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        WTO 체제에 대한 미국의 불만 : 분쟁해결의 성과에 따른 비교 분석

        권영민 ( Youngmin Kwon ) 한국국제통상학회 2021 국제통상연구 Vol.26 No.2

        상소기구 패널의 신규임용 등을 방해하며 다자통상체제의 무력화를 시도했던 트럼프 행정부가 물러나고 바이든 정권이 취임하며 공석 중이던 사무총장도 임명됨으로써 그 동안 부분적 기능에 그쳤던 분쟁해결제도 등 WTO의 정상화를 기대해볼 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 DDA 협상중단 이후 추가적인 자유화 진전이 없는 가운데 현행 규정을 가지고 중국 등 경쟁국의 불공정 행위를 제대로 규제할 수 없다고 보는 미국의 입장에는 변화가 없다. 따라서 자국의 통상이익을 지키려는 미국의 입장에서는 WTO 체제를 자신들의 구미에 맞게 개편하려 들 것이다. 그러한 예상을 바탕으로 본 연구는 지금까지의 분쟁해결 결과에 대한 실증분석을 통해 WTO 부속협정 중 미국의 불만을 가질 분야를 검토해보았다. 그 결과 미국은 반덤핑과 보조금 ․ 상계조치 협정에 불만의 가능성이 가장 크며 또한 그 분야 분쟁의 세부내용을 살펴보면 자국의 통상주권이나 경쟁주도권이 침해되는 상황을 우려하는 것으로 파악할 수 있다. The vacancy of WTO director general has been filled, as the new President of the US takes over Trump administration, which had tried to nullify or at least weaken the multilateral trade regime in many ways that include the blocking of renewing appellate panel members. While there are hopes for the normalization of WTO's function such as its dispute settlement procedures, however, without meaningful progress of further trade liberalization since the failure of DDA negotiations, the US dissatisfaction against current regime has grown, not resolved, and still existed. As Mr. Biden himself committed to restore the world orders that were impaired by his immediate predecessor, the US would abstain from unilateral actions for now and try instead to reform existing WTO regimes for their favor. Based on such expectations, this paper analyzes the possible sources of the US complaints on current WTO’s annex clauses. Adopting a logistic regression model, this paper identifies the anti-dumping and the subsidy and countervailing measures agreements as the most highly likely reasons of the US dissatisfactions. Further investigations into actual disputes settlement outcomes involved with the US, respondent as well as complainant, suggest that the situation in which their trade policy sovereignty and the world leadership position being challenged would be real concerns.

      • KCI등재
      • WTO체제 출범 이후의 무역분쟁 추이분석 및 사례연구

        권영민(Youngmin Kwon) 한국경제연구원 1998 한국경제연구원 연구보고서 Vol.1998 No.-

        When the WTO regime has launched in 1995, most of the world have no doubts about the expectation that the reduced trade barriers would boost the world trade and economic growth. There have been many studies on the effects of WTO regime on trade and growth. However, after three years, there are not many studies on actual effects of the WTO regime. This paper is an attempt to bridge such a gap between initial enthusiasm for the newly created WTO Regime and its actual effects. This paper, especially, focuses on its dispute settlement regime and tries to extract the pattern of trade disputes and their settlement for last three years through the analysis of 83 cases that consultation has been requested through the dispute settlement body of the WTO. For the qualitative analysis of the pattern of disputes and their settlements, this paper suggests several indexes that help indicate the degree of practical benefits that each country tries to get out of the dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO. They are Simple Offensive Index, Panel Establishment Rate, and Complaint Success Rate. Although there are limitation to use indexes, due to the lack of sufficient number of cases for each country, Simple Offensive Indices that indicates the aggressiveness of the use of dispute settlement mechanism, reveal that the United States and the European Commumties are most active in filing cases against other countries. However, Korea and Japan are shown to be at the bottom of the list. Again in the case of Panel Establishment Rate, which indicates the activeness of defense in dispute settlement, the United States and the European Communities are on the top, which Korea and Japan are of the bottom. In the later part, by conducting case studies on three selected cases, this paper attempts to extract the reason for the inactiveness of Korea in utilizing dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO. For the more active utilization of the dispute settlement mechanism, it is suggested that Korea should have more efficient system of conducting its trade policy. Especially, Korea should develop a formal as well as informal channels throughout business corporations, scientlf1c experts and government officials, so that the actual need of business sector and professional knowledge of experts could be used in its administration of trade policy and dispute settlements.

