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        디지털 문학과 미학적 존재론

        김순배(Soon bae Kim) 한국비평이론학회 2017 비평과이론 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구는 디지털 시대 인간과 기계 혹은 인간과 비인간의 마주침에 대한 존재론적 고찰이다. 인간과 비인간의 상호작용이 디지털 매체를 통해 매개화되는 존재론적 사건은 종이에 활자화된 텍스트 형식의 아날로그 텍스트와 마주하는 독서경험과는 다른 차원에서 작동한다. 디지털 문학은 보다 다양하고 다층적인 표현 매체를 동원할 수 있다는 점에서 기존의 문학형식들이 지향하고자 하는 것을 더욱 발전, 확장시킨 문학 형식이라고 볼 수 있다. 본고는 다양한 문학 형식을 지향하는 디지털 문학의 사례를 통해 기술문명 및 혁신시대 기계와 인간의 상호작용을 통해 드러나는 존재론적 만남의 방정식을 해체하고 그 구체적 관계성의 원리를 규명하고자 한다. 디지털 공간에서 독자로서의 인간이 전자 텍스트를 마주하는 공간에서 필자가 주목하는 개념은 언어의 물성과 몸의 관계적 상호작용, 현재성의 수행과 공간의 문제, 매체와 매개성, 비인간, 소통과 네트워크, 그리고 미학의 문제로 압축된다. 명멸하며 빛나는 언어로 구성된 디지털 텍스트는 잉크로 종이 위에 인쇄된 텍스트와는 차원이 다른 물리적 특성을 보여준다. 물리적으로 다른 질적 성격을 가진 텍스트를 마주하는 인간은 단순히 시각적으로 인지하고 사고하는 과정이 아니라 실제 몸을 사용하면서 개입하고 참여하는 가운데 텍스트를 만들어가는 주체이다. 즉 상호작용하는 사건이 텍스트의 구성의 기본 원리가 된다. 몸의 개입은 인간 마음의 개입이기도 하며 디지털 텍스트 구성에 영향을 주고 또 받는 관계이다. 이러한 존재론적 상호작용은 텍스트에 참여하는 인간 주체가 지속적인 현전을 수행하는 과정이며, 이 수행의 공간에서 구현되는 것이 곧 텍스트이다. 즉, 디지털 텍스트와 인간의 질적, 양적 교류의 장이 존재론적 텍스트 공간이다. 인간과 기계의 만남은 컴퓨터 화면 위에 빛나는 문자 텍스트만이 아니라 오디오, 비디오, 애니메이션, 영화, 터치, 소리 등의 형식이 텍스트를 다양한 방식으로 독자에게 매개화하는 양식을 취한다. 다양한 텍스트 형식이 공존하는 디지털 공간은 단순히 인간의 기억과 사유의 단편이 부유하는 기계적 공간이 아니라 사용자 주체의 개입으로 타자화된 기계와의 관계 속에서 구조화되고 또 그 다양한 가능성이 구현되는 의식화된 공간이다. 즉 인간이 마주하는 것은 기계가 아니라 인간과 기계 사이의 어떤 것 즉 비인간이다. 인간과 비인간의 소통하는 상호작용으로 만들어지는 텍스트는 그 일차적 교류의 층위 너머에 즉 인간과 비인간의 만남 이면에 보다 복잡한 상호작용을 전제한다. 텍스트를 구성하는 공간에 참여하는 인간의 개입은 질적이며 동시에 양적인 차원에서 성립하기 때문이다. 디지털 공간에서는 우연처럼 개입하는 다양한 사용자 혹은 독자의 존재를 상정하지 않을 수 없으며, 그 사이에 구성되는 존재론적 연결성의 문제와 그 구조의 미학적 원리에 대한 물음에 이르게 된다. This study examines the ontological encounter between human and machine, that is, between human and nonhuman in digital age mediated via various forms of digital literature. The ontological encounter facilitated through the digital media and thereby interaction between human and nonhuman are propagated on a refreshing dimension, which is a little different from the conventional reading experience of analogue literature rendered on the printed page. Digital literature emerges as a locus of the multifariously reformed and/or dynamically transformed display of the literary art which virtually appropriates the traditional forms of literature. Thus, the essay aims to uncover and investigate relational principles of the ontological encounter by analyzing the nature of the interactive connectivity and its algorithm. The ontological principles particularized and scrutinized here are those: materiality of language, intervention of human body, its performance of presence, space of interaction, media and mediality, nonhuman, and community. The digital text is composed of materialized language in the form of flickering light whose physical characteristics are quite different from the printed text. Human body is engaged in interactive relationship with the light or the media such as audio, video, animation, graphic, and movie. The virtualized text and the actual human body “feedback and feedforward” on optical, aural, tactile, or synaesthetic level, so that the ultimate text is comprised via the interaction. In so doing, this virtual confrontation constitutes the space in which the human participates and performs presence. The embodied engagement produces the sense of “doing there” (in Hans Gumbrecht’s terms), not merely “being there.” The participatory performance is enacted not simply between human and machine, but more precisely between human and nonhuman. Hence, the ontological clash in virtual spaces postulates constantly communicative network between a human and others whether they are human or nonhuman. And the interactive connectivity constructed in the space of infinite possibilities leads us to envision the aesthetic structure of its ontological relationality, whether it is contingent or coordinated,

