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      • KCI등재

        급속과 점증체중감량이 태권도선수의 호흡교환율, 심박수 및 근력에 미치는 영향

        권영우 ( Y. W. Kwon ) 한국운동생리학회(구 한국운동과학회) 2011 운동과학 Vol.20 No.3

        권영우. 급속과 점증체중감량이 태권도선수의 호흡교환율, 심박수 및 근력에 미치는 영향. 운동과학, 제 20권 제3호. 319-328, 2011. 본연구는 태권도선수의 급속 및 점증체중감량(체중의 6%)이 호흡교환율, 심박수, 근력에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위한 것이다. 20명의 태권도선수가 본 연구에 참여하였으며 급속감량집단(n=10)과 점증감량집단(n=10)으로 나누었다. 급속감량집단은 3일 동안 수분과 식이제한, 사우나와 운동에 의한 발한으로 체중을 감량하였다. 점증감량집단은 14일 동안 수행되었으며 식이제한과 운동에 의하여 이루어졌다. 운동은 트레드밀을 이용하였으며 4분 이내 최대심박수의 75%강도에 도달하게 한 후 30분간 달리기를 수행하였다. 그 후 운동강도는 매 3분마다 0.9 mile/hour, 경사도는 2% 증가시켜 고갈 때 까지 운동을 수행하였다. 호흡교환율과 심박수는 안정 시 운동 30분, 운동직후에 측정되었으며 근력과 근지구력은 체중감량전과 후에 측정되었다. 결과 호흡교환율은 최대하운동에 따라 증가하였으며 급속감량집단이 점증감량집단에 비하여 감소율이 높았다. 심박수의 경우 체중감량 후 감소하였으며 급속과 점증감량에 따른 변화차이는 없었다. 근력의 경우 악력과 배근력의 차이는 없었지만 윗몸일으키기의 경우 급속감량집단이 감량 후 유의하게 감소하였다. 결론적으로 급속체중감량은 지방의 이용을 증가시키고 근력은 부분적으로 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다. 보다 명확한 규명을 위해서는 급성과 점증감량에 따른 산화효소와 해당효소의 변화와 관련된 추가적인 연구가 요망된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of rapid and gradual weight loss (6%) on RER, heart rate and strength of athletes. Twenty male Taekwondo players participated in this study and were divided to rapid (RW, n=10) and gradual weight loss group (GW, n=10). RW group reduced their body weight for 3day by fluid and energy restriction and forced sweating by souna and exercise. GW group reduced their weight for 14day by energy restriction and exercise. Exercise sessions took place on a treadmill performing 4 minutes of running to reach targeted intensity (75% HRmax) and continued during 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, work rate was gradually increased (0.9 mile per hour every 3 minutes, 2% degree elevation) until exhaustion. RER and heart rate were measured before, during (30minutes) and immediately after an incremental treadmill test to exhaustion. Muscle strength was measured from pre and post body weight loss. RER significantly increased with exercise and this exercise induced increase was lower RW group than GW group. Acute and chronic weight loss increased heart rate with exercise but their were any significant different with RW and GW. Back and grip strength did not show any significant change with weight loss, but sit up decreased significantly after rapid weight loss. In conclusion, rapid weight loss enhanced fatty acid utilization and decreased muscle strength of taekwondo player. Further study needed to elucidate the exact mechanism related to glycolytic and oxydative enzyme change with acute and chronic weight loss.

      • KCI등재

        8 주간의 신체훈련이 여성 정신지체인의 체력 및 성장관련 호르몬에 미치는 영향

        권영우,권광선 한국특수체육학회 2001 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigated the effects of acute and chronic exercise during eight week on Testosterone, Growth hormone, cortisol, body composition and physical fitness. Eight mental retarded women(age 25.5year, weight 54.3kg) participated in this study. Training consisted of maximal treadmill exercise with altered protocol, and then performed resistance training which include leg press, pull-down, bench press, curl up during 20 minute with 12RM(repetition maximal) respectively. Exercise intensity increased every 2 week according to the extend of each individual enhancement. In acute response, average plasma GH(growth hormone) increased significantly at immediately exercise in pre-training, In chronic exercise response, training resulted in significant improvement of leg strength and sit-up. % body fat showed significant decrease after eight week training. Significant increase in serum testosterone observed after 8-week training in pre exercise.