      • 한ㆍ미 FTA와 대일수입전환 미시적 무역구조의 분석

        권영민(Youngmin Kwon) 한국무역학회 2007 한국무역학회 국제학술대회 Vol.2007 No.12

        The recent completion of Korea-US. FTA negotiations has led to hopeful expectations about Korea's economic future. That is, if successful in having endorsement from the Korean national assembly, of course as well from the US. Congress, many anticipate such increases in consumer's welfare, job opportunities, exports volume, and etc. However, a FTA itself does not guarantee those rosy pictures. That is, in advance to having sweet fruits of the new FTA environment, there should occur a fundamental restructuring of the Korean economy. This paper explores possible effects of Korea-US. FTA on excessive import dependence of certain product groups on Japan, an area often considered as an achilles for Korean industrial structure. Even though the Korea's current import structure is more suitable to Japan for now and it looks hard to break an immediate effect, the present dominance of Japan over the US. in Korean market is very different from the competitiveness in the world market. Therefore, if we assume rational economic agents, the tariff reduction of Korea-US. FTA, which are estimated not small in this paper, should give the price advantage for the US. imports and thus the import diversion from Japan. Although it should not be the final goal of the Korea-US. FTA, the imports diversion for essential products such as in organic chemicals, chemical products, plastics, glasses, and precision tools may at least give an opportunity for Korea to improve their competitiveness in those areas.

      • KCI등재

        시제 간 대체와 교육의 효율성

        권영민(Youngmin Kwon) 한국경제연구학회 2008 한국경제연구 Vol.21 No.-

        개인이나 국가를 막론하고 교육에 투자하는 이유는 미래를 중요시하기 때문이다. 즉, 현재의 소비를 줄여 자신 또는 자식세대의 교육에 투자하는 목적은 미래에 좀더 나은 생활수준을 영위할 수 있다고 믿기 때문이다. 국가도 마찬가지로 교육을 통한 성장잠재력의 확충을 국가의 미래를 밝게 하는 중요한 요인으로 간주하여 교육에 대한 막대한 투자를 아끼지 않는다. 그러한 투자는 일반적으로 교육의 효율성을 높이지만 본 논문에서 소개되는 내생적 성장모형은 교육의 효율성 증대가 반드시 밝은 미래를 보장해 주지 못할 수도 있음을 보여 준다. 즉, 경제주체들의 시제 간 대체탄력성이 일정 수준 이상이면 교육효율성의 증대는 역효과를 불러올 수도 있다. 비교적 간단한 모형으로 밝힐 수 있는 이러한 사실은 교육의 효과를 과신하여 교육에 과도한 투자를 하고 있는 현재 우리 사회의 모습을 다시 한 번 생각해 보게 한다. The reason for the investment in education, individuals as well as nations alike, may be a desire to achieve a higher living standard in the future. However, in nowaday Korea, it seems that too much emphasis are on education and, in some cases, blindless devotion are made. The model presented here shows, under a peculiar circumstances, the increased efficiency in education with more investments may lead to a slower growth and thus a lower living standard. In a R&D based growth model used here, that is, if consumptions at two points in time are substitutable above a certain level, the investment to make human capital accumulation more productive results in a slower economic growth. The long-run growth rate in this model is determined by the endogenously determined human capital accumulation rate. Like in Jones (1995) and Segerstrom (1995), the model presented here is free of the scale effects that were found in many R&D based growth models of the first generation, such as Romer (1990) and Grossman and Helpman (1991).

      • 미국의 보호주의 통상제도에 대한 비판 : 반덤핑 및 상계관세를 중심으로

        권영민(Kwon Youngmin) 한국경제연구원 2005 한국경제연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2005-10 No.-

        The United States is often regarded as the most prominent supporter for the idea of free trade. However, the U.S. also is one of the most frequent users of antidumping and countervailing measures, which are frequently criticized in academic field as the so-called administered protections. This book closely scrutinizes the protectionist U.S. trade policies, embedded in its antidumping and countervailing practices. This book begins with how and when such protectionist schemes developed into the U.S. trade policies by examining the evolution of trade laws and political struggling around between the president and the congress. Then antidumping, countervailing, safeguard, and other protectionist measures are examined in some details. Especially, it includes the origin of antidumping concept in 16th century England, the first enactment of the current type law in Canada at the beginning of 20th century, and the U.S. dealings of antidumping as in a part of antitrust scheme in early years. Upon examining the current procedures, this book looks at the theoretical backgrounds for antidumping and countervailing duties and finds that the current practices often have no theoretical basis and punish the deed which in fact are welfare improving for the importing countries. Then, the current practices are criticized as they are biased in favor of their own industries and abused of excessive administrative convenience. Although the current procedures can be criticized as protectionists, if they are effective in protecting domestic industries from quick shrinking and helping them to recover, they still can be worth of having than not. Unfortunately, however, it is not the case found in many academic studies and this book presents some of the recent research results to make the points. The later part are dealing with the U.S. practices against Korea since 1970s and how they affects Korean exports to the U.S. Even though, it is only around 1% of the annual Korean exports to the U.S. that are under the influence of antidumping and countervailing duties, its impact are usually severe for each individual product category and its producers. This book concludes with recommendation for business and government of Korea. Although it is the best to abolish entire practice of antidumping and countervailing in the long run, however for now, business and government need to work together not to be a target and, once got targeted, to get out as early as possible. Especially, businesses should be prepared by such as associations with local producers, cooperation among exporters, diversification of product locations, and so on.

      • 한 · 미 FTA와 대일수입전환 미시적 무역구