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        고속 무선 PAN에서의 자원 할당 방식

        김병서 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2008 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지 Vol.8 No.1

        IEEE 802.15.3으로 표준화된 고속 무선 Personal Area Network (HR-WPAN)은 등시성 트래픽을 지원하기 위하여 시분할다중접금(TDMA) 방식을 사용하고 있다. 등시성 트래픽은 전송지연에 대한 제한성을 갖는 서비스 이다. 그러나 HR-WPAN 표준은 여전히 긴 접근지연과 Association 지연으로 인해 많은 문제점을 보이고 있다. 본 논문에서는 HR-WPAN이 주로 Target으로 하고 있는 등시성 트래픽을 위한 발전된 매체접근제어 (MAC) 프로토콜을 제안하고자 한다. 이 제안된 프로토콜은 각 소속 노드들의 현재의 트래픽에 대한 정보를 얻을 수 있는 방법을 제시한다. 또한 그 정보를 이용하여 데이터 파켓의 전송 시점과 파켓의 도착시점을 동기화 시킬 수 있는 스케줄링 알고리듬 또한 제안되어진다. 이 프로토콜과 스케줄링 알고리듬을 통해 갖가지 전송 지연의 요소 를 제거할 수 있고 결국은 성능의 향상을 가져오게 된다.

      • 구르기 運動의 身體運動學的 技術 分析에 關한 硏究

        金炳瑞 명지대학교 대학원 1981 체육학논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        The mat exercise is one of the most generally practised physical exercises. This study intended to analyse overoll movements of female stretch-forward rolling, a difficult process hard for a girl to acquire, causing from failure to success, from beginning state to a perfect skill, then made an attempt that parting from the conventional vexatious process of ratio of mass in the physical body deriven from partial movements of taken photos of organic correlations among gravity, speed, and angle speed, were used synthetic gravity angular co-ordinates on which photographed film is directly represented. It is shown in rolling that physical frame, physical strength, speed, power, agility, endurance, co-ordination, flexibility, etc. are indispensably required for skilled rolling. The resultant findings from graphic forms are as follows: 1. A locus of gravity is obtained when the angle while rolling is maintained. 2. Gravity speed arises from acceleration while rolling. 3. Rolling is easily done when physical angle with the upper part of the body is smoothly maintained in appropriateness for the progress of function training. 4. Angle speed to the upper part of the body is determined by standing-on-the-floor posture. When the factors aforemen-tioned are properly arranged, forward rolling is successful. This process is shown on graphic forms by co-ordinates.

      • CSMA Performance Comparison of MIL-STD-188-220D Standard and IEEE802.11 Standards

        김병서 에스케이텔레콤 (주) 2010 Telecommunications Review Vol.20 No.2

        for the Korean Army and includes a tactical ad-hoc-type network, called Tactical Multiband Multifunctional Radio (TMMR). The hardware and waveforms of TMMR have been implemented and tested. The next requirement for TMMR might be a data link protocol to realize actual data exchanges. Two data link protocols are possible for TMMR:MIL-STD-188-220 standard-based and IEEE 802.11 standard-based. While the former is widely used in narrowband combat net radios, the latter is popular for commercial broadband wireless ad-hoc networks. In this paper, the latest version of MIL-STD-188-220 standard is reviewed, compared with IEEE 802.11 protocol, and evaluated over an OFDM-based wideband networking waveform, which is a newly designed waveform for military communications to enable broadband service over TMMR. Consequently, it demonstrates the feasibility of MIL-STD-188-220 standard for broadband TMMR.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        CYBERSPACE의 전개와 새로운 세계질서 : 정보사회학의 입장에서

