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        윤곤강 시의 동물 이미지와 주체의 자기 인식 양상 연구

        김교식 ( Kyo Shik Kim ) 현대문학이론학회 2016 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.64

        본 연구의 목적은 윤곤강의 시에 등장하는 동물 이미지를 중심으로 하여 서정적 주체의 자기 인식 양상을 살펴보는 것이다. 윤곤강 시의 동물 이미지는 주체의 자기 인식 과정에 많은 영향을 미치고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 다양한 미학적 의미망을 구축하고있어서 윤곤강 시의 문학적 성과를 모색할 수 있는 기반이 된다. 본 연구에서는 윤곤강의 시 중에서 동물 이미지가 시의 중심을 이루는 작품들을 우선 선별하여 텍스트로 삼았다. 그리고, 시적 대상과 서정적 주체의 상관관계를 대립, 상호작용, 일체화 등의 서정 양식으로 세분하여 연구를 진행하였다. 이번 논문의 연구 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 윤곤강의 시에서 서정적 주체는 시적 대상인 동물 이미지와 대립의 양상을 띠면서 자기 인식의 과정을 보여주고 있다. 서정적 주체는 내면의식을 동물에 전이시켜 인간의 본능과 무의식적 정신 영역을 상징적으로 그려내고 있다. 또한, 윤곤강은 감각적 이미지와 색채 이미지를 활용하거나 시적 대상에게 양가적 감정을 갖고 있는데, 이는 인간의 이성 너머에 내재해 있는 본능과 무의식을 시로 형상화하고자 했던 서정적 주체의 자기 인식 과정이라고 보았다. 이처럼 서정적 주체와 동물 이미지의 대립 양상은 주체의 자기 인식 과정에서 배태된 윤곤강 문학의 특징이라고 말할 수 있다. 둘째, 윤곤강의 시는 주체와 대상이 대립하거나 일체화하지 않고 그 중간 단계에서 상호작용의 양상을 보이기도 한다. 이들 시에서는 동물들의 숙명적인 삶의 태도를 그려내고, 서정적 주체의 내면 풍경을 풍자적으로 묘사하여 심리적인 거리를 유지하면서 이상향에 대한 동경과 미래지향적 의지를 담고 있다. 하지만 윤곤강 시의 상호작용 양상은 서정적 주체의 자유에의 의지를 표출하는 것에 머무르고 있다는 점에서 한계를 안고 있다. 결국, 서정적 주체의 자유에의 의지가 공허하게 다가오는 것은 자유를 실현하기 위한 구체적인 방안을 시에 담고 있지 못하기 때문이다. 셋째, 윤곤강의 시는 동물 이미지를 활용하여 서정적 주체와 시적 대상을 일체화하는 과정에서 타자와 자아의 사회적 관계를 구축하고 있다. 윤곤강은 동물의 특성과 생명현상을 있는 그대로 그려내면서도 거기에 서정적 주체의 자기 인식 과정을 투사하여 미학적 의미망을 끌어내고 있다. 윤곤강은 일체화 양상을 보이는 시에서 무력한 존재의 번민을 노래하거나 식민지 지식인의 좌절의식을 담고 있다. 또한, 미래에 대한 희망과 자유에의 강한 의지를 표출하여 엄혹한 현실을 타개하고자 하는 응전의 자세를 보이고 있다. 그러므로 윤곤강의 시에서 일체화 양상은 서정적 주체의 자기 인식과정에서 획득한 삶에 대한 치열한 모색의 결과라고 말할 수 있다. 이 논문에서는 윤곤강 시의 동물 이미지에 주목하여 서정적 주체의 자기 인식 양상을 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 윤곤강 시는 세계와 서정적 주체의 대립 양상에서 출발하여 상호작용으로 확장하고 있으며, 마지막에는 일체화의 양상으로 그의 시세계를 구축하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구는 윤곤강 문학의 특징과 미학적 가치를 포괄적으로 정립하여 한국 현대시의 다양성을 모색할 수 있다는 점에서 의미가 있다고 하겠다. The purpose of this study is to check an aspect on self-recognition of lyric subject in Yoon Gon-gang’s poem. The animal image in Yoon Gon-gang’s poem widely influences the process of self-recognition of subject. Furthermore, the image makes a diverse aesthetic semantic network which becomes a base of the outcome of Yoon Gon-gang’s poem. This study chose some Yoon Gon -gang’s poems in which the animal image is central. And this study processed by separating the interrelation between poetic object and lyric subject for lyric pattern such as opposition, interaction and unification etc. The following is the organization of this study. First, the lyric subject shows the process of self-recognition by conflicting with the animal image which is the poetic object. In poems which recite conflict, the lyric subject and the poetic object stare at each other. The lyric subject spreads an inner consciousness to the animal image to show human instinct and unconscious region symbolically. In addition, Yoon Gon-gang uses a sensible image and color image or has both-positive feeling on poetic object. That is the process of self-recognition of lyric subject who tries to project human instinct and unconsciousness over the rationality of the poem. It is Yoon Gon-gang literature``s feature that conflicting of the lyric subject and the animal image which established during the process of self-recognition of subject. Second, in Yoon Gon-gang’s poem, sometimes the subject and the object show an interaction in the middle of opposition and unification. The poems which show an interaction make esthetic distance by objectifying poetic objects. Those poems show the fatalistic life attitude of animal and describe the inner sight of poetic subject. They contain a longing on utopia and a future-oriented will while keeping psychological distance. The interaction phase in Yoon Gon-gang’s poem, however, has a limit that remains only expression of will to freedom of subject. The willingness of the freedom seems empty because the poem does not have a specific way to realize the freedom. Third, Yoon Gon-gang’s poem makes social relationship between ego and others by sing using the animal image to unify lyric subject and poetic object. Yoon Gon-gang not only shows animal characteristic and phenomenon of life as it is but also brings esthetic meaning by projecting self-recognition process in lyrical subject. Yoon Gon-gang``s poem which has integrated aspect, recites a discouraged consciousness of colonial intellectuals. Also, it shows the attitude of the colonial intellectual``s fights back by showing strong willingness of hope and freedom of the future, to escape harsh reality. Therefore, unification phase of Yoon Gon-gang’s poem can be said to be a result of fierce looking for life acquired in the course of self-recognition of the lyrical subject. In this paper, the self-recognition phase of the lyrical subject was examined by focusing on animals of the image at the time in Yoon Gon-gang``s poem. As a result, the process of self-recognition of animal images and lyrical subject in Yoon Gon-gang’s poem, starting from the confrontation of the world and the lyrical subject, has been expanding interactively, and finally built his own poem world in the end by unification. From the results of this study, it can be said that the comprehensive setting on a characteristic of Yoon Gon-gang’s literature and esthetic value gave possibility to explore the diversity of modern Korean poetry.