      • KCI등재

        오스카 와일드의 희극에 나타난 유머의 미학

        김순배 ( Soon Bae Kim ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2014 현대영어영문학 Vol.58 No.2

        My study is to investigate the aesthetics and modernity of Oscar Wilde``s humor. When critics analyze Oscar Wilde``s comedies, they tend not to their humor as much as they do to their socio-cultural commentaries. Regarding the quality of the laughter in Wilde``s comedies like An Ideal Husband and The Importance of Being Earnest, it reveals the cognitive dimension and also the aesthetic scope. Epistemologically, Wilde invokes the tradition of incongruous humor as well as verbal witticism and social satire. The laughter is uncovered through the frequent use of displacement. And the sudden association of two incompatible ideas generates a comic effect, the comic laughter of the plays calls our attention to the cognitive and creative dimension of humor. Wilde also creates idling “dandy” characters who constantly invent a voluntary positioning out of their creative intuition. The simplicity of their aesthetic style implicates serious and complicated features as it connotes incongruous elements, and its complexity is divulged through the audience``s cognitive and creative interaction with the plays. Thus, Wilde``s comedy takes its genuine place between the rising tradition of modernism and that of postmodernism. (Sungkyunkwan University)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Case Report : Neurotoxicity Induced by Cefepime in a Patient with Minimal Change Disease

        김순배 ( Soon Bae Kim ),( Seung Don Baek ),( Se Jeung Park ),( Chung Hee Baek ),구태연 ( Tai Yeon Koo ),강중구 ( Joong Koo Kang ) 대한신장학회 2010 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.29 No.6

        Purpose: A 71-year-old woman with minimal change disease visited our clinic complaining of pleuritic chest pain. Cefepime was given under the impression that she had pneumonia. Three days after cefepime administration, she became unconscious. A brain MRI scan was non-revealing and an EEG showed triphasic waves. As there was no evidence of septic, uremic or hepatic encephalopathy, we suspected cefepime-induced neurotoxicity. Cefepime was stopped and she underwent hemodialysis to decrease the blood levels of the drug. Following hemodialysis, she regained consciousness.

      • KCI등재

        현대영미소설 : 존 바스의 『도깨비집에서 길을 잃다』에 나타난 서사의 공간성

        김순배 ( Soon Bae Kim ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2015 현대영미소설 Vol.22 No.1

        This essay aims to uncover the spatial and formal qualities and thereby the aesthetic value of the postmodem narrative of John Barth``s Lost in the Funhouse. Barth``s Mobius strip, in particular, represents the ontologically relational scope of the narrative space beyond its interpretative and temporal dimension. The strip illustrates a materialized abd crafted object constructed by the reader as indicated in the first story, "Frame-Tale." The strip also blurs the boundary between inside and outside, or between fictitiousness and reality, so that it creates a hyperspace which replaces the reality. Further, once the strip is thrown into the world, it roams and drifts around so as to map out a certain connectivity with the potential readers. The exiled passage of the Mobius strip represents that of the reader in reading, that of the writer in writing, and even that of the errant words of the narrative. Finally, the strip consists of a void or emptiness at its center. The void bespeaks the form of the ontological narrative space, the form of absence and negativity, while just like Fredric Jameson``s Bonaventure hotel, the space represents ontologically "a total space" and "the perfect world" in and of itself. After all, Barth``s narrative space illuminates the aesthetics of negativity and perfectibility in terms of its form and relationality.

