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      • KCI등재

        교사의 읽기 교육에 대한 신념과 읽기 활동 및 그림책읽기 간의 관계

        김유비,이윤선 한국생태유아교육학회 2015 생태유아교육연구 Vol.14 No.3

        The objective of this study is to determine the relationship among teachers’ belief in reading, teachers’ reading activities, and picture-book reading. The subjects were 53 teachers assigned to a class of three year-old children in Seoul and Gyunggi area. This study used a Kwon’s(1999) testing tools related to teachers’ belief in reading and reading activities. In order to measure the verbal behavior of the teacher in picture-book reading with children, this study used Myung Shin Lee’s and Myung Soon Kim’s(2011) analytical tools. The major outcomes of this study are as follows. First, the teachers who had a stronger belief of whole language offered more reading activities. Particularly, these teachers had students who shared more of their writings to friends or teachers, and presented themselves with movements to describe their writings. Second, the teachers’ who had a stronger belief of whole language exhibited more verbal behavior such as naming, describing of characters, speculating, judgment, and evaluation, which are subordinate to picture-book reading. These results may suggest that teachers’ belief in reading may affect the reading activities in the class room and picture-book readings, and also suggest the need for education and concern about the beliefs of the teachers. 본 연구는 교사의 읽기 교육에 대한 신념과 읽기 활동, 그림책읽기의 경향과 관계를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구 대상은 서울·경기 지역의 만 3세반의 교사 53명이었다. 교사의 읽기 교육에 대한 신념과 읽기 활동 측정을 위해 Kwon(1999)의 측정 도구와 교사의 그림책읽기의 언어적 행동 측정을 위해 이명신·김명순(2011)의 분석기준을 사용하였다. 본 연구의 주요한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교사의 읽기 교육에 대한 신념에서 총체적 신념이 높을수록 읽기 활동의 제공을 많이 하였다. 특히 교사가 갖고 있는 읽기 교육에 대한 총체적 신념이 높을수록 ‘유아 자신이 쓴 글을 친구들 혹은 교사와 공유하기’ 활동과 ‘유아가 자신의 이야기를 움직임과 함께 표현하기’ 활동을 많이 하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 교사의 읽기 교육에 대한 신념에서 총체적 신념이 높을수록 그림책읽기의 하위 영역인 명명하기, 등장인물 묘사하기, 추측하기, 판단 평가하기의 언어적 행동을 많이 하는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 교실에서의 읽기 활동과 그림책읽기에 교사의 읽기 교육에 대한 신념이 영향을 미칠 수 있고 교사의 신념에 관한 교육과 관심이 필요함을 시사하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        방전 플라즈마 소결법에 의한 ZnS 나노입자의 소결과 광학적 특성

        창일,김유비,여서영,홍연우,윤지선,박운익,정영훈,조정호,백종후,Kim, Chang-Il,Kim, You-Bi,Yeo, Seo-Yeong,Hong, Youn-Woo,Yun, Ji-Sun,Park, Woon-Ik,Jeong, Young-Hun,Cho, Jeong-Ho,Paik, Jong-Hoo 한국전기전자재료학회 2017 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.30 No.6

        Zinc sulphide (ZnS) nanoparticles were fabricated by hydrothermal synthesis at $180^{\circ}C$ for 12 h. Two kinds of ZnS powder (hydrothermal synthesized ZnS and commercial ZnS) were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for phase and microstructure, respectively. The XRD patterns showed that all ZnS nanoparticles have a sphalerite (cubic) structure. The nanoparticles of two different ZnS powders were sintered by spark plasma sintering. The sintered ZnS were analyzed by XRD, SEM, and FT-IR. We found that the transmittance of the infrared region is highly dependent on the density and crystal structure of sintered ZnS and the purity of the starting ZnS powder.

      • KCI등재

        아시아·태평양 전쟁기 한인 전쟁 포로의 심문조서 분석

        김유비(Kim, Yu Bi) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2021 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.- No.74

