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        권혁종(Hyuk-Jong Kwon),동우철(Woo-Cheol Dong),김장욱(Jang-Wook Kim),오윤석(Yoon-Seuk Oh),남상관(Sang-Kwan Nam),김태훈(Tae-Hoon Kim) 대한공간정보학회 2009 한국공간정보학회 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.9

        본 논문에서는 오픈소스 Web 3D API를 이용하여 Web 3D GIS를 구축하고, 이를 활용하는 방안에 대한 연구를 진행하였다. 다양한 운영체제를 지원하고, Hardware 가속과 구현이 비교적 용이한 OpenSource Web 3D API 조사 및 2D GIS 데이터의 3D 모델로의 변환을 수행하였고, 3D 모델과 USN 데이터를 연계하여 Web 3D GIS를 통한 실시간 센싱 데이터를 취득하는 시스템 구축에 대한 연구를 수행하였다.

      • KCI등재

        『장생죽도기(長生竹島記)』의 희문(熙文) -송도와 죽도를 지나는 기타마에부네(北前船)-

        권혁성 ( Hyuk Sung Kwon ) 한국일본어교육학회 2014 日本語敎育 Vol.69 No.-

        『長生竹島記』には全體的記錄方法とは異なって熙文で記した部分が存在する. それは拉致して抑留させた安龍福と朴於屯的銀岐に書いて的生活狀況を、同情する目で說明する內容となっている. 抑留されたことを同情しながらも、松島と竹島が保政する長生思想を語る方法で貴國的可能性をも語っている. 末た航路的說明的中には北前船が松島と竹島的間を通過したとも解析出來そうな「松竹を冠する松島と竹島を仲立にして進む(松竹飾媒に出る)」という記錄がある. 日本はこれと「これが全聞した松島かなと遠見した. こ的松島は本本邦的西海的果てなり」を連休して 松島を19世紀的日本人らが日本領と認識していた政であるとも言う. こ的熙文を正しく解獨できなければそ的ような主張に效果的に對應できないであろう. 熙文をみるとそ的ような主張が事實を離れた主張であり、當時流行っていた開拓思想や竹島渡海的再開を念願する地域的關念に基づく希望であることが解る的だ. 編者は松島と竹島が對で稱されながら長生を保障する吉地として認識していた. 末た日本からは遠く、朝鮮からは近い的で朝鮮的領地であると幕府が一六九六年に日本人的往來を禁制した事實も知っていた. 編者はそ的理由を「光い國土的往來は自在であるが、異朝とは入れ替わること的でき好日的本的國である. 我が國は我が國であり、彼的國は彼的國である. それぞれ的國は、それぞれ獨自的國として的在り方がある. 交雜して混亂してはなら好的である. あく末でも柳は錄であり、花は紅に染むという自然的末末が良い的である. 朝鮮人は朝鮮的國に、日本人は日本的國に、それゆ元彼等を、そ的本國に貴國させなければならない. 」と認識していた的だ. そしてそ的ような決定は量國がともに喜悅できることと受け入れていた. そ的編者が「もし、松竹的島へ何か變化があると、幕府的虎的威を借り受けてでも、我が朝的島となさなければならない. 幕府的勢いに乘って渡海する船が蹴立てる水的音を聞きたい的である. 」という希望を述べながら記錄を終元た. 客觀的な事實を認めながらも領土を所有しようとする欲望から脫出できない編者であったことが伺元る. 何回か自國的交易船が通過したことがある的からと、そ的航路周變的島的領有を主張することはあり得ない. 相手國的理解や許可をも求めていない狀態にて行われたことなら、それは反省することである. 決してそれを根居にして領有を主張することではない.

      • KCI등재

        안용복 일행에 대한 고찰 ― 1693년 납치사건을 중심으로 ―

        권혁성 ( Kwon Hyuk-sung ) 한국일본어교육학회 2020 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.94

        An Yong-bok is our historical legitimacy on Dokdo's words and deeds can do to check in. So Japan emphasizes Ahn Yong-bok if there is anything that can be denied. If Ahn Yong-bok admits his words and actions, Japan's logic based on Muju's preoccupation will collapse. However, it is the same for us to be obsessed with partial records and deviate from the overall trend. You will have to keep in mind that when a part is compiled in its entirety, it achieves its meaning. In this sense, it is important to have a detailed understanding of Ahn Yong-bok's group of people who accompanied him to Japan. This is because figuring out what kind of people Ahn Yong-bok is in a more specific about Ahn Yong-bok. Ahn Yong-bok's maritime activities were not carried out alone. In 1693, when they were kidnapped to Japan, they were a group of 10 people, and in 1696 when they visited Tottori-han, they were made up of 11 members. In addition, there are various classes and identities of the members, which are believed to indicate that the composition of the group depends on the purpose. In this regard, it is important to check the face of Ahn Yong-bok's companion. This is because the clarity of Ahn Yong -bok's party becomes clear about Ahn Yong-bok.