      • KCI등재후보

        Captopril 투여 및 혈청보관상태에 따른 혈청 Angiotensin - Converting Enzyme 활성도의 변화

        김순배(Soon Bae Kim),한진석(Jin Suk Han),이정상(Jung Sang Lee) 대한내과학회 1988 대한내과학회지 Vol.34 No.5

        N/A The purpose of these studies was to determine the temperature and the duration for serum storage in which ACE activity will be unchanged and to evaluate the acute effects of captopril on serum ACE activity. After blood samples were obtained from 14 normal volunteers, captopril 25 mg was administrated orally to 5 persons and captopril 50 mg to other 5 persons, and thereafter blood samples were obtained at intervals of 15 minutes till 90 minutes and assay for serum ACE activity was performed immediately. To evaluate storage effect, captopril-untreated serums of 14 persons and captopril-treated serums of 10 persons were stored at - 70℃, - 35℃ and 4℃ for 8 weeks and assay was performed at predetermined intervals. The serum ACE activity began to be suppressed from 15 minutes and attained its lowest value at 90 minutes after captopril administration in subjects taking 25 mg and at 60 minutes in taking 50 mg. The lowest serum ACE activity of subjects taking 50 mg was significantly lower than that of subjects taking 25 mg. During storage at 4℃ or 35℃, both captopril-treated and untreated serums displayed increased ACE acivity from 1 day later and this increase persisted 8 weeks. During storage at 70℃, captopril-treated serum should increased ACE activity from 1 day later, but captopril-untreated serum showed no change in ACE activity for at least 8 weeks. These results suggest that captopril-untreated serum could be stored at -70℃ for at least 8 weeks and, for captopril-treated serum, assay should be performed immediately without storage.

      • KCI등재후보

        정상인 및 신기능장애환자에서의 Ethambutol 의 약동학

        김순배(Soon Bae Kim),김대중(Dae Joong Kim),한진석(Jin Suk Han),김성권(Suhng Gwon Kim),이정상(Jung Sang Lee),박찬웅(Chan Woong Park),한용철(Yong Chol Han),신상구(Sang Koo Shin),이선희(Sun Hee Lee) 대한내과학회 1987 대한내과학회지 Vol.33 No.5

        N/A Ethambutol is commonly u in chemotheraphy of tuberculosis but little is known about its pharmacokinetics in patients with impaired renal function and there is much difficulty in its dose adjustment in these patients. Pharmacokinetics of single oral dose (15 ㎎/㎏) of ethambutol was studied in 7 normal subjects and 24 patients with impaired renal function including 7 patients on long-term hemodialysis. The results were as follows; 1) In view of parameters in normal subjects, approximately 74% of ethambutol was cleared by the kidney. 2) In patient with renal insufficiency, half-life of ethambutol was prolonged and renal clearance was reduced without change of volume of distribution and non-renal clearance. With these results, we recommended a method of dose adjustment as follows; Ccr≥75 ml/min - 15㎎/㎏, 50≤Ccr<75 - 13㎎/㎏. 25≤Ccr<50 - 10㎎/㎏, 10≤Ccr<25 - 8㎎/㎏, Ccr<10 - 6㎎/㎏. 3) Hemodialysis cleared 3.3% of ethambutol administrated, so supplementary dose after hemodialysis was unnecessary.

