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        신라 왕실 삼성(三姓)의 연원

        김기흥(Kim Ki-Heung) 한국고대사학회 2011 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.64

        신라의 김씨는 진흥왕대에 대중국 외교 관계에서 처음 사용되었다. 『北齊書』에 보이는 신라왕 ‘김진흥’은 ‘왕인 진흥’으로 ‘김’은 ‘왕’의 의미이다. 김씨 왕실의 바로 앞에 있었던 다른 부계 혈통의 ‘예전 왕’들은 ‘옛 왕’ 즉 ‘석김(昔金)’에서 왕을 나타내는 ‘김’을 피하고 석(昔)만을 남겨 구분한 듯하다. 석씨에 앞서 집권하였던 왕실 계통은 시조 혁거세의 이름에 보이는 ‘광명’의 의미를 취하여 ‘박’이란 성씨로 구별하였다. 三姓은 석씨계 집단의 도태 후에 칭해진 것으로서 씨족이나 족단들이 준별되는 상태에서 賜姓하여 준 것이 아니었다. 기존 왕계에 따라 성씨를 나누고, 왕실과 친연관계가 있는 귀족들에 대하여는 부계 혈연관계에 따라 구분하여 가다가 결국 상대적 친소정도에 의해 성씨를 구별하였던 것이다. 그런데 이들 지배층은 누대의 정치적 연합과 통혼관계를 통하여 복합적인 혈연관계를 형성하고 있었다. 이에 중고기 성골왕실의 근친혼이 강화되며 권부의 핵심에서 도태되었던 박씨계에 대해 김씨계는 여전히 혈연적 유대감을 갖기도 하였다. 김씨 왕비가 대외적으로 박씨를 칭하기도 하고, 신라 말에는 김씨였을 가능성이 있는 신덕왕이 박씨를 칭하는 일도 나타났다. 신덕왕은 견훤이나 궁예 등이 신성한 자임을 선전하는 중에 신라 왕실의 권위를 다시 세우고자 퇴락한 김씨왕계 대신 신라 초기 왕계인 박씨의 원손임을 천명하는 복고적 행태를 보였다. 한편, 김씨의 경우 7세기에 이르러 김알지 이외에 중국의 신화적 제왕인 소호금천씨를 시조로 보는 인식이 나타났다. 국제화의 진전 속에 왕실의 위상을 제고하기 위한 정체성의 확대 시도이며, 아울러 국가 중추세력으로 등장한 가야계 김씨까지를 포괄하기 위한 것이었다. 시조를 중국의 신화적 존재로 설정하게 되자 중국의 김씨 시조인 김일제도 먼 일족 정도로 인식할 수 있게 되었다. ‘대당고김씨부인묘명’에는 소호금천씨를 세조로 김일제를 원조라고 하고 그의 후손들이 요동에 피난한 양 말하였다. 그런데 김씨부인이 중국내에 본관을 둔 ‘경조(京兆) 김씨’ 임을 분명히 하고 중국내 연원 관계를 강조하고 있다. 따라서 이 묘명의 성씨 관련 내용은 재당 신라계 귀화인들의 경계인적 사고방식에서 적극 윤색된 것으로 신라 김씨 왕실의 연원을 그대로 말한 것으로 볼 수 없다. Kim, one of the three House names(Kim, Seok, Park) that were used by members of the Shilla royal family, seems to have been used for the first time in 565, by King Jin’heung-wang in his diplomatic dealings with China. At the time, the full and formal name that was used to refer to the Shilla king in diplomatic occasions was ‘Kim Jinheung.’ From the fact that such title literally meant ‘King Jin-heung,’ we can see that the term ‘Kim’ actually had the meaning of ‘King.’ It seems that the houses which provided former kings(which would make them ‘former royal families’), yet now stripped of power and shut out by the Kim House members, were not allowed to use the name ‘Kim,’ as such last name would falsely indicate that they were the present house in power making kings. They may have only been allowed to use the name ‘Seok-Kim(昔金),’ which would have meant ’Past king’ with the prefix ‘Seok(昔),’ while ‘Kim’ alone would be the equivalent of ‘(Present) King.’ Meanwhile, the descendants of kings and Houses which predated the ‘Seok’ kings and its house were also present at the time, and have been part of the Shilla dynasty’s central nobility class for quite some time. They were not to be referred to as ‘Seok.’ So they distinguished themselves with the last name ‘Park,’ which reflected the meaning of the term ‘Gwang’myeong(“light”)’ that can be found inside the Founder Hyeok’-geo‘se’s name. (‘Hyeok’geo‘se’ is usually referred to as “Park Hyeok‘geo’se”). Then in the 7th century, a new perspective to view the name Kim started to emerge. Unlike the previous thinking which believed that Kim Al-ji, the origin of the last name Kim, was the beginning of the house, the new idea came to argue that the mythical emperor of China, ‘Soho Geumcheon,’ was the true beginning and origin of the Kim house family members. This seems to have been a result of the Shilla government’s overall efforts to lift the status of the king and also enhance its importance in the process, as it became necessary for the Shilla dynasty to boost its image and establish its prowess throughout the East Asian region. Once the founder of the House name Kim was established as an ancient and also mythical being from China’s past, another historical figure named Kim Il-je(金日?), the origin of the Chinese last name Kim and whose origin can also be traced to the Huns(‘匈奴’), came to be considered as a distant relative of the Shilla royal family as well, and even be recorded in Shilla epitaphs. This caused a debate concerning the matter of whether or not the Shilla royal Kim family was related to the Hun tribes, yet the possibility of the Shilla Kim house descending from the Huns is nearly nonexistent.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        특수학급에 재학 중인 장애아 부모들의 통합교육에 대한 인식

