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      • KCI등재후보

        유방촬영용 방사선발생장치의 관전압과 관전류 시험 분석

        정홍량(Hong-Ryang Jung),홍동희(Dong-Hee Hong),한범희(Beom-Hui Han) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2014 방사선기술과학 Vol.37 No.1

        유방촬영용 방사선발생장치의 성능 관리 및 품질관리에 적용되는 관전압과 관전류량을 IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission; 국제 전기 기술위원회) 60601-2-45에서 제시한 표준을 근거로 시험하고 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 관전압에 따른 제조년도별 표준편차 값은 2001∼2010 사이에서 3.15로 가장 크게 나타났고, 관전류량에 따른 제조년도별 표준편차 값은 2000년 이전에서 6.38로 가장 크게 나타났으며, 2011년 이후에 제조된 장치에서는 PAE(Percent Average Error; 백분률표준오차)의 표준편차가 비교적 적게 나타났다. 이는 최근에 제조된 유방촬영용 방사선발생장치의 관전압과 관전류량이 정확한 성능을 유지하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 본 연구결과를 기초자료로 활용하여 유방촬영용 방사선발생장치의 성능 및 품질 관리를 유지하므로 현재 식품의약품안전청의 “진단용 방사선발생장치의 안전관리에 관한 규칙”에서 규정하고 있는 3년 검사주기 동안에 자가 점검으로 방사선발생장치의 방사선에 대한 안전성 확보와 사용하는 X선 장치의 성능을 일관성(constancy) 있게 유지하도록 함으로서 궁극적으로 방사전에 대한 국민피폭선량을 줄일 수 있는 기대효과가 있을 것으로 기대된다. Breast shooting performance management and quality control of the generator is applied to the amount of current IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission) 60601-2-45 tube voltage and tube current are based on standards that were proposed in the analysis of the test results were as follows. Tube voltage according to the value of the standard deviation by year of manufacture from 2001 to 2010 as a 42-3.15 showed the most significant, according to the year of manufacture by tube amperage value of the standard deviation to 6.38 in the pre-2000 showed the most significant, manufactured after 2011 the standard deviation of the devices, the PAE(Percent Average Error) was relatively low. This latest generation device was manufactured in the breast of the tube voltage and tube diagnosed shooting the correct amount of current to maintain the performance that can be seen. The results of this study as the basis for radiography diagnosed breast caused by using the device's performance and maintain quality control, so the current Food and Drug Administration "about the safety of diagnostic radiation generator rule" specified in the test cycle during three years of self-inspection radiation on a radiation generating device ensure safety and performance of the device using a coherent X-ray(constancy) by two ultimately able to keep the radiation dose to the public to reduce the expected effect is expected.

      • KCI등재

        경추골절 환자에서 방사선촬영 영상의 웹 정보화

        박병래(Byung-Rae Park) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2005 방사선기술과학 Vol.28 No.2

        의료 방사선영상 정보에서 방사선사에게 숙련도와 능력을 토대로 진단 가치가 높은 영상을 얻고자 한다. 그래서 방사선영상학의 더욱더 향상된 지식과 더 많은 학습으로 인한 임상교육이 이루어지고, 각 방사선사의 교육수준을 고려하여 다양한 종류의 교육을 할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 웹 환경에서 멀티미디어 저작도구를 사용한 임상 경추골절 방사선영상 컴퓨터 교육보조(Computer Assisted Instruction) 시스템을 구현하고자 한다. 컴퓨터 교육보조 시스템은 신규 방사선사의 교육프로그램으로써 방사선영상촬영실에서 수행되는 경추골절 방사선영상획득의 전반적인 업무내용을 교육하고자 한다.제안한CAI시스템은 경추골절 환자의 방사선 촬영기술교본의 웹 정보화로 더욱더 신속하고 정확한 영상을 획득 할 수 있으며, 정확한 진단결정에 따른 환자 치료에 크게 도움이 되는 유용한 프로그램으로 기대된다. It is necessary to obtain images of high diagnosis worth based on ability and skill of radiological technologist in case of acquisition of medical radiologaphy information. In addition, we need the various kinds of education considering individual radiological technologist variation and the organization of clinical education according to the large amount of learning and more expensive knowledge of radiology. In this paper, we implement CAI system for cervical vertebrae fracture radiograph with multimedia authoring tools on web environments. The CAI system can train a new radiological technologist and study a lot of radiological technologist on the cervical vertebrae fracture radiography acquisition based on more objective and systematical data in radiography room. The proposed CAI system is also expected as a useful program which can help to cure patients based on accurate diagnosis as well as obtain radiography more quickly using a technology of radiography acquisition for cervical vertebrae fracture.