        김병서 梨花女子大學校 社會科學大學 社會科學硏究所 1999 사회과학연구논총 Vol.3 No.-

        지금 세계는 Cyberspace의 전개로 서방경제대국이 중심이 되어 컴퓨터를 매개로한 커뮤니케이션(CMC)의 기술을 바탕으로 독점적 세계시장을 개발하고 점유하며 확장하고 있다. 서방 경제대국의 다국적 기업은 GATT의 규정과 WTO의 자유교역을 위한 탈규제 정책으로 지구촌 각 곳에서 온갖 CMC 기술을 동원하여 이윤을 극대화하고 있다. 아무리 지역화를 형성하여 EU, NAFTA, APEC, ASEAN의 기구를 통해 WTO를 견제한다 해도 지역화 역시 강대국에 의해 미디어제국주의 세력에 동조한다. 문화적인 측면에서 볼 때, Cyberspace는 CMC 기술을 통해 시공의 압축을 가능하게 만들어 과거의 모든 지리적 문화적 경계를 내파(implosion)하고 가상현상만 존재하게 만들어 포스트모던 상태를 촉진시키고 있다. 그 결과 문화정체성의 위기와 파놉티콘(Panopticon)의 현상마저 나타낸다. Cyberspace의 새로운 세계질서에의 대응으로는 신사회운동과 세계기구에의 비판적이고 적극적인 참려가 가장 적절하다고 하겠다. 신사회운동은 주로 민간이 주도하는 비정부기구(NGO)와 같은 민초(grassroots)들의 운동이며 문화정체 지향적이다. CMC의 기술과 포스트모던 상태에서 파편화 된 전통과 문화는 정체성의 위기를 극복하려면 지구촌적 신사회운동을 통해서 문화정체성을 회복하고 경제강대국의 제국주의적 헤게모니를 어느정도 억제해야 할 것이다. 강대국의 다국적 기업이 주도하는 세계의 새로운 질서에 신사회운동적 저항을 활발히 하는 동시에 APEC이나 ASEAN과 같은 지역공동체에 적극적이고 효능적 참려를 하여 WTO의 규제를 가급적 역이용할 때 미디어 제국주의적 현상을 견제할 수 있을 것이다. 물론, 지역공동체도 강대국중심으로 형성되고 운영되지만 그 안에서도 여러 갈등을 APEC의 ‘인간자원개발 프로그램”(Human Resources Development Programs) 등의 활성화로 해소하면서 보다 공평한 세계질서를 구축하는데 힘써야 할 것이다. Cyberspace는 이미 전개되고 있고 허다한 문제가 야기되고 있다. Cyberspace의 새로운 세계질서가 갖고 있는 문제를 바로 인식하고 대응책을 계속 연구하는 것은 정보사회학의 중요한 과제이다. This article deals with the issues of cyberspace as related to globalization and localization, media imperialism, and post-modernism. Analyses are made for locating the new world order created by the computer mediated communication (CMC) in terms of the monopoly of the global market and the organizational mechanisms of such world organizations as WTO, EU, NAFTA and APEC. As the cyberspace is developed, a new media order is created by the economically powerful countries(e.g. G-7) through the monopoly of global net-market based on computer mediated communications. Driven by the logic of profit maximization, the multinational corporations of the G-7 countries are actively involved in the global organizations such as WTO by effective utilization of CMC. They are detached from the symbolic spaces of national culture and realigned on the basis of the international consumer culture, thus, creating the electronic postmodern condition and the cultural identity crisis in cyberspace. Global media corporations such as Time Warner, Sony and CNN are indeed maneuvering for world supremacy in the era of cyberspace. New social movements such as The Club of Rome and international NGOs, and active participation with critical insights in the global-local organizations such as WTO, APEC and ASEAN are suggested as effective countermeasures for curving the economically powerful countries’ monopoly of cyberspace and computer mediated communication networks. Such countermeasures may also be achieved through the appropriate use of CMC by creative individuals who strive for a new world order of peace and humanity.

      • 改新敎를 通해 본 韓國社會 : 종교사회학적 분석

        金炳瑞 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1994 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.64 No.2-3

        This study aims at an understanding of Korean society through an analysis of the growth pattern and characteristics of Korean Protestant Church (KPC, hereafter). Following the Durkheim-Weber tradition in sociology of religion, the study is based on the proposition that the dynamic reciprocal relationship between religion and society may lead us to an understanding of a society through the analysis of religious phenomena. It is thus assumed that an analysis of the growth pattern and the major characteristics of KPC may explain some significant aspects of Korean society. The study identified four historical factors of the Korean church growth : (1) Growth with the emancipation motif (1884-1910). (2) Growth with pioneering spirit (1910-1930), (3) Growth with sectarian factionalism (1940-1960), and (4) Growth along with the modernization of Korea. Throughout each of these four stages of growth, KPC has developed its major characteristics within the Korean societal context. In particular, an explosive growth during the last growth stage in the midst of Korean social development was noted as the unique "success" in the world history of Christian mission. The major characteristics of KPC were identified in terms of modernity and religiosity which exist within and between local churches. The data used for the analysis of these characteristics are from two previous nation-wide studies in which the author has participated as Principal Investigator for the first study and aconsultant for the second one. They are (1) "A Study of the Korean Protestant Church for the Centennial Year" by Christian Institute for the Study of Justice and Development (1982) and "A Study of the Growth and Religiosity of Korean Protestantism" by Center for the Study of Modern Society (1982). Each of the three variables and related aspects were analyzed by a simple cross-tabulation method as it was determined sufficient for the kind of analysis of this study. It was found that three specific tendencies of modernity exist in KPC, namely, (1) routinization of charisma understood in terms of "the works of Holy Spirit", (2) the big-ness syndrom and materialism, and (3) local church centeredness. All of these three tendencies are found to be the major forces which made the explosive growth possible in the midst of Korean social development. It was also found that KPC is firmly based on the fundamentalistic belief system, rigorous ritualism, and conservative moral and ethical standards. Implications of these findings were discussed in relation to some aspects of Korean society with respect to various views in sociology of religion. Basically it was explained that Korean society has the very similar tendencies of modernity, conservative values, rigorous ritualism and materialism as well as male dominated authoritarian structure in all aspects of institutional life. It is therefore concluded that an understanding of a society may be approached by sociological analysis of the characteristics of a major religion in that society, as the religious growth and development are the dynamic consequences resulted from the reciprocal influences between religion and society.

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