      • KCI등재

        한국 국립중앙박물관 소장 唐文書가 부착된 삿자리[葦席]의 복원 ― 吐魯番文書 및 大谷文書와의 관계를 중심으로 ―

        권영우 중국고중세사학회 2022 중국고중세사연구 Vol.63 No.-

        韩国国立中央博物馆藏附有唐文书的苇席(本馆3978)于1912年3月左右在日本大谷探险队第三次探险时出土于吐鲁番阿斯塔那230号墓。此外,日本大谷文书和中国吐鲁番文书中还收藏了被裱糊的文书片与同一文书的部分内容。 1950年代开始,日本和中国就公开了有关本国收藏的部分裱糊文书中的《唐仪凤三年度支奏抄・四年金部旨符》(以下简称“度支奏抄”)内容,两国学者便开展了活跃的深度研究,硕果累累。结果,唐朝尚书省下达的679年度全国预算执行文件《度支奏抄》成为填补唐前期国家财政史料不足的珍贵出土文件。2020年,国博决定对文书进行分别调查。本稿将介绍作为调查结果的苇席与裱糊文书的复原成果。 首先,分离的文件片由2种4张组成。经确认,分离的《度支奏抄》(2020NMK1:1, 2020NMK1:2)可与72TAM230:46/1, 72TAM230:46/2相连接。在确认新条文的同时,通过文书的接合,可以弥补不完整的现有条文内容。新发现的《唐上元年间西州仓曹司案卷为高昌县申送逃走卫士庸绁价钱事》(以下简称“逃走卫士案卷”)(2020NMK2:1, 2020NMK2:2)与72TAM230:62, 72TAM230:63及72TAM230:80/4・9・10为同一文书,其中2020NMK2:1和72TAM230:62,72TAM230:80/4・9・10可以接合。因此得出结论,吐鲁番文书2种7件原是附于国博藏苇席上的文件。 另外,还重新考证了《逃走卫士案卷》的编制时期。经确认,文书上的判官,即,西州都督府的仓曹参军“元利”与2004TMM207:1-12上的“张元利”是同一人,《逃走卫士案卷》是上述文书中提及的仓曹参军在任期间(上元年间)编制的。因此,两分苇席裱糊文书是670年代中后期由西州督府仓曹史编写的,702年张礼臣去世时,被用作为殡葬用具。 接着,以文书片的接合和排接结构的理解为基础,重新复原了国博藏的苇席制作过程。并且,还重新讨论了先行研究中提出的86件大谷文书片的复原意见。结果得出结论,大谷文书片不是附在国博藏的苇席上的裱糊文书,而是附于另一苇席上的文书。两个苇席的大小虽然不相同,但制作方式应当大同小异。即,制作方式被推定为将文书纸张按一定的尺寸进行裁剪,重叠后,将苇席如信封般包裹固定,最后沿着两面的边框贴上紫色的绮带。

      • KCI등재

        밀리미터파 초소형 광대역 MMIC 증폭기 설계에 관한 연구

        권영우 한국통신학회 1997 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.22 No.8

        An ultra-compact milimeter-wave broadband MMIC amplifier was designed using a direct-coupled topology combined with optimum feedback design. Significant reductionin the chip size was possible by employing the direct-coupled topology. Bias resistors required for the direct-coupled topology were also used as feedback elements. Feedback was optimized for millimeter-wave frequencies using reactive elements. The fabricated MMIC amplifier was realized in a chip size of 0.8mm$^{[-992]}$ and showed gains higher than 8 dB from 12 to 44 GHz. An output power of 30mW was achieved at 44 GHz with a drain efficiency of 10%.

