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        코로나-19 지식수준과 감염관리 피로도 및 스트레스가 감염관리 수행도에 미치는 영향

        김다솜(Da-Som Kim),배석환(Seok-Hwan Bae) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2022 방사선기술과학 Vol.45 No.3

        This study investigated small and medium-sized hospital workers’ knowledge of COVID-19, the infection-control- related fatigue and stress levels, and the factors that impacted their performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using a cross-sectional design, data were collected from 137 hospital workers from four small and medium-sized hospitals in S and C cities. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, a t-test, analysis of variance(ANOVA), Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple linear regression analysis. Small and medium-sized hospital workers’ knowledge of COVID-19 revealed a correct answer rate of 66%. An average of 3.00 points out of 4 for infection control performance and 3.32 and 3.17 points out of 5 for infection-control-related fatigue and stress, respectively, were found. The level of knowledge regarding COVID-19 significantly differed by age and marriage (p<0.05), while infection control performance significantly differed by age, marriage, and infection control education experience (p<0.05). Infection-control-related fatigue and stress differed depending on the COVID-19 control education experience, economic and social prejudice, and fear of discrimination. There were positive correlations between knowledge and infection control performance, and infection control performance and infection-control-related fatigue and stress (p<0.001). This study showed that the factors that affected small and medium-sized hospital workers’ performance included knowledge of “environmental management,” “difficulties due to new role requirements,” “presence or absence of infection education experience,” “job type,” and “age.” These results suggest that practical and detailed education programs should be systematically developed and implemented for effective infection control.

      • KCI등재

        흄과 칸트: 공감과 공통감

        김다솜 ( Ta Som Kim ) 한국칸트학회 2015 칸트연구 Vol.36 No.-

        칸트는 감성적 능력의 보편성을 긍정하면서 동시에 그것의 경험적 확인을 허용하는 개념으로서 공통감이 존재한다고 주장한다. 순수 이성이 아닌 경험적 지성에 매개된 감성적 변화를 포착하면서도 보편적 소통을 가능하게 하는 조건이 되는 것이 칸트의 공통감이다. 흄 역시 취미 판단을 포함한 판단 일반과 관련해서 보편적 전달 가능성의 토대로서 공감의 존재를 주장하고 있다. 그러나 칸트의 공통감은 그것이 갖는 선험적인 성격 때문에 어려움을 겪고 있으며, 마찬가지로 흄의 공감 또한 심리적인 성격 때문에 보편적 전달 가능성을 증명하는 데 난점을 안고 있다. 그렇다면 보편적 전달 가능성은 어디에서, 또 어떻게 성립하는 것인가? 누가, 그리고 어떤 방식이 더 적절한 설명을 제공하고 있는가? 이 글은 주관적이면서도 판단의 보편타당성을 보장하는 근거로 기능하는 흄의 공감과 칸트의 공통감이 어떻게 그와 같은 자격과 지위를 가질 수 있는지를 비판적으로 고찰한다. 그리고 이를 통해 각각이 지닌 정당성을 평가하고 이들보다 더 합당한 설명 가능성을 모색한다. Kant says there is the common sense as a concept which is permissible to ascertain empirically the sensible faculties in general. Kant’s common sense as a postulate and prerequisite means a condition which does not only make universal communication possible, but also can grasp sensible changes mediated through empirical understandings, not pure reason. Similarly, Hume says sympathy as the psychological mechanism is a basic principle on which moral and aesthetic judgments can accord with each other. But I think that both of them are faced with difficulties because the common sense of Kant is based on transcendental justification, and the sympathy of Hume is on psychological one. If so, then how and where is a mutual communication between judges possible? In this paper I will try looking through a third possibility for subjective and universal validity and coincidence of judgements between different agents.