      • KCI등재

        한국원자력연구시설을 이용한 방사선학과 대학생 인력양성

        신병철(Byung-Chul Shin) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2017 방사선기술과학 Vol.40 No.3

        본 연구는 연구용원자로(하나로)와 국가방사선연구시설을 이용한 전문교육과정을 개발·운영함으로써 방사선학 전공 대학생들에게 전문화된 교육 기회를 제공하고 현장적응 능력을 증진시킬 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위해 하나로와 국가방사선연구시설을 이용한 전문 교육과정을 개발하고 운영함으로써 대학생들에게 하나로 활용 기회를 제공하였고, 대학생을 대상으로 하는 방사선학과 실험·실습을 운영함으로써 차세대 전문가를 양성하였다. 방사선학과 대학생들에게 현장실험실습 기회를 제공함으로써 향후 방사선학 연구 분야의 잠재 이용자를 육성하여 방사선학 인력의 저변 확대를 하고자 하였다. 본 실험실습 과정을 위해 서술형 교재와 강의용 교재, 설문지를 개발하고 활용하였다. 2006년부터 2017년까지 방사선학과 대학생을 대상으로 운영된 실험실습교육과정에 714명이 수료하였다. 방사선학과 대학생들을 대상으로 개발 운영되는 교육과정은 하나로와 국가방사선연구시설의 이용을 더욱 활성화하여 궁극적으로 방사선 산업인력의 저변을 확대하고 올바른 정책 결정 및 기술기반을 확립하는 주요 자원이 될 것이며 방사선 분야의 활성화에도 기여하게 될 것이다. The purpose of present research is to offer a specialized educational opportunity for potential users, university students in radiology, by developing specific curriculum on site at KAERI, using HANARO re-search reactor and National radiation research facilities. The specific items of this research accomplished are: First, Development and operation of various curricula for specific research using HANARO and National radiation research facilities to provide university students with opportunities to use the facilities. Second, Operation of the experiment training programs for university students in radiology to foster next generation specialists. Third, through the on-site experiment training for students in radiology, support future potential experts of the radiation research fields, and broaden the base. A textbook and a teaching aid, a questionnaire have been developed to support the program. 714 university students have completed the courses for radiology experiment from 2006 to 2017. It is hoped that these experiments broaden public awareness and acceptance by the present and poten-tial future utilization of the research reactor and national radiation research facilities, thereby bring positive impacts to policy making.

      • KCI등재

        의료용 우물형 섬광계수기를 이용한 환경 방사선 측정

        유광열(Kwang Yeul Lyu),박연준(Yeon joon Park),김민정(Min jeong Kim),함은혜(Eun hye Ham),윤지열(Ji yeol Yoon),김현진(Hyun jin Kim),민정환(Jung Hwan Min),박훈희(Hoon Hee Park) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2015 방사선기술과학 Vol.38 No.4

