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        아쿠타가와 류우노스케의『관목숲속 薮の中』론

        김용안(Kim, Yong-an) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2010 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.40

        본 연구는 쿠로사와 아키라 黒沢明(1910ー1998)감독의 세계적인 영화 <라쇼몽羅生門>의 제재가 되었던 아쿠타가와 류우노스케 芥川竜之介(1892ー1927)의 소설『관목 숲속 薮の中 1921』에 대한 작품론이다. 이 작품은 당시로서는 결말없는 추리소설의 외양이나 작중인물들의 증언만으로 이루어진 내용, 그리고 짜임새 없는 열린 구성까지 상당히 파격적으로 쓰인 작품이다. 게다가 한 무사의 죽음과 그 진상이 밝혀지지 않은 채 소설이 끝나는 바람에 독자들을 당혹케 하였지만 역설적이게도 바로 그런 이유로 끊임없이 읽히고 논의되면서 명작의 반열에 오르게 된 작품이다. 다시 말해서 이 작품은 독자들의 보편적인 소설관을 뒤흔들고 배반하면서도 분명히 소설이라는 이름으로 유포되고 있으며 게다가 스테디셀러라는 명성까지도 얻고 있다. <이 소설에서의 무사의 죽음에 대한 진상규명은 소설 텍스트 자체가 거부하고 있으므로 불가능하다. 이로 인해 빚어지는 논자의 텍스트와의 끝없는 결투와 그 과정에서 빚어지는 해석의 무차별적 양산은 헛수고에 지나지 않는다. 급기야는 해석게임의 양상을 띠며 지금까지도 해왔고 앞으로도 계속 될 것이다.> 바로 이것이 이 소설이 야기한 일종의 <야부노나카 薮の中 신드롬>인 것이다. 이런 현상 때문에 이 소설 제목인 <야부노나카>가 결국에는 일본판 <오리무중(五里霧中)>이란 의미의 단어로 정착되기도 했다. 당연한 귀결로 본고의 논지도 결국에는 수많은 해석의 축적 가운데 미미한 한자리의 의미밖에 가질 수 없을 것이다. 다만 기존과는 차별화한 해석의 새로움과 그것이 작품의 심화이해에 도움이 된다면 그것 자체가 의의는 될 수 있을 것이다. 본고에서는 주로 이 소설을 튼튼하게 떠받치고 있는 3각 구조를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 그 3각 구조는 우선 작중인물의 양상에서 찾을 수가 있다. 대도둑 타죠오마루 多襄丸와 무사 타케히로 武弘의 영혼과 그의 부인 마사고 真砂의 증언이, 각각 아리스토텔레스의 수사학에서 말하는 로고스, 에토스, 파토스의 3양상을 띠고 있으며 이런 논리로 무사의 죽음이란 하나의 팩트가 대결에 의한 타살, 자살, 동반자살의 3색으로 분장되거나 윤색되어 나타남을 확인했다. 이와 함께 소설의 주요 등장인물은 여성과 남성이지만 무사의 부인 마사고는 남편이 보는 앞에서 강간을 당한 다음에는 완전히 돌변한다. 그녀의 표변에 파렴치한 범죄를 다반사로 하는 도둑마저 흠칫 놀라고 남편은 그녀의 변신으로 자살까지 감행한다. 이 소설의 백미라고 할 수 있는 그녀의 변신은 기존 관념 속의 여성상을 뛰어넘는 것으로 이른바 제3의 성의 출현이었던 것이다. 따라서 소설에 나타나는 성의 양상도 남성 대 기존여성 대 표변한 여성의 3각의 팽팽한 긴장의 구조라는 것도 확인할 수 있다. 또한 본 소설이 작은 단편이기는 하지만 작중인물이 평온한 삶과 지옥보다 고통스런 삶, 그리고 죽어서 구천을 떠도는 영혼의 삶의 3가지 양상을 갖고 있음도 확인할 수 있다. 이런 일련의 3각 구조는 미완의 형태를 갖춘 본 소설을, 수많은 논란을 끊임없이 양산해내며 심지어는 세계적인 명화까지 만들어 내게 한 스테디셀러로 만들었고 나아가 이 3각 구조는 또한 시공을 초월하여 빚어지는 인간의 에고이즘이 만들어내는 진실게임의 양상을 현상하고 인화하여 보여준 명작으로 자리매김 시키게 한 것이다. 결과적으로 미완작, 스테디셀러, 명작이라는 3가지 이름이 통용될 수 있는 이 작품의 가치도 3색이라는 결과를 낳고 말았다. This study is work theory about Akutakawa Ryunoske's novel,『Shrub Forest 1921』which was main topic of <lashyomong> which is world movie of director, Kurosawa Akira(1910-1998). This work is substantially unconventional work in the aspect of detective story appearance without conclusion, substance which consists only of characters’ testimony and opened composition of loose style, if that time is considered. Thus, it's novel about a warrior's death, but the novel ended without revealing the truth, so that following debaters were confused. However, paradoxically, the work has been read and discussed continuously because of the reason exactly and it joined the ranks of masterpiece. In other words, this work shakes people's viewpoint about novel or betrays people. But, while obviously it is in circulation as novel, it is steady seller. The triangle structure can be found in appearance of character at first. It is confirmed that testimony of great thief, 'Tajomaru', soul of warrior, ‘Takehiro’ and his wife, 'Masago' have three appearances such as logos, ethos and pathos which are uttered in rhetoric of Aristoteles, respectively. So, the fact that their testimony is triangle structure,‘murder by fight, suicide, committing suicide together’ as well is confirmed. And main characters of novel are male and female. But, Masago, warrior’s wife changed abruptly completely after being raped in front of husband. Even the thief who did crimes many times was surprised and husband came to commit suicide by her change. In summarization of the above substance, gender appearance is male vs. female in the aspect of outward appearance of novel. But if the internal circumstance is considered more specifically, it’s possible to confirm that it’s choked tension structure of triangle structure, 'Male vs. Existing Female vs. Suddenly Changed Female Image’. Also, this novel is short story, but it's confirmed that characters of this work have three appearances of life such as peaceful life, life which is more painful than hell and life which wanders Hades after death. This novel of incomplete form with this series of triangle structures produces many controversies continuously. Even, the structure made the novel steady seller which came to bring famous world movie. And this triangle structure made the novel settled in masterpiece which takes a shot of appearance of truth game made by human’s egoism which is formed beyond time and space, prints and shows it. Exactly, the value of this work which has the name, ’incomplete work, steady seller and masterpiece’ evenly consists of triangle structure, eventually.