      • KCI등재

        액티브시니어(active senior)를 위한 미래 커뮤니티 제안 - 가상현실(virtual reality) 공간을 중심으로 -

        김다솜,원택 ( Wontaik Kim ),박현우 ( Hyunwoo Park ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2014 한국디자인포럼 Vol.44 No.-

        현대의 많은 사람들이 고령화의 파급효과에 대해 관심을 가지고 있다. 기업들 또한 앞다투어 시니어 세대를 겨냥하여 새로운 비즈니스를 선보이고자 하는데, 현재까지 국내 비즈니스는 시니어를 약자로 인식하여, 주로 `요양 혹은 의료 서비스`를 중점으로 발달해왔다. 하지만, IT산업의 발달과 함께 의료 서비스가 점차적으로 개선되고, 질병 예방 차원의 건강 관리 등 신체적 건강이 해마다 증진되고 있기 때문에, 본 논문에서 예상하는 2030년의 미래 시니어 세대는 건강에 대한 큰 문제가 없어질 것이라고 예상하였다. 이러한 이유를 통해, 논문의 전제 조건을 시니어들의 신체적 건강에 대한 문제가 없다고 설정하였다. 더 나아가 뉴 시니어들이 심리적, 정신적 나이도 젊게 유지하려는 추세를 주제로 잡아 이들의 욕구를 새롭게 해결하는 방안을 제안하려고 한다. IT 산업과 기술의 발달이 시니어 시장에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 앞으로의 IT 기술 방향이 어떻게 시니어의 욕구를 충족시킬 수 있는지 알아보고자 한다. 본 연구는 사용자 리서치를 바탕으로 니즈를 파악, 지속 가능한 미래형 커뮤니티 컨셉 제시와 퍼소나를 통한 서비스 시나리오 등을 미래 IT 기술과 접목하여 제안한다. 결과적으로, 경제적 소비 능력이 있는 시니어를 타겟으로 소비를 유도하여, 그에 따른 새로운 경제적, 부가적 가치 창출의 새로운 트렌드 예측한다. Lately, many people in a modern society are interested in ripple effects of aging. Accordingly, enterprises are competing for putting up their new `Silver businesses` for seniors. On the other hand, domestic businesses have been considering that senior citizens are weak and mostly focused on developing health services and recovery so far. However, it is expected that there won`t be major health problems to a future senior generation in 2030. The reason is that medical services will be increasingly improved along with IT industry`s development. In addition, health cares for disease prevention will be strengthened annually. New seniors in aging societies not only maintain their physical youth, but also follow the trend to keep their psychological and spiritual youth. Therefore, we are about to analyze the effects that the development of IT industry and technology influences on our societies. In our oncoming senior market, we would like to investigate the way IT technology meets senior citizens` desires and suggests the concepts and service models of sustainable future communities. Through this process, We induced senior who has economic consumption capacity and, we about to predict new trend that makes economical and additional value creations.

      • KCI등재

        반사판의 폭 조절이 가능한 서랍형 타입의 가동형 광선반 개발 연구

        김다솜(Dasom Kim),이행우(Haengwoo Lee),서장후(Janghoo Seo),용성(Yongseong Kim) 대한설비공학회 2016 설비공학 논문집 Vol.28 No.9

        Due to the recent increase in lighting energy consumption in buildings, there are a growing number of studies seeking solutions this problem. The effectiveness of light-shelves as natural lighting systems to solve this problem has been recognized, and various studies regarding such systems are being carried out currently. However, the lighting efficiency of light-shelves decreases if illumination intensity is low-such as at night time, and it also obstructs the views of building occupants. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine a movable drawer type light-shelf which allows for the width of the reflector to be adjusted and verify its performance through a simulated test-bed. The following conclusions were reached. 1) The purpose of this study is to solve the problem previously associated with the light-shelf system- of obstructed views-by responding to external environments and minimizing the width of the light-shelf at night time when the efficiency of the light-shelf declines. 2) The proper variables of the movable drawer type light-shelf which enables the width adjustment of the reflector were ascertained in this study according to four solar terms : a width of 0.6 m at an angle of 20°, a width of 0.4m with an angle of 20°, and a width of 0.1 m with an angle of 20° were determined for the summer solstice, fall/spring equinoxes, and winter solstice respectively; revealing that width adjustment of the light-shelf is a significant factor. 3) The movable drawer type light-shelf which enables\width adjustment of the reflector suggested in this study can reduce the lighting energy consumption by 18.7% and 14.3% in comparison to previous light-shelves with a fixed width of 0.3 m and 0.6m, indicating that it is effective for saving energy.

