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      • KCI등재

        우수관망 시스템 설계에 있어서의 최적화기법의 비교

        김명수,이창용,김태진,이정호,김중훈,Kim, Myoung-Su,Lee, Chang-Yong,Kim, Tae-Jin,Lee, Jung-Ho,Kim, Joong-Hoon 한국방재학회 2006 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.6 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 유전자 알고리즘(Genetic Algorithm), 음정탐색법(Harmony Search)과 같은 발견적 방법과 동적계획법과 같은 최적화 기법들이 분기형 우수관망시스템의 최적비용 설계법에 적용됨에 있어 효율성을 비교하는데 있다. 이 목적에 맞추어 본 연구에서는 두 개의 우수관거 설계모형을 개발하였다.. 하나는 SEWERGA이고 다른 하나는 SEWERHS로서 각각의 모형은 결정변수로 최적의 파이프 매설깊이를 채택하였다. 이 두 모형은 유량과 유속의 제약조건을 만족시키는 가운데 파이프의 적절한 매설깊이에 따른 최적관경도 결정한다. 이 두 모델을 1975년 동적계획법(Dynamic Programming)을 이용하여 Mays와 Yen에 의해 계산된 예제에 적용하였다. SEWERGA와 SEWERHS에 의해 계산된 결과는 동적계획법에 의한 연구결과보다 약 4%의 비용 절감 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. The objective of this research is to develop a least cost system design method for branched storm sewer systems while satisfying all the design constraints using heuristic techniques such as genetic algorithm and harmony search. Two sewer system models have been developed in this study. The SEWERGA and SEWERHS both determine the optimal discrete pipe installation depths as decision variables. Two models also determine the optimal diameter of sewer pipes using the discrete installation depths of the pipes while satisfying the discharge and velocity requirement constraints at each pipe. Two models are applied to the example that was originally solved by Mays and Yen (1975) using their dynamic programming(DP). The optimal costs obtained from SEWERGA and SEWERHS are about 4% lower than that of the DP approach.

      • KCI등재

        3D 동체 모형을 이용한 2D 전개 패턴 연구

        김명수,홍경희,Kim, Myoung-Su,Hong, Kyung-Hi 대한인간공학회 2005 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.24 No.2

        To understand the basic relationship between 3D curved surface model and 2D pattern, simplified torso model was generated by commercial CAD program (IDEAS). 3D torso model was then divided into different blocks and unfolded into a flat pattern as in ordinary works of clothing item design. As results, 2D pattern development of different part of 3D torso model was attempted and analyzed mathematically. It was found that different height, radius and tangent slope of 3D blocks resulted in different 2D pattern. The relationships between the shape parameters of 3D torso blocks and those of 2D patterns were analyzed using regression equations. Direct way of drawing a 2D pattern of corresponding 3D torso block was also illustrated for the convenience of pattern making using conventional measurements of upper/ lower radii and height of 3D torso block.