      • KCI등재

        기계학습을 이용한 효과적인 가뭄예측 성능평가

        김교식(Kim, Kyosik),김병현(Kim, Byunghyun),한건연(Han, Kun-Yeun) 한국방재학회 2021 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.21 No.2

        많은 연구자들이 가뭄예측을 높이는 연구를 지속적으로 이루어지고 있으나, 가뭄의 빈도와 패턴이 불규칙한 시계열을 가지고 있어 예측을 하기에는 한계가 있다. 가뭄은 복잡한 시계열을 가지고 있기에 하나의 모형으로만 예측하기도 어렵고, 다수의 모형으로 예측을 수행하여도 높은 예측이 나올 수 있다고 단정하기도 어렵다. 따라서, 강우, 기온, 일조량, 풍량 등과 같은 설명변수를 입력자료로 사용하여 예측을 높이는데 많은 연구들이 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 기상에서 일어나는 물리적인 현상을 기후자료를 이용하여 복잡하고 어려운 시계열 가뭄지수를 하나로 나타내는 표준강수증발산지수(SPEI)를 이용하여 가뭄예측 방법을 마련하고자 한다. 표준강수증발산지수는 강수량과 증발산량 자료를 이용하여 누적강수량에서 누적증발량을 제외하여 산정하는 방법이며, 증발산량은 월열지수법을 사용하였다. 기상청은 6개월 누적강수량 기준인 SPI6을 이용하여 기상가뭄을 평가하여, 본 연구에서도 월자료 및 일자료 SPEI6을 기준하여 기계학습에 적용하여 수행하였으며, 그 결과 ANN 월자료 R2는 안동 0.488, 문경 0.533, 구미 0.594, SVR 0.452, 0.496, 0.564, RF 0.355, 0.467, 0.524이며, 일자료는 ANN 0.923, 0.919, 0.915, SVR 0.925, 0.923, 0.896, RF 0.915, 0.915, 0.797로, 모든 지점에서 일자료 SPEI를 기계학습에 적용시 높은 예측을 수행하였음을 확인하였다. There has been much research recently to improve the prediction of drought, but the frequency and pattern of drought displays an irregular time series that limits its predictability, making it difficult to predict with only a single model, and high-level predictions cannot be made even when many models are applied. Therefore, many studies have been conducted to improve predictions by using explanatory variables such as precipitation, temperature, sunshine duration, and air volume as input data. The purpose of this study is to devise a method for predicting drought using the Standard Precipitation Evaporation Index (SPEI), which represents a complex and difficult time series drought index using climate data for weather phenomena. The Standard Precipitation Evaporation Index is a method of calculating the cumulative precipitation by excluding the cumulative evaporation amount from the cumulative precipitation using precipitation and evapotranspiration data, and the evaporation amount is calculated using the monthly heat index method. The Meteorological Agency evaluated meteorological drought using SPI6, which is a 6-month cumulative precipitation standard, and applied it to machine learning based on monthly data and daily data SPEI6 in this study. As a result, ANN monthly data R2 was 0.488 in Andong and 0.533 in Mungyeong, Gumi 0.594, SVR 0.452, 0.496, 0.564, RF 0.355, 0.467, 0.524, and the daily data are ANN 0.923, 0.919, 0.915, SVR 0.925, 0.923, 0.896, RF 0.915, 0.915, 0.797, and the daily data SPEI at all points. It was confirmed that high prediction was obtained when machine learning was applied to these methods.