        김기흥 ( Ki Heung Kim ) 한국특수아동학회 2010 특수아동교육연구 Vol.12 No.4

        The objective of this study is to investigate perception of parents who currently have disabled children enrolled in elementary school`s special class regarding integrated education. For the purpose, semi-structured and open questionnaires were prepared and individual interviews were made for disabled children`s parents. The questions of this study were comprised of primary counseling partners on assignment of special class, decisive factors, meaning and effect of integrated education, understanding of the concepts, problems, and possible improvements of integrated education, etc. Based on the analysis of collected interview materials, three subjects and seven sub-subjects related to the questions were derived. Most of all, the analysis of the individual interviews revealed that on assignment of special class, disabled children`s parents received extreme stress and sought advices from their spouses or someone around them, or decided solely. The primary factor that influenced decision on entrance to special class had strong co-relation with purpose of acquiring sociability or interpersonal skills rather than purpose of learning. The parents also perceived that the most important aspect of integrated education for disable children was the acquirement of sociability and interpersonal skills through imitating, but on the contrary they perceived that there was no direct effect that disabled children achieved through integrated education. With regard to understanding of the concept of integrated education, they understood it as fostering of sociability, namely, learning how disabled and non-disabled children live in harmony. Many various factors were replied as problems of integrated education, among which negative perception and attitude of integrated class teachers and non-disabled children`s parents and insufficient mediation were the most selected. They perceived that especially, due to qualification of integrated class teachers and their lack of perception, disabled children were excluded or discriminated from class or school activity. This founding further revealed that disabled children`s parents had psychologically far distant relation with integrated class teachers rather than special class teachers. Moreover, with regard to age of integrated class teachers, teachers in the forties and fifties were more negatively evaluated than young teachers. As for possible solutions, the research showed that it was most imperative to implement education that could improve perception of integrated class teachers, would-be teachers, non-disabled children`s parents, and disabled children. Along with it, the study also suggested that it was necessary to provide incentives for integrated class teachers, provide administrative supports such as reinforcement of teachers` aides, and to enhance education and counseling for disabled children`s parents.

      • KCI등재

        장애아(인)와 여가교육

        김기흥 ( Kim Ki-heung ) 한국유아특수교육학회 2002 유아특수교육연구 Vol.2 No.1

        The current study investigates the usefulness of leisure for handicapped children and the individual and social problems with their utilization to find solutions to overcome those problems. The environmental factors such as family, school, and social welfare institution play a critical role for children’s activities in leisure, as well as individual ones associated with the handicapped children themselves. The present study suggests several solutions to overcome those problems. One of the most important things is that the purpose of leisure should aim to help youths integrating themselves into their societies.

      • KCI등재

        장애인에 대한 태도의 기독교 세계관적 차별성 탐색

        김기흥 ( Ki-heung Kim ) 기독교학문연구회 2022 신앙과 학문 Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to find the main implications for establishing a correct view of the disabled based on the Christian worldview of creation, fall, redemption, and completion, in which churches and Christians are clearly distinguished from the world. To this end, we first examine the general social attitude toward the disabled through an overview of history and recent preceding studies. Next, we examine the records related to the disabled in the Bible, and examine the Christian attitude toward the disabled through previous studies. Based on these research results, the implications for establishing a Christian worldview of the disabled are as follows. First, the modern church and Christians must establish a firm Christian worldview that is clearly distinct from the world. Second, all human beings are valuable, meaningful and dignified beings created in the image of God. Third, the essential identity and sense of mission of the church and of Christians must be recognised. Fourth, the active will of improvement and practical efforts such as reflective Bible interpretation and sermons of theologians and pastors is an important foundation.