      • KCI등재

        성적 소수자의 법적 차별에 관한 고찰

        김명수(Kim, Myoung-Su) 세계헌법학회 한국학회 2012 세계헌법연구(世界憲法硏究) Vol.18 No.1

        구 군형법 제92는 행위의 주체 및 상대방, 강제력 유무, 행위자들 사이의 관계나 행위 장소 등에 관하여도 아무런 판단 기준을 제시하지 않아 죄형법정주의의 명확성원칙에 위배된다. 또한 남성간의 성행위를 비하하는 용어인 계간(鷄姦)이라는 용어도, 동성 간의 성적 행위만 징역형으로 처벌하는 것은 과잉금지원칙에 위배되어 동성애자들의 성적자기결정권 및 사생활의 비밀과 자유, 평등권을 침해한다는 이유로 헌법재판소에 위헌 제청되었다. 이 조항은 군인으로 한정하여 적용되는 법이긴 하지만 동성애를 이유로 형사적 처벌을 하는 유일한 법조항이며, 현재 합의에 의한 동성 간 성행위를 명시적으로 처벌하는 나라는 일부 이슬람국가에 한정되어 있다. 동성애 문제는 그 행위가 적발되었을 때 현재 정비되어 있는 다른 법률 또는 행정절차, 즉 현역복무부적합제도나 징계제도를 통하여 해결할 수 있으며, 동성애자의 군 입대를 사실상 허용하고 있는 현실에서 군내 동성애 행위를 형사 처벌 하는 것은 국가의 군대 병영생활 관리의무를 방기하는 것이며, 성적 소수자의 헌법상의 기본권을 보호할 의무를 해태하는 행위라고 할 수 있다. 차후의 개정에 있어서는 강제력 없는 계간 및 추행행위의 처벌을 삭제하고, 비친고죄를 명시화하며 남성피해자를 포함한 강간죄의 개선이 이루어져야 할 것이다. The article 92 of the Military Criminal Law is forcing availability, relationships between agents may investigate any action where such criteria do not provide punishment without law is contrary to Void for Vagueness of the principle of legality. In addition, comparison among men having sex even a term sodomy, homosexualityl type violates the principle of punishment that is excessive restriction, Homosexual Sexual Self-Determination and privacy of liberty, equality unconstitutional infringement on the grounds that the Constitutional Court was the recommendation. This provision applies the law to qualify as a soldier, but by reason of homosexuality is the only provisions for criminal penalties, and Current sexual activity between consenting same-sex explicitly to punish the country is limited to some Islamic countries. The problems of homosexuality can be settled by the becoming effective code or the other process of administrative, as an official reprimand, when an illegal act was spotted. And to do criminal punishment for homosexual act in the military unit under the reality that they come to the troop means the nation's renouncement of duty for management of military life in the country. And it also means that the nation's renouncement of duty for protection of the fundamental rights on the constitution for the sexual minority. In the later amendment, it is good to delete the punishment of uncompelling ‘sodomy’ and sexual molestation and to make clear that is not a victim's complain for an improvement of rape including mail victims.

      • KCI등재후보

        인터넷과 표현의 자유의 범위에 관한 연구

        김명수(Kim, Myoung-su) 한국공공사회학회 2014 공공사회연구 Vol.4 No.2

        현대사회에서 표현의 자유는 일반적으로 접근할 수 있는 정보를 받아들이고 받아들인 정보를 취사선택할 수 있는 소극적 정보의 자유에서 더 나아가 의사형성 여론형성에 필요한 정보를 적극적으로 정보를 수집할 수 있는 적극적 정보의 자유까지도 제도화하게 된다. 이러한 표현의 자유의 발달은 그 표현의 내용 중에 국가기밀, 음란물, 저작권 침해, 사생활 침해, 명예훼손, 공중도덕이나 사회윤리를 침해할 수 있는 등 많은 법적인 문제를 안게 되었다. 나아가 인터넷상의 표현의 자유의 자유는 그 특성상 기존의 헌법 원리와는 다른 특수성이 있으므로, 다른 헌법상 원리가 필요할 것이다. 음란물의 개념은 동시대의 가치관을 직접적으로 반영하는 경향 때문에 유동성이 커 일의성이 있는 개념은 사실상 힘든 영역이다. 그러나 가능한 한 명확성 충족방향으로 움직이고 있다고 볼 수가 있다. 국내 아동·청소년성보호법도 해당 음란물의 개념 설정을 처음에는 실제 아동·청소년의 출연으로 규정이 되었다가, 인식가능성에서 최근에는 명백하게 인식가능성 있는 사람이나 표현물로 한정이 되었다. 침해의 유형성 규정이 필요한 시기라고 볼 수가 있다. 최근 대법원은 ‘아동·청소년이 주체가 되어 성적표현을 한 것으로 해당 음란물을 한정’하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 먼저, 인터넷의 발전에 따른 표현의 현대적 의미와 이에 따른 현대적 의미의 표현의 자유의 제한 및 한계, 인식의 문제 등을 알아본다. 특히 표현의 자유의 범위를 확인하고자 한다. 마지막으로, 표현의 자유의 발달과 확장을 통한 표현자유의 보호와 충돌에 대한 법적 측면과 표현의 자유의 확대를 위한 사회적 합의에 대한 필요성에 대해서 살펴보려 한다. Internet, the traditional medium of expression presented by the individual’s expression, or is monopolized by a handful of the economic powerhouse unlike a newspaper or broadcast is to be accessible to all, freedom of expression and information is usually accessible catering to the information received can select to accept passively the freedom of Information in the formation of public opinion in the formation of further information that you need a doctor actively to collect information actively in the freedom of information is still institutionalized. Children pornography includes traditionally actual children in its productions and sexual abuse or exploitation of children and juveniles in the information society. The current law try to accord with its society trend. But the task will be hardworking because advances in technology are too rapid and the current law should satisfy strict scrutiny standard. The law regulates the sexual expression and exploitation of children and juveniles on cyberspace, but the contents of current law is too vague and simple. First, the Internet’s development and recognize the development of freedom, freedom of expression and its modern sense, restrictions and limitations of freedom of expression. In particular, both the freedom of expression of false facts to include in the range of validity are looking. Also unconditionally false facts to include freedom of expression, but in the interests of the sentence, sees fit to determine. Finally, the development and expansion of freedom of expression, this country and others that occur in the individual’s conflicts of conflict in relation to the expansion of freedom of expression and measures for the consideration of legal aspects and social consensus will be needed for the effort.

