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        상월 조사의 생애와 교화 방편

        김세운 한국선학회 2006 한국선학 Vol.15 No.-

        상월원각대조사(上月圓覺大祖師, 1911-1974)는 대한불교 천태종을 중창(重創)시킨 인물이다. 자신의 수행 경험을 바탕으로 구인사(충북 단양군 소재)를 창건하였다. 그는 삼척시 노곡면 상마읍 리에서 출생하였다. 15세에 뒷산 삼태산에서 100일간의 기도를 끝냈다. 고행을 통해 대오한 그는 국내 명찰과 중국의 불교 4대성지를 순례하였다. 그 경험을 바탕으로 9년 간에 걸쳐 민중들에게 보살행을 시혜하였다. 그리고 자신의 오후(悟後) 수행을 게을리 하지 않았다. 그는 주로 산간 지역이나 시골 혹은 도심의 어려운 자들에게 존경을 받았다. 상류계층보다 경제적으로 소외된 사람들의 힘이 되어주었다. 그들에게 불교신앙은 물론 전통신앙에 대하여 바른 믿음이 되도록 진력하였다. 때로는 민간요법을 시혜하여 병고의 고통을 덜어주었다. 봉사행에 감동한 사람들이 그를 따랐고, 제자로 입문하는 사람들이 인산인해를 이루었다. 1945년 일제강점기로부터 해방된 해를 전후하여 초기 교단을 구성하였다. 충북 단양군 영춘면 백자리에 초막을 엮어 사찰을 지었다. 구인사로 명명되었고, 비구 비구니 청신남 청신녀가 모여 함께 다라니를 암송하였다. 이와 같은 수행형태는 상월 조사가 20여 년 간 지속해온 자신의 수행 과정에서 비롯된 것이었다. 상월 조사의 교화 방편으로 구인사를 찾는 신도들이 무수히 증가하였고, 이에 대응하는 교리적 체계와 소의경전의 선택이 요구되었다. 상월 조사가 대중불교로서 지향했던 관음신앙은 그대로 관세음보살 칭명 수행으로 나타났고, 해당 『관음경』(관세음보살보문품)이 속한 『법화경』이 소의경전으로 선택되었다. 따라서 대한불교 천태종은 관세음보살을 주송으로 칭하는 행법이 정착된 것이다. 결국 새롭게 창종된 천태종의 특징은 첫째 상월 조사의 수행 경력에 기인하며, 둘째 일반 서민 대중을 위한 불교를 지향하며, 셋째 『稱』의 수행형태를 지닌다. 또한 주송은 기도와 수행을 겸하는 것을 원칙으로 하였다. the Great Master Sangwol Wongak (1911~1974) is a Buddhist monk who revived the Cheontae Sect in the Korean Buddhism. He founded the Guin Temple (located in Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do) based on his experience of ascetic practices. He was born in Sangmaeup-ri, Nogok-myeon, Samcheok-si, Kangwon-do. At the age of 15, he was absorbed in prayer for 100 days at Samtae Mountain in the rear of his village. After acquiring self-confidence through the ascetic practice, he made a pilgrimage to the famous temples in Korea as well as 4 holy places in China. Based on this experience, he conferred the Bodhisattva benefits on the mass of people. And, he continued to elate his level of ascetic practice. He enjoyed the high esteem from the poor mass of people who lived in the remote mountain villages, the rural areas and the downtown areas. He was helpful to the disadvantaged and poor people rather than to the people in the upper class. He devoted himself to the true belief of the people in the traditional religion as well as the Buddhist religion. Sometimes, he spared no pains to release the torment of sickness by conferring the traditional method of treatment on the sick people. Those who were impressed by his public welfare services followed him and some of them became a disciple of him. Sometime in 1945 when Korea was liberated from the rule of Japanese imperialism, he organized a religious fraternity in the initial stage and founded a temple by weaving the straw-thatched cottages. The temple was named as Guin-sa(temple). In this temple, many bhikkhu and bhikkuni together with man and woman believers recited Dharani. This method of practice originated from Sangwol the Great Masters experience of ascetic practice for the past 20 years. Being centered on Guin temple, the number of believers increased rapidly. Under this situation, the choice between the Buddhist doctrines and Sutra was to be required and made. Based on the Kwanum faith of Sangwol the Great Master, the Dharani practice took root and the Pundarika-sutra was selected. He also organized the Cheontae Sect by accepting the ideas and the ascetic practice of TienTai Daesa (the Great Master). The Cheontae Sect conducts a pray to Amitabha in reward of the Bodhisattva services of Avaloki Teshvara Bodhi Sattva. The characteristics of the newly revived Cheontae Sect are as follows. Firstly, it originates in the career of ascetic practice of Saangweol the Great Master. Secondly, it aims at the Buddhism for the common people. Thirdly, it sticks to the practice through the prayer to Amitabha with mouth. And also, the principle of a prayer to Amitabha is to pray as well as to practice at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        한국 천태종의 염불수행 전통과 그 계승

