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      • KCI등재

        코퓰라와 커먼-쇽을 이용한 연생상품의 분석

        김도영,이삭,이항석,Kim, Doyoung,Lee, Issac,Lee, Hangsuck 한국통계학회 2014 응용통계연구 Vol.27 No.7

        Multiple-life policies pay a benefit on the first death or the last death among the group of lives. In practice, the future lifetime random variable of policy holders has been considered to be independent, but it is more rational to take into account the correlations among the policy holders. In this paper, the Gaussian copula is applied to re ect the correlations among policy holders and then to diversify the common shock of the multiple life policies which follows an exponential distribution. Five case studies demonstrate its usefulness of using copula in calculating the premiums of the multiple-life policies including the common shock. 연생보험은 보험가입자 2인의 생사여부에 따라 보험금을 지급하는 보험상품이다. 보험실무에서는 연생보험 가입자들의 장래생존기간을 독립으로 가정하고 보험료를 산출한다. 그러나 보험가입자들 사이에 존재하는 상관성을 고려할 때 이는 합리적이지 않다. 또한 보험가입자들의 생존분포와 독립적인 커먼-쇽(common shock)을 연생보험에 반영하면 다양한 지급조건을 설정할 수 있는데 이에 대한 충분한 고려가 이루어지지 않고 있다. 본 논문에서는 커먼-쇽(common shock)을 연생보험에 적용하고, 코퓰라(copula)를 이용하여 가입자들의 장래생존기간 간에 존재하는 상관성을 반영한 후 분석을 수행한다. 또한 연생보험가입자에 대한 확률변수를 추가적으로 고려하여 기존의 연생모형에서 다루지 못했던 새로운 상품을 설계하고 시뮬레이션을 통해 보험료를 계산한다. 그리고 그 결과를 바탕으로 본 논문에서 제시한 모형이 연생상품에 다양하게 적용 가능함을 논하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        남농(南農) 허건(許楗) '신남화(新南畵)'의 회화심미 고찰

        김도영,Kim, Doyoung 국제문화기술진흥원 2021 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.7 No.3

        광복 이후의 한국 화단은 일본화풍의 탈피와 전통회화의 재인식 및 재창조를 통한 한국적 미의식을 확립하고 자 탐구하였다. 조선 후기 호남 화단의 실질적 종조(宗祖)라 불리었던 소치(小癡)의 손자로 태어난 남농(南農) 허건(許楗)(1908~1987)은 이러한 한국 화단의 현실을 직시하고 한국 남종화의 전통을 계승하면서 이를 변유적으로 재인식·재창조하여 현대적 서구양식과 실경을 융합한 파격적 구도로 '신남화(新南畵)'의 새로운 영역을 개척하는 등 한국 남종화를 현대적으로 계승 발전시킨 한국화단의 거목이다. 남농(南農)의 회화세계는 관지(款識)를 근거로 하여 1930년대 '남농산인(南農山人)' 시기, 1940년대 중반~50년대 초반 '남농외사(南農外史)' 시기, 그 이후의 '운임산방주인(雲林山房主人)' 시기 등 총 3시기로 나누어 살펴볼 수 있다. 남농산인(南農山人) 시기는 소치(小癡)와 미산(米山)의 전통 남화의 가전화풍을 온전히 습득하고, 선전(鮮展) 출품을 위한 일본화풍의 반영으로 향토적 실경을 많이 다루어 가전화풍과 일본화풍의 혼재기이다. 남농외사(南農外史) 시기에는 해방 이후 새로운 조형성을 전통 남화풍에서 탐색하였다. 특히 남도의 풍경과 정감을 기반으로 하여 자유분방한 농담 조절과 함께 속필과 독필, 갈필로 대상을 표현하면서 서정성과 향토애 짙은 실경향토화와 산수화에 주력하였다. 운임산방주인(雲林山房主人) 시기는 현대미술의 흐름에 어느 정도 부합하면서도 전통 회화에 걸맞는 사의적 문향이 넘치는 구도로 차츰 생략화되면서 개성적 화법을 강하게 드러낸 갈필, 독필, 속필의 적절한 운용을 통해 수묵담채의 서정적인 산수와 소나무를 많이 그렸다. 그의 산수화와 향토화는 누구에게나 체험적인 친근감과 정감을 자아내게 하는 모습을 담고 있으며 향수애와 자연애를 담고 있다. 남농(南農)은 이를 '신남화(新南畵)'로 명명하였다. 남농(南農)은 '남화연구원'을 설립, 후진양성에 진력하였는데, 이곳에서 임인(林人)의 아들인 許文과 남농(南農)의 장손자인 허전(許塡) 등이 수련하여 5대째 운림산방의 화맥을 계승하고 있다. Nam Nong Heo Geon(1908-1987) re-recognized and re-created the tradition of Korean Namjong painting by excluding Japanese art forms after liberation. He is a great painter in the Korean art world, who has succeeded and developed Korean Namjong Painting in a modern way, pioneering a new field of 'NewNamhwa' with a composition that fuses modern Western style and real scenery. Based on optimism, Namnong's painting world can be divided into three periods: the 'Namnong Sanin' period in the 1930s, the 'Namnongoesa' period from the mid-1940s to the early 1950s, and the 'the owner of Unlimsanbang' period after that. The Namnong Sanin period is a period in which the painting style handed down from the traditional namhwau family of Sochi and Misan is fully acquired, and the Japanese painting style for the exhibition in Seonjeon is reflected, and the local real scenery is treated a lot, and the two styles are mixed. In the Namnong-oesa period, after liberation, a new formativeness was explored in the traditional Namhwa style. In particular, based on the scenery and sentiments of the southern provinces, he focused on local and landscape paintings, depicting real landscapes with lyricism and local love, while expressing subjects with fast brush strokes, a worndown writing brush, and dry brushes, along with freehand adjustment of shading. The period of the owner of unlimsanbang is in accordance with the flow of modern art to some extent, but is gradually omitted as a composition full of academic fragrance that draws a meaning befitting traditional painting. I painted a lot of lyrical landscapes and pine trees of sumugdamchae. Namnong named it 'NewNamhwa'. Namnong established 'Namhwa Research Institute' and worked hard to nurture his disciples, where Im-in's son Heomun and Namnong's eldest grandson Heojin practiced, continuing the legacy of the 5th generation Unlimsanbang painter.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선 후기 서민(庶民) 여성작가(女性作家)의 시문(詩文)에 나타난 현실인식과 지향의식 - 김삼의당(金三宜堂)과 강정일당(姜靜一堂)을 중심으로 -

