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      • KCI등재

        종양전문간호사 업무에 대한 수가 실태

        김달숙(Kim Dal Sook),김수현(Kim Soo Hyun),김광성(Kim Kwang Sung),전명희(Jun Myung Hee),김진현(Kim Jinhyun),이현주(Lee Hyun-Joo) 대한종양간호학회 2011 Asian Oncology Nursing Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the actual care costs paid to Korean Oncology Advanced Practice Nurses (KOAPN). Methods: We collected data using a group discussion and questionnaire identified 115 tasks from job descriptions developed by the Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing. Forty-two KOAPN working at three university hospitals in Seoul were asked to evaluate each task as to type and whether the cost is paid or not. They were also asked to indicate the tasks in urgent need of development of a care cost with high priority. Results: Only five tasks (4.3%) related to treatment and complication related interventions or education were paid, and they were paid only once during the entire treatment period and were not covered by national health insurance. It was approved as a medical fee by health insurance review & assessment service. Furthermore, the names of the authority (doctor) and the actual provider (nurse) of the prescriptions were different for three of those tasks. Most of the suggested tasks needing development of care costs were actions specifically performed by nurses (physical-psychosocial-spiritual assessment, independent nursing interventions). Conclusion: KOAPN are currently paid for few tasks. To maximize the utilization of KOAPN, the establishment of a clear rational payment system directly related to their actual activities is needed.

      • KCI등재

        이주노동자의 권리보호를 위한 관련법제 개선방안

        김광성(Kim, Kwang Sung) 한국비교노동법학회 2011 노동법논총 Vol.23 No.-

        In contemporary global era, international material and personal exchanges are extremely active. Moreover, number of workers who have left their own countries and provide or have been providing their manpower to the business or the workplaces located in the other countries for the purpose of getting wage, the foreign workers, are gradually increasing. As we have entered into the multi-cultural society as of present, we should continuously make efforts, for the sake of their human rights protection and its promotion, by seeking the way to improve the system and policy more efficiently after analyzing and considering various problems raised from work scenes. Therefore, the following remedial measures on foreign worker’s rights protection are hereby suggested as an alternative: First, regarding three labor rights of foreign workers, the rights will be truly guaranteed only if the independence of enjoyment for three labor rights of unregistered foreign workers is recognized. Second, the current ‘laws on employment of foreign workers’ that excessively restrict the freedom of workplace transfer or of paid activities must be fundamentally revised in order to exclude any possibility that downscales various working conditions and forces them out to illegal situations by deserting from workplaces. Third, to guarantee foreign worker’s rights to health, the foreign workers must be provided of medical services for neglected class of people, vaccinations and worker’s compensations without any obligation of notifying and must be able to practically buy health insurance through the measures such as health insurance fee reduction for financially embarrassed foreign workers. Forth, rights to health for dependent foreigners in the Immigration Processing Center should be guaranteed to the extent of that of domestic convicts and furnishing a surety on emergency treatment must be prohibited. Fifth, the system must be improved to allow children of unregistered foreign workers to enter the schools without providing any certificate on immigration or on alien register so their actual rights to education can be assured. Sixth, the children’s access rights to education must not be segregated and a curriculum for the children must be considered and the integration in the true sense of word must be achieved at a place of education by respecting their cultural identities. Seventh, to assure the most basic human rights of foreign workers, rights to family union must be promised for them to live humanly and happily in any country that they are working at with their families at any time they wish. Outside of that, constructions and services of administration must be revised to the purpose of the law by supplementing the law system for foreign workers not to get discriminated for vocational rehabilitation trainings under the Workers’ Compensation Act and foreign workers must be included in recipient’s list on the Employment Insurance Law in principal and disadvantages from a stay for certain periods should be supplemented and if foreign workers have requested for a vocational training or a retraining, either Employment Approval Policy should be complemented for them to be excluded from the objects to be deported by considering requests for change in business or workplaces or basically the Employment Approval System should be changed into the Work Permit System. Moreover, according to the need of human rights devices with rather detailed and binding legal grounds in national level for foreign workers protection, we should ratify ‘International Convention on the Protection of All Migrant Workers And their Families’ which has been chosen and effectuated by UN so that we raise ourselves to be a country where has taken a major step forward by promising the human rights of foreign workers.

