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        부동산거래신고에서 계약체결일의 기준

        김학환 한국부동산경영학회 2022 부동산경영 Vol.26 No.-

        부동산거래신고는 계약체결일로부터 30일 이내에 하여야 하는데, 계약체결일의 기준을 어떻게 볼 것인가가 문제이다. 거래실무에서 많이 행하여지고 있는 가계약이 체결된 경우 가 특히 문제로 된다. 가계약을 기준으로 한다면, 가계약의 계약체결일이 소급하게 되어 본계약의 계약체결 일을 기준으로 신고한 경우, 허위 내지 지연 거래신고를 한 것으로 되어 과태료가 부과 된다. 본고에서는 개업공인중개사의 거래신고를 중심으로 가계약이 계약체결일의 기준으로 되는 경우의 문제점과 그 개선방안에 관해서 검토하였다. 가계약이 계약체결일의 기준으로 되는 경우의 법적 불안정 초래 등의 문제는 입법론적 해결을 할 수도 있다. 그러나 입법론적 해결 전이라도 거래당사사가 아니면서도 별다른 반대급부도 없이 거래신고의무를 지는 개업공인중개사에게 불이익이 발생하지 않도록 필 요한 조치를 취할 필요가 있다. The transaction of real estate must be reported within 30 days from the date of contract, and how to determine when the contract is made is still questionable. It is particularly problematic when a provisional contract which is, in fact, widely made in the practice of transactions is concluded. If provisional contract is set as a criterion, the date of provisional contract is applied retroactively, and when the report is filed with the date of contract as a criterion, a fine will be imposed because it is regarded as a false or delayed report on the transaction. Focusing on the reports on transactions filed by licensed real estate agents, this study has investigated the problems of the cases in which provisional contract becomes the criterion for the date of contract and solutions for them. We may be able to solve such problems as legal instability resulted from the cases in which provisional contract becomes the criterion for the date of contract grounded on the theory of legislation. Even before the legislative resolution, however, it is needed to take necessary measures to prevent any disadvantages of licensed real estate agents who are not trading parties but obligated to report the transactions without any counter benefits.

      • 중개계약의 전형계약화에 대한 검토

        김학환 한국부동산경영학회 2012 부동산경영 Vol.5 No.-

        The present review is to review and compare between Korea's Civil Code Amendment, 2004 and Japan's Civil Code(Obligationenrecht) Amendment, 2009 and also to assist further amendment by reviewing problems of Korea's Civil Code Amendment, based on above comparison. This review is concluded with comments about necessity of named contractualization of listing contract in Korea. As of current law, 'commercial law' defines about broker and agent related to commercial listing and 'the Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Agents and Report of Real Estate Transactions Act' defines about real estate agents. However, there is no common rules which is applied to all of commercial listing, real estate agent and of other types of listing or agents. Therefore, in case of real estate agent, legal characteristics of listing contract related to broker's 'duty of care of a good manager' and 'right to request for payment' are debatable and the precedent identifies this as delegation contract as of civil law. At the same time, it doesn't equally apply rules of delegation contract to listing contract's characteristics such as 'principal of contingent fee'. If this is the case, it is meaningful to change listing contract(as an individual contract type) to named contract by civil law. Civil Code Amendment, 2004, however, shows poor definition about the concept of listing contract and there is no comments related to minimum duty for broker to collect and distribute data at all. Futhermore, it surely adapt the 'principal of contingent fee' but, at the same time, it limits the 'right to request/claim the reimbursement of expenses/cost' only in case of special contract(rider) and it also tells that the 'right to request/claim the reimbursement of expenses/cost' should be ineffective in case of listing of both parties. This can be considered as too strict limitations.

      • 공인중개사법의 추진방안에 관한 연구

        김학환 한국부동산경영학회 2013 부동산경영 Vol.7 No.-

        Until 2006, affairs regarding licensed real estate agents and real estate brokerage businesses were regulated by 'Real Estate Brokerage Act' legislated in 1983. And then, since 2006 'Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Agents and Report of Real Estate Transactions Act' has been regulating the affairs. However, as the title of this act of 2006 shows, it is focused on the regulation of real estate brokerage businesses and does not seem to precisely suit to the law regarding professional licensed agents. Therefore, there have been efforts to convert this act to 'Licensed Real Estate Agent Act' and attempts to propose the legislation have been made. However, the result has not been successful yet. This study investigates controversial issues raised when converting the act to 'Licensed Real Estate Agent Act' and the challenges raised when proceeding 'Licensed Real Estate Agent Act'. The points surrounding 'Licensed Real Estate Agent Act' is not about legislating a new act, but it is about the amendment of 'Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Agents and Report of Real Estate Transactions Act' under the revised title of 'Licensed Real Estate Agent Act'. This study especially focuses and suggests consistency and coherence of the legal system, measures to separate the real estate transaction report system, and the desirable measures for the amendment of the act.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        기존주택 거래의 활성화 방안

