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      • KCI등재

        자택에서의 노후생활을 위한 노인거주자와 노인동거가족의 욕실디자인 요구에 대한 비교 연구

        김혜신(Kim, Hye-Shin),박수빈(Park, Sue-Been) 대한건축학회 2013 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.29 No.10

        This study was progressed with literature review on aging and the bathroom design studies regarding Aging in place and the survey research. Elderly residents and Cohabiting family members, 200 subjects of each group, answered questionnaires including bathroom use, meaning of bathroom and satisfaction thereof, and the preferred bathroom design. Results and conclusions are as follows. (1) The main use of bathroom was discharging, washing, shower & bath. Elderly residents also used it for laundry and planting, and the cohabiting residents for a rest. (2) Elderly residents took shower and bath sitting, while the cohabiting families filled the bathtub with water and took shower in the shower booth. (3) Elderly residents recognized bathroom as a private sanitary space, while the cohabiting families as a private sanitary space and a relaxation area at the same time. And Elderly residents were less satisfied with location of the bathroom and the height of the equipment. (4) Elderly and Cohabiting families mostly preferred the composition of ‘bathtub + shower booth + washbasin + toilet.’ Elderly residents required ‘bathing assistant facilities’ and the Cohabiting families required ‘noise prevention’ adding to ‘floor heating facility,’ ‘emergency call facility,’ and ‘dressing area.’ This study proposed the planning base for the bathroom design of the elderly households as well as the cohabiting households for Aging in place.

      • KCI우수등재

        거주지역에 따른 노인 커뮤니티시설 사용 및 요구에 관한 연구 - 대도시, 중소도시, 농촌 지역의 차이 비교 -

        김혜신(Kim, Hye-Shin),박수빈(Park, Soobeen) 대한건축학회 2022 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.38 No.5

        A healthy and successful retirement life is increasingly becoming important along with cultivating a physical environment that provides a variety of community activities in common living areas. This study focuses on identifying elderly needs in community facilities according to the scope and size of the residential areas. Through literature review, the community status by region, the concept and components of the elderly community, and the classification of elderly activities within the community were discussed. Additionally, a survey research tool was develop and utilized in the form of a structured questionnaire. Elderly people in their 60s and 70s living in a metropolitan city, a small or medium-sized town, and a rural area responded to this questionnaire. The results and conclusions indicated that the main form of transportation to a community facility for the elderly was walking; the most popular community activities involved ‘leisure and/or hobbies’ and ‘walking and/or exercise’. While analyzing the demand and satisfaction of senior welfare facilities, the demand for ‘medical facilities’, ‘welfare facilities’, and ‘neighborhood sports facilities’ placed the highest in all regions; however, the demand for religious facilities was the lowest. The results of this study can provide direction for community planning and is expected to be used as data that enables aging in place for seniors.

      • KCI등재

        ‘근대일본’과 ‘일본미술’

        김혜신(Kim Hyeshin) 서양미술사학회 1999 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        After the Meiji Reformation in 1868, the Meiji government retained national independence from the powerful westerncountries and enforced a policy in many areas to preserve the Japanese cultral tradition. During this period, a modern national system which currently gave the name ‘Japan’ was established and many terms that began with the prefix ‘Japan’ such as ‘Japanese people’, ‘Japanese language’, and ‘Japanese literature’ were created. By associating the formation process of ‘Japanese Art’ which was materialized during the Meiji Era with the foundation of Japan as a nation, this essay aims to think about how the visage of Meiji Japan is portrayed in the domain of the art culture. The current ‘Japan’ of today is a nation state that was founded from the end of the Tokugawa period and throughout the beginning of the Meiji period. A nation state is a sovereign union where a distinct territory is defined by the national boundaries, and the nation as a citizen commonly possesses the national identity. The term ‘art’ was first introduced during the ‘vienna World Exhibition’ where Japan participated for the first time. It was a translated word for the German, ‘Kunstgewerbe’. The first published work that systematically narrated the history of Japanse art was ‘Histoire de l’ Art du Japon’ written in French at the ‘Paris All Nations Expo’ of 1900. In contrast to Meiji Japan’s catchphrases such as ‘industrial foundation and prosperity’ and ‘enrichment of nation and empowerment of national defense’, here at the Expo amongst many western countries, Japan was acclaimed as a country for its refined and feminine Ukiyo-e and craft art. In eastern Asia, after Japan took the victory in both Sino-Japanese War(l894) and Russian­Japanese War(l904), it walked the path of Imperialism by aiming to colonize its neighboring countries. The Meiji Japan’s consciousness toward the west and that of its own nation were operated on two axes that composed of the concepts, ‘Japanese Painting’ and ‘western Painting’. As a way to position itself in the midst of the world, Japan saw the west as the entire world itself and chose to detach from the Asian realm and entered the passageway toward the west. The period when ‘Japanese Painting’ and ‘western Painting’ developed as two opposing concepts is simultaneous to the enactment of the Great Imperial Japan’s constitution and the foundation of the imperial congress of 1899 that led to the systematization of the modern state nation. In the beginning of 1880’s, a movement starts to take place where following the western trends excessively is restrained and attempts to return to the traditional Japan is made. However, since Meiji Japan was fundamentally a pro-western organization, and as long as the concept ‘Japanese art’ was a term with the west in mind, once infiltrated western art styles could not be denied all together. As a result, the paintings that dealt with history became a new trend. Here many paintings depicted Japanese history, religion, legends, and old tales. By this way, within the framework of western historical painting style, Japan was able to contain its unique tradition. In the west, historical painting had an effect of delivering national ideology to the public. Because Japan was one step behind in the modernization process, these historical and mythical subjects were demanded by the Meiji Japan that longed to confirm its identity as a westernized modern nation. In these paintings, along with traditional Japanese themes eastern subjects such as India were emphasized also, and thus played the role of clarifying Japan’s position as an ideal spiritual center in the east. The Meiji Era showed that Japan was a civilized nation that was not inferior to the western power. It was also a period of constant forward motion with the question of how to harmonize the realities of western civilization and the mental chaos that follows in the process of acc