      • KCI등재

        『이즈의 소녀무희』고찰 -이미지를 중심으로-

        김용안 ( Yong-an Kim ) 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.97 No.2

        この小說は日本の近·現代文學の中でももっとも多樣な媒體にリバイバルされている作品の一つである。その理由はいろいろあろうが、宮澤賢治の『銀河鐵道の夜1933)』のように、その作品が保持しているユニ一クなイメ一ジによるところがあると云えよう。これらは讀者を美しい抒情の世界へ誘う神秘的な魅力に溢れている。この小說を名作たらしめるのは、拔群の主題でも、すぐれたプロットでも、興味深い筋でもない。まさに特有の浪漫性を支えているイメ一ジである。ところが、これらとは裏腹に、この作品の價値を半減させる非イメ一ジもこの小說にはある程度存在しており、イメ一ジ上に斷層をなしていることも分かった。この論文はこの多樣なイメ一ジを分析したものである。作品の冒頭には、秋の情趣が染みた伊豆の風景に踊子の踊りと容態とが映像として提示され、これに、彼女の打つ太鼓の音と稱えの言葉とが響きが融合し、特有のイメ一ジが連打される。そのイメ一ジに讀者は魅了されるのだ。これらのイメ一ジは、そのすべてが小說のナレ一タ一である「私」に飛び迂んでくるので、私との因果關係はないものの、言葉を遙かに上回る名殘惜しい余韻を殘している。一方、これとは逆に、非イメ一ジも散見しているが、これらはすべてがこの小說に惡影響を及ぼしているのが分かった。要するに、二人の無味乾燥な對話や別れた後の舟の中の私の獨白などは、リアリティ一が欠いているため、これまでの私の踊子に對する戀が疑われるほど、抵抗感さえ齎している。讀者の共感を伴わず、小說のナレ一タ一の「私」の一方的な獨走の形を取っている揷話というものが、小說全體の敍事の中に溶迂まず、漂流を重ねている結果であると思われる。しかし、この小說は``イメ一ジの庭園``と呼ばれるだけあって、拔群のイメ一ジの絶對的な存在感はその欠点を十分に相殺するだけの力をもつ。この小說の中で題目から始るこれらのイメ一ジは、時·空間を越えて通用し、今日も風化されておらず、燃え盡きず潑剌さを保っている。それゆえに、この小說は讀者を魅了し續けるのである。それはあくまでも拔群のイメ一ジの存在感のおかげである。 What makes this novel a masterpiece is not the outstanding subject, or excellent plot, or interesting story. It is the dim images supporting the romantic idea of this piece. From the title-forming image and the images here and there lead this novel. But, in this novel, it was found that there are many anti-images quite different from the images, so there is a stratum of images. First, I illuminated the outstanding images in the expression of 「me」 in the novel by classifying to visual and acoustic images, and they all accidentally jumped into 「me」, and the characteristics is that they are not related to cause-and-effect relationship. But, I found that they create romantic and emotional grief and make flowing lyric unique to the novel, and on the other hand, leave a long after-state exceeding the words, thus play a decisive role for making this novel a masterpiece. On the contrary, there are also anti-images not securing reality or having weak presence and finally break into pieces, so I found that these are acting as the area having adverse effect on the novel. In this process, contrastively to the form of the girl dancer, who maintains the same image, I found that there is a clear stratum in the identity of 「me」, and also found that the series of behaviors and confessions by 「me」 in the boat coming back from the parting cause the resistance making doubts even on the morality that if the love of 「me」 so far was a true love.It seems to be the part with the strong suspicion for the intervention of the writer rather than the behavior of the character in the novel. But, I found that the absolute presence of the outstanding images more than offset such flaw, so that this novel can be called ``Garden of Images``. Those images in this novel starting from the title are good transcending the time?space, and maintains the vividness without being desiccated. Therefore, this novel has no gustation period, and is loved by the readers for a long time. That owes to the outstanding presence of the images.

      • KCI등재

        Tau23 동물에서 손상된 HSP90-mediated autophagic/lysosomal pathway의 운동의 개선 효과

        김용안(Kim Yong-An),손희정(Son Hee-Jeong),박준영(Park Joon-Young),범수(Kim Bum-Soo),하재여(Ha Jae-Yeo),조임형(Cho lim-Hyeong),임예현(Leem Yea-Hyun) 한국체육과학회 2011 한국체육과학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        The objective of this study is to investigate whether chronic endurance exercise attenuates tau hyperphosphorylation and alters incomplete autophagic pathway. To achieve the objective of current study, 16 months of age of Tau23 mice were subjected to treadmill-running with 12m/min or 19m/min of speed for 12 weeks of period. the levels of neuropathophysiological phospho-sites on tau (pSer202, 204, 396, 404) were profoundly reduced in response to exercise. Autolysosomal activity-related LC3-Ⅱ/LC3-Ⅰ expression ratio and Cathepsin D expression were enhanced in Tg mice, but inversely declined in exercised Tg mice. Beeline-1 and p62, which were linked to autophagosome formation, expression levels were significantly reduced in Tg mice. HSP90 and CHIP, which play key role in escorting toward autophagy, expression levels were increased or decreased, respectively in Tg mice, and were reversed in exercised Tg mice. Based on our findings, chronic exercise suggests to ameliorate the incomplete and immature autophagic activity by Tau overexpression and hyperphosphorylation, resulting in reduction of Tau hyperphosphorylation.

      • 고압 열처리 공정이 수출용 훈제오리제품의 식품안전성에 미치는 영향

        김용안 ( Kim Yong An ),황인호 ( Hwang Inho ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2017 농업생명과학연구 Vol.48 No.1