        2011년 발생한 후쿠시마 원전 사고 이후, 국민의 방사선에 대한 관심이 급속히 증가하였으며 그에 따른 방사선의 위험성에 대한 우려 또한 증대되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 일상생활 속에서 접할 수 있는 물질의 방사선 및 환경방사선을 측정하여 그 실태를 알아봄으로써, 국민의 방사선에 대한 올바른 이해를 돕고 더불어 방사선 피폭에 대한 우려를 경감하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 'Captus - 3000 갑상샘 섭취율 측정장치'를 이용하여 일상생활에서 쉽게 접할 수 있는 17가지 시료들을 대상으로 방사능을 측정하였으며, 측정에는 우물형 계수기를 이용하였다. 측정한 시료로는 연탄, 표고버섯, 명태, 전지분유, 알카라인 건전지, 단추형 건전지, 표토, 아스팔트, 휘발유, 솔잎, 현무암, 흑연(석탄), 고추냉이, 천일염, 담배, 맥주, 참치(캔)으로 선정하였고 각각의 시료에 대하여 토양자원, 수자원, 식품, 기타자원으로 분류하였다. 수자원으로 선정한 맥주는 식품으로 분류하였다. 또한 우물형 계수기의 감도측정을 위하여 기준선원으로 선 선원 형태의 137Cs을 이용하였다. 우물형 계수기로 137Cs 선선원의 계수값(cpm)을 측정한 후, 각각의 시료에서 얻은 계수값과 스펙트럼을 분석하였고, 식품의 경우에는 식약처의 방사능 허용기준단위인 Bq/Kg으로 환산하여 그 안전성을 판단하였다. 실험 결과, 측정한 시료들 중 유의할 만한 시료들을 집단 A로 분류하였고, 그 외에 배후 방사능과 큰 차이를 보이지 않은 시료들을 집단 B로 분류하였다. 집단 A의 경우 배후 방사능에 비해 알카라인 건전지가 7.67 %, 단추형 건전지가 4.65 %, 아스팔트가 8.03 %, 표토가 3.76 %, 연탄이 7.46% 높은 값을 보였다. 사용된 시료들 모두에서 측정된 방사능이 생활용품의 일부와, 식품의 경우에는 식약처에서 제시한 방사능 허용기준치 이내에 들어 있음을 확인하였다. After the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, concerns about radiation by people are increasing rapidly. If people could know how much they will be exposed by radiation, it may help them avoiding it and understand what exactly radiation is. By doing this, we were helping to reduce the anxiety of radia-tion contamination. In this study, we have researched figures of radioactivity with 'Captus-3000 thyroid up-take measurement systems' in well counter detector system. The materials were measured with Briquette, Shiitake, Pollock, Button type battery, Alkaline battery, Topsoil, Asphalt, Gasoline, Milk powder, Pine, Basalt stone, Pencil lead, Wasabi, Coarse salt, Tuna(can) Cigar, Beer, and then we categorized those sam-ples into Land resources, Water resources, Foodstuff and Etc (Beer classified as a water resources has been categorized into Foodstuff). Also, we selected the standard radiation source linear 137Cs to measure the sensitivity of well counter detector. After that, we took cpm(counter per minute) for the well counter detector of thyroid uptake system's sensitivity. Then we compared the results of each material's cpm and converted those results to Bq/kg unit. There were a little limitation with the measurement equipment be-cause it has less sensitivity than other professional equipment like 'High purity germanium radiation de-tector'. Moreover, We didn't have many choices to decide the materials. As a result, there are macroscopic differences among the rates of material's spectrum. Therefore, it had meaningful results that showed how much each material had emitted radiation. To compare the material's cpm with BKG, we've compounded their spectrums. By doing that, we were able to detect some differ-ences among the spectrums at specific peak section. Lastly, Button type battery, Alkaline Battery, Briquette, Asphalt and Topsoil showed high value. There were classified emitting high radiation Group A and emitted lower radiation Group B. The Group A, alka-line battery showed higher rate of radiation by 7.67 %, and Button type battery was yield 4.65 % higher rate than BKG. Additionally, Asphalt (8.03 %), Topsoil (3.76 %), Briquette (7.46 %) were yield for higher values. Several samples of the daily supplies were yield little higher, but it seems safe to use in daily lives. In the case of the 'Foodstuff', all of the samples were safe and they were under the radiation limits of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for Food; thus, we highly recommend this study to you as a refer-ence of common daily routine.