        김도영,Kim, Doyoung 국제문화기술진흥원 2018 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.4 No.3

        본 연구는 조선 후기 몰락한 양반가의 서민 여성작가를 대표하는 구체적인 예로써 김삼의당(金三宜堂)(1769~1823)과 강정일당(姜靜一堂)(1772~1832) 등 2인을 설정하여 이들의 시문(詩文)에 담긴 현실인식과 지향의식이라는 공통적 감성을 탐구하였다. 삼의당(三宜堂)은 가문의 부흥을 위해 남편의 과거 등과 뒷바라지에 헌신하면서 남편과 활발한 시문 교류를 통한 부덕(婦德)을 실현하였으며, 조선 시대 여류작가로는 가장 많은 작품을 남겼다. 정일당(靜一堂)은 조선 후기의 여성 성리학자(性理學者)이자 시인이다. 그녀 역시 평생을 삯바느질과 병마에 시달리면서도 기울어가는 가문을 일으키기 위해 남편의 훈육자(訓育者)로서의 자기 인식을 확고히 하고 학문을 독려하며 적극 지원하였다. 이들은 권면적(勸勉的) 지우(知友)로서의 부부평등 의식을 갖고 입신양명(立身揚名)을 통한 가문 선양을 지향하였다. 또한 전원적(田園的) 안빈낙도(安貧樂道)를 추구한 주체적 여성들이었다. The study chose two people, KimSamuidang(1769~1823) and GangJeongildang(1772~1832), as concrete examples representing the common female writers in the late of the Joseon Dynasty. And study the recognition on reality and consciousness of orientation in the poetic literature. KimSamuidang is commit to the revival of his family to pass the test. And exchange with husband through active study literature and practice wife law. She left the largest number of works as a female writer during the Joseon Dynasty. GangJeongildang is a Confucian scholar and poet of the late Joseon Dynasty. She also spent her whole life sewing and suffering from disease, trying to create a dying family. Teaching her husband's education, she established self-recognition, encouraged and supported learning. They had a equality sense of marriage couple as academic friends, encouraging each other to study, and by passing the test, they tried to raise their families. Also, although poor in rural life, the mind was the Independent women who pursued comfortable life.