        This technical study was involved in exporting of chilled and sliced duck products to China and Southeast Asian countries which enjoy duck meat. Heat and High-Pressure Processing (HPP) treatment were used on packaged duck slices meat in relation to food safety during the export period, without food preservatives (such as potassium sorbate et.c) assuming consciousness improvement of targeted the export consumers. Comparisons were made between two methods; a) water heating treatment (82°C, 4 minutes and 30 seconds) after the slice and packaging duck, b) additionally, HPP treatment was applied after water heating treatment of sliced, packaged duck. The High-Pressure pressure of 500MPa and 600MPa used with 3min and 5min treatment time respectively. In terms of total plate counts, more than 3 logs(CFU/ml) was found in untreated samples at 2<sup>nd</sup> weeks. However total plate counts on the samples treated by 500MPa/5min, 600MPa/3min and 600MPa/5min, it was lower than 3 logs (CFU/mL) until the 7<sup>th</sup> week. HPP was highly effective for controlling indigenous bacteria (p<0.001). The group of Escherichia coli was found in non-HPP treated samples at 4<sup>th</sup> weeks,/ but was not detected at 9<sup>th</sup> weeks on samples pressurized by 500MPa/5min, 600MPa/3min and 600MPa/5min. HPP was highly effective for controlling a group of Escherichia coli (p=0.01). The pH value of fresh samples was 7.20, however, it was decreased to 7.0 after a week. In the non-HPP treated samples, the pH value was 6.0 or less (5.93±0.06) after 8th weeks, but it was 6.4 or more in samples treated by 500MPa/5 min, 600MPa/3min and 600MPa/5min until 9<sup>th</sup> weeks. The pH was lowered with time, but HPP was effective in retarding the pH drop(p<0.001). Salinity was not consistently significant in all treatments. The slightly salty taste was increased after HPP treatments due to the strong binding sodium in meat and not due to changes in salinity. Therefore, water heating and HPP treatment were effective for exported sliced duck products. It was found that treatment at 500MPa/5min and 600MPa/3min or 500MPa/5min was very effective for food stability. However, it is unclear whether the effect was of the alone HPP or combination of HPP and water heating treatment. Thus, further studies might be required to evaluate it together with non-water heat treated HPP and pathogenic poisoning bacteria to secure food safety.

      • KCI등재

        타니자키 중이치로, 곡기윤일랑(谷崎潤一郞)의『춘금초(春琴抄)』론 26 -서사의 역발상을 중심으로-

        김용안 ( Yong An Kim ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.91 No.2

        具として存分に利用されていることが內面の樣子である。要するに佐助の春琴への巡禮, お互い同士で相手は、-人の人物よりは-つの世界であるのプロセスが作品に貫いている反面、佐助が自分の目を自害して盲人になったと告白する場面では春琴の佐助への感動やしばらくの巡禮が行間から讀まれる。第二に、この小說には春琴のサディズムと佐助のマゾヒズムの二つの軸で支えられていることは廣く知られている常識であるが、作品の內面にはナレ-タ-が春琴を虐待しているもう-つのサディズムの軸が存在していることも指摘すべきであると思う。なぜなら、アイデンティティ-が疑われるほどの春琴の過度な惡女ぶりが作品のあちこちに目立つからである。このナレ-タ-の行爲は春琴の惡行を戱畵化して際立たせることによって佐助の犧牲者ぶりを强調したいという目的で行われていることは言うまでもない。春琴のサディズムと佐助のマゾヒズムとナレ-タ-のサディズムとが三つ巴のように作品の內部で動いているのである。要するにナレ-タ-は春琴のイメ-ジを崩していくが、佐助のイメ-ジは彫刻していくのがかんじられる。第三に、二人のエゴイズムであるが、春琴のエゴイズムだけが浮き彫りにされていて、外見上の讀みでは佐助のエゴイズムはないがしろにされがちである。しかし、作品の內側では春琴のそれは本能的であり、しかも果敢なものが目立っているのに對し、佐助のそれは眼に見えないところでゆるやかに執拗さを增していくのである。春琴のエゴイズムが感情的であり、とぎれとぎれのものであるとすれば佐助のエゴイズムは絶え間ない執着に支えられていると言える。實際に春琴の暮らしの範圍には限界があり、自分の身分に甘えているに過ぎないが、佐助は小使の身分から師匠に至るまでの身分の上昇は勿論、春琴とは事實上の夫婦關係になり、ついには戀の化身にまで崇められていることからも分かる。最後に佐助の自害行爲によって二人が和合する逆の發想が輝く場面も確認できた。 The purpose of this study was to examine the position and the relation hiddendeeply in the novel through a description of the narrator. It was based on that thewriter used the inverse concept mainly, which was found to be flowing through asa stream in the novel. The novel was unfolded in the manner of annotating to a narration by the narratorhaving monogatari sex, roman of the imaginary "Mozyashungkingjeon" as thegeneral narrative in addition to the unusual preference of sadism and masochism andsetting the narrator. It is the relation between Saske and Shungking controlled most noticeably by theinverse concept. Saske and Shungking, for that reason, are shown crossed in differentboth poles. To summarize the contrast felt from the in-depth content of the novel, the narratorcollapses the image of Shungking from an angelic saint to an ill-fated demoniacwoman gradually, whereas that of Saske is carved into a landmark of the superegowith his fierce and persistent move. The superficial narration of the novel after all is in the situation where Shungkingabuses Saske like a tool but, inversely, Shungking is abused undiscriminatingly tocreate the image of Saske according to the in-depth hidden narration. Moreover, it was also found that, besides the two axes of Shungking``s sadismand Saske``s masochism, that has been pointed out so far, sadism of the narratortowards Shungking travestying to the extent of doubting his identity by discreditingor mistreating him cleverly was inherent as another axis. Finally, it also was the inverse concept that the narration of the novel wasdemonstrated at a dead end. Saske``s grotesque self-injury of poking his own eyeson the verge of the collapse of the relation between the two after the sudden burnof Shungking led to their unity, and made the paradox that the horrible blindnessbecame the nirvanic stage of opening one``s eyes possible.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        심포지엄 : 인간실격(人間失格)』에 내재된 이항대립 연구