        이 논문은 아시아·태평양 전쟁기의 남서 태평양지역(SWPA, South West Pacific Area)에서 연합군에게 포로가 된 한인 군인, 군속의 포로 심문조서를 기록을 분석하였다. 아시아·태평양 전쟁에서 일본은 총동원 체제로 인력, 물자를 투입하였고, 식민지 조선에서도 한인을 강제 동원하였다. 동원된 한인들은 연합군의 공격으로 인한 전사나 일본군의 보급 경시로 인한 아사, 풍토병으로 인한 병사, 그리고 해상에서 수송선이 격침당해 익사하는 등, 큰 피해를 입었다. 그 가운데 소수의 한인이 미군을 중심으로 한 연합군에 투항하여 포로가 되어 살아남았다. 연합군은 일본군 및 군속 포로를 포획하여 적극적으로 심문하였다. 포로가 제공하는 정보는 연합군의 일본군에 대한 작전과 전쟁 수행을 위해 활용되었고, 포로가 되는 것에 대한 교육을 받지 못한 일본인은 연합군에게 정보를 폭로, 제공하였다. 그 가운데 한인 군인, 군속도 연합군의 포로가 되어 개인 신상정보부터 일본군의 정보, 식민지 조선의 정보에 이르기까지 다양한 정보를 연합군에게 제공하였다. 그러한 정보는 심문조서로 정리되어 각 군에 공유되는 등, 연합군의 전쟁 수행에 활용되었다. 이러한 심문조서는 당시 살아남은 한인의 생생한 진술이 담겨있다는 점에서 매우 중요한 가치를 지닌다. 그렇지만 지금까지 남서 태평양지역에 동원된 한인의 연구에 활용되지 못하여 왔다. 이 연구에서는 남서 태평양 전선에서 포로가 된 한인 군인과 군속의 심문조서를 조사, 분석하여, 군인 41명과 군속 45명을 합쳐 86명의 포로의 기록을 확인하였다. 군인의 심문조서는 대다수가 육군특별지원병이며, 일본군에 입대한 그들은 차별과 학대를 받았고, 지원을 강제당하였다는 진술을 확인할 수 있었다. 군속은 해군과 육군의 군속으로, 해군 설영대와 해군 애국작업단 소속의 군속 등 여러 부대에 속해 있던 군속의 심문조서를 확인할 수 있었다. 그들의 동원 상황부터 전장에의 이동 경로, 그리고 피해 상황에 이르기까지, 심문조서에는 당시 기록된 여러 정보를 확인할 수 있다. 이 논문의 마지막 부록에서는 남서 태평양 전선의 한인 포로의 명단을 정리하여 향후 후속 연구에 보탬이 되고자 한다. This study analyzed the POW interrogation reports of Korean military personnel and civilian employees(Gunzoku) who were captured by the Allied Forces in the South West Pacific Area (SWPA) during the Pacific War. In the Pacific War, the Empire of Japan mobilized human resources and supplies in a total mobilization system, and forcibly mobilized Koreans from colonial Korea. The mobilized Koreans suffered greatly under this system including death from Allied attacks, starvation due to the disregard for supplies by the Japanese army and navy, illness due to endemic disease, and death by drowning at sea during the sinking of transport ships. Among them, a small number of Koreans surrendered to the US military and other allied forces and became prisoners of war and survived. The Allied Forces captured Japanese military personnel and civilian employees and actively interrogated them. The information provided by the POWs was used in Allied operations against Japan. The Japanese, who had not been pre-educated to become POWs, exposed and provided information to the Allied Forces. Among them, Korean military personnel and civilian employees were also taken prisoners by the Allied Forces, and provided various information to the Allied Forces, from personal information to information on the Japanese Army and information on colonial Korea. Such information was compiled in interrogation reports and shared among the Allied Forces who used the information to strengthen the Allied war effort. Such Interrogation Reports have an exceptionally important value because they contain the vivid statements and descriptions of the Koreans who survived at that time. However, until now, they have not been used for research on the Koreans mobilized to the Southwest Pacific region. In this study, I investigated and analyzed the Interrogation Reports of Korean military personnel and civilian employees who were taken prisoners on the Southwest Pacific Front, and confirmed the records of 86 prisoners of war, including 41 military personnel and 45 civilian employees. These reports confirmed that most of them were special volunteer soldiers of the Japanese army, and those who joined the Japanese army were discriminated against and abused and were forced to volunteer. The civilian employees were army and navy civilian employees, and I was able to confirm the interrogation reports of the civilian employees who belonged to various units such as the Navy Construction Corps and the civilian employees belonging to the Navy Patriotic Work Group. From the process of their mobilization to their route to the battlefield as well as details of their suffering, the interrogation reports reveal a wealth of information recorded at that time. In the appendix of this study, I would like to organize the list of Korean POWs on the Southwest Pacific Front and contribute to the subsequent research.

      • KCI등재

        ZnO-Zn<sub>2</sub>BiVO<sub>6</sub>-Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> 세라믹스의 액상소결과 전기적 특성

        홍연우,김유비,백종후,조정호,정영훈,윤지선,박운익,Hong, Youn-Woo,Kim, You-Bi,Paik, Jong-Hoo,Cho, Jeong-Ho,Jeong, Young-Hun,Yun, Ji-Sun,Park, Woon-Ik 한국전기전자재료학회 2017 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.30 No.2

        This study focuses on the effects of doping $Zn_2BiVO_6$ and $Co_3O_4$ on the sintering and electrical properties of ZnO; where, ZZ consists of 0.5 mol% $Zn_2BiVO_6$ in ZnO, and ZZCo consists of 1/3 mol% $Co_3O_4$ in ZZ. As ZnO was sintered at about $800^{\circ}C$, the liquid phases, which are composed of $Zn_2BiVO_6$ and $Zn_2BiVO_6$-rich phases, were found to be segregated at the grain boundaries of sintered ZZ and ZZCo, respectively, which demonstrates that $V_o^{\cdot}$(0.33~0.36 eV) are formed as dominant defects according to the analysis of admittance spectroscopy. As $Co_3O_4$ is doped to ZZ, the resistivity of ZnO decreases to ~38%, while donor density ($N_d$), interface state density ($N_t$), and barrier height (${\Phi}_b$) increase twice higher than those of ZZ, according to C-V characteristics. This result harbingers that ZZCo and its derivative compositions will open the gate for ZnO to be applied as more progressive varistors in the future, as well as the advantageous opportunity of manufacturing ZnO chip varistors at lower sintering temperatures below $900^{\circ}C$.