      • KCI등재

        The Formation of Microcrystalline SiGe Film Using a Remote Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition

        김도영,Kim, Doyoung The Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic 2018 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.31 No.5

        SiGe thin films were deposited by remote plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RPE-CVD) at $400^{\circ}C$ using $SiH_4$ or $SiCl_4$ and $GeCl_4$ as the source of Si and Ge, respectively. The growth rate and the degree of crystallinity of the fabricated films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and Raman analysis, respectively. The optical and electrical properties of SiGe films fabricated using $SiCl_4$ and $SiH_4$ source were comparatively studied. SiGe films deposited using $SiCl_4$ source showed a lower growth rate and higher crystallinity than those deposited using $SiH_4$ source. Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy measurement showed that the optical band gap of SiGe is in the range of 0.88~1.22 eV.

      • KCI등재

        원자층 증착법으로 성장된 ZnO 박막의 질소 도핑에 대한 연구

        김도영,Kim, Doyoung 한국전기전자재료학회 2014 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.27 No.10

        For feasible study of opto-electrical application regarding to oxide semiconductor, we implemented the N doped ZnO growth using a atomic layer deposition technique. The p-type ZnO deposition, necessary for ZnO-based optoelectronics, has considered to be very difficulty due to sufficiently deep acceptor location and self-compensating process on doping. Various sources of N such as $N_2$, $NH_3$, NO, and $NO_2$ and deposition techniques have been used to fabricate p-type ZnO. Hall measurement showed that p-type ZnO was prepared in condition with low deposition temperature and dopant concentration. From the evaluation of photoluminescence spectroscopy, we could observe defect formation formed by N dopant. In this paper, we exhibited the electrical and optical properties of N-doped ZnO thin films grown by atomic layer deposition with $NH_3OH$ doping source.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮《李仙圖》에 나타난 작가의 심미의식과 시대적 의의

        金道榮(Kim Doyoung) 한국도교문화학회 2012 道敎文化硏究 Vol.36 No.-

        본고에서는 한국회화사에서 김명국의 〈풍백도〉라는 오류를 필자가 최초로 발견하여 김명국의 〈철괴도〉로 바로잡았다. 정조시대 프로페셔날 화인 김홍도는 〈풍속화첩〉이라는 대표작으로 서민의 생활상을 자신의 화폭에 그려 넣은 조선의 대표적인 리얼리티 화가로 평가되지만, 필자의 분석은 그것은 제한된 소재이고 당시의 현실과 상당부분 타협한 내용들임을 밝히고 있다. 그런 그의 관념은 그의 작품 전편에 흐르고 있으며, 士大夫를 향한 의식지향이라는 김홍도의 인간적 고뇌로 읽어내었다. 아울러 통시적으로 기타 畵人 김명국, 심사정, 조석진 등의 〈철괴도〉와의 비교를 통해 그들의 〈철괴도〉에 투영된 작가의 예술정신과 시대적 의의를 밝히고 있다. 그리고 조선〈철괴도〉가 중국〈철괴도〉와 어떠한 차별점을 띠는지 집중 분석한 결과, 이 〈철괴도〉가 조선조의 향유계층인 상층양반사회에 수용되며 한국적으로 변형된 점, 日本에서는 원형그대로의 모습을 간직한 이유에 대해 韓?中?日문화와 정신의 차이에서 기인한 점을 밝히고 비교연구의 가능성을 제시하고 있다. This paper aims to assess the Korean modification of Tie kuai-Li in the Chosun Immortal paintings. Especially I focus that why the greatest painter Kim Hongdo(金弘道) can not paint the Immortal Iron Crutch -Li. Li Tie Kuai - the famous Immortal disabled begger with the Iron Crutch 鐵拐 and a bottle-gourd 葫蘆 offers a striking contrast to the other members of the group. Hideous, hairy, deformed, and scantily clad in filthy rags, he is the type of that repulsive legion preying upon a long-suffering public, which is moved to the giving of alms not so much by pity as by feelings of horror and fear. That is the reason why a painter Kim Hongdo wining the heart of the reformation ruler 正祖 of the Chosun Dynasty absolutely can not paint the Immortal disabled begger Iron Crutch -Li, a cripple. Kim Hongdo belonging to the middle class was a struggle for the upper classes and a person who compromised with reality. In this essay, I try to illuminate my initial findings and artistic spirit of 4 painters; 〈the Immortal Iron Crutch -Li(李仙圖)〉 painted by Kim meongguk(金明國) was first discovered by my investigation and reserch. Kim meongguk was also often more creative, unconventional, adventurous, and rebellious. With all his ability and descending from a noble family, Sim sazeng(沈師正) lived in obscurity all his life by the involvement system and had no way to work his will. Cho sukjin(趙錫晋) was a person with mild disposition and negative reconciliation during the Japanese Colonial Period. In conclusion, I am considering it in two bearings; The one is the transformation of the nobility in Immortal paintings, the two upper classes(兩班) of old Korea is living free from worldly cares. Tie kuai paintings losing the Yuan dynasty’s original form in the Chosun Immortal paintings are a mirror of the aristocrat of old Korea. The other is that these 4 Chosun painters was samely breaking up the Chinese Immortal Iron Crutch -Li by each artistic spirit. This is the distinguishing mark of 〈the Immortal Iron Crutch -Li〉 painted by Korean.

