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      • KCI등재

        「무녀도」읽기 : 환경 비평의 시각에서

        김한성(Kim Han Sung) 문학과 환경학회 2010 문학과 환경 Vol.9 No.2

        Eco-criticism tends to be defined as “the study of nature writing by way of any scholarly approach or, conversely, the scrutiny of ecological implications and human-nature relationships in any literary texts” (Slovic, 27). Examining the negotiation between human and nature has tackled the field of Korean “pure” literature called Sunsumunhak. These writers advocate the purity of literature by turning their eyes to nature from socialist realism or Western “modernism.” Kim, Dongni(1913-1995) represents this flow of literature when Japanese colonial rule controlled Korean literary circles in late 1930's and early 1940s. His representative work, “The Shaman Painting”(1936) describes the atmosphere of Korean nature in a remote village near Gyeongju, the ruined capital of ancient Korea. In this fiction, Kim attempts to reinvigorate shamanism as Korean tradition against Western religion, Christianity. He treats Christianity as an unwelcome guest which persecutes shamanism. For this reason, literary critics tend to understand this work as a religious struggle between East and West. This point of view is plausible; however, his obsession with shamanism seems to divert from a religious category. I want to explore Kim's obsession with shamanism from an ecological and feministic perspective. The death scene of a heroine, a shaman, and fictional characters' and a narrator's ruined identity enlighten me that these characters are deeply connected with nature, stage, and background. Thus, I explore how human beings negotiate with the nature in “The Shaman Painting.” Then, I examine the essence of the Korean spirituality that Kim portrays here.

      • KCI등재

        김기림 초기 시 연구

        김한성(Kim, Han Sung) 한국현대문학회 2013 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.40

        동시대의 비평가와 후대의 연구자가 입을 모아 지적하였듯이, 김기림 텍스트에서 일본 모더니즘의 흔적은 분명 발견된다. 하지만 그는 일본 모더니즘의 흔적을 영미 모더니즘으로 곧 대체한다. 해방 후 기존의 비평을 편집한 선집 『시론』(1947)에서 일본 문인들의 이름은 해방기의 민족주의 정황상 지워지며, 해방 후 출간된 시집 『바다와 나비』(1946)와 『새노래』(1948)에서도 일본 모더니즘 색채가 가미된 시는 제외되었다. 이 글은 일본대학에서 1차 유학(1926-1929)을 마친 김기림의 시 「슈르-레알리스트」(1930.9.30), 「시론」(1931.1.16), 「첫사랑」(1934.1) 세 편을 독해하여, 김기림 텍스트가 일본 모더니즘의 자장에서 벗어나 영미 모더니즘으로 전환하는 순간을 추적해 본다. 일본을 매개로 한 모더니즘의 굴절된 수용에서 직수입의 길로 나아가는 과정에서 한국 모더니즘 문학의 이론적 지도자를 꿈꾸는 저자의 욕망을 읽을 수 있다. This paper sheds light on the transition from the indirect reception of French surrealism via Japanese surrealism to the direct and immediate reception of English modernism in Kirim Kim’s early poetic works. I compare Kim’s poems with contemporary Japanese and Western ones and explore how Kim’s poems are intertextualized with them. The trace of Japanese surrealism shows in his early poems such as “Surrealist,” “Poetics,” and “The First love,” and his essays in some degree, but becomes lost when he applied T. S. Eliot’s literary theory and poetic skills. When he collected his selected poems and critical works after WWII, he erased all Japanese writers’ names in his essays and removed their surrealistic skills in his poems. He desires to liberate his works from the anxiety of Japanese influence and to establish the literary tradition of Korean modernism after the liberation from Japan.

      • KCI등재

        6자유도 병렬형 모션 시뮬레이터 개발

        김한성,Kim, Han-Sung 한국생산제조학회 2010 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        This paper presents the development of a new 6-DOF parallel-kinematic motion simulator. The moving platform is connected to the fixed base by six P-S-U (Prismatic-Spherical-Universal) serial chains. Comparing with the well-known Gough-Stewart platform-type motion simulator, it uses commercialized linear actuators mounted at the fixed base whereas a 6-UPS manipulator uses telescopic linear ones. Therefore, the proposed motion simulator has the advantages of easier fabrication and lower inertia over a 6-UPS counterpart. Furthermore, since most forces acting along the legs are transmitted to the structure of linear actuators, smaller actuation forces are required. The inverse position and Jacobian matrix are analyzed. In order to further increase workspace, inclined arrangement of universal joints is introduced. The optimal design considering workspace and force transmission capability has been performed. The prototype motion simulator and PC-based real-time controller have been developed. Finally, position control experiment on the prototype has been performed.

