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        요가와 도교의 연금술 비교

        김채린 ( Kim Chae-lin ) 한국동서철학회 2022 동서철학연구 Vol.- No.103

        이 논문은 요가와 도교의 이론과 실천을 연금술의 관점에서 비교하며 두 철학에 내재되어 있는 연금술적 관념에 대한 유사성을 밝히고, 이러한 고찰을 통해 인간이 지닌 무한한 가능성과 근원적 본성에 대한 탐구를 목적으로 한다. 요가와 도교는 인간의 내면 가장 깊은 곳에 자리하고 있는 참된 근원을 깨닫고 회복하는 것을 궁극의 목적으로 삼는다. 이렇게 두 철학에서 추구하는 근원적 본성의 회복은 인간의 존재론적 체계의 변환과 완성으로 물질의 변환과 완성을 추구하는 연금술과 유사하다. 다시 말해 연금술의 목적은 조악한 금속을 정화하고 단련하여 고귀하고 영원한 금으로 변환시키는 것이다. 이와 마찬가지로 두 철학은 범속한 인간이 수행과 고행의 실천적 행위를 통해 영원불멸의 자유로운 존재로 거듭날 수 있는, 즉 인간의 존재론적 체계의 변환과 완성이라는 연금술적 사유를 내재하고 있다. 두 철학은 비록 인간이 삶과 죽음이라는 한계에 종속되어 고통받는 존재이지만 그 내면에는 무한한 가능성과 참된 본성이 잠재한다는 확고한 믿음이 있다. 그리하여 인간이면 누구나 의지와 노력으로 이룰 수 있는 영원불멸의 자유롭고 완전한 이상적 존재를 설정하고 그것을 달성하기 위해 노력한다. 이러한 그들의 신념과 열정은 자아의 정체성과 생명의 경외심이 사라진 현 사회에 많은 시사점을 남긴다. 나아가 어둡고 종속적인 인간의 삶의 질과 양식에 긍정적 변화를 일으켜 최종 목적인 ‘참된 본성의 깨달음’이라는 인간의 본질적 완성을 추구한 두 철학의 이론과 실천이 우울, 불안, 소외, 자살 등 현 사회가 짊어진 문제에 하나의 방안제시가 되기를 기대한다. This paper seeks to compare the theory and practice of Yoga and Taoism on the view point of alchemy and thus to illuminate the similarities of the alchemistic ideas between Yoga and Taoism, thereby focusing on the infinite possibilities and innate nature of human beings. Yoga and Taoism pursue the final aim, which is finding something and reviving the true nature wherein the inner side of human being is deeply held. Like this, two philosophies seeking the recovery of the original nature are similar to alchemy, which pursues the transformation and completion of material by the transformation and completion of the ontological human system. In other words, just as alchemy seeks that which transforms and completes metals of poor quality into gold, included is the alchemistic thinking that can be reborn as free beings of immortality, which the common person can do by the practical act of his or her asceticism and self-mortification. Although he or she is being afflicted by the limits of his or her life and death, two philosophies establish the free, perfect and ideal being of immortality and strive for attaining it by his or her will and effort. On the basis of that assumption, his or her inner side possesses infinite possibility and true nature. These beliefs and passion have many implications on the present day which has lost the identity of self and the reverence for life. Further, I hope that the theory and practice of the two philosophies, which pursue ‘the enlightenment of the true nature’ as a final goal, by making a positive difference in the quality and form of a gloomy and subordinate human life, will be a solution to present day problems such as depression, anxiety, alienation, and suicide.

      • 외나로도 주변해역에서 자망, 통발, 주낙에 어획된 어업생물의 종 특성 및 어획량 변동

        김채린(Chae-Lin-KIM),안정아(Jeong-A AN),민은비(Eun-Bi MIN),윤은아(Eun-A YOON),황두진(Doo-Jin HWANG) 전남대학교 어업기술연구소 2019 어업기술연구소보고지 Vol.12 No.1

        The species composition and abundance of fishery resources were investigated by gill net, trap net, and long line from May to October in the coastal area of Oenarodo Go-heung, Korea. the collected fishes were 289 individuals of the total, identified into 10 orders, 21 families and 26 species. the total catch included 10 species in the gill net, 20 species in the trap net, and 2 species in the long line. The dominant species were Portunus trituberculatus the gill net, Octopus vulgari in the trap net, and Muraenesox cinereus in the long line. Catch by fishing gear was the highest in long line and was the lowest in gill net. Seasonal catch was the most in May and was the least in October.

      • KCI등재

        갈홍 신선사상의 도교 철학적 맥락 탐색 : -『포박자내편』을 중심으로-

        김채린 ( Kim Chae-lin ) 한국한문고전학회 2019 漢文古典硏究 Vol.38 No.1

        Gal Hong, as the thinker during the Wei-Jin(魏晉) period, believed that all humans can be a Taoist hermit(神仙). Gal Hong changed and developed ‘Progundity(玄)·Tao (道)·One(一)’ corresponding with Taoist hermit, and he regarded ‘Progundity(玄)·Tao (道)·One(一)’ as the ground of the Taoist hermit-thought. In other words, Gal Hong expanded the ontology of Taoist hermit-thought by ‘Progundity(玄)·Tao(道)·One(一)’, and further he organized the practical philosophy of ‘the Tao learning to be a Tao hermit(仙 道)’ that can be Tao hermit by learning and practicing ‘Progundity(玄)·Tao(道)·One(一)’ as the ground of universe. Gal Hong’s theory, which anyone can be a Taoist hermit, is that anyone can be a Taoist hermit by learning if he want to be a Taoist hermit regardless of rank, the noble or humble, gender. In the one hand, this theory succeeded to the inaction-naturalness(無爲自然) of Lao-zi in harmony with the fatalism which said a Taoist hermit being only one born by the star of a Taoist hermit. In the other hand, we can’t identify whether who the Taoist hermit is or not, and thus it is itself included in a possibility that anyone can be the Taoist hermit. Therefore what is the most important is his will and effort to be the Taoist hermit. In conclusion, the historical meaning of Gal Hong’s Taoism is that he argue anyone can be a Taoist hermit by his concrete theory and method seeking to freedom and immortality which is on the basis that human can overcome his mortality.

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