      • KCI등재후보

        파노라마 촬영의 피폭선량에 관한 문헌분석 연구

        권대철(Dae Cheol Kweon),동경래(Kyung Rae Dong),정재은(Jae Eun Jung),이경희(Kyeong Hee Lee),김수경(Soo Kyung Kim),김욱태(Wook Tae Kim),이청재(Cheong Jae Lee),송운흥(Woon Heung Song),마상철(Sang Chull Ma) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2010 방사선기술과학 Vol.33 No.1

        치과파노라마 촬영은 구강에 대한 선량의 증가와 안전관리가 필요하여 이에 대한 안전관리 및 장치관리에 대한 실태의 조사와 연구가 필요하다. 치과파노라마 촬영에 대한 기본 데이터 확보와 파노라마 촬영에 대한 국내 및 국외의 문헌에 대한 보고와 조사가 전무하여 이에 대한 조사 및 선량의 측정이 필요하다. 파노라마 촬영에 따른 유효선량, DAP, DWP를 분석하였고, ICRP에서 규정한 흡수선량과 가중계수 및 논문에서 국외의 진단참고준위를 참고하였다. 파노라마 촬영은 방사선의 피폭에 따른 환자에게 위험도를 수반하므로 진단참고 준위를 참조하여 환자의 방사선 방어를 최적화해야 한다. 또한 파노라마 방사선 촬영은 부위에 따라 흡수선량의 차이가 있어 선량에 가능한 노출되지 않도록 해야 한다. Dental panoramic radiography is an imaging technique which shows the information of teeth, jaws and superficial structures on a single image. In this study, we propose the clinical dose reference for dental panoramic radiography. Dental panoramic radiography is an application which can increase the radiation does of oral cavity. It is very important to study the real condition of management for these panoramic X-ray equipments. Since there was no researches on dental panoramic equipments in domestic and foreign study groups, we measured and analyzed the dose such as effective dose, DAP and DWP of panoramic radiography.

      • KCI등재후보

        건강권과 방사선사법 제정에 관한 고찰

        임창선(Chang-Seon Lim) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2007 방사선기술과학 Vol.30 No.4