      • KCI등재

        명목상 기독교인에 대한 로잔운동의 선교실천적 자세 고찰: 교회 미출석 가족 전도 방안을 중심으로

        김광성(Kwang Seong Kim) 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2019 선교와 신학 Vol.49 No.-

        본 연구는 정기묵의 ‘교회 안 불신자 설문조사’ 연구 결과에서 제시한 두 가지 유형의 교회 미출석 가족을 교회 출석 가족들이 전도하는데 활용할 수 있는 최적화된 방안을 복음주의 진영의 선교신학 관점에서 제시하는 것을 목적으로 진행하였다. 이러한 연구 목적을 달성하기 위해서 연구자는 먼저 설문조사 내용을 분석하였다. 이어 로잔운동이 제시하는 가족전도에 관련된 선교신학적 관점을 명목상 기독교인 대상 전도방안으로 초점을 맞추어, 로잔운동이 지난 45년 동안의 축적한 선교신학적 성과물 가운데 본 연구 주제와 관련된 문건 분석하는 방법으로 진행하였다. 로잔운동이 명목상 기독교인 문제를 다룬 1980년 6월 태국 파타야에서 개최된 세계복음화협의회(Consultation on World Evangelization, COWE) 연구보고서 “개신교인들 중 명목상의 기독교인을 위한 복음전도(Christian Witness to Nominal Christians Among Protestants, LOP 23)”, 1998년 12월 영국에서 개최된 명목상 기독교에 관한 로잔국제전략회의(Lausanne International Consultation on Nominalism)에서 발표한 “명목상 기독교인에 관한 성명서(Statement to the Churches on Nominality)”, 2018년 3월 14일부터 18일까지 로마에서 개최된 명목상 기독교인에 관한 국제 전략회의(Lausanne International Consultation on Nominalism) 선언문인 “명목상 기독교에 대한 2018년 로마 선언: 잃어 버린 기독교인을 위한 부르심(The Lausanne Rome 2018 Statement on Nominal Christianity - The Missing ‘Christians’: A Global Call)” 등의 자료를 분석하여 로잔운동이 복음주의 선교신학 관점에서 제시한 명목상 기독교인 전도방안을 고찰하였다. This study was conducted with the aim of presenting an optimized plan for the missiology of evangelism that could be used to conduct two types of church-less families presented by Jung Kimook"s "A survey of disbelievers in the church". To achieve this purpose, I first analyzed the contents of a regular questionnaires. Focusing on the missiolocal view of family evangelism presented by the Lausanne Movement as a nominal Christian evangelical method, the research was conducted by analyzing documents related to this research subject among the missionary work that the Lausanne Movement has accumulated over the past 45 years. The following materials have been used in this study: Christian Witness to Nominal Christians Among Protestants(LOP 23), Lausanne Occasional Paper 23, Report of the Consultation on World Evangelization, Mini-Consultation on Reaching Nominal Christians Among Protestants held in Pattaya, Thailand from 16-27 June 1980, Sponsored by the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. Statement to the Churches on Nominality, from the Lausanne International Consultation on Nominalism (High Leigh, Hoddesdon, U.K., December 1998) The Missing ‘Christians’: A Global Call, The Lausanne Rome 2018 Statement on Nominal Christianity, Rome, 14-18 March 2018, Lausanne Global Consultation on Nominal Christianity Steering Committee

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        위중전침의 항산화 효과에 대한 실험적 연구

        김광성 ( Kwang Sung Kim ),홍권의 ( Kwon Eui Hong ),임윤경 ( Yun Kyoung Yim ) 대한경락경혈학회 2007 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.24 No.1

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to observe the anti-oxidative effects of electroacupuncture at Wijung (BL40) in rats. Methods: The author performed several experimental items including measurements of body weight, liver index, levels of albumin, total bilirubin, LDL-cholesterol, LDH, GOT and GPT in blood serum, and levels of SOD, glutathione, catalase, NO and MDA (malondialdehyde) in liver, histological analysis of liver. Results: 1. In the BL40-EA group, liver index was decreased significantly compared to those of the control group, the holder group and the sham-EA group. 2. In the BL40-EA group, the albumin level was increased significantly compared to those of the control and holder group. LDL-cholesterol and GOT level were increased significantly compared to those of the control group and the holder group. 3. In the BL40-EA group, the SOD activity & the Catalase activity were decreased significantly compared to those of the control group and the holder group. 4. In the BL40-EA group, the density of liver tissue was more similarly maintained to the normal group compared to those of the control group and the holder group. Conclusion: These results suggest that electroacupuncture at BL40 has an antioxidant effect in human, and hereafter continuous study & clinical application is needed.