        김세운 한국선학회 2011 한국선학 Vol.30 No.-

        한국 천태종은 고려시대 大覺國師 義天에 의해 개창되었고 백련결사를 결성했던 圓妙了世에 의해 중흥되었지만 조선초기 숭유억불로 인해 그 종파명이 선종으로 통합되었다. 그러나 천태종의 염불수행 정신은 조선후기 염불의 유행과 함께 전승되었다가 현대의 上月조사에게로 전승되었다. 이에 본 논문은 고려시대 천태종의 수행정신이 오늘날 천태종의 관세음보살 呪誦으로 이어졌음을 밝혔다. 고려시대 백련결사에서 천태종의 수행법이 염불수행으로 정착했으나 원간섭기 이후 천태종이 중앙으로 진출하여 권력과 결탁하면서 그 수행정신이 퇴락했으나 고려후기 浮菴無寄의 염불수행으로 그 정신이 계승되었다. 그러나 성리학을 기치로 내건 조선이 건국되면서 다시 천태종은 종파 통폐합으로 인해 그 존재를 상실하고 말았다. 그렇지만 천태종의 주된 수행법인 염불수행은 불교계에서 여전히 전수되었고 이는 조선후기 염불수행의 유행으로 나타났다. 조선후기의 염불수행은 근대에 이르기까지 불교계의 보편적인 수행법의 하나로 정착되었고, 이를 상월조사가 다시 천태종을 중창하면서 천태종의 수행법으로 수용되었다. 고려시대 이래 천태종의 수행으로 받아들여졌던 염불수행이 다시 되살아난 것이었다. 그러나 상월조사는 현실에 맞는 수행법으로서 “관세음보살” 呪誦의 염불로 승화시켰다. 이는 고려 천태종 염불수행의 계승이면서 현실을 맞는 수행법으로 변화 발전시킨 것이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. The Cheontae order of Korea was established by Uicheon(義天, 1055~1101) the master of great enlightenment in the Goryeo Dynasty, and was restored by Wonmyo-ryose(圓妙了世, 1163~1245) who initiated the white lotus movement. But it had lost its name when it was unified with the Zen order due to the anti-Buddhist policy in the early Joseon Dynasty. However, the spirit of chanting Buddhism of the Cheontae order managed to passed down to the generation up until the chanting Buddhism got popularized in the late Joseon Dynasty, and was the master Sangwol(上月, 1911~1974) of today was inherited in it. This study aims to elucidate the fact that the Cheontae spirit from Goryeo Dynasty is connected to today's Avalokitesvara prayer of the Cheontae order. During the Goryeo Dynasty, the chanting Buddhism was adopted as a training method of the Cheontae order. Even though the spirit chanting Buddhism was decayed when the Cheontae order were in collision with the main political power after the period of Yuan intervention, the spirit was handed down to Buam-mugi(浮菴無寄) in the late Goryeo Dynasty. However, the Cheontae order had lost its existence when it was unified with the Zen order due to the anti-Buddhist policy of the Confucianist Joseon Dynasty. But the chanting Buddhism of the Cheontae order could still pass down to generation in the Buddhist society, and it was popularized in the late Joseon Dynasty. The chanting Buddhism of the late Joseon Dynasty has been regarded as a general training method in the Buddhist society up until the modern times, and as the master Sangwol restored the Cheontae order, it became the training method of the order. This means that the chanting Buddhism which was regarded as the training method of Cheontae order ever since the Goryeo Dynasty period has been revived. But the master Sangwol has changed it into the Avalokitesvara prayer to match the reality of the times. Thus its possible to say that his training method has inherited the tradition of chanting Buddhism of the Cheontae order of the Goryeo Dynasty and also changed it more realistic.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 정신건강에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 가구특성 간 비교를 중심으로

        김세운,정현 한국보건사회연구원 2022 保健社會硏究 Vol.42 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting the mental health of the elderly. Based on previous studies on the effects of demographic factors, residential environment factors, and support factors on mental health of the elderly, this study, using data from the 15th Korea Welfare Panel in 2020, this study conducted a stepwise regression analysis for all households, single-person households, and cohabiting households. Our empirical analysis confirmed that the factors affecting mental health were different according to household characteristics. Specifically, in the all-household model, educational background, spouse, working status, nursing/care, and protection were significant, and in the single-family model, education and nursing/care were significant. In the cohabiting-household model, age, gender, structural strength, nursing/care, and protection were significant. As different variables appear significantly in each model, the varying household characteristics should be considered in policymaking in order to promote the mental health of the elderly. Our empirical analysis about the support factors was that the more services older persons receive, the more depressed they tend to be. Based on these results, an institutional approach that can improve the quality of services and give satisfaction to the beneficiaries should be made in the provision of nursing/care services. On the other hand, the structural strength was found to be significant among the factors of the residential environment in cohabiting households. Accordingly, policies to improve the residential environment, such as the strength of structures for the elderly’s residential facilities, should should be carried out at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        사회적경제 조직의 성과 영향 요인에 관한 연구 : 사회적기업과 협동조합 간의 조절효과 분석을 중심으로