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        랭보의 시에 보이는 새로운 세계와 이미지 표현 방법

        김혜신(Kim Hye-shin) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.48

        랭보가 순수한 ‘빛’(종교적이거나 이데아적인 것과는 다른 극히 순수한 이 세계의 현상으로서의 빛)과 “새로운 소음(bruit neuf)”을 통해 이 세계의 사물들에 직접적으로 다가가려 한 관점과 그 시도는, 자연스럽게 빛과 소리의 예술인 영화 이미지의 영역과 비교될 수 있는 점들을 환기시킨다. 그의 이미지는 가령 플라톤적인 동굴에서 바라본 세계의 이미지와 전혀 다르고, 기독교적인 이미지와도 거리가 멀다. 랭보는 우리의 눈과 육체가 생기 어린 세계를 대하는 정동과 감각, 에너지, 운동감과 지속 시간을 빛과 소리를 통해 가장 직접적인 방식으로 지시하고, 표현하고자 했다. 이 경우, 이미지의 묘사 혹은 표현은 그 자체로 의미와 직결된다. 이 존재론적인 이미지를 지향한다는 면에서 랭보의 시와 현대 영화예술은 공통적이다. 시인이 일반 문학과 시의 경계 저 너머의 새로운 지평을 향해 나아가다 보니, 우연히 빛과 소리의 예술인 영화의 세계와 만나는 지점들이 생겼을 수도 있고, 우리가 앞에서 언급한 대로 매직랜턴을 비롯한 당대의 여러 시각예술들에서 시 이미지 표현 방법에 대한 영감을 받았을 수도 있다. 우리는 적어도, 『일뤼미나시옹』에서 시인이 자신의 ‘빛’과 구체적인 시각기제를 이용한 영사적 글쓰기를 하려고 의식적으로 시도한 흔적들은 확인해볼 수 있었다. 랭보의 성공은 섬광처럼 찰나적인 것으로만 나타난다. 그러나 여기에서 나오는 이미지들이 갖는 아름다움과 창조적 주이상스, 이미지를 쇄신시키는 에너지의 강도는 다른 어디에서도 볼 수 없는 것이다. 여기에는 창조적, 감정적, 물질적/육체적, 현상학적 ‘움직임’이 특유의 빛과 스크린 장치 속에서 가시화된다. 시인의 실패는 어쩌면 말과 문학이 ‘끝나는’ 시점에서 시작하고자 했던 ‘보는 자’의 시가 처음부터 숙명처럼 가질 수밖에 없는 것이 아닐까 한다. 시인 자신, 엄청난 애정과 힘을 기울여 이미지를 창조함과 동시에 파괴 혹은 청산해버릴 수밖에 없는 자신의 한계를 드러내며, 이 또한 『일뤼미나시옹』의 빼놓을 수 없는 한 이미지 슬라이드를 이룬다. The true modernity of Rimbaud can be found in his redefining a poet as a ‘laborer(travailleur)’ and persisting his efforts to the limit for creating poetry. This point has not been sufficiently emphasized even though Rimbaud himself considered it significant. For Rimbaud, poetry meant a ‘new labor(travail nouveau).’ He rejected inspirations from the Muse or the elegant poetry from a ‘noble heart(cher coeur),’ and he recognized poetry creating as an extremely arduous intellectual and physical ‘labor’ to conduct. Then, specifically what was the new contents and new way of poetry writing of Rimbaud? There may exist a number of hypotheses, but now I would make an attempt to start from the mechanism of Magic Lantern which belongs to the cinema archeology and the hypothesis of projective act for the purpose of shedding light on one new facet of Rimbaud’s poetry. In this point of view, Illuminations is a collection of poems composed of Magic Lantern mechanism and 44 plaques comprising a film. So to speak, it can be compared to an ‘experimental film’ made of lines-slides. The words and lines in the poems are often arranged in juxtaposition and a sort of montage relation. Through his own inventive way of film projection on the ‘screen’ (“projective ecriture”) which was more advanced than Magic Lantern and, in my view, way ahead of his time, the poet expresses the process of specific imagination and tangible ‘presentification’ of unknown objects and even its mechanisms. Without separating the poet and his images, Illuminations vividly presents the scene of poetic creation in which a poet struggles in the whole procedures of image conception, filming, editing and projection. As Rimbaud says, that is a marvelous ‘workplace(chantier)’ where everything converges as a whole one. Nights in absolute darkness or creative chaos originate and project new images at a moment bringing about the cliche-zero condition, or like the perfect darkness in a movie theater, they nearly turn into a kind of matiere that reveals truly new things and bodies. We find Rimbaud exerting himself to create the poetry that transcends the limit of the poetry of words and destroys the antiquated ‘in-depth’ stereotype of thought and meaning. His ‘audio-visual’ poetry based on the light and the ‘screen’ tore down the established pictorial convention of bourgeois. Rimbaud’s poetry wants to capture the breathing of the world, ‘new noise(bruit neuf)’ in vigor and even the ineffable silence, then our understanding and interpretation of his poetry need to be tried from a different angle.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Aging in place를 위한 욕실배색선호에 관한 비교연구