          「의료기사 등에 관한 법률」에는 다수 직종을 총괄하여 규정하고 있어 방사선사 업무의 전문성 향상과 방사선의료기술에 대한 국민의 건강권을 보장하기 어렵다. 따라서 방사선사에 관련된 법령을 개별적으로 제정하는 것이 요청된다. 개별법으로서 방사선사법은 궁극적으로 국민의 건강증진을 목적으로 하는 방사선사의 책임규제에 관한 법으로 제정되어야 한다. 이를 위해 전문방사선사에 대한 규정을 신설하고 보수교육과 면허관리제도의 강화를 통하여 국민들이 보다 수준 높은 양질의 방사선의료기술을 제공받을 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 또한 방사선사의 역할과 업무를 명확히 규정하여 국민에게 제공되는 의료방사선서비스의 질적 수준을 확보하여야 한다. 정부기관에는 의료방사선정책심의위원회를 두어 의료방사선의 안전관리와 방사선사 인력의 수급, 기타 의료방사선정책에 관한 중요한 사항이 검토되고, 심의되어야 한다. 그밖에 방사선조사선량의 기록, 관리를 통하여 방사선피폭으로부터 국민의 건강보호를 위한 규정도 필요하며, 팀의료의 일원으로서 방사선사의 지위가 보장되어야 한다.   There are the Medical Radiation Health and Safety Act(the Patient Radiation Health and Safety Act, the Radiologic Technologist Act), the Medical Laboratory Technologist Act, the Physical Therapy Practice Act, and the Dental Hygienist Act, etc in America. However, Korea has only one Act for a medical radiologic technologist(including radiation therapy technologist, nuclear medicine technologist), medical laboratory technologist, physical therapist, occupational therapy examiner, dental hygienist, and so on. It is the Medical Technologist Act. Therefore, the Medical Radiation Health and Safety Act for a radiologic technologist(including radiation therapy technologist, nuclear medicine technologist) has to be enacted independently in Korea.<BR>  It is the purpose of this Act to provide for the appropriate certification of persons using radioactive materials, equipment emitting ionizing radiation on humans or performing medical imaging for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. In Korea, the radiologic technologist is a “fusion technologist” who is a person other than a licensed practitioner as a radiographer, radiation therapist, nuclear medicine technologist, computed tomography technologist, magnetic resonance technologist, mammographer, sonographer, medical dosimetrist, quality management technologist, etc.<BR>  This Act will have some provisions related to the definitions, reserved title, scope of practice, specialized technologist, application for licensure, radiologic technology council, renewal, continuing education , the radiation control advisory commission, etc.<BR>  This Act will ensure that quality radiation therapy treatments are delivered and that quality diagnostic information is presented for interpretation, which will lead to accurate diagnosis, treatment and cure.<BR>  Accurate diagnosis can be provided only when a personnel is properly educated in technique, equipment operation and radiation safety. In the end, this Act will protect the civil right to health.<BR>  By regulating the personnel responsible for performing those procedures, this Act will mean improved care for patients-higher quality images, improved accuracy, and less exposure to radiation.

      • KCI등재

        s-IGDT 시스템의 X-선원 배열 형태 및 투영상 개수에 따른 영상 화질 평가에 관한 연구

        이다혜(Dahye Lee),남기복(KiBok Nam),이승완(Seungwan Lee) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2022 방사선기술과학 Vol.45 No.2

        Although stationary inverse-geometry digital tomosynthesis (s-IGDT) is able to reduce motion artifacts, image acquisition time and radiation dose, the image quality of the s-IGDT is degraded due to the truncations arisen in projections. Therefore, the effects of geometric and image acquisition conditions in the s-IGDT should be analyzed for improving the image quality and clinical applicability of the s-IGDT system. In this study, the s-IGDT images were obtained with the various X-ray source arrangement types and the various number of projections. The resolution and noise characteristics of the obtained s-IGDT images were evaluated, and the characteristics were compared with those of the conventional DT images. The s-IGDT system using linear X-ray source arrangement and 40 projections maximized the image characteristics of resolution and noise, and the corresponding system was superior to the conventional DT system in terms of image resolution. In conclusion, we expect that the s-IGDT system can be used for providing medical images in diagnosis.

      • KCI등재

        일반엑스선검사 교육용 시뮬레이터 개발을 위한 기계학습 분류모델 비교

        이인자(In-Ja Lee),박채연(Chae-Yeon Park),이준호(Jun-Ho Lee) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2022 방사선기술과학 Vol.45 No.2

        In this study, the applicability of machine learning for the development of a simulator for general X-ray examination education is evaluated. To this end, k-nearest neighbor(kNN), support vector machine(SVM) and neural network( NN) classification models are analyzed to present the most suitable model by analyzing the results. Image data was obtained by taking 100 photos each corresponding to Posterior anterior(PA), Posterior anterior oblique(Obl), Lateral(Lat), Fan lateral(Fan lat). 70% of the acquired 400 image data were used as training sets for learning machine learning models and 30% were used as test sets for evaluation. and prediction model was constructed for right-handed PA, Obl, Lat, Fan lat image classification. Based on the data set, after constructing the classification model using the kNN, SVM, and NN models, each model was compared through an error matrix. As a result of the evaluation, the accuracy of kNN was 0.967 area under curve(AUC) was 0.993, and the accuracy of SVM was 0.992 AUC was 1.000. The accuracy of NN was 0.992 and AUC was 0.999, which was slightly lower in kNN, but all three models recorded high accuracy and AUC. In this study, right-handed PA, Obl, Lat, Fan lat images were classified and predicted using the machine learning classification models, kNN, SVM, and NN models. The prediction showed that SVM and NN were the same at 0.992, and AUC was similar at 1.000 and 0.999, indicating that both models showed high predictive power and were applicable to educational simulators.