      • 비극적 체험이 지니는 윤리적 함의

        권영우 고려대학교 2003 虎院論集 Vol.11 No.-

        "Fate" has always been in human life, even if the type of fate that has appeared to us in every step of human history, has been varied. Fate is a very important moment of tragedy. If one considers life as tragic, then the tragic surely comes from the content or structure of the tragedy, for example in tragic literature. Though real life differs from tragedy, it is still possible that there is an element of the tragic in our lives, if a sort of a structure of the tragedy is able to exist in real life. Here, I think, a definition of "the tragic", of cause from an analysis of tragedy, would be as follows: the collapse of an individual through a fate, which and of which end the individual as its agent is conscious by himself; moreover the agent can never escape from his fate, because it is brought about by the inner attributes, character and actions of the agent. Also a reconciliation in the collapse is an important element of the tragic. "Reason" as the wise in tragedy is a confident method in order for the human being and the character of the tragedy to overcome their tragic fate. But if the effects of reason, for example, a society, a nation, a order of right, and so on, show us another motive of collision as before, then reason can be certainly considared as imperfect and besides something to point out the tragic in real human life. Because reason comes from human nature and through our innate attributes, humans again face a collapse or a collision with each other. This is the human fate! According to this fate we can know that the tragic is able to exist in human life. I take the enlightenment as a vivid exmaple in history to inform us about human fate. These emerge from Hegel's change of "sittlichheit" into "Rechtszustand" and Hobbes' process from "the condition of nature" to "a nation". Finally, we can arrive at the conclusion that the human experience of the tragic is a certain motive to make a new ethical norm, as in Hegel's "Rechtszustand" and Hobbes' "Nation". This conclusion may be able to tell us the ethical implication of a tragic experience.

      • KCI등재

        운동선수와 비운동선수간의 생리중 난소 및 성장관련 호르몬 비교 연구

        권영우 한국유산소운동과학회 2001 대한스포츠융합학회지 (jcses) Vol.5 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an exercise on circulating concentration of ovarian (estrogen, progesterone), cortisol and growth related hormone (growth hormone, testosterone). Thirty young female participated on this investigation. The control group consisted of 15 sedentary high school women with athletic groups were member of th basketball team. The subject rested for 30 min before blood sampling. Venous blood sample was obtained during luteal phase(7day before mense), early follicular phase(3day during mense), and late follicular phase(7day after mense). The effects of exercise on the concentration of hormone were compared separately for subjects tested during menstrual cycle. A significant decrease occurred in estrogen, progesterone, testosterone concentration when blood sampling was taken during menses in athletic group, but no change were observed in the concentration of cortisol and growth hormone in each group. Compared with control and athletic group, athletic groups had significantly higher cortisol values than did the control groups at rest. But no significant differences were observed other hormone(estrogen, progesterone, testosterone). In conclusion, basket player who experience chronic exercise showed difference change of circulating levels of hormone during menstrual cycle rather than normal control female. Further study needed to elucidate the mechanism of such hormone with exercise related to exercise intensity, during exercise.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Productivity Evaluation of the Single PPM Quality Certification Company by using the Malmquist Productivity Index - Cases of the Motor Parts Industries -

        권영우,송광석,유한주 한국경영공학회 2009 한국경영공학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the productivity change of certified companies of Single PPM Quality Innovation Program in the motor parts industries and identify the effectiveness of the Program by the productivity analysis. In this study, productivity change in Korean small and medium sized firms in the motor parts was measured by the Malmquist Productivity Index(MPI). The MPI is consisted of Technical Efficiency Change Index, Pure Efficiency Change Index, Scale Efficiency Change Index, and Technical Change Index. The results show that small and medium sized firms productivity change was achieved average 6.2% for three years.

