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        소설과 기억의 정치학

        김한식(Kim Han-sik) 한국비평문학회 2009 批評文學 Vol.- No.31

        The greater part of the readers in south Korea are embarrassed at current north Korean literature, especially "Imperishable History." Because we cannot conclude whether "Imperishable History" is novel or history. And we do not admit "Forming the leader" in north Korean literature. We are unfamiliar with their writing and distribution system. Many man of letters think "Imperishable History" is not literature. "Eternal life" is one of the most interesting novel in "Imperishable History." It includes the story of the death of Kim, Il-sung and his last injunctions. But it do not have enough causal relationship and persuasive power. So we must read that text as the mirror of the north Korean history between 1994-1997. Three main topics are in this novel. The first is agricultural problem. The second is nuclear crisis. That is related to diplomatic, this is related to domestic. The third is restoration problem of a royal tomb of Dankoon. "Imperishable History" turns individual memory to official memory. It treats the history of Kim, Il-sung as the north Korean history. When a historical event occurred, always, Kim was there. Although it deal with the death of Kim, "Eternal Life" emphasize that his rule is not finished. The narrator says Kim's heroic deed is on his mind, and it is the real meaning of eternal life. It's very difficult to understand their novel. But we can admit that "Imperishable History" is not representative of all north Korean literature.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        박태순 소설과 1960년대 서울

        김한식(Han Sik Kim) 한국현대소설학회 2015 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.58

        It was 1960s when the positions of Seoul were embossed the center of attention in Korean novels. The 1960s`` young writers regarded Seoul as the specific city in Korea beyond comparison with other cities. That they went into the Seoul and lived as citizen was very special to them. This speciality was expressed in their novels repeatedly. The survival in Seoul was essential subject in 1960s`` writers. This article focused on the relation between the space of Seoul and Park``s novel in 1960s. He was the predominant one who described the meaning and figure of 1960s`` Seoul. Especially he represented the change and extension of Seoul going with economic development. He made a comparison between inside and outside of Seoul. And he gave expression to introspection of citizen and masses. Instead of a permanent resident``s view, the stranger``s view supported his novel. In this view, he was able to discovered the order of ranks in 1960s`` Seoul. His novel made an offer a key to understand 1960s`` Seoul.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        상경 청년, 귀향 성장 서사의 의미

        김한식 ( Han Sik Kim ) 민족어문학회 2013 어문논집 Vol.- No.68

        『우울한 귀향』은 과거의 어두운 기억에서 벗어나 새로운 성장을 시도하는 주 인공의 귀향을 다룬 소설이다. 이 작품은 어린 시절의 기억에서 벗어나기에 젊은 날의 허무와 공허에서 벗어나기가 더해져 이중의 서사로 구성되어 있다. 이 소설 의 서술자는 귀향이 우울하다고 말한다. 귀향이 우울한 이유는 세 가지이다. “고 향을 떠나기까지의 온갖 기억이 그리 즐겁지 않았다는 점”, “제야를 전후한 그러니까 졸업을 전후한 나의 내면풍경이 우울했다는 점”, “무엇보다 고향을 떠나기 위해 돌아왔다는 사실”이 그 내용이다. 이 세 가지 감정은 혼재되어 있어서 쉽게 분리되지 않는다. 무엇보다 이 작품은 귀향을 다룬 동시대 작품의 원형이라는 의 미를 갖는다. 또 이 소설은 도시에서 살아남기를 다룬 동시대의 여러 작품들과 연관되어 있다. 이는 1960년 전후 대학 생활을 했던 작가들에게서 넓게 나타나는 작 품 경향이라는 점에서 세대론 적인 구분을 가능하게 한다. 이향과 귀향 그리고 이 향을 반복하는 이들 작가들 작품의 주제는 이전이나 이후 작가들의 작품에서 찾아보기 어려운 독특한 면이 있다. 그것들은 이제 작가의 경험을 넘어 세대의 공동 기억이 되었다고 할 수 있다. 『우울한 귀향gloomy returning to home-town』is the novel dealing with protagonist`s sullen returning. Two story lines compose this novel, the one is protagonist``s effort to escape from the memory of hometown, the other is his fear, nihility and uncertainty. We can appreciate this novel as the original form of the ``returning novel``. This novel is related to another novel which dealt with survival in cites at those days. This fact makes it possible that there is a generation gap between before 1960s and after 1960s. The repetition of departure from native place and returning to home-town represents a peculiarity of 1960s` generation. Their experiences turn personal memory into public memory.

