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        설화 연구의 대중화 가능성

        김수중(Kim Su-Jung) 한국언어문학회 2003 한국언어문학 Vol.51 No.-

        This thesis compressed the plan of popularization in the study of the Korean folktale into three categories. First, the researchers should take the modernized interpretation and thought. They need to remove the excessive pursuit of rationality and formality, and develop the sensibility that the modern masses require. It's not the compromise with actuality, but the attitude that converts into thought; the embodiment of practical culture. Second, the researchers should vary the passage of access. The pure academic way didn't become the passage that accesses to the popularization. As its alternative, the presented things are many kinds of books, records, CD-titles, dramas, and electric wave-me야a. The following ways are also important - animation, movies, plays, music, drawings ere. They need to accept the ways that use types and mass media as the way of study without the obstinacy of existing ways. Third, the researchers should enlarge enjoyable class and propel globalization. They should enlarge rhe enjoyable class to the young generation and grope for the ways of study which make global people become enjoyable people of the culture of Korean folktale. The universality and the originality are raised by this way. Korean folktale has a factor that can show off the original individuality together with a condition that can be admitted the universal value globally. The possibility of popularization and globalization depends on the ways concerning those development.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        <열녀함양박씨전>에 나타난 정절의식 분석

        김수중(Kim, Su-jung) 한국언어문학회 2011 한국언어문학 Vol.76 No.-

        Yeonam Park Ji-won’s Yeolleohamyangbakssijeon consists of three stories and their themes were faithfulness, chaste reputation, and forced dying in defense of ones chastity. He used a way of comparing the third story that he experienced and was widely known to the world with the other stories to put an emphasis on the second story. He carefully dealt with the area that the ethic view of that time did not allow to achieve his goal. However, he did not criticize chastity or allow remarriage. He considered the custom of chastity as a pride in Yeolhailgi, was not remarried when his wife passed away, wrote lots of biographies on faithful wives, and he considered chastity of widows right, but he suggested that killing oneself for ones chastity is a bad custom in the second story. In considering that he was a scholar within the institutional area of that time, it was very difficult to overcome social restrictions. He sublimed chastity into human sensation while accepting traditional view of ethics, but he refused chastity using euphemism that a person was forced to kill oneself as a means to enhance honor of family. In addition, he had a strong resistance against forced chastity. So his consciousness of chastity was derived from sympathy and led to criticism of inhuman institutionalization.

      • KCI등재

        호남의 연희와 축제에 나타난 문학적 특성 연구

        김수중(Kim Su-jung) 어문연구학회 2004 어문연구 Vol.45 No.-

        We can mention Play and Festival as a behavioral field that Korean race's character of the basic culture comes out, combined with the modern masses. Especially Honam whose artistic nature, elegant nature and public nature are admitted culturally has various items in this field and is estimated that it is also excellent in quality. 195 items on Play in Honam are investigated and reported, and they got cultural joint consciousness through ritual type that universe and environment correspond with human beings. The Festival in Honam shows a tendency that both the traditional festival and the modern festival arise energetically, and we can count about 100 modern festivals held for the relief of regional image except for the traditional festival handed down by the unit of village. This thesis focused on the understanding of literary characteristics to understand Play and Festival made inside the basic structure of Honam's culture essentially and groped for the direction of the study on the literature as a means that presents the way of the modern incarnation of Korean traditional culture.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        <양반전>에 나타난 선비의식 연구

        김수중(Kim, Su-jung) 한국언어문학회 2012 한국언어문학 Vol.80 No.-

        <Yangbanjeon> is very helpful to analyse the consciousness of writer condensed in the literature of Yeonam Park Ji-won(1737-1805). He has definitive consciousness of Scholar as a nobility. However, he showed that the nobility is based on the origin of the masses and progressively criticized the identity of nobility rather than he had relative superiority to the masses. It is noteworthy that the consciousness began in <Yangbanjeon>. The author categorized his mind of Scholar into three through <Yangbanjeon> and examined them, centering on analyses of his orientation on what change it brought to his consciousness. They are summarized as follows: criticizing impractical rearling, having double idea of substance, and warning against abuse of institutions. As, in <Yangbanjeon>, consciousness of the author is not projected into a certain character, the study examined the relations between materials of his writings and those of other writings. The results of analysing consciousness are summarized as follows: The duty of Scholar is reading, but reading should be oriented towards public life beyond personal greed. If Scholars are active in economic activities which can be sublimed into the spirit of age, use of matter can be justified. As the nobility who misuse institutions are like thiefs, they should be away from power or have no interest in it.