      • KCI등재후보

        주민참여와 공공성 회복의 관점에서 본 ‘주민참여예산제’와 ‘마을만들기’

        김명수(Kim, Myoung-su) 한국공공사회학회 2016 공공사회연구 Vol.6 No.1

        주민참여예산제도는 ‘예산편성과정에 주민이 직접 참여하여 자신들의 선호와 우선순위를 예산에 반영시키거나 또는 예산을 스스로 결정함으로써 참여와 자기결정이라는 지방자치의 이념을 구현하기 위한 예산참여제도’로 정의된다. 즉 주민참여예산제는 그동안 정부가 독점적으로 행사해 왔던 예산편성권한을 주민의 직접 참여를 통해 재정민주주의를 구현하기 위한 법적․제도적 장치라고 할 수 있다 마을 만들기는 압축적 근대화와 신자유주의 지구화가 급속하게 진행되면서 훼손된 모순의 부조리에 대한 성찰적 사업이며 보다 나은 삶의 질 개선, 사회 공공성과 마을공동체의식 회복을 위한 인문사회학적 상상력이 요구되는 공공사업이다. 마을 만들기는 ‘무엇을 위한’, ‘누구를 위한’ 사업인가를 냉철하게 성찰하고, 이념·세대·계층·지역을 넘어선 지속가능한 주민참여 마을 만들기 사업이 되어야 한다. 마을 만들기는 “주민들이 실질적으로 중심이 되어 자발적 의지와 참여 속에서 마을의 물리적, 사회문화적, 경제적 환경을 종합적으로 개선하여 지속가능한 마을공동체를 만드는 것”을 의미한다. 주민참여의 대표적인 두 제도는 공공성을 구성요소로 하고 있으며 사회적 신뢰를 바탕으로 하고 있다. 따라서 이를 통하여 잃어버린 공공성을 회복하는데 크게 이바지할 것으로 보인다. The Citizen participation budgeting is legal implementing the budget financial democracy rights meantime, the government has been exercised exclusively through the direct participation of the inhabitants, it can be said institutional arrangements. Town development business is reflective of the absurdity of neoliberal globalization progresses rapidly degraded contradiction with compression modernization and humanities and Social publicity and village communities sociological imagination has recovered consciousness for a public service that is required. Town development business must be the cool reflection accredited business "for what" and "for whom". Town development business means "the residents would actually be possible to create a village community center continued to improve in the village and willingness to participate. Both institutions are representative of the population involved and the Publicness of components are based on social trust. Therefore, to recover the lost Publicness through it expected to significantly contribute.

