (2) Information Seeking Type: People categorized in type 2 \"ere those who tried out the health seeking behaviors obtained from other people or the mass media. (3) Dietary Control Type : People categorized in type 3 tried to keep Rheumatoid arthritic symptoms and health intact by dietary control. (4) Western Medical Treatment Type: People categorized in type 4 were those who followed the treatment suggested by specialists from hospitals for the Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and health care. 3) Causal Perception of Illness and Related Health Seeking Behavior. After investing the relationship between types of causal perception and health seeking behavior, we found out that there were various health seeking behaviors for each causal perception. However, if we look at elements weighted relatively highly in each type and sort out the causal perception into unchangeable internal elements and changeable external elements, we can find a relationship with health seeking behaviour types. Oriental medical treatment and information seeking type were common health seeking behaviors of all six causal perception types. Only difference being that internal causal perception type was related to hospital instruction following and external causal perception type was related to dietary controlling. Physical fatigue, dispensation of nature, rationally perceiving and psychological stress types, which are internal causal perceptions, follow the instructions of doctors thoroughly whereas, causality to environment and conscience of guilty types, which are external causal perceptions, take care of health by means of dietary control and both types of causal perception approach health in their own way. The most advisable health care is to carry out both hospital and dietary treatment together to achieve continuous treatment \\``ith positive causal perceptions.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        임신 후반기에 진단된 쿠싱 증후근 산모에서 미숙아 분만후 부신적출술을 경험한 1 예

        송광식,이기영,송석호,양달모,강문호,김홍규,황재경,주기탁,이항진,서찬종,박혜영,오영하 대한내분비학회 2001 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.16 No.1

        We experienced a case of Cushing's syndrome due to adrenocortical adenoma associated with 3lth week (third trimester) pregnancy in a 29 year-old female patient. The patient complained of generalized weakness, fatigue, and febrile sensation. On physical examinations, hypertension, moon face, plethoric face, abdominal striae, and scattered petechiae were found. Laboratory findings showed increased serum cortisol (AM 8:00.8 pg/dL, PM 1l:0054.9 pg/dL), increased 24 hours-urinary free cortisol (1,598 pg/day), and decreased plasma ACTH (AM 8:00.41 pg/mL, PM 11:005.66 pg/mL) and not suppressed high dose dexamethasone suppression test. Abdominal MRI demonstrated 3?4 cm sized well marginated and round shaped left adrenal mass. At the 31th week of pregnancy, unexpectedly ruptured membrane was developed. She delivered baby weigting 1.3 kg through induction vaginal delivery. Unilateral adrenalectomy was performed after delivery and the mass was canfirmed to be benign adrenal adenoma. Steroid replacement therapy was contnued with 5mg prednisolone after left adrenalectomy. After unilateral adrenalectomy and conservative management, her symptoms was improved gradually (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 16:134-139, 2001).

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