      • KCI등재

        개념소통의 철학적 기반과 역사적 경험 개념, 존재, 삶 -동양 사상과 개념의 문제-

        김수중 ( Su Jung Kim ) 한림과학원 2009 개념과 소통 Vol.0 No.3

        During Ch`un Ch`iu period(春秋戰國), there was confusion in the uses of words caused by the sudden change in the social structure. Confronting this confusion, ancient Chinese philosophers chose two different ways. The doctrine of the `Rectification of Names(正名論)` represented by Confucius(孔子) and Xunzi(荀子) paid attention to the social consistency of name(名) and reality(實). But the School of Dialecticians(名家) and Taoists(道家) questioned the ontological meaning of Name(名) and Reality(實). According to Confucius(孔子), once the meanings of names is fixed, they will serve as standards for conduct. By following these standards, society will then be a stable and desirable community. We call this opinion `The theory of the Rectification of Names(正名思想).` Under the influence of the school of Dialecticians(名家), the school of Laozi and Zhuangzi(老子, 莊子) made a more metaphysical discussion for Tao(道) and existence. Exposing the limit and relativity of using words, they wanted to show that Tao cannot be named, but with which all principles agree(萬物之所以然). We call their thoughts `the theory of the nameless(無名論).` Comparing Eastern and Western philosophies, the Chinese have mainly been concerned with the `correlation(相關性)` of things, while westerners have been concerned with `the substance` of things. Westerners ask first `what is it?` while the first question posed by the Chinese is `how are they related to me?` From the Chinese viewpoint, everything is in a network of Correlations(相關性) by which everything, in turn, gives birth to others(相生) and is overcome by others(相剋). In the end, the western traditional world view arrived at atomism. But the Chinese arrived at the theory of yin yang wu hang(陰陽五行論).

      • KCI등재

        <허생전>의 무인공도 연구

        김수중 ( Kim Su-jung ) 조선대학교 인문학연구소 2016 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.52

        <허생전>에서는 현실의 모순을 타파할 대안적 공간으로 섬을 선택하고, 주인공의 활동을 통해 이상사회의 형성 가능성을 시험하고 있다. ‘무인공도’로 명명된 이공간은 상상과 현실을 가미한 복합적 성격의 시험 장소이다. 그저 막연한 상상의섬이 아니고 실제 지명들 사이에 존재하는 현실적 공간이라는 점이 특이하다. 작가가 설정한 지정학적 위치는 중국의 남방과 일본의 서쪽을 잇는 바다 가운데 한섬이다. 이는 한국문학에서 사용해 온 관념적 유토피아의 영역과 일치한다. 이 섬은 지형이 협소하다는 외형적 결함을 갖고 있다. 이상 공간의 형성을 위한 기본 조건은 땅의 크기와 관련된다. 주인공은 이러한 외적 결함을 덕으로써 극복해 보고자 노력한다. 먼저 살림을 윤택하게 하고 나서 글자와 제도를 만들 작정이었다. 이에 따라 유가사상을 바탕으로 삼아 공동체의식을 진작시킬 계획을 세운다. 무인공도는 현실적 유가의 이상을 구현하는 정치적 이상 공간이었다. 무인공도에서 일어난 결정적 반전은 주인공의 공동체 이탈이다. 주인공 허생은 일련의 시험을 끝내고 섬을 떠나간다. 덕으로 사람을 모아 새 문화를 창도하기 원했던 작가의 이상이 현실적 제약으로 인해 한계에 부딪힌 것이다. 사회적 구성의 한계성이 드러나자 외부와 단절하는 것을 대비책으로 내놓은 것은 이상적 공동체 건설의 의도와 다분히 배치된다. 그런 점에서 무인공도는 이상 실현을 위한 시험적 공간이며, 현실의 한계를 명료하게 드러내는 제한적 공간으로 성격을 규정할 수 있다. < Heosaengjeon > selected an island as an alternative space to break down the contradictions in reality and tested the possibility of forming an ideal society through the activities of heroes. The space titled Uninhabited island is a test space with a complex nature where imagination is mixed with reality. It is different in that it is a real space existing between real geographical names, not an island of the imagination. Its geopolitical location is in the middle of the sea connecting the southern area of China to the western area of Japan. It is identical with a conceptual Utopian area which has been used in Korean literature. The island has an external disadvantage of being topographically small. A basic condition of forming an ideal space is related to the amount of land. Based on Confucian ideals, the hero tries to overcome such an external defect through virtue. He intends to help characters and institutions after him have a good existence. Therefore, he made a plan to promote a sense of community. The Uninhabited island is a politically ideal space where Confucian ideals are realized. The final reversal that happened on the Uninhabited island is a deviation of the heroes from their community. Heosaeng, a hero, left the island after a series of tests were completed. The ideals of the writer who wanted to create a new culture by mobilizing people with virtue was faced with a limit due to the restrictions in reality. As the limit in social composition is revealed, he suggested a break from the outside as an alternative, which is opposite the intention to build an ideal community. In this respect, it is defined that the Uninhabited island is a test space for ideal realization and a limited space where limits in reality are clearly revealed.

      • KCI등재

        호남 연희의 문화적 특성과 활용 방안

        김수중(Kim Su-Jung),서영숙(Seo Young-Sook),정인숙(Jeong In-Sook) 돈암어문학회 2005 돈암어문학 Vol.- No.18

        This thesis was written by three writers through all kinds of data and fieldwork with the object of constructing information systems on Play in Honam.<br/> The cultural characteristics of Play in Honam can be found in 'spirit of coexistence.' Play in Honam contains spirit of coexistence such as nature and human, work and play and rite, utility and art, man and woman, match and reconciliation and so forth. It changes conflict and complication into reconciliation and harmony.<br/> The alternative plays of shifted use run as follows, the public performance in all kinds of contests, the practical use of festivals, the organization of preservation association in the unit of village, the construction of information system for the preservation of organization in cultural contents. this research divided details about this into Jeon-nam and Jeon-buk, and presented method according to the characteristics.

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