        김용안 ( Yong An Kim ) 한국일어일문학회 2013 日語日文學硏究 Vol.84 No.2


      • KCI등재

        『계간 삼천리』연구 - 「우키시마마루호 폭침」기사를 중심으로 -

        김용안 ( Kim Yong-an ) 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2017 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.72

        The article on the “Ukishima malu accident” in “Gyegan Samcheonri” coldly testifies the reason for the existence of a nation and how serious crimes the evil deeds are happening under the name of the political compromise in the history and how big the wounds overlooked in the process are. In this context, the meaning of this article is significant. Firstly, it speaks out its thoughts about the pity of the accident being forgotten and urges the substantial approach to and making a big issue of the accident. It expresses the frustration of the documentary journalist who has to give up in front of the giant power connected with the authority in the process and, at the same time, asks the role of the nation. Secondly, a Japanese PD of a public broadcasting company calmly accuses us of our negligence and collective oblivion. Thirdly, it asks the existence of a nation from a fundamental perspective. In the article, a nation is accused of its irresponsibility for not questioning a cause or a responsibility even if hundreds of people were brought to a battlefield only to be ended up in the ocean like trash. Fourthly, this article excavated the buried history and printed it out to see it any time. The historical fact cannot be deleted artificially but it is like it doesn`t exist it is left out in the indifference. History, moreover, doesn`t die or extinct and there is no expiration. It also emphasizes that the history of evil must by followed by the history of conviction to punish it. Taking this article as an opportunity, I hope that the history of their crimes, that is our history humiliation could be entirely dug up and bear fruit as a big white paper in the end. In that aspect, I wish that this article will not a termination but a new start.

      • KCI등재후보

        회복방법에 따른 SOD, CAT 및 MDA의 변화

        김용안(Kim Yong-An),훈(Kim Hoon) 한국체육과학회 2005 한국체육과학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigation how the physical activity recovery difference affect the antioxidant enzymes(SOD, CAT) and lipid peroxiation marker MDA after bout exercise. The subjects of this study were men high school student (n=12). subject was divided into physical activity recovery group(PㆍR, n=6) and sedentary group(SㆍR, n=6). Blood samples was drawn from antecubital vein at post immediate and at 10, 30min recovery after exercise. Blood samples were used to analyzethe concentrations of Superoxide dismutase, Catalase in Sampil Blood Center. Lipid peroxidation markers [lipid radical production detected by plasma malondialdehyde(MDA) levels detected by the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) method], were measured after the treadmille test and during the 10 min of recovery. The results of this study were as follows, Hemoglobin SOD, CAT activity of Physical activity recovery group was siginificantly increased at the 10, 30min recovery after bout exercise. MDA level were not significantly alter the between physical recovery group and sedentary recovert group. Furthermore, the result of present study suggest that the level of recovery physical activity have major inflenence on balance between radical generation potential and blood anti-oxidant.

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