        김학환 한국부동산경영학회 2018 부동산경영 Vol.18 No.-

        The real estate industry can be developed as real estate distribution is facilitated and activated considering the fact that housing transaction is primarily a part of real estate distribution. Existing house transactions in the United States annually reaches nearly 5.5 million houses. It can be said that existing house transactions are more active than South Korea where annual transactions are nearly 500,000 considering populations, numbers of houses, and numbers of households. Thus, examining the reason why existing house transactions are active in the United States is meaningful. Although there are a couple of causes why house transactions are activated, it can be said that the reasons include practices of house transactions or system. This article examined the general existing house transaction system in the United States, drew implications to see, and explored measures to activate existing house transactions in South Korea. 주택거래도 크게 부동산유통의 한 측면이라고 본다면 부동산유통이 촉진, 활성화되어야 부동산산업발전을 기할 수 있다. 미국의 기존주택의 거래 규모는 연간 약 550만호로 총 인구수, 주택수, 가구수를 감안하더라도 연간 약 50만호에 불과한 한국보다 기존주택거래가 더 활발하다고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 미국의 경우 왜 기존주택거래가 활발한 것인지에 대한 고찰을 하는 것은 의미 있는 일이다. 주택거래가 활성화 될 수 있는 원인에는 여러 가지가 있지만, 주택거래 관행 내지 체계 등에도 그 이유가 있다고 볼 수 있다. 본고에서는 미국의 기존 주택거래제도 전반에 관하여 살펴보고, 우리에게 줄 수 있는 시사점을 도출하여, 한국에서도 기존주택에 대한 거래를 활성화시킬 수 있는 방안은 무엇인지를 모색하였다.

      • 토지이용규제가 지가에 미치는 영향

        김학환,정승영 한국부동산경영학회 2013 부동산경영 Vol.8 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 토지이용규제가 지가에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 제시하는 것이다. 이 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 수도권정비계획법에 의한 수도권지역의 토지가격은 수도권이외지역의 토지가격에 비해 가격의 격차가 상대적으로 크며 도시지역 내에서는 중심상업지역은 제3종일반주거지역과 비교하면 토지가격의 격차가 크다. 그리고 지가변동률은 용적률과 건폐율이 상승함에 따라 일정선 까지 상승하다고 하락하는 형태를 보였으며 지가변동률은 상대적으로 지가수준이 낮은 지역에서 많이 발생하였다. 이 연구결과는 국가 및 지방자체단체, 토지소유자, 토지임차인, 부동산개발업자 등이 토지의 이용규제에 따른 지가를 예측하는 데 많은 도움이 되었을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        부동산 거래의 국제화와 공인중개사법의 적용

        김학환 한국부동산경영학회 2021 부동산경영 Vol.23 No.-

        「공인중개사법」에는 최근 국제 부동산거래의 추세를 고려하여 영문서식의 중개대상물 확인・설명서도 마련하고 있지만, 기본적으로 국제적 부동산거래의 중개를 염두에 두고 있지 않다. 국제적 법률관계에서는 준거법 결정이 문제되는데, 먼저 「공인중개사법」의 적 용 대상과 범위를 명확히 할 필요가 있다. 본고는 몇 가지 문제에 대하여「공인중개사법」의 적용 여부를 검토하였다. 「공인중개사 법」기본적으로 해외 부동산의 중개에는 적용되지 않는다고 해석된다. 이를 전제로 국제적 부동산거래의 중개에 있어서 특히 문제될 수 있는 중개사무소 개설 및 중개업 등록, 무등록 중개와 금지행위위반 등 「공인중개사법」의 위반과 제재, 계약서 작성과 중개대상물확인・설명, 중개보수와 비용 등에 관한 「공인중개사법」의 적용 문제를 검토하였다. 또한, 국제적 부동산거래와 중개를 위한 환경정비 방안에 대해서도 간단히 언급하였다. 다만, 국제적인 부동산거래의 중개와 관련한 「공인중개사법」의 개정 방안, 실무상의 지침 마련 등에 관한 사항은 추후 연구 과제로 남겨 놓는다. International real estate transactions are often mediated by licensed real estate agents, who are experts in real estate transactions because of different legal systems or common practices of transactions in each country. The “Licensed Real Estate Agents Act” prepares a written confirmation and specification of the mediation objects in English format, considering the recent trends of international real estate transactions, but basically, does not keep the mediation of international real estate transactions in view. It is interpreted that the “Licensed Real Estate Agents Act” does not apply to the mediation of real estate abroad in light of the purpose of its enactment, etc. On this presumption, this study reviewed the issues such as the opening of real estate offices, brokerage registration, violations and sanctions by the “Licensed Real Estate Agents Act” like unregistered mediation and the violation of prohibited acts, etc., the application of the “Licensed Real Estate Agents Act,” the preparation of a contract, the confirmation and specification of the mediation objects, and application of the “Licensed Real Estate Agents Act” to brokerage commission and cost of which may be problematic particularly in the mediation of international real estate transactions. Also, this study briefly mentioned an environmental maintenance plan for international real estate transactions and mediation. However, the matters concerning the preparation of guidelines for the revision of the “Licensed Real Estate Agents Act” and guidelines for practices, concerning the mediation of international real estate transactions are left as future tasks.

      • KCI등재

        부모양육태도와 고등학교 태권도선수의 운동정서 및 친사회적 행동의 관계

        김학환 세계태권도문화학회 2020 세계태권도문화학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among parenting attitude, high school Taekwondo player's exercise emotion and prosocial behavior. In order to achieve this, 300 high school Taekwondo players from Gyeonggi, Chungnam, and Chungbuk was selected as a population. Data acquired from 6 people were excluded due to inconsistency in their responses. Therefore, the data of 294 people was used for a final analysis. The acquired data was analyzed through the frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation and multiple regression analyses throughout the statistical software, SPSS 23.0. The results were as follows. First, the affective parenting, which was a sub-factor of parenting attitude was found to have positive (+) effect on positive emotions and negative(-) effect on negative emotions. Second, the affective parenting, which was a sub-factor of parenting attitude was found to have positive (+) effect on peer prosocial behaviour and autonomous parenting attitude was found to have positive (+) effect on relative prosocial behavior. Third, positive emotion, a sub-factor of exercise emotion was found to have a positive(+) effect on peer prosocial behavior and negative emotions was found to have a negative(-) effect on a peer prosocial behavior and positive(+) effect on relative prosocial behavior.

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