      • 외투세포 림프종의 세침흡인 세포학적 소견 - 1예 보고 -

        김한성,박성혜,Kim, Han-Seong,Park, Sung-Hye 대한세포병리학회 2001 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Cytologic features of a case of mantle cell lymphoma is presented, which was obtained by fine needle aspiration cytoloby and confirmed by excisional biopsy of axillary lymph node. A 67-year-old female alleged palpable masses in both axillae for several months. Additional multiple lymphadenopathies were found in the both neck and inguinal areas. The main cytologic feature was carpeting on monotonous slightly atypical small lymphocytes without heterogeneous components. The nuclei of these lymphocytes are slightly larger than benign small lymphocyte and relatively round with some Indentation. Nucleolus was not prominent and no mitosis was found. Their cytoplasm was scanty and cyanophilic in Papanicolaou's stain. The histiocytic cells, which had bland-looking banded nuclei and abundant cytoplasm, corresponding to pink histiocytes were shown. Excisional blopsy of lymph nodes was diagnosed as mantle ceil lymphoma, diffuse type.

      • KCI등재

        "온병조변"에서 "임증지남의안" 의 온병관련 의안을 변형하고 첨삭한 방법

        김한성,임진석,이충열,Kim Han-Sung,Lim Jin Seok,Lee Choong Yeol 대한동의생리학회 2005 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        The Wenbing tiaobian(온병조변) is the first systematic disease monograph on warm factor disease(온병), written by Wu Jutong(오국통). It was most influenced by the Linzheng zhinan yian(임증지남의안), which was a book of gathering medical case records of Ye tianshi(엽천사). Therefore, there are plenty of quotations from this book in the Wenbing tiaobian. This study investigates the quotations from Linzheng zhinan yian, especially focusing on the way of transformation and correction of the original medical case records on the warm factor disease. The results are as follows: About 104 of 265 provisions in the Wenbing tiaobian were directly quoted from the Linzheng zhinan yian. The provisions quoted from Ye's case records were rearranged according to the categories of the triple burners pattern differentiation(삼초변증) and the causes of warm factor disease. And eve case record was transformed into more general descriptive form in order to put it into the book. For example, the specific figures, and some patients' peculiar symptoms, causes, sex and disease names were omitted. On the other hand, the tongue moss, pulse shape and some symptoms, which were necessary for differentiating patterns, were added. In the case of the formula, some formulas originated from Ye's case records were named newly. And the dose of each herb consisting a formula was determined, and therapeutic principle, taking method and detailed explanation was added to every formula.

      • KCI등재

        재일한국인 작가의 자전적 소설에 나타난 한 · 일 간의 트랜스 내셔널, 문화 횡단의 가능성

        김한성(Kim, Han-Sung) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2016 디아스포라 연구 Vol.10 No.1