      • KCI등재

        와카의 가재(歌材)와카미즈에 관하여

        권혁인 ( Kwon Hyuk-in ) 한국일어일문학회 2017 日語日文學硏究 Vol.100 No.2

        본 연구는 `와카미즈` 라는 와카의 소재가 어떤 위상을 가지는지에 대해서 만엽시대의 `오치미즈`와 비교하여 고찰한 것이다. 헤이안시대 말엽에 갑자기 등장한 `와카미즈`라는 소재는, 일찍이 일본의 민속학자 오리구치씨에 의해 와카미즈론이 생겨나면서 민속신앙의 원류에 관한 뜨거운 논쟁의 대상이 되어왔지만, 언제나 만엽시대의 `오치미즈`와 동일시 되어 취급되었다. 그러나 본 연구는 `달의 오치미즈` 가 가지는 신화적 배경과 `입춘의 와카미즈`라는 궁중행사로써의 문화적 배경사이에는, 고대의 풍속이 왕권의례와 겹쳐지면서 변모된 과정이 있음을 논증했다. 따라서 와카사(和歌史)에 있어서는 와카의 소재로써는 전혀 다른 용법으로 수용되었다는 것을 설명할 수 있었다. 만엽시대의 용어로 국한되면서 고대인들의 불로장생의 신선사상이나 선약(仙藥)이라는 이미지에 고정된 `오치미즈`와는 달리, `와카미즈`는 입춘의 궁중 의례에 사용되는 전문가인들의 영진(詠進:시가를 지어 바치는 행위)에 사용되는 전문가어(歌語)로서의 위상을 가진다. 그리고 이 `와카미즈`는 헤이안 말엽부터 가마쿠라시대까지 집중적으로 전문가인들에게 답습되면서, 문화적인 입지를 단단히 다지게 된다. 이어 후대의 하이쿠에 이르러서는 신년의 계어(季語)로 일반적으로 널리 사용되는 가어로 발전하는 양상을 가지게 되는 것이다. The purpose of this research is to consider the phase of singing material "Wakamizu" from the relation with "Ochimizu". It is clear how the culture of "Oshimizu", which is said to originate from China`s immortal thought and the Ryukyus`s private customs, entered into the Heian dynasty, how it transformed and secured the cultural phase. At the event of "Kyou-wakamizu", a song using a singing material called "Wakamizu" by a special poet is offered. Therefore, it came to be positioned as the main singing material to the master praises by the special poet. In the flow of Waka, you can explain that "Ochimizu" and "Wakamizu" secured a distinct self-domain of mythicity and occasionality. Manyo `s "Ochimizu of the Moon" turned into the "Wkamizu of The first day of spring" at the end of the Heian period. It can be judged that the royal ceremonial ritual has influenced the process of transformation from such a series of "Ochimizu of the Moon" to "Wkamizu of The first day of spring". At the beginning of a new period of spring time, as a ceremonial ceremony of "life" regeneration and revival, "Kyou-wakamizu" gave the opportunity to use poetry material "Wakamizu" different from "Oshimizu" to poetry at the time, It was succeeded by the outstanding singers of the later singing altar and acquired the current cultural phase.

      • KCI등재

        반지련 약침 추출물의 RBL-2H3 세포 탈과립과 염증매개물질 분비 억제 효과

        권혁상 ( Hyuk Sang Kwon ),송춘호 ( Choon Ho Song ) 경락경혈학회 2012 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.29 No.3

        Objectives : Scutellaria barbata has been widely used in oriental medicine used for treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. In this study, to investigate the protective effect of Scutellaria barbata on type I allergic response, we determined whether Scutellaria barbata inhibits early or late allergic responses. Methods : To assess the effect of Scutellaria barbata Pharmacopuncture Extract(SB) in RBL-2H3 cells, we investigated the levels of the markers of degranulation such as β-hexosaminidase and histamine, inflammatory mediator such as IL-4, TNF-α, PGE2 and cysLT, and mRNA expression of cytokines and enzymes. In addition, we determined the levels of intracellular ROS by DCFH-DA assay and the free radical scavenging activity by DPPH method. Results : We found that SB suppressed the release of β-hexosaminidase and histamine and the production of IL-4, TNF-α, PGE2 and cysLT in RBL-2H3 by the antigen stimulation. SB also significantly inhibited the enzyme mRNA expressions, such as HDC2, COX-1, COX-2, 5-LOX and iNOS2, along with reduced cytokine mRNA expressions, such as IL-1β, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-13, TNF-α and GM-CSF in RBL-2H3. In addition, SB suppressed the levels of intracellular ROS. Conclusions : Our results indicate that SB protects against type I allergic response and exert an anti-inflammatory effect through the inhibition of degranulation, inflammatory mediator release and mRNA expression of cytokines and enzymes.

      • KCI등재

        역관 박재흥의 실체 ― 『죽도기사』 분석을 통해 본 박재흥 ―

        권혁성 ( Kwon Hyuk-sung ) 한국일본어교육학회 2021 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.98

        When checking the records, it was Park Jae-heung, who expressed his gratitude for Tsushima's kindness and pledged loyalty, but the analysis of the contents shows that it was a means to solve the assigned role thoroughly. Thanks to Park Jae-heung, who showed his ability in diplomacy, Joseon was able to prevent Tsushima's attempt to occupy Ulleungdo Island. We looked at Park Jae-heung, a counterpart that has not been well known so far. If you don't look closely at the records, Park Jae-heung is likely to be misunderstood as a pro-Japanese person. However, if you analyze the contents of “Takesimakiji” from beginning to end, you can see that he is truly capable and worked for Joseon.

      • KCI등재

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