      • KCI등재

        장자사상(莊子思想)이 조선후기 사의화(寫意畵)에 끼친 심미경지 연구

        김도영 ( Kim Doyoung ) 한국동양예술학회 2017 동양예술 Vol.34 No.-

        In the late Joseon period (about 1700 ~ 1850), various changes were actively made in various fields such as politics and economy as well as society and culture. It was also the time of the most brilliant achievements in Korean painting history with the new paintings and the development of various styles. In particular, the fluctuations and changes of the class system have brought a tremendous change in the manner of the writers. It was not possible to actively cope with the changed order of the late Choson dynasty by the artistic work based on the three -At this point, Chuangtzu`s criticism, the logic of change and injustice were captured by progressive thinkers and used as a mechanism to criticize the system and to reflect the authenticity of morality. As a means of searching literally for refreshing the direction of life, The idea of “Chuangtzu” has become an alternative. The painting of the artist is a painting of the nobleman which emphasizes the feeling of the artist`s intention in the appearance of the object to be depicted, and draws attention to the spiritual world of the artist, the “Paint one`s mind”. The postwar history of the late Joseon Dynasty was greatly influenced by the artistic spirit of the Chuangtzu, who portrayed the liberation spirit of `Draw a meaning` that freed the mind and purifies the mind cleanly. Kang Se-hwang, Sim sa-jung, Lee In-sang, Kim Hong-do, Choi Buk, and Cho Hee-ryong are the characters who embraced the epistemology of the Chuangtzu and sought the possibility of new thought and embodied it in the work. Oriental painting has an artistic orientation to reveal his spiritual world, that is, to the “Draw a meaning” rather than the reproduction of natural objects. As a new method of socialization, they positively accepted the idea of “Chuangtzu”, escaped from the constraints of reality and took a free life or displayed a meeting on secular value, and escaped from the Neo-Confucianism explored aesthetic sense. In this way, it is analyzed that there are three major characteristics of the aesthetic and the aesthetic characteristics of the Chuangtzu`s thought on the painting of the late Joseon Dynasty. First, it is the Daegyo beaty of Ki-jin-ho-do. What the Chuangtzu denies is the “little craft” which means secular beauty and revealing to others. However, if the worldly beauty is denied, it will be possible to grasp the `A big beaty`, and if it transcends the pleasures of earthly delight, it will be able to realize the `Daelock` and pursue the `Daegyo`. Cho Hee-ryong`s < Hongmaedo Dalian > and Kim Hong-do`s < Nomaedo > combine the natural nature and the technique of handicraft to create a new painting of plum with the best artistic status. It is the Daegyo beaty of Ki-jin-ho-do. Secondly, this is a simple beauty of the Empty to reveal reality. This is a way of expressing the shape of the thread (the part drawn) as a `huh` (a part that is not drawn), which is a breakthrough expression method that has taken shape of the brush briefly. If the origin of the universe is regarded as being in the `“Empty to reveal reality” and the source of beauty as “Empty to reveal reality”, the method of expressing the figure in relation to not doing anything in a state that is not artificially modified is explained by the margin (huh). And, in fact, it is a line and a side. The paintings of Kim Hong-do`s “Sansangkwanmaedo” and Lee In-sang`s “Changbaigsando” In the marvelous work of margins and book lines, In stark contrast to the pilseon of the margins, the `jin` of the natural substance was expressed completely. Especially, Jeon ki`s the < Gyesanpomudo > is emphasized the fulness of the natural life conveyed by the Brief expressions with no color and By the dry effect of a dry brush. Third, it is a quaint beauty of so-yo-ja-jeog. True art is free from self-consciousness and free from social conventions. In addition, the external ugliness and bizarre expresses the sublime and beauty of the human intrinsic spirit even more truthfully and more potently. Here, Chuangtzu`s original intention was not to create a single artistic form, and through it, the person who realized the nature of the absurdity, even though the external form looks incongruous and ugly, It is emphasized to receive love. Through the ugliness, the judges who showed `Jin` the < Sunindohaedo > of Sim sa-jung, on the paintings of the < Goeseok do >, which is based on the paintings of the Gang se-hwang, painted with my fingertips on the < Pungseoryaguiin > of Choi buk. It can be seen that he deprived his unfortunate environment and painted a picture that seeks freedom and relaxed freedom. The late Joseon period was a period when the artist perceived that art could acquire eternal life-style when he constantly attempted self-transformation while denying and criticizing the previous fixed framework. At this time, the free spiritual aesthetics of the Chuangtzu who pursued the natural nature by eliminating compromise or norms with the world affects the painters of those days.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        요양보호사의 노인 이미지와 노인지식이 공격적 노인에 대한 긍정적 대처 행동에 미치는 영향