      • KCI등재

        외국인직접투자(FDI)로부터 직접 및 간접적 기술이전 파급효과

        김기흥(Ki-Heung Kim) 한국관세학회 2013 관세학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        This study analyzes the dynamic effect of FDI onlocal firms’productivity by relaxing the standard implicit assumptiorn that technological spillovers are immediate and permanent. We find that the entry of majority foreign owned firms has a short run negative effect on the productivity of local competitors, which is more than offset by a longer run positive effect. The entry of minority foreign owned firms has an immediate, though short-lived, positive effect on local suppliers through backward linkages. The entry of majority foreign owned firms also improves the productivity of local suppliers, but the effect materializes later and lasts longer. This paper uses firm level data to examine how technology spillover through FDI affect the productivity of domestic firm in Korea. We advance the understanding as to when, where and under what condition FDI generate technology spillover domestic firm. The main focus of the paper is to address the question on whether FDI generates spillover that benefit domestic firms in the host economy. The empirical analysis shows that based on the full sample, productivity spillover take place horizontally from MNCs to domestic firms within the same industry. However, the positive relationship loses its significance when the estimation is based on the sample of domestic firms. There is no evidence that productivity or employment spillover take place between foreign and domestic firms either through backward linkages or through forward linkages. This paper distinguishes between horizontal spillover and vertical spillover, and examines the impact of characteristics of country and of domestic firms on the strength of horizontal and vertical spillover and on the types of FDI. To improve the competitiveness of domestic parts and suppliers and strengthen their linkages with foreign affiliates, the government need to adopt a compressive approach. Though these results may be attributed partly to the data aggregation another limitations of the data set, these are consistent with the present condition of the manufacturing industry characterized by the weakness of forward and backward linkages between firms.

      • KCI등재

        깨어진 석굴암의 천개석

        김기흥(Kim Ki-heung) 한국역사연구회 2009 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.74

        The Cheon’gae-seok/天蓋石 stone, which is placed almost like a cover stone at the center of the ceiling of the Seokgul-am dome, is cracked and therefore feature three portions. According to the tales featured inside Samguk Yusa, which mention the construction of Seokgul-am, the stone which was to be lifted and used as the ceiling stone was cracked in mid-construction, yet while Kim Dae Seong, chief supervisor of the Seokgul-am construction, was in sleep, a god of heaven came and lifted the cracked stone to the ceiling. Many researchers estimate that the stone should be around 2.5 meters in diameter, and weighs roughly 20 tons, and they are most interested to find out how such a large stone, and not to mention in a cracked status, could have been positioned at the center of a dome's ceiling. They have been in search for the technique which would have enabled such positioning, and they are anxious to know the reason why the stone was not replaced with another stone that was not cracked. Some people believe that it was the technicians who lifted the cracked stone while Kim Dae Seong was asleep, yet Kim did not oppose it and have it removed because he also dreamt of a god of heaven visiting and lifting the stone. Other people present another possibility that a wise intellect, described in the tale as a god from heaven, might have argued that the fact the stone was cracked in mid-transport symbolized the really difficult nature of unifying the three dynasties, and that person might also have suggested that the stone be used without being replaced. And others simply believe that the Shilla technicians as a habit did not conclude their job very cleanly, and were actually content to place a cracked stone at the ceiling. Such previous opinions were based upon a belief that the tale was containing historical truth, and in that regard they are all misguided. Tales in nature, are told by people who would like to determine the causes to a certain condition of a vestige or an artifact, and then simply decide to come up with theories based upon evidences that they did not actually witness with their own eyes. A god of heaven could not have lifted that stone, so we can safely come to the conclusion that this tale is quite evidently not based upon an eye-witness account to the actual construction process. It is a mere speculation accumulated by people who gathered at Seokgul-am, happening to be talking about how such a heavy stone piece would have been placed at the center of a dome's ceiling. Rational presumptions can be made. The major earthquake that hit the Gyeongju area in 779, or the major flooding that engulfed the Eastern region of Shilla in 797, two catastrophes that took place only a few years or one or two decades after the construction of Seokgul-am was complete, could have been the reason for the crack. The stone was at the center of the dome's ceiling, so it was very much vulnerable to being damaged by either the shockwave from a quake, or simply the additional weight of accumulated dust piled upon the ceiling. People of the past who visited the grand beauty that was Seokgul-am, would have been in awe of the sheer magnificence of all the Buddhist images and not to mention the internal structure of Seokgul-am itself, so some of them were bound to interpret the cracks in the ceiling as a result of some intentional designing, and to create stories of their own, containing mystical properties. The approach featured in this article could contribute to future tasks dedicated to determining the validity of tale materials, and not to mention raising the level of public understanding of the internal structure of Seokgul-am, one of the proud legacies of the Korean people even acknowledged from global standards. The unfair evaluation of the Shilla technicians could also be corrected.