      • KCI등재

        공적자금 상환방법별 사회후생효과 비교

        김교식(Kim Kyo-Shik),박형수(Park Hyung-Soo) 한국관세학회 2005 관세학회지 Vol.6 No.4

        The Korean government set out a reimbursement plan for 69 trillion won of public fund. According to the plan, the financial sector is to take responsibility for 20 trillion won for 25 years starting from 2003 and the government finances, 49 trillion won. This study is designed to compare the two reimbursement methods under-mentioned in terms of social welfare effect. The two chosen methods are as follows: · 1 Method 1 (current): The government repays at the end of each fiscal year 2 trillion won on present value as of end 2002 as a part of general accounts. · 1 Method 2: Fiscal surplus for the 25 years will all be used for reimbursement. The differential between the fiscal surplus and 49 trillion won will be repaid annually with the use of general accounts for the 25 years. Stochastic simulation was employed as the analysis method. As a result of estimated effect on social welfare comparison by reimbursement method, Method 2 proved to be much more efficient than Method 1.

      • KCI등재후보

        정의홍 시의 비판적 현실인식 연구

        김교식(Kim, kyoshik) 국어문학회 2014 국어문학 Vol.56 No.-

        정의홍은 1967년에 등단하여 1996년 타계하기까지 30년 동안 시를 창작하였다. 그가 작품 활동을 했던 시기는 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화적으로 격변의 시대였다. 이러한 시대에 정의홍은 현실에 대한 비판적 인식을 작품에 담아내고 있다. 하지만 그의 시가 현실 체험에 바탕을 두고는 있지만 당시에 발표된 시와는 다른 면모를 보이고 있다. 본고는 정의홍 시에 대한 문학적 특징을 모색하는 데에 목적이 있다. 정의홍 시의 문학적 특징은 다음의 세 가지로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 첫째, 정의홍 시의 문학적 특징은 비판적 현실인식을 표출함에 있어서 성적인 이미지를 자주 활용하고 있다는 점이다. 그의 시가 현실에 대한 비판적 목소리를 담고 있으면서도 다양한 이미지의 생성에 주력한 것은 문학적 예술성을 중요하게 생각했기 때문이다. 특히 그의 시에는 성적 이미지가 두드러지게 나타나는데, 이러한 이미지들은 긍정적이고 생산적이기보다는 부정적이고 비윤리적인 경우가 대부분이다. 그것은 그의 시에서 성적 이미지는 부조리한 현실을 비판하기 위한 시적 여과 장치로 활용되었기 때문이다. 둘째, 정의홍의 시는 고전작품을 현재적 의미로 해석하여 패러디한 작품이 많다. 고전작품을 모티브로 하여 문제적 현실의 구조적 모순, 신분상승의 욕구, 사랑과 권력에 대한 탐욕 등을 시적 화자의 목소리로 들려주고 있다. 이러한 패러디 기법을 통해 풍자와 위트와 카타르시스를 제공하고 있다. 셋째, 정의홍의 시는 산업화와 근대화의 과정에서 소외된 계층의 아픔을 전통의식의 부재에서 찾고 있다. 정의홍에게 과거의 시간은 유년에 체험한 전통의식으로 표출된다. 정의홍의 시에서 전통의식은 농촌 생활에 대한 유년의 기억을 상기하는 것에서부터 시작된다. 그의 시에서 농촌의 현실은 유년 시절에 체험했던 따뜻하고 정이 넘치는 고향의 이미지이기보다는 산업화와 근대화로 황폐화된 아픔의 공간으로 채색되어 있다. Jeong Eui-Hong has written poetry for 30 years since his starting literary career in 1967, until his death in 1996. Those days were an upheaval period on politics, economics, society, and culture. Jeong Eui-Hong puts criticism into his work. His poetry includes experience of reality; however, it is different with engagement poetry of those days. This study is to search the literature characteristic of Chung’s poetry which can be divided into next three characteristics. The first characteristic is that the sexual images are used frequently to express the Critical Cognition. It is because he thought literal artistry importantly that his poetry not only have criticism on the reality also create various image. Especially the sexual images appear remarkable and most of images are not affirmative or productive but pessimistic and immoral. It is because the sexual images used for the poetic filtration equipment which criticizes irrational reality. The second, there are a lot of poetic works that parody the classical literatures with the modern meaning. It shows the desire on ascent of status, the greed on wealth and power, and the explanation on freedom and love with a voice of poetic narrator by the motive of classical literature. The poet offers a satire, a wit and a catharsis by this technique of parody. The third characteristic is that the poetry of Jeong searches the injury of neglected class with modernization and industrialization in the absence of the traditional consciousness. The past time of Jeong, is appeared traditional consciousness that he experienced in youth. The traditional consciousness in the poetry of Jeong Eui-Hong, starts from reminding memory of youth. In his poetry, the reality of rural district is described not as the warmhearted hometown which has been experienced on youth, but as the ruined space with modernization and industrialization.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공적자금 상환 추진 실적의 평가와 정책 과제