        흔히 세계문학을 세계 여러 곳곳의 국민문학들로부터 산출된, 정전(canon)들의 집합으로 받아들이는 경우가 있다. 아마도 국내외 굴지의 출판사들이 펴낸 세계문학전집에서 그런 인식이 배태되는 경우가 많았을 듯하다. 그러나 1827년 독일의 대문호 괴테가 에커만과의 대화에서 논의한 세계문학 개념에 관해, 이후 많은 학자들이 다양한 해석을 제시하였듯이 세계문학은 하나로 정리될 수 있는 개념이 아니다. 세계를 지향하고 있는듯 보이면서도 민족주의적 색채를 내면화하고 있고, 하나이면서도 불평등하며, 단일성을 추구하는 것 같지만 여러 지류들을 내포한 개념이다. 이 논문에서는 일본 사회에서 소수자로서의 체험을 형상화한 재일한국인 아쿠타가와상 수상작가 이회성, 이양지, 유미리의 대표작을 분석하여 태평양 전쟁 후, 한 · 일 양국 간의 민족주의 속에서 ‘낀 존재’로 남은 재일한국인의 정체성을 진단하려 한다. ‘낀 존재’로서 재일한국인의 정체성은 데이비드 댐로쉬(David Damrosch)의 세계문학 개념과 결부되어, 재일한국인 문학이 세계문학으로 나아가는 연결고리가 된다. 재일한국인 문학은 이질적인 한 · 일의 두 문화를 함께 담아내고 있다는 점에서, “한 지역의 시간과 공간을 넘어 다른 세계와의 분리된 연관”을 추구하는 세계문학의 한 지류를 구성하고 있다. Korean scholars have been observing Zainichi Literature by focusing their Korean ethnicity and their Korean heritage. With this standard, they have judged that Ri’s work “The Woman Who Fulled Clothes” mobilizes Zainichi community and represents the resistance of Zainichi Koreans against Japan; and through the Yi Yangji, Zainichi literature starts to shed light on Zainichi individual, not a Zainichi community; and Yu Miri’s Full House shows the cosmopolitan individual’s perspective beyond Korean and Japanese ethnicity. However, my reading is different to their interpretation. I can see rather transcultural and transnational value from Li’s work: Suri’s emphasis on education and her distant stance from her Korean nationalistic parents and pro-Japanese husband shows how Zainichi Koreans have the right to define themselves without any interruption from Japanese and Koreans. Such a subjective and self-reliant mind can give the courage to stand independently with Japanese, which can be possible during the colonial period which was pervasive with the slogan “East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere.” However, after WWII, such an independent voice of Zainichi Koreans cannot stand between Japanese and Korean national fascism. My approach is in the similar context with Mark Driscoll’s article, “Postcoloniality in Reverse.” And recent research about Japanese colonialism by Kimberly Kono Tae also supports such a view that transculturalism which was pervasive during the Japanese Empire became collapsed in post-war Japan due to homogenized Japanese nationalism. Zainichi Koreans cannot be no more free from Japanese nationalism in post-war. David Damrosch defines one of requirements to be a world literature that not as “a set canon of texts but a mode of reading: a form of detached engagement with worlds beyond our place and time” (Damrosch, 281). If we read these three texts in the mode which detaches Korean identity, interpretation can be distinctive. Although these texts are dealing with Korean identity in certain degree, these texts were all published in Japanese literary magazines, written in Japanese, and evaluated by Japanese critics. Also, considering that these three writers are all educated in Japan and their being is more connected with Japan, examining these texts related to Japan and Japanese society would be more reasonable than being obsessed with their Korean legacy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 제국의 바다, 식민지 육지; 공간 의식으로 본 『광장』

        김한성 ( Han Sung Kim ) 한양대학교 동아시아문화연구소(구 한양대학교 한국학연구소) 2013 동아시아 문화연구 Vol.54 No.-

        최인훈은 7번에 걸친 개작을 통해 이데올로기에서 남녀 간의 사랑으로 작품의 주제를 바꾸려 하였다. 하지만 개작에서 명준이 사랑의 이름으로 여성에게 폭력을 가하는 장면은 수정되지 않고 그대로 드러난다. 명준은 애인인 윤애와 은혜에게 자신을 구원해 달라고 요청하며 희생을 강요하는데, 이는 명준이 가진 남성지식인으로서의 가부장적 의식이 여성을 사랑의 이름으로 억압하고 있는 모습이다. 제목 ‘광장’이 단적으로 드러내듯, 공간에 대한 서술자의 예민한 감각은 남성 지식인이 여성과 벌이는 사랑의 테마를 그가 처한 공간과 떼려야 뗄 수 없게 한다. 광장과 밀실, 바다와 육지, 남과 북, 벌판과 동굴 등 끊임없이 대비되는 두 공간의 배치는 인물(character)보다 그 인물의 배경에 초점을 두어 텍스트를 해석하는 공간 의식에 근거해 있다. 『광장』을 식민지 남성지식인에게 전가된 가부장적 폭력과 공간 의식의 공통분모 속에서 분석할 때, 텍스트의 본질에 한층 더 다가설 수 있다. Kevin O`Rourke, the English translator of The Square, expresses his surprise to the critical acclaim from the Korean literary circle since the 1960s toward The Square. He points out that “The hero of the big ‘60`s hit “The Square” (Kwangjang)- at least to a Western sensibility- is an awful guy who uses women north and south for his own purposes, but he`s an ideal figure in 1960`s Korean literature, a type of the suffering intellectual!” (182). Like his understanding, if we read The Square out of Korean historical contexts, the color of Myungjun as a womanizer will be uncovered. Myungjun acquires his subjectivity by his death in the sea when he encounters a young seagull symbolizing his unborn, but murdered, daughter during the Korean War. Seagulls representing all female characters subsuming his daughter in The Square enlighten male intellectual`s obsession with the hegemonic power against nature and female subjects. The circulating structure of violence from the conquer of empire to colonial male subject to colonial female subject leads all characters related to Myungjun to death; however, Myungjun keeps showing his desire on hegemonic power even in the moment of his death. The author thematizes the true meaning of love by appearing ‘female’ seagulls who remind the colonial male subject of his distorted desire.