      • KCI등재

        독일 나치스 시대에 있어서 장애아(인)의 사회적 의미

        김기흥 ( Kim Ki-heung ) 한국유아특수교육학회 2001 유아특수교육연구 Vol.1 No.2

        It can be said that the prehistoric and ancient times may be the worst in history of special education. However, the records of the negative historic event were found in German-Nazism again. Many disable persons were quarantined as unworthy being under the politic ideology of social Darwinism, and then were sacrificed through forced sterilization operation and euthanasia. This research aims to inform of the cruelty of Nazism, to warn against a prejudice and discriminative treatment against disable persons, which have been found various nowadays, to confirm once more that disable persons have also the dignity of man, and to supply elementary data, which can prevent us from classifying people on productivity, economical efficiency or rationality. To achieve these aims I am to describe the historical progress of Nazism, the politic ideology of social Darwinism and finally the law of sterilization operation and euthanasia and the cruelty against disable persons one after one.

      • KCI우수등재

        자기희생적 리더십이 부하의 자기희생의무감 지각과 조직몰입에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김기흥(Ki Heung Kim),승용(Seung Yong Kim),이병철(Byeong Cheol Lee) 한국경영학회 2012 經營學硏究 Vol.41 No.6

        Previous literature on self-sacrificial leadership has been identified that self-sacrificial behavior of leader affects on subordinates in various aspects. That is, self-sacrificial leadership affects on subordinate`s trustful perception to leader, and has influence upon their organizational attitude and behavior in organizational settings. In that sense, so far self-sacrificial behavior of leader argued as important charismatic elements in leadership theories. The purpose of this research aimed to investigate whether self-sacrificial leadership behavior of leader influences to follower`s personal identification in leader. Because it has been known that followers perceive strong charisma and leadership justice from self-sacrificial behavior of leader, And also, this article intended to examine the relation between self-sacrificial leadership and subordinate`s perception of obligation for self-sacrificial behavior, and organizational commitment, By extension, the purpose of this study was to investigate if personal(leader) identification by subordinate would play a mediating role between self-sacrificial leadership and outcome variables. We developed a research model and hypotheses in order to explore the theoretical relationships on the research issues. To test the model proposed, we obtained the survey data from 11 companies in various industries such as manufacturing, Construction, IT, Trading of industrial products, Finance, Hotel services, Business and Management Consulting. We distributed questionnaire of 390 to team member. Final data which was used for analysis was a total of 349 team members. The empirical results of this research indicate as follows. At first, self-sacrificial leadership was influencing subordinate`s personal identification in leader. This means that self-sacrificial leadership is importantly influencing in forming employee`s self-concept and identity as a role model. And also self-sacrifical leadership was influence follower`s perception of obligation for self-sacrificial behavior, and also affecting their organizational commitment, These results implies that self-sacrificial leadership is positively influencing to employee`s attitude for organization, Finally, personal(leader) identification made partially mediated between self-sacrificial leadership and outcome variables, Findings of this research provides that self-sacrificial leadership is importantly influencing employee`s organizational behavior. This kind of various research findings provide useful insight that top management needs to in-depth consider in building desirable leadership model and behavior in organization in terms of it`s influence. And it provides many cues in leadership and human resources management such as recruiting, selecting, and promoting to team leader position and so on.

      • KCI등재

        동북아지역의 경제통합이 지속가능 무역에 미치는 영향 - 한 , 중 , 일의 국제환경협력을 중심으로 -

        김기흥(Ki Heung Kim) 한국국제통상학회 2002 국제통상연구 Vol.7 No.1

        This paper studies empirically whether more stringent domestic environmental policies reduce the international competitiveness of environmentally sensitive goods(ESGs). The finding is that the export performance of ESGs for most of the countries remained unchanged despite the introduction of stringent environmental standards in most of the developed countries. The observed phenomenon is put into a multi-country econometric test using an extended gravity equation model. We test two hypotheses explicitly. The first is whether countries with higher stringency of environmental regulations lower their exports of ESGs and non-resource-based ESGs. The second is whether new trade barriers emerge to offset the trade effects of more stringent environmental policy. Our results reject the above two hypotheses, suggesting that countries with more stringent environmental regulations do not reduce their exports of ESGs and non-resource-based ESGs, and that new trade barriers do not emerge to offset the trade effects of more stringent environmental policy in significant way.

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