        김도영(Doyoung Kim),이정화(Jeonghwa Lee) 한국노년학회 2021 한국노년학 Vol.41 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 요양보호사의 노인 이미지와 노인지식이 공격적 노인에 대한 긍정적 대처 행동에 미치는 영향을 살펴보는것이다. 이를 위하여 2020년 6월부터 8월까지 요양보호사를 대상으로 온라인/오프라인 설문조사를 하여 284부를 분석하였다. 자료분석은 SPSS 21을 사용하여 빈도분석, 기술통계, 일변량분석, pearson의 상관관계 분석, 위계적 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 요양보호사의 노인 이미지는 사회적 이미지, 심리적 이미지, 신체적 이미지 순으로 긍정적으로 나타났으며, 연령, 종교, 근무기관, 담당 노인수, 시설 규모에 따라 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 노인지식 수준은 평균보다 낮았는데, 최종학력, 근무기관, 운영주체, 근무 기간에 따라유의한 차이가 나타났다. 요양보호사는 공격적 노인에 대하여 ‘언어적 토론’, ‘기분전환’, ‘발생 요인 제거’, ‘접촉’ 순으로 긍정적 대처를많이 하는 것으로 나타났다. 위계적 회귀분석으로 요양보호사의 노인 이미지, 노인지식이 공격적 노인에 대한 긍정적 대처 행동에미치는 영향을 살펴보았을 때 연령이 낮을수록, 노인 이미지가 부정적일수록, 노인지식 수준이 높을수록 긍정적 대처 행동을 하는것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과에 따라 장기요양기관을 이용하는 노인과 일반 노인의 차이를 이해하고, 노인에 대한 올바른 지식을제공하는 교육 매뉴얼 개발을 통해 요양보호사의 공격적 노인에 대한 긍정적인 대처가 증가할 수 있을 것이라는 제언을 하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the image of the elderly and knowledge of the elderly on the positive coping behavior of nursing care workers in the presence of aggressive elderly. For this purpose, an online/offline survey of 284 nursing care workers was conducted from June 2020 to August 2020. For the data analysis, frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson s correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis were performed using SPSS 21.0. According to the results, the images of the elderly held by nursing care workers were positive in terms of social image, psychological image, and physical image, and significant differences were found among workers depending on their age, religion, type of facilities, number of elderly residents in charge, and facility size. The level of elderly knowledge was lower than the average, and there were significant differences depending on level of educational, type of facility, and working period. It was found that nursing care workers responded positively to aggressive elderly in terms of verbal discussion , change of mood , removal of occurrence factors , and contact . Hierarchical regression analysis showed that the lower the ag e of the nursing care worker, the more negative the image of the elderly, a higher level of knowledge of the elderly was associated with an increase in positive coping behavior towards aggressive elderly. Based on these results, it was suggested that developing educational manuals that provide information on the differences between elderly in the general population and elderly using long-term care institutions, and correct knowledge of the elderly, should increase the positive coping behavior of nursing care workers in the presence of aggressive elderly.

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