      • KCI등재

        게이트심장혈액풀검사에서 딥러닝 기반 좌심실 영역 분할방법의 유용성 평가

        오주영(Joo-Young Oh),정의환(Eui-Hwan Jeong),이주영(Joo-Young Lee),박훈희(Hoon-Hee Park) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2022 방사선기술과학 Vol.45 No.2

        The Cardiac Gated Blood Pool (GBP) scintigram, a nuclear medicine imaging, calculates the left ventricular Ejection Fraction (EF) by segmenting the left ventricle from the heart. However, in order to accurately segment the substructure of the heart, specialized knowledge of cardiac anatomy is required, and depending on the expert s processing, there may be a problem in which the left ventricular EF is calculated differently. In this study, using the DeepLabV3 architecture, GBP images were trained on 93 training data with a ResNet-50 backbone. Afterwards, the trained model was applied to 23 separate test sets of GBP to evaluate the reproducibility of the region of interest and left ventricular EF. Pixel accuracy, dice coefficient, and IoU for the region of interest were 99.32±0.20, 94.65±1.45, 89.89±2.62(%) at the diastolic phase, and 99.26±0.34, 90.16±4.19, and 82.33±6.69(%) at the systolic phase, respectively. Left ventricular EF was calculated to be an average of 60.37±7.32% in the ROI set by humans and 58.68±7.22% in the ROI set by the deep learning segmentation model. (p<0.05) The automated segmentation method using deep learning presented in this study similarly predicts the average human-set ROI and left ventricular EF when a random GBP image is an input. If the automatic segmentation method is developed and applied to the functional examination method that needs to set ROI in the field of cardiac scintigram in nuclear medicine in the future, it is expected to greatly contribute to improving the efficiency and accuracy of processing and analysis by nuclear medicine specialists.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Establishment of Essential Performance Evaluation Criteria for C-arm Computed Tomography

        김은혜(Eun-Hye Kim),박혜민(Hye-Min Park),김정민(Jung-Min Kim) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2022 방사선기술과학 Vol.45 No.2

        In order to overcome the image quality limitations of the conventional C-arm, a flat panel detector (FPD) is used to enhance spatial resolution, detective quantum efficiency, frame rate, and dynamic range. Three-dimensional (3D) visualized information can be obtained from C-arm computed tomography (CT) equipped with an FPD, which can reduce patient discomfort and provide various medical information to health care providers by conducting procedures in the interventional procedure room without moving the patient to the CT scan room. Unlike a conventional C-arm device, a C-arm CT requires different basic safety and essential performance evaluation criteria; therefore, in this study, basic safety and essential performance evaluation criteria to protect patients, medical staff, and radiologists were derived based on International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) standards in Korea, and the rules on the installation and operation of special medical equipment in Korea. As a result of the study, six basic safety evaluation criteria related to electrical and mechanical radiation safety (leakage current, collision protection, emergency stopping device, overheating, recovery management, and ingress of water or particulate matter into medical electrical (ME) equipment and ME systems: footswitches) and 14 essential performance evaluation criteria (accuracy of tube voltage, accuracy of tube current, accuracy of loading time, accuracy of current time product, reproducibility of radiation output, linearity and consistency in radiography, half layer value in X-ray equipment, focal size and collimator, relationship between X-ray field and image reception area, consistency of light irradiation versus X-ray irradiation, performance of the mechanical device, focal spot to skin distance accuracy, image quality evaluation, and technical characteristic of cone-beam computed tomography) were selected for a total of 20 criteria.

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