      • KCI등재

        볶음처리에 따른 백하수오(Cynanchi wilfordii Radix)의 이화학적 특성 및 영양성분 변화

        김다솜(Da-Som Kim),회성(Hoe-Sung Kim),홍성준(Seong Jun Hong),조진주(Jin-Ju Cho),신의철(Eui-Cheol Shin) 한국식품영양과학회 2018 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        약용작물의 종류 중 하나인 백하수오를 식품 및 식품소재로 이용하기 위해 다양한 볶음 온도와 시간으로 볶음처리를 하였고, 이에 따른 벤조피렌 생성 여부, 갈변도, 총 페놀 함량, 항산화 활성, 조단백질 및 아미노산 함량을 확인하였다. 볶음처리로 인한 벤조피렌 생성의 경우 180°C와 120°C에서 각각 4분 동안 볶은 샘플을 이용하여 확인한 결과 벤조피렌은 확인되지 않았다. 볶음처리에 따른 갈변도 및 총 페놀 함량은 볶음처리 후 더욱 증가하는 패턴을 보였으며, 이는 열처리로 인해 생성된 갈변물질의 영향으로 판단된다. DPPH와 ABTS 라디칼 소거능 역시 볶음처리 이후에 증가함을 확인하였고, 샘플 중 열처리가 가장 많이 된 180°C에서 4분간 볶은 샘플이 가장 높다는 결과를 통해 열처리 온도와 시간에 대한 조건이 식품 및 식품소재의 항산화력의 증가에 중요한 요소가 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 구성아미노산과 유리아미노산의 경우 aspartic acid와 arginine 비율 증가가 가장 높았고 볶음 온도와 시간에 비례하여 증가하였으며, 이외에 구성아미노산에서는 flavor enhancer로 이용되는 glutamic acid, 그리고 유리아미노산에서는 생리활성에 영향을 주는 γ-amino butyric acid가 가공처리에 따른 상대적인 비율이 높은 아미노산으로 확인되었다. 따라서 본 연구는 백하수오의 볶음처리 조건에 따른 이화학적 및 영양성분 변화에 대한 기초자료로 제공될 것으로 확신한다. The physicochemical and nutritional properties of Cynanchi wilfordii Radix samples as well as the levels of benzopyrene production were investigated at different roasting temperatures and times. An analysis of benzopyrene using samples roasted at 180°C and 120°C for 4 min revealed no benzopyrene. The browning intensities and total phenol contents were mostly high under further roasting conditions. The 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl and 2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical scavenging activities also increased after the roasting procedure, and the samples roasted at 180°C for 4 min showed the highest levels. An analysis of the constituent amino acid and free amino acid contents revealed aspartic acid and arginine to be highest in both the constituent and free amino acids and they increased with increasing roasting temperature and time. In addition, the constituent amino acids and free amino acids showed a high level of glutamic acid and γ-amino butyric acid, which affects the physiological activity, respectively. These results provide basic data on the nutritional content of C. wilfordii Radix in the food industry.

      • KCI등재

        망개나무 추출물의 NF-κB 및 MAPK 신호전달 억제를 통한 항염증 효과

        김다솜(Da Som Kim),어현지(Hyun Ji Eo),강연경(Yeongyeong Kang),박광훈(Gwang Hun Park) 한국자원식물학회 2021 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Berchemia berchemiaefolia (Makino) Koidz. is found not only in korea, but also in japan and is known as a rare plant all over the world. In this study, we evaluated anti-inflammatory effect of B. berchemiaefolia (Makino) Koidz. leaves (BBK-L) in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. BBK-L inhibited the generation of NO through the suppression of iNOS experession. BBK-L attenuated the expression of iNOS, COX-2, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 induced by LPS. BBK-L decreased LPS-mediated IκB-α degradation inhibite which resulted in the inhibition of NF-κB activation in RAW264.7 cells. In addition, BBK-L suppressed ERK1/2, JNK phosphorylation induced by LPS. BBK-L showed anti-inflammatory effect through blocking the generation of the inflammatory mediators such as NO, iNOS, COX-2, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 via the inhibiting of NF-κB and MAPK signaling activation. These results suggests that BBK-L may have great potential for the development of anti-inflammatory drug to treat acute and chronic inflammatory disorders.

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