      • KCI등재

        로잔운동의 선교신학적 관점에서 바라본 기독교 중국화

        김광성 ( Kim Kwang Seong ) 아세아연합신학대학교 ACTS 신학연구소 2019 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.40 No.-

        본 연구는 기독교 중국화를 중국 기독교 상황화의 한 형태로 보고, 로잔신학의 상황화 관점에서 분석하여 최근 중국에서 빈번하게 발생하고 있는 선교사 비자발적 철수와 입국 거절사태를 극복할 대안을 찾기 위한 목적으로 설계되었다. 기독교 선교의 역사가 선교사의 복음전파 사명과 선교현장의 복음 수용자 사이의 간극을 극복해온 과정이다. 사회주의 체제의 중국에서의 선교는 종교와 이데올로기 또는 기독교 복음과 사회주의 체제의 상관관계를 우선적으로 고려하지 않을 수 없다. 사회주의 이념을 다원화사회 개념의 범주에 포함할 수 있다면 다원화 상황에서 복음을 전하기 위한 상황화 선교신학을 중국 정부가 사회주의 체제에서 시도하고 있는 기독교 중국화와 연계하여 설명할 수 있다. 중화인민공화국 건국이후 사회주의 종교관에 근거한 중국 정부는 통일전선전략에 입각한 삼자애국운동을 통해 중국 기독교계를 장악하거나 지하로 몰아내고, 종교강제소멸을 시도하였지만 실패하였고, 사회주의 종교관에 대한 재해석을 바탕으로 대외적으로는 종교자유정책을 시행한다고 선전하지만 실제로는 강력한 <종교사무조례>를 수정한 강력한 종교법을 '선교방지법'으로 시행함으로써 선교사들의 활동을 엄격하게 규제하면서 동시에 학계와 종교계를 총 동원하여 기독교 중국화를 강력하게 추진하고 있다. 기독교 중국화를 중국 기독교의 본색화, 상황화와 동일 선상에 놓인 선교신학적 관점에서 분석하려는 목적을 가지고 본 연구자는 로잔운동이 추구하는 상황화를 그 분석 근거로 삼고자 했다. 로잔운동이 논의하고 있는 상황화는 “모든 민족에게 복음을 전하기 위해 모든 가능한 수단을 동원”하고자 하는 로잔운동의 처음 목적을 달성하는 데 적절한 선교신학적 근거를 제공한다. 따라서 기독교 중국화를 기독교를 복음과 문화의 최적화된 만남을 추구하는 상황화이며, 중국 특색을 지닌 상황화로 인정한다면 로잔운동의 상황화 신학은 기독교 중국화의 선교신학적 근거가 될 수 있다. 그러나 기독교 중국화는 여전히 중국 정부가 기독교를 사회주의 체제 유지에 활용하기 위한 통일전선전략의 변화된 형태라는 혐의를 부정하기 어렵다. 따라서 향후 기독교 중국화가 로잔운동의 상황화 선교신학을 수용함으로써 정치적 의도에서 벗어나 진정한 기독교 ‘중국화’의 길을 걸을 수 있기를 기대한다 The purpose of this study is to analyze Sinolization of Christianity as a form of Chinese Christian contextualization and analyze it from the viewpoint of contextualization of Lausanne theology and to find alternatives to overcome the frequent incidents of involuntary withdrawal and immigration from missionaries in China. The history of Christian missions is the process of overcoming the gap between mission of missionary and gospel receiver of mission field. The mission of the socialist system in China can not but take into account the correlation between religion and ideology or the Christian gospel and socialist system. If the socialist ideology can be included in the category of the pluralistic social concept, the Contextual Missiology for communicating the gospel in the pluralistic situation can be explained in connection with Sinolization of Christianity that the Chinese government is attempting in the socialist system. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese government, based on the socialist religious view, tried to take control of the Chinese Christians through the Three-self-patriotic movement based on the Unification front strategy, But it has strictly regulated the activities of missionaries by enforcing the powerful religion law that amended the “Regulation on Religious Affairs(2017 Revision)” which is strong in reality, as the “Mission Prevention Act”, and at the same time, It is strongly Sinolization of Christianity. The purpose of this study is to analyze the contextualization pursued by the Lausanne movement with the aim of analyzing Sinolization of Christianity from the viewpoint of missionary theology on the same line with the transformation and contextualization of Chinese Christianity. The contextualization discussed by the Lausanne movement provides a proper theological and theological basis for achieving the Lausanne movement's original purpose of “mobilizing all possible means to bring the gospel to all nations”. Therefore, if Sinolization of Christianity is a contextualization that seeks Christianity to be an optimal meeting of gospel and culture, and accepts it as a contextualization with Chinese characteristic, the contextualization of Lausanne movement can be a mission theological basis of Sinolization of Christianity. However, Sinolization of Christianity is still difficult to deny that the Chinese government is a changed form of the Unification front strategy to utilize Christianity in maintaining the socialist system. Therefore, we hope that the Chinese church will be able to walk the path of true Sinolization of Christianity by accepting the Contextual Missiology of Lausanne Movement.