        김교식(Kyo-Shik Kim),가경수(Kyung-Soo Ka) 한국관세학회 2008 관세학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        This study looked into the Plan to Promote the Redemption of Public Funds and the actual results of the redemption by the government and the financial institution, in time for the recalculation of the Measures for the Redemption of Public Funds. At the same time, it examined the ways to facilitate the redemption by the financial institution, which may be the largest beneficiary of public fund injection. The government and the financial institution, as actual loss sharers in the Measures for the Redemption of Public Funds, have, respectively, attained 88.7 percent and 72.9 percent of redemption targets, as of the end of 2007. The reason why the financial sector falls much behind the government in reaching its target can be explained by the fact that the redemption plan had been prepared on the assumption that insured deposits, as the basis for the payment of special assessments, would increase by 9.5 percent annually, when it actually grew by a mere 4.9 percent annually. To facilitate the redemption of public funds, it would thus be reasonable to change the basis for levying special assessments from insured deposits to total liabilities so that the levy rate for special assessments is reduced. If the levy rate is lowered to 0.05% assuming that the rate of increase of total liabilities is 9.5 percent, the total amount of special assessments paid (current value) is expected to be around 20.4 trillion won, which is close to the financial sector's redemption target of 20 trillion won.

      • KCI등재

        최상규 문학 연구

        김교식(Kim Kyo Shik) 한국언어문학회 2005 한국언어문학 Vol.54 No.-

        Since Sang-kyu Choi made his debut in the literary world, he wrote 160 novels; nevertheless, it is unfortunate hardly to study Sang-kyu Choi in comparison with the number of his works. His works are divided into four characteristics in this paper, which can be described as follows. Firstly, the technique of stream of consciousness used in the psychological novel is often used in his novels. This technique harmonized with his short sentences, so that it is revealed as the exposure of unconsciousness in fragments. It also disorganizes the accidental development and heart of incident like the floating stream of consciousness. The technique of stream of consciousness in this psychological novel characterizes his novels. Secondly, he is in a position of the materialistic view of history that soul will vanish if the body vanishes. As a consequence of that, man is afraid and fearful of the disappearance; nevertheless, he is able to overcome the horror and fear of death with belief and trust in man. In other words, he isn't afraid and fearful with belief in something of the time that man has to accept death since death is a process of man's life. Thirdly, his literary works are in the literature of self-exploration. In his works, he composed various forms of split-self, and then he tries to discover true ego. Those self-explorations are revealed with extraordinary imagination in his works. Furthermore. we can see the journey that he makes an effort to find new ego in the hopeless real world. Finally, he expresses the self-investigation based on the consciousness of his hometown. He wanders isolated from the space of real shelter like his father, mother, hometown, family, and so on. He considers his home not as the function of shelter and protection but as the source that makes him discover his ego.