        김혜신(Kim, Hye-Shin),박수빈(Park, Soo-Been) 대한건축학회 2014 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.30 No.10

        As to the people who tend to staying in their own community of the elderly, “aging in place” has appeared as a residential concept in the recent years. The current housing and its facilities, however, are mostly not in a condition enough to support the senescence of the elderly. The Bathroom is an indispensable space related to the quality of everyday life, as well as a space with a high risk of safety accidents. This study aims to find the criteria of bathroom color design for the elderly and their cohabiting families. Survey research followed by literary review were conducted, and the subjects groups were classified into the old ones aged from 65 to 85, and the young ones aged from 20 to 40 answered the questionnaire with the printed images of 3D modeling composed of four analogous and eight complementary color schemes by R, Y, G, and B colors and Vp-, Dp-, and Dl-tone. The results are as follows: (1) Analogous color schemes of R and G colors were preferred in both the elderly and the young adult groups, while B color scheme was least preferred by the same; (2) Both the elderly and the young adult groups preferred ‘R/Vp-G/Dp’ complementary color schemes; and (3) The elderly group preferred ‘R/Vp-G/Dl-G/Dp,’ while the young adult group favored ‘G/Vp-R/Dl-R/Dp’ complementary color schemes for the safety bars in the bathroom.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 외국인에 대한 인식 및 태도에 영향을 미치는 변인 연구

        김혜신 ( Hye Shin Kim ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2015 한국가족복지학 Vol.47 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to supplies basic data in educational advance for college students to play important role on multi-cultural society because grasp perception and attitude about college student`s foreigner. The subject in this study were 576 from college students in Gwangju and Jeonnam. The findings of the study were as follows: Firstly, Perception about foreigner recognized positively by American, Japanese, Chinese, marriage migrants, Southeast Asia, Saeteomin, foreign workers, Korean-Chinese. The felt sequential sense of distance that is Korean-Chinese, Chinese, foreign workers, Saeteomin, Japanese, Southeast Asia-marriage migrants, American. Secondly, overall, factors influencing the perception of foreigners in the socio-demographic variables were gender. Factors Affecting the following was income. Multi-cultural factors appeared to influence the perception of Multi-cultural perception in general. In the case of Southeast Asian foreign workers and the impact of loud and multi-cultural factors, personal factors had some influence in the Korean-Chinese and Saeteomin. Factors influencing the attitude toward foreigners were more related to the impact of cultural factors and personal factors than the awareness. Contact experience that is overseas affected in behavior in an all race except an American. The nation`s identity affected in an all race, and Universalism value appeared to affect in some races.