      • KCI등재

        대한민국의 난민정책에 대한 교회의 선교실천적 접근 가능성 고찰

        김광성(Kwang Seong Kim) 한국선교신학회 2016 선교신학 Vol.43 No.-

        International migration is an important characteristic of the modern society. International migration has arose to be a global phenomenon. Globalization has influenced the rise of trans-national networks, and exponential developments in transportation and communication has provided a continuous movement of various migrants such as migrant workers, international students and refugees. With the rise of the global phenomenon of international migration, the church community in every part of the world is participating in ministries in the area of multi-cultural ministries, migrant mission, diaspora mission and others. With the rising importance of research regarding migration, the field of missiology is also actively engaging in research regarding migration. Among recent migrant developments, refugees have grown to be a minority group or a target of needing urgent concern and care. However, due to various issues such as national security and economic impact of guaranteeing the rights of refugees, it is understood that governments and churches will have difficulty in engaging the refugees. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the refugee ministry that exploded in Europe from the context of South Korea and to address the means of developing a ministry within the church in Korea. Generally, refugees live in a very vulnerable circumstance. They are identified as those who fled their home country due to persecution and are forced to live in a country that speaks a different language with completely different culture. Refugees live in a country, whether home or abroad, that lack or do not guarantee refugee rights through government regulations. As a result, refugees require protection through special regulations. The international community has attempted to resolve the issue of refugees through establishing international agencies and international regulations. However, the international community’s attempts in resolving the issue of refugees has prioritized political and economic issues over against the basic human rights of the refugees. The international aid for refugees depends on the definition of the international regulations and human rights. Internationally, refugees are defined according to the Geneva Convention on Refugees and are guaranteed aid and protection according to the regulations set forth in the convention. However, this only amounts to minimum efforts in an attempt to maintain international order. The Korean government’s policy on refugees has been criticized, both domestically and internationally, for being too restrictive. It has been indicated that South Korea has accepted extremely low numbers of refugees in comparison to other nations. However, Korea’s response to refugee crisis is changing. Especially after South Korea served as the president of the Executive Committee of UNHCR in 