      • KCI등재

        국내 전립선 자기공명영상검사의 PI-RADS v2 최소 요구 조건 준수 비율 조사

        권영우,최문형,정승은 대한영상의학회 2019 대한영상의학회지 Vol.80 No.2

        Purpose To evaluate the adherence rate to Prostate Imaging-Reporting and Data System version 2 (PI-RADS v2) minimum technical standards of prostate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in Korean medical institutions. Materials and Methods This study included 103 prostate MRI examinations from 85 outside medical institutions performed from March 2015 to January 2018. The difference in adherence rate to minimal technical standards of PI-RADS v2 was compared using a Fisher’s exact test between subgroups divided by the magnetic strength of MRI machine, type of medical institution and presence of genitourinary radiologist. Results Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was obtained frequently in examinations performed in a 3-T machine, in university hospitals and in medical institutions where genitourinary radiologist work in than the others (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p = 0.003). Many minimum technical standards of PI-RADS v2 showed significantly lower adherence rate in a 1.5-T machine, in a non-university hospital and in a medical institution without genitourinary radiologist than the others. Conclusion The frequency of obtaining DWI and the adherent rate to some of the PI-RADS v2 minimum technical standards were significantly higher in 3-T machines, university hospitals and medical institutions with a genitourinary radiologist. 목적 이 연구의 목적은 국내의 의료기관들이 Prostate Imaging-Reporting and Data System version 2 (이하 PI-RADS v2)의 최소 요구 사항을 얼마나 잘 준수하는지를 알아보는 것이다. 대상과 방법 이 연구는 2015년 3월부터 2018년 1월 사이에 타 의료기관에서 시행되어 본원에등록된 전립선 자기공명영상검사(magnetic resonance imaging; 이하 MRI) 중 총 85개 기관의 103대 장비로 시행된 검사를 포함하였다. 장비의 자장, 대학병원 여부, 비뇨생식기 영상의학과 전문의 유무에 따라 필수 시퀀스 획득 여부, PI-RADS v2 최소 요구 사항 23 항목에 대한 준수 비율의 차이를 Fisher’s exact test를 이용해 분석했다. 결과 확산강조영상 획득 여부는 장비 자장, 대학병원 여부, 비뇨생식기 영상의학과 전문의 존재 유무에 따라 유의한 차이가 있었다. 역동적 조영증강영상은 비뇨생식기 영상의학과 전문의가 근무하는 기관에서 유의하게 높은 비율로 시행하였다. PI-RADS v2 최소 요구 사항 중여러 항목이 1.5 T 장비, 비대학병원, 비뇨생식기 영상의학과 전문의가 없는 병원에서 유의하게 낮은 준수 비율을 보였다. 결론 전립선 MRI에서 확산강조영상의 획득 비율과 PI-RADS v2 최소 요구 사항의 준수 비율이 3.0 T 장비, 대학병원, 비뇨생식기 영상의학과 전문의 소속 의료기관에서 높았다.

      • KCI등재

        메타분석을 통한 주상골 혈관화 골이식 수술결과에 흡연율이 미치는 영향 연구

        권영우,김동환 대한수부외과학회 2021 대한수부외과학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Purpose: A vascularized bone graft is an option showing a good result to treat scaphoid nonunion. The analysis of the effects of smoking, which affects vascular and union of fracture, has been limited. We tried to analyze the effect of smoking on the outcomes of vascularized bone graft in scaphoid nonunion through meta-analysis (PROSPERO registration number: CRD42021265786). Methods: Two researchers analyzed 923 papers searched for ‘scaphoid AND (vascularized OR vascularised OR flap OR pedicled)’ on MEDLINE and Embase (until November 2020). We selected 31 papers which contain that vascularized bone graft was performed for scaphoid nonunion, and the number or proportion of smokers could be confirmed. Through meta-regression analysis and subgroup analysis, whether the smoker’s rate had an effect on union rate, union period, functional score, imaging evaluation, range of motion, and complications rate was analyzed. Results: A significant negative correlation between smoking and bone union rate was confirmed in pedicled vascularized bone grafting, and a significant positive correlation between smoking and bone union duration was confirmed in free vascularized bone grafting. Conclusion: It is necessary to have caution for nonunion when considering pedicled vascularized bone graft in smoking patients with scaphoid nonunion. 목적: 주상골 불유합에서 혈관화 골이식술(vascularized bone graft)은 많이 시행되고 있으나, 혈관과 골절 유합률에 영향을 주는 흡연에 대한 영향 분석은 한정적이다. 이에 저자들은 메타분석을 이용하여, 주상골 불유합 환자에서 흡연이 혈관화 골이식술의 결과에 미치는영향을 분석하였다(PROSPERO 등록 번호: CRD42021265786). 방법: 2020년 11월까지 MEDLINE과 Embase에서 ‘scaphoid AND (vascularized OR vascularised OR flap OR pedicled)’로 검색된 923편의 논문을 2명의 연구자가 분석하여 주상골 불유합에서 혈관화 골이식술을 시행하였으며 흡연자의 수 또는 비율을 확인 가능한 31편의 논문을 선정하였다. 흡연자 비율이 유합률, 유합기간, 기능적 평가, 영상학적 평가, 관절 운동 범위, 합병증에 영향을 주는지를 메타회귀분석과 하위집단 분석을 통하여 분석하였다. 결과: 유경 혈관화(pedicled vascularized) 골이식술에서 흡연과 골 유합률의 유의한 음의 상관관계가, 유리 혈관화(free vascularized)에서 흡연과 골 유합기간의 유의한 양의 상관관계가 확인되었다. 결론: 주상골 불유합술 환자에서 유경혈관화 골이식술을 고려할 때 흡연자인 경우 불유합 가능성이 있어 주의를 요한다.

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