      • KCI등재

        SW 교육을 위한 직무 및 정책에 대한 초등학교 교사들의 중요도와 수행도 인식 분석

        김한성 ( Han-sung Kim ),전수진 ( Soo-jin Jun ) 한국교육정보미디어학회(구 한국교육정보방송학회) 2019 교육정보미디어연구 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 SW 교육에 대한 초등학교 교사들의 직무 및 정책에 대한 중요도와 수행도를 분석함으로써 향후 체계적인 SW 교육 정책 추진을 위한 시사점을 탐색하는 것이다. 이를 위해 초등학교교사 181명을 대상으로 설문을 실시하고 교사 직무 및 정책에 대한 인식을 분석하였다. 구체적으로는 SW 교육에 대한 교사 직무 및 정책 지원에 대한 중요도와 수행도의 인식 차이 분석, 배경변인에 따른 인식 차이 분석, 그리고 Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA)를 활용한 현황 진단 및 정책 우선순위분석을 하였다. 주요 연구 결과를 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교사 직무와 관련된 항목보다 정책 지원과 관련된 항목의 중요도가 전체적으로 높게 나타났으며, 모든 항목에서 중요도가 수행도보다 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 배경변인에 따른 차이를 살펴보면, 남교사의 수행도가 여교사 보다 높게 나타났으며, 연수 경험과 강의 수행 경험이 많을수록 수행도가 높게 나타났다. 그 외, 성별, 교직경력, SW 교육 연수 경험, SW 교육 강의 경험에 따른 중요도에 대한 인식 차이는 없었다. 셋째, 교사 직무 관련 IPA 분석 결과를 보면, 학습자 분석, 수준별 지도, 도구 활용과 같은 교수 설계 영역에 집중할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 끝으로, 정책 지원 관련 IPA 분석 결과를 살펴보면 디지털 기기확보, 무선 환경지원, 관련 예산 지원과 같은 학교 환경 개선을 위한 정책 지원에 보다 집중할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 초등학교에서 SW 교육이 체계적으로 수행되기 위해 필요한 주요 시사점을 논의하였다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the implications for the systematic implementation of SW education by analyzing the importance and performance of elementary school teachers. To do this, this study surveyed 181 elementary school teachers and analyzed teachers' perceptions. In addition, this study analyzed the difference in recognition of the importance and performance of teacher tasks and policy support for SW education, the difference according to background variables, and the status and priority of using the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). The main results of this study are as follows. First, the importance of policy support items is higher than that of teacher task-related items. Also, in all items, the importance was higher than the performance. Second, the performance of male teachers was higher than that of female teachers. In addition, the higher the experience of SW education training and SW teaching experience, the higher the performance, and there was no difference in the perception of importance. Third, the results of the IPA analysis related to teacher tasks showed that it is necessary to concentrate on instructional design areas such as learner analysis, personalized teaching, and tool utilization. Fourth, looking at the results of the IPA analysis on policy support, it was found that it is necessary to focus more on policy support for school environment improvements such as digital devices, wireless environment, and related budget support. Based on the results of this study, key implications are discussed for the systematic implementation of SW education in elementary schools.

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