      • KCI등재

        김승옥 소설에서 생활의 문제 -성,죄의식,가치 교환-

        김한식 ( Han Sik Kim ) 겨레어문학회 2011 겨레어문학 Vol.47 No.-

        이 글은 "도시에서 살아남기"라는 관점에서 김승옥의 소설을 분석한다. 김승옥에서 발견되는 도시적 감수성에는 단순히 도시의 삶을 다룬다는 것 이상의 의미가 담겨 있는데, 도시에서 살아가야 하는 동시대 젊은이들의 갈등과 선택 그리고 적응의 과정이 모두 함축되어 있다. 이전 소설과 비교해 볼 때 김승옥 소설의 ``살아남기``가 갖는 특징은 구체적인 생활이 결여되어 있다는 점이다. 그의 소설에서 생활인은 천박하거 부도덕한 인물로 다루어지기도 한다. 전후 소설이나 전후를 다룬 많은 소설에서 가난이나 생존이 가장 큰 주제였고, 그를 극복하기 위한 노력이 이야기의 중심에 놓였던 사실과는 근본적으로 방향을 달리한다. 그의 소설을 추동하고 있는 가장 흔한 모티프는 성(性)이다. 그러나 그의 소설에서 성은 사랑과 거의 무관하다. 그렇다고 성이 육체적 욕망과 관계되는 경우도 많지 않다. 성은 개인의 성장 혹은 성숙의 계기로 다루어진다. 생활의 부재와 성숙의 압력은 단순히 개인의 윤리 차원에 머무는 것이 아니라 도시적 가치에 대한 거부로 이어진다. 도시적 가치에 대한 거리 두기 혹은 부적응은 주춤거리고 거부하는 문체와 인물로 대표되는 김승옥 식 감수성의 실체를 설명하는 중요한 열쇠이다. 생활의 부재와 도덕적 무책임은 교환의 원리가 지배하는 도시의 생리에서 벗어나고자 하는 의지가 간접적으로나마 표현된 것이다. 이처럼 1960년대 서울이라는 환경과 그를 받아들이지 못하는 인물들이 보이는 불협화음에서 김승옥 소설의 특징이 드러난다고 할 수 있다. In this article, we analyzed Kim Seung-Ok`s novels as a point of "Surviving in the city". He is famous for his new-urban-sensibility, which is connected with his literally style and specific character. My thought, however, is that we can find the more important relation between "Surviving in the city" and new-urban-sensibility. Compared with another novel, the peculiarity of his novel is a lack of concrete economic life. Most of his main character wandered and hesitated in front of the door of living. In his novel, writer scorned the man who was good at living. On the other hand, after war novel dealt with poverty and living. His novel received stimulation from sex motif that was not relate with desire and love. It`s only a process for his success. His characters could abandon willingly his past and friends. A lack of living and a pressure of success made them deny ethic and moral. It`s the key that explain the attitude of character wandered and hesitated. According to that character image, the writer criticized the injustice and desire of city. The discord into the relationship between the circumstance and character in 1960s` is Kim Seung-Ok`s main theme.

      • KCI등재

        소년들의 도시, 전쟁과 빈곤의 정치학 : 이동하의 『장난감 도시』와 김원일의 『마당 깊은 집』을 중심으로

        김한식(Kim Han-sik) 韓國批評文學會 2010 批評文學 Vol.- No.37

        In this article, we studied “the toy city” and “the deep-grounded house” as postwar initiation novels. These novels are much alike in characters, narrators, and backgrounds. Narrator’s families moved from country to city not of their own will. We can get the result that these novels represent a form and a sense of the postwar initiation novel. They do not only memory the history but also affirm the economic development of 1960s-1970s, express the inside of the older generation. Specifically, a conservative standpoint and strong conviction about modernization handed down to ours from postwar undergo. We insisted that the novels involved growth and development are connected with the politics of poverty. Last half of the 20th century, the remedy for poverty and the pursuit of richness was one of the important ideology as a omnipotent regulation. The purpose of the remedy for poverty put a curb upon people’s desire and repressed their freedom. The narrators of these novels looked back on the past within their boyhood-memories. Also they revealed their view point from present angles.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노동 소설의 성장 소설적 가능성에 대한 고찰

        김한식 ( Kim Han-sik ) 국제어문학회 2004 국제어문 Vol.31 No.-

        The Labor Novel has not been founding its appropriate site in our literary history even though more than 20 years have passed; neither the appreciation of labor novel has not ended nor it has been on the process. The appreciations of labor novel done recently are not satisfactory as most of them are done by the critics of those times when labor novel had made issue. Therefore, there is nothing novel about the critics` latest comments. They could be an overstatement viewed by the past or a warning statement of not disconnecting with our literary history in terms of recent situation. In other words, people who were for labor literature in the past still stay in that area and people who have kept a distance from it from the beginning cannot approach to labor novel. Now it is time to think over how we fix position of labor novel in our literary history. It is naturally important and has a significant meaning to explain the meaning of labor novel according to the past times. By the way, talking about the labor novel with only the view of times` reflection is not enough. Literary meaning should be more than the mirror of times. With point of this view, labor novel should be considered as a completed narrative. This thesis tried to find out the meaning of labor novel`s being in the formation novel or formation narrative. Formation in terms of an individual`s awakening was not only possible in the dawning of bourgeois. I tried to reconsider the labor novel in terms of laborer`s formation-people usually call it awakening-in this thesis.

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