      • KCI등재

        장애판정제도에 따른 복지서비스에 관한 법적 고찰

        김명수 ( Myoung Su Kim ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2013 홍익법학 Vol.14 No.1

        Persons with disabilities defined as part of the basic medical and social and environmental regulations each country. Disabilities accordingly determined not turn from one side rather than strictly accurate and to determine system is needed. Disability evaluation system for the transition to the fundamental rights of persons with disabilities, such as those conducted in developed countries, kidney should be sought as a desirable alternative to overcome the problems with the current grading Disabled think it a try. Income security of people with disabilities from the perspective of benefactor and beneficiary, such as the current economic difficulty due to a disability, gait disability in the case of people with disabilities Biomolecules and secured, in the limit of performing activities of daily living of people with disabilities if securing independent living, learning and cognitiverestrictions on the ability of people with disabilities in the disability evaluation system from the perspective of the Right to Education ensuring social guardianship reorganization should be made. Also ways that you can get the necessary rehabilitation services and reduce the burden of the social costs of disability evaluation should be sought. Establish appropriate rehabilitation service delivery system that can reduce the burden of the disabilities of the parties or home can be done in the disability determination process. Linkages of process from diagnosis and treatment of disorders, according to the degree of disability so that appropriate rehabilitation services may be provided will be introduced.

      • KCI등재

        규칙적인 고강도 걷기 운동이 중년여성의 신체구성 및 인슐린 저항성에 미치는 영향

        김명수(Myoung-Su Kim),김성희(Sung-Hee Kim),이신호(Shin-Ho Lee) 한국생활환경학회 2013 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of regular high intensity walking exercise on body composition and insulin resistance in middle-aged women. A total of 26 middle-aged women was classified normal (NO) and insulin resistance (IR) group based on the OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test) of the world health organization. Walking exercise was designed to energy expenditure of 500 kcal per day, with a frequence of 3 days per week for 24 weeks. First, Body composition (BMI, BF(kg), BF(%), SMI(kg/m²), VAF) and insulin resistance indices (FBG, AUC glucose) were significantly different between the two groups. But no significant differences of blood lipids, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and blood pressure were found between the two groups. Second, Both of the NO and IR groups had significant improvements in body composition (all variable), insulin resistance indices (FBI, HOMAIR, AUC glucose), blood lipids (TC, HDLC, LDLC), CRF, blood pressure (SBP, DBP). Third, HOMA-IR were significantly correlated with BF(%), SMM(%) and Waist in all patients. And HOMA-IR were significantly correlated with BF(kg), BF(%), SMM(%) and Waist in NO group. On the other hand, HOMA-IR were significantly correlated with SMM(%) in IR group. The current findings of the study suggest that walking exercise is an effective means of improving body composition, insulin resistance indices, blood lipids, CRF and blood pressure with no group differences. And lower SMM(%) is associated with higher insulin resistance in insulin resistance states.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        소수자보호와 차별금지법

        김명수 ( Kim Myoung Su ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2014 홍익법학 Vol.15 No.3

        This article highlights how the discourse on discrimination, formed under therecognition of gender equality, effected the legislative process of discriminationprevention act, and focuses on the structure and contents of possible anti-discriminationact and on the necessity for renewed debate of its legislation. Overall, Korean society has been developing towards securing equal freedom for allits members by lessening in equality and strengthening common rights. As democracyripens and the system of judicial relief is developed, realization of basic human rightstakes effect. Equal Rights and the derived anti-discrimination legislation should bedeveloped in coordination within such process. Current discrimination prevention legislation consists of The National Human RightsCommission Act which acts as general anti-discrimination act and individual DisabilityDiscrimination Prevention Act, Age Discrimination Prevention Act, Contingent WorkerDiscrimination Prevention Act. The legislative process of these acts are as follows. Do not keep the controversial interpretation of the concept of discrimination and shallspecify the reasons for non-discrimination. Equal rights and self-government in the reality of our personal situation, specificallythe problem of conflict and differential treatment is allowed to review the case and toidentify where discrimination is prohibited by anti-discrimination laws that apply to thesystematic exclusion of reason or justification shall be defined. These are usually in the private sector through the enactment of anti-discriminationlaws guarantee equal rights and personal autonomy can conflict with respect to thesentence of legislative criteria could be materialized.

      • KCI등재

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