      • KCI등재

        파리 건축과 시각문화의 모더니티에 대한 역사적 소고

        김혜신(Kim Hye-Shin) 부산경남사학회 2011 역사와 경계 Vol.79 No.-

        발터 벤야민은 1927년경부터 파리 파사주를 연구 주제로 삼아 역사주의의 신화와 진보적 서사 논리를 ‘이미지’(특히 영화적 이미지)들로써 해체시키고 재구성하는 실험을 시도한 바 있다. 19세기 유개 파사주를 통해 모더니티의 원역사(原歷史)를 드러내고자 한 미완의 이 ‘파사주 프로젝트’에서 우리는 불완전한 형태로 나마 그 궤적과 가능성을 읽을 수 있다. 기존 서사 관습 속에서 도저히 드러내기 어려운 진정한 ‘현실’을 부각하고자 하는 의도에서, 그는 고고학자처럼 흑은 다큐멘터리를 찍는 사람처럼 다각도로 수집ㆍ발굴한 일상의 유물 이미지들을 영화적인 충격 몽타주의 인지 원리에 따라 구성하고자 했다. 파사주라는 건축물, 그리고 그 상업적, 시각적 콘텐츠들은 서구의 근대 뿐 아니라 그 영향권 하에 있는 오늘의 현대 도시들을 읽는 하나의 원형(ur-form)적 화석으로서 의미가 있다. 이 관점에서, 연구자는 우선, 파리 파사주에 대한 보다 정확한 개념과 역사적 맥락을 짚어보고자 했다. 다음으로, 벤야민이 시도한 파사주 프로젝트에서 드러나 보이는 영화의 두 층위(잠든 의식을 깨우는 혁신적 대중매체로서의 영화와 환각의 매체로서의 판타스마고리아와 파노라마, 달리 말해 역사적 방법론으로서의 영화와 시각문화로서의 영화)를 염두에 두고, 본래의 취지대로 근대 건축과 영화, 역사적 전망의 동시다발적인 관계를 생각해보고자 하였다. 특히 파사주 데 파노라마와 같은 건축물은 그 자체 모더니티의 환각 기제로 작동하는 거대한 매직 랜턴이며 19세기 파리 특유의 공간을 압축한다는 점에서 주목해보았다. Walter Benjamin tried to make a “Copernican revolution” in the humanities through his Passagen-Werk. He attempts to put into practice historical writing through “images”, completely different from linear narrative logic. With the intention of disproving the illusion of human progress, he adheres to cinematic cognitive principles of montage. For him, the ordinary space and things, and each and every trace are so valuable images to compose. To recover the true face of human history overshadowed by mythical aura, he uses cinema as a means of excavating the authentic aspects of the past life. Benjamin, the new flaneur, relies on haptic or tactile ability to overcome modem optical hegemony. He captures detailed traces of passages like shooting an urban documentary. Benjamin has historical phenomena “speak for themselves” only with the montage of fragmented images. He adopts ‘cinema’ as a new way to look at ur-form of the modem city, and simultaneously, criticizes the nineteenth-century visual culture, phantasmagoria and panorama. This study including his media theory cannot be separable from reflections on the urban modernity. In his Project, Benjamin prefigured postmodern writing where subjective human voices are deconstructed.

      • KCI등재

        지중해적 장소성과 영화의 현대성을 찾는 모험 -로베르토 로셀리니(R. Rossellini)의 <이탈리아 여행>을 중심으로-

        김혜신 ( Hye Shin Kim ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해지역원 2011 지중해지역연구 Vol.13 No.3

        What counts most on the whole in Journey to Italy(Viaggio In Italia) by R. Rossellini is not realism but reality. The environment and the space here are ``found`` along with humans(actors) instead of being established from the beginning. Thus, his films necessarily take a form of documentaries. It is a journey on which his characters gradually find their environment and the world they face. Rossellini keeps his eyes on the characters` autonomous movements and actions in the world as it is. He prepares no well-knit scenario and does not predetermine actors` playing. This attitude is coherent with the form of ``journey`` or a kind of road movie style that he chose. It shows one of the most innovative cinematic forms. Rossellini has deep attachment toward Naples as a location for shooting. Above all, he would like to show the city that keeps some spiritual ambience, a sense of eternity, and a sensuous world that are disappearing from the modern age. A variety of places including Cumae and Capri are explored, and the exploration eventually reaches its culmination at the ruins of Pompei that Rossellini cherishes most. Narratively, there seems to be few connecting factors between these places. However, we can find another logic not based on reason, and another placeness, in that the sensorial(optical, auditive and tactile) / perceptive interactions between the observer (Katherine, especially) and the places increase over time. The images stimulate our reflections, and they are not conventional or typical but "the logos in its nascence." In this context, Journey to Italy becomes an essay film. It is an unrestrained ``toga`` film (against the conventionally well-made Anglo-American films) as Rossellini put it, meaning a creative Mediterranean film.

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