      • KCI등재

        피아노 페다고지에 있어서 마음(Mind)과 몸(Body)의 문제

        김순배 ( Soon Bae Kim ) 한국피아노교수법학회 2005 음악교수법연구 Vol.1 No.-

        ‘Body’ is an important agenda in the 21st century. But the concept of the ‘body’ is different from previous centuries. It excursed a dialectical path through time. Now Man regards the body as a decisive and close avenue of ‘Mind’. The same is true concerning the world of piano pedagogy. The pedagogy itself evolved from a beginning stage to more complicated one. A large portion of pedagogical problems are related to body and mind. To explore the real situation of body and mind, the aids of adjacent fields of study like medical science, physiology or psychology are essential. A true ‘virtuosity’ is a matter of mind which should be well organized and properly operated. Also a successful performance is an outcome of a systematic and effective mind-body functioning. Lessons should be focused on removing student`s anxiety on body-mind and enhance her/his awareness on both entity. To do so teachers are needed to be equipped with various notional and practical tools. ‘Practice time’ is a real training field for body-mind coordination. As a conclusion, it is impossible for any teacher or student to avoid or ignore the new insight in body and mind inquiry. And that can assure a real improvement in everyone`s musical competency.

      • KCI등재후보

        관상동맥혈관 석회화와 혈청 표지자

        김순배 ( Soon Bae Kim ) 대한내과학회 2007 대한내과학회지 Vol.72 No.5

        Coronary artery calcification is associated with the increased cardiovascular mortality and the extent of atheromatous plaque, especially in the hemodialysis patients. Vascular calcification was in the past considered a passive process, a degenerative consequence of aging or the result of disrupted mineral balance in the patients with chronic renal failure. It is now understood that calcium deposition in the vasculature is an active and regulated process similar to bone formation. In this issue of JKMS, Kim et al. investigate the clinical association between osteoprotegerin, an osteoclast inhibitory factor which was reported to be associated with coronary artery calcification, and fetuin-A, a systemic ectopic calcification inhibitory factor, with coronary artery calcification (CAC) score obtained from multi-slice CT. They showed that the high serum osteoprotegerin level is associated with increased CAC score and serum fetuin-A level is significantly lowered in the severe CAC score group. These results show that serum osteoprotegerin or fetuin-A level might be used as serum markers for the determination of the severity of coronary artery calcification. However, the role of serum osteoprotegerin in the formation of vascular calcification is uncertain and the pathophysiologic mechanism is not uncovered yet. Some studies suggested that the osteoprotegerin level is associated with vascular stiffness. Lower fetuin-A level is known to be a prognostic factor of cardiovascular disease mortality from several epidemiologic studies and a confirmed anti-calcifying agents in vitro experiments. In interpreting this issue of Kim et al., it is important that increased serum osteoprotegerin level might be associated with not vascular calcification but other vascular malfunction such as arterial stiffness. In conclusion, more sophisticated study needed for the clarification of the role of calcification-associated serum markers in the process of vascular calcification. (Korean J Med 72:443-445, 2007)

      • KCI등재

        목소리와 문학: 『하우스키핑』에 나타난 혼의 목소리

        김순배 ( Soon Bae Kim ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2016 현대영어영문학 Vol.60 No.1

        This essay examinesand uncovers the ontological quality of voice in Marilynne Robinson``s Housekeeping. My ideas of vocal afterlife and the reversal of death are indebted to those of the critics like Stanley Cavell and Michal Grover-Friedlander. The voice of Ruth in the novel not only relives the memory of the dead but maps out the ontological relationality of different times and generations. With this theoretical principle of voice, I first try to show how the fictional voice constitutes the liminal space between inside and outside, or between interiority and exteriority. The voice haunts and wanders somewhere between the worlds of fantasy and reality, or of materiality and immateriality. Second, the voice embodies and disembodies singularity and communality around the village of Fingerbone and beyond as it fashions connected and/or disconnected relationality via recollecting and resurrecting the memories, images, and even the lives of the dead. Third, the voice configures the ontological event which is made (im)possible through its physical absence and ontic negativity. And the physical absence is paradoxically engineered by the pervasive presence of its empty formality just as the etherial form shaped after death. Thus, the voice of Ruth is the subject of singularity, the event that invokes the ontic relationality of different beings, and also the transitional or ephemeral space where they are accidently interconnected. (SungKyunKwan University)

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