      • KCI등재

        윤곤강 시에 나타난 길의 의미

        김교식(Kim, Kyoshik) 한국언어문학회 2016 한국언어문학 Vol.99 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to reconsider the aesthetic meaning of Yoon Gong Gang’s poetry with attention on the aspect of “Road” in the Yoon’s poem. This problem setup bases on that eye of Yoon, who had worked during Japanese colonial and independent era, meets on the image of “Road” and that the poetic projection is done with it. The conflict aspect between colonial reality and ego, the traditionorient and groping of subjecthood, and the life aspect and hometown consciousness, etc. were extracted as inner drivers of Yoon’s poem. The summary of this study is below. First, the aesthetic meaning which extracted as a inner driver of Yoon’s poem is to reestablish conflict aspect between colonial reality and ego. The loneliness of poetic ego in his poem implies desire to get out of the colonial reality. Yoon shows conflict aspect of poetic ego about anguish and wandering in the colonial reality. The inner driver of “Road” motive in his poem is often expressed as ambivalence of poetic ego and the inner desire appears on the Road frequently. On this point, we can read the will of poet to accept the gloomy colonial reality critically and to grope progressive alternative. As a result, it is clear that the “Road” is the inner driver of him to grope conflict aspect of poetic ego. Second, the aesthetic meaning of the road motive on Yoon’s poem can be identified with traditionorient and groping of subjecthood. We can find a lot poems published on Piri and Saleori after independence, imitating Korean old songs such as Beakje gayo, Shilla hyangga, Goryo gayo. Yoon built his own poetic world on the process of selfreflection by imitating and accepting poetic diction, rhythm and rural area emotion actively. In Yoon’s poem, traditionorient is a central role on poetic transformation of independence area. Groping of subjecthood of poetic ego is understood as a will expression to conquest hopeless and boundless reality. Third, the Road motive on Yoon’s poem shows the life aspect and hometown consciousness, Human life is spoken as a twofold work of departure and comeback to hometown. So, the Road means not only superficial meaning on human life but also inner meaning as a path in life. As the Road on Yoon’s poem is on the land, the land would be a objective correlative which conceives infinite life like mother’s womb. Because the land, mother and hometown are located on central of Road motive, those make poetic space to consider aesthetic meaning of Yoon’s poem as a inner driver. Like this, the Road motive is located on the central space which constructs his poetic world, and he shows the life aspect and hometown consciousness with it.

      • KCI등재후보

        윤곤강 시의 거울 이미지 연구

        김교식 ( Kim Kyo Shik ) 한성대학교 한성어문학회 2021 漢城語文學 Vol.44 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to reconsider the literary achievements of the Yoon Gon-gang’s poetry and the various levels of the poetry world, specifically paying attention to the “mirror image” in Yoon Gon-gang’s poetry published from the late 1930s to the late 1940s. These problem settings are based on Yoo Gon-gang’s literary attention which is related to the “mirror image” which worked actively through the Japanese colonial era and liberation period. The following is a summary of the research which focuses on various aspects of mirror images that appear in Yoon Gon-gang’s poetry. First, in the mirror image of Yoon Gon-gang’s poetry, the harsh reality and existential awareness of one’s ego is clearly demonstrated. In Yoon Gon-gang’s poems, there are often deep feelings of skepticism, cynicism, and criticism about the harsh reality. It can be understood as a result of the subject’s internal conflict who sought humanical life in Japanese colonial era and liberation from the harsh reality. What’s noteworthy is that Yoon Gon-gang is seeking an existential awareness of his ego while facing the harsh reality. Second, regarding the mirror image in Yoon Gon-gang’s poetry, we need to consider the awareness of existence and the poetic strategy of Hometown Awareness. Emotions such as longing and sadness are expressed in the poems of Yoon Gon-gang, and form a large stem that forms the poet’s view of literature. Here, the poetic imagery of anguish over existence has spread to a Hometown Awareness. Third, the mirror image in the Yoon Gon-gang’s poetry illustrates the underlying desire of the solitary self that leads the way to his world of poetry. The “isolation” in Yoon Gon-gang’s poetry if originates in the expression of personal emotion. Also, it can be understood as an underlying desire of a poetic subject from the Japanese colonial era and liberation period. The underlying desire of this solitary subject has become a great inspiration for building his poems.

      • KCI등재후보

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