      • KCI등재

        소결온도가 ZnO-Co3O4-Cr2O3의 결함과 전기적 특성에 미치는 영향

        홍연우 ( Youn Woo Hong ),김유비 ( You Bi Kim ),이영진 ( Young Jin Lee ),세기 ( Sei Ki Kim ),백종우 ( Jong Hoo Paik ),조만호 ( Man Ho Jo ) 대한금속재료학회(구 대한금속학회) 2014 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.52 No.12

        The defects and origin of the good varistor properties in the ZnO-Co3O4-Cr2O3 system were investigated by admittance spectroscopy, I-V characteristics, and impedance and modulus spectroscopy. Two kinds of defects were detected, but (0.27 eV) was identified as a major donor level by admittance spectroscopy. The ZnO grain resistivity of ~0.4 Ωcm was calculated but somewhat increased with sintering temperature. J-E characteristics with varistor behavior was seen in this system while the nonlinear coefficient α changed from 9 to 92 with sintering temperature. The single potential barrier of 0.64-1.01 eV at the grain boundary region was confirmed by impedance and modulus spectroscopy. The origin of a good varistor behavior in ZnO-Co3O4-Cr2O3 would be due to the formation and stabilization of a double Schottky barrier by the redox reaction of Co ions and the existence of small Cr ions in the grain boundaries.

      • KCI등재

        HP 및 SPS법에 의한 ZnS의 소결과 소결체의 광학적 특성

        홍연우 ( Youn Woo Hong ),김유비 ( You Bi Kim ),이영진 ( Young Jin Lee ),세기 ( Sei Ki Kim ),백종후 ( Jong Hoo Paik ),진호 ( Jin Ho Kim ) 대한금속재료학회(구 대한금속학회) 2015 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.53 No.12

        The sintering behaviors of commercial ZnS nanopowders (purity 99.999%) processed with the two different sintering techniques of hot pressing (HP) and spark plasma sintering (SPS) and optical properties of sintered material are investigated here. The results are compared between the two different sintering techniques in terms of the sintering parameters (density, microstructure, X-ray diffraction pattern) and the optical properties (infrared transmission in the range of 2~20 μm) of the sintered ZnS ceramics. The maximum density was obtained at 950℃ irrespective of the sintering method. The wurtzite (hexagonal) phase causes birefringence due to optical anisotropy which begins at a temperature of more than 920℃. The optimized optical properties were found to be ZnS ceramics sintered with HP at 950℃ and with SPS at 90 0℃. However, contamination from the graphite mold and its influence on the optical properties were confirmed to be very serious, especially in HP and SPS. In the SPS method, the optical properties by light scattering were found in this study to worsen considerably due to the refractive index differences among the ZnS, carbon impurities, and pores.

      • KCI등재후보

        ZnO-Zn<sub>2</sub>BiVO<sub>6</sub>-Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> 바리스터의 전류-전압 및 임피던스의 온도 특성

        홍연우 ( Youn Woo Hong ),김유비 ( You Bi Kim ),백종후 ( Jong Hoo Paik ),조정호 ( Jeong Ho Cho ),정영훈 ( Young Hun Jeong ),윤지선 ( Ji Sun Yun ),박운익 ( Woon Ik Park ) 한국센서학회 2016 센서학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        This study introduces the characteristics of current-voltage (I-V) and impedance variance for ZnO-Zn<sub>2</sub>BiVO<sub>6</sub>-Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> (ZZCo), which is sintered at 900℃, according to temperature changes. ZZCo varistor demonstrates dramatic improvement of non-linear coefficient, α = 66, with lower leakage current and higher insulating resistivity than those of ZZ (ZnO-Zn<sub>2</sub>BiVO<sub>6</sub>) from the aspect of I-V curves. While both systems are thermally stable up to 125℃, ZZCo represents a higher grain boundary activation energy with 1.05 eV and 0.94 eV of J-E-T and from IS & MS, respectively, than that of ZZ with 0.73 eV and 0.82 eV of J-E-T and from IS & MS, respectively, in the region above 180℃. It could be attributed to the formation of V<sub>O</sub> (0.41~0.47 eV) as dominant defect in two systems, as well as the defect-induced capacitance increase from 781 pF to 1 nF in accordance with increasing temperature. On the other hand, both the grain boundary capacitances of ZZ and ZZCo are shown to decrease to 357 pF and 349 pF, respectively, while the resistances systems decreased exponentially, in accordance with increasing temperature. So, this paper suggests that the application of newly formed liquid phases as sintering additives in both Zn<sub>2</sub>BiVO<sub>6</sub> and the ZZCo-based varistors would be helpful in developing commercialized devices such as chips, disk-type ZnO varistors in the future.

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