2014, Korean government’s policy towards refugees are rapidly changing. In 2013, Korea was the first nation in Asia to pass a law regarding refugees, and in 2015 placed into practice Refugee Resettlement Hope Regulation, one of the most progressive refugee policy. However, it is argued that in reality only a small number of refugees are settled in Korea due to Korea’s mono-cultural background and lack of awareness refugee issues. This implies that even if a country that accepts refugees establishes national laws and practices progressive refugee regulations in accordance with the international society, unless that country’s citizen’s understanding of refugees changes accordingly, a tremendous gap may exist in the humanistic belief that the international society has a communal responsibility in responding to the refugee crisis. As a particular aspect of a broader migrant ministry, refugee ministry−much like a social welfare program−is a country-specific ministry. Therefore, Korean church’s refugee ministry must be based on the understanding of the society’s current attempts at resolving refugee cr 국제이주는 현대사회의 중요한 특징 중의 하나로서 전 지구적인 현상이 되었다. 세계화의 영향으로 초국가적 네트워크가 출현하고 교통과 통신수단이 급격히 발달하면서 이주노동자와 학생, 난민을 포함한 다양한 이주자의 이동이 끊임없이 일어나고 있다. 국제이주가 보편화되면서 교회 공동체는 세계 곳곳에서 다문화 사역, 이주민 선교, 디아스포라 선교 등 다양한 영역에서 사역을 실천하고 있다. 이주에 대한 연구의 중요성이 날로 증대되면서 선교학계도 이주에 대한 연구를 활발하게 진행하고 있다. 최근 이주의 형태 가운데 난민은 소수자 영역 또는 긴급한 관심과 돌봄이 필요한 대상으로 등장하였다. 그러나 난민문제는 국가안보, 책무 수행에 소요되는 경제적 비용 등의 이유로 정부와 교회 모두가 쉽게 접근하기 어렵다는 평가가 있다. 본고는 유럽에서 촉발된 난민사역의 선교적 중요성을 대한민국의 상황에서 살펴보고, 이를 대한민국 교회의 사역으로 발전시킬 수 있는 방향성을 찾아보는 데 그 연구 목적이 있다. 일반적으로 난민은 본국에서 박해를 피해 언어, 문화 등이 전혀 다른 국가에서 생활할 수밖에 없는 매우 취약한(vulnerable) 상황에 놓인 이들이다. 난민은 자국이나 타국과의 권력구조에서 개인의 권한이나 국가의 권력이 부족하거나 결여된 상황에 놓인 이들이다. 따라서 난민은 특별한 프로그램을 통한 보호를 필요로 한다. 국제사회는 난민문제를 국제기구의 설립과 국제법 제정을 통해 해결하려고 노력해왔다. 그러나 국제사회의 난민문제에 대한 접근은 난민의 기본적인 인권문제의 해결보다 국가 간의 정치적, 경제적 문제를 우선으로 하는 한계를 보인다. 국제사회에서 난민은 국제법의 정의와 인정기준에 따라 그들에 대한 국제적 지원이 달라진다. 국제사회에서는 난민은 제네바협약의 규정에 따라 난민 지위를 인정받은 사람이며, 이들은 국제난민협약이 정한 기준에 따라 지원과 보호를 받는다. 이런 접근은 국제사회의 질서 유지를 위한 최소한의 조치에 불과하다. 대한민국 정부는 난민인정 기준이 지나치게 엄격하다는 국내외의 비판을 받아왔다. 대한민국은 다른 국가들에 비하여 상대적으로 극히 적은 수의 난민을 수용하여 왔음도 지적된다. 그러나 대한민국의 난민문제에 대한 접근이 달라지고 있다. 특히 2014년까지 UNHCR 의장국이었던 대한민국 정부의 난민정책이 급격하게 바뀌고 있다. 2013년에는 아시아 최초로 난민법을 제정하고, 2015년에는 가장 적극적인 난민정책인 재정착희망난민제도를 실시하였다. 그러나 단일민족이라는 문화적 배경, 난민에 대한 인식 부족 등의 이유로 대한민국에 실제로 정착한 난민의 수는 극소수에 불과하다는 평가도 있다. 난민을 수용하는 국가가 국제사회와의 공조를 위해 국내법적 근거를 확보하고 적극적인 난민수용제도를 시행한다 하더라도 난민문제에 대한 국가적 인식의 변화가 뒤따르지 않으면 국제사회가 난민문제에 대해 공동의 책무를 감당해야 한다는 인도주의적 신념과는 거리가 먼 상황이 될 수 있음을 의미한다. 이주민 사역 가운데 특별한 영역인 난민사역은 사회복지사역과 마찬가지로 국가주도적인 사역이다. 따라서 대한민국 교회의 난민사역은 국제사회의 난민문제 해결을 위한 현상적 노력이나 대한민국 정부의 난민정책에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 해야 한다. 대한민국 교회가 난민문제에 대해 응답해야 하는 것은 시대적 요청일 뿐 아니라 선교실천적 요청이기도 하다. 대한민국 교회는 난민문제 해결에 적극적으로 참여해 야 한다. 난민문제 해결을 위한 한국교회의 사명은 국제사회와 국가의 가시적 난민비호에 적극 동참하면서 동시에 난민들의 비가시적 상처를 평화로 화해와 회복으로, 그리고 사랑으로 품는 것이다.

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