        김세운,황기웅,정현 충북대학교 국제개발연구소 2024 사회적경제와 정책연구 Vol.14 No.1

        This study was designed to analyze the factors influencing the performance of social economy organizations and analyzed the moderating effect between social enterprises and cooperatives. Findings revealed differences in impact between cooperatives and social enterprises, particularly in net profit and the employment ratio of vulnerable groups. To address this, an incentive system beyond certification requirements is necessary. Additionally, the study discovered a negative correlation between the ratio of concurrent executives and community contribution performance, suggesting a need for education to align social purpose orientation among stakeholders. However, the study's limitations include its focus on 2020 data and its inability to analyze village enterprises and general cooperatives.

      • KCI등재

        Mutation Hotspots in the β-catenin Gene : Lessons from Human Cancer Genome Databases

        김세운,정선주 한국분자세포생물학회 2019 Molecules and cells Vol.42 No.1

        Mutations in the β-catenin gene (CTNNB1) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of some cancers. The recent development of cancer genome databases has facilitated comprehensive and focused analyses on the mutation status of cancer-related genes. We have used these databases to analyze the CTNNB1 mutations assembled from different tumor types. High incidences of CTNNB1 mutations were detected in endometrial, liver, and colorectal cancers. This finding agrees with the oncogenic role of aberrantly activated β-catenin in epithelial cells. Elevated frequencies of missense mutations were found in the exon 3 of CTNNB1, which is responsible for encoding the regulatory amino acids at the N-terminal region of the protein. In the case of metastatic colorectal cancers, inframe deletions were revealed in the region spanning exon 3. Thus, exon 3 of CTNNB1 can be considered to be a mutation hotspot in these cancers. Since the N-terminal region of the β-catenin protein forms a flexible structure, many questions arise regarding the structural and functional impacts of hotspot mutations. Clinical identification of hotspot mutations could provide the mechanistic basis for an oncogenic role of mutant β-catenin proteins in cancer cells. Furthermore, a systematic understanding of tumor-driving hotspot mutations could open new avenues for precision oncology.

      • KCI등재후보

        항공기 보조동력장치 내 입구안내익 구동기어의 마모 결함 개선 연구

        김세운,김지홍,이동기 국방기술품질원 2023 국방품질연구논집 Vol.5 No.1

        In this study, the wear and sticking defects that occur repeatedly in the inlet guide vane (IGV) in the aircraft auxiliary power unit (APU) were analyzed. Vibration was confirmed to be the cause of the defect through two cases of improvement performed to improve the defect. Root cause corrective action (RCCA) was performed for vibration analysis, and the results of vibration analysis confirmed that the fault occurred due to friction between gears while the order component of the APU and the vibration frequency of the components matched. To improve this, a method to avoid resonance or reinforce the driving gear was proposed, and the effectiveness of four methods for applying this was verified. A proof of concept test was conducted to verify each method, which confirmed that there was no wear on the drive gear coated with lubricant. In addition, the rig test was performed to confirm that the degree of wear of the drive gear treated with salt bath decreased by approximately 1/5 compared to the conventional material. In addition, it was confirmed that the wear occurrence time of the improved shape increased more than five times compared to the previous one because the wear occurrence time of the existing shape took 182h. Through this, along with lubricant application, reinforcement of the drive gear through salt bath nitriding treatment was selected as the optimal improvement plan.

      • KCI등재

        커뮤니티웰빙요인이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 비선호시설에 대한 정책대상집단 간 비교를 중심으로

        김세운,한창묵,정현 (재) 한국지방행정연구원 2023 地方行政硏究 Vol.37 No.2

        This study empirically analyzes the impact of community well-being factors on life satisfaction. The research subjects were residents of Seo-gu, Incheon, where a metropolitan landfill is located. Based on their satisfaction level with the non-preferred facilities policy, the groups were classified into policy satisfaction and policy dissatisfaction groups, and hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to compare and analyze these two groups. The results indicate that for the policy dissatisfaction group, air quality satisfaction was significant, but for the policy satisfaction group, it was not, indicating that the effect of air quality satisfaction on life satisfaction is minimal for those already satisfied with the non-preferred facilities policy. The policy dissatisfaction group is more sensitive to non-preferred facilities policies, such as landfill sites, indicating that policy approaches to supplementing this issue are needed. For the policy satisfaction group, neighbor communication satisfaction was significant, but it was not for the policy dissatisfaction group, suggesting that the latter may have a low level of trust in the community due to their dissatisfaction with the non-preferred facilities policy. Finally, the occupancy type of residential areas showed different results between the two groups, with higher life satisfaction reported among renters and lessees in the policy dissatisfaction group than in the policy satisfaction group. These findings suggest that policy effects on neighboring areas and the benefits of policy utilization for both beneficiary and non-beneficiary areas should be considered carefully based on the characteristics of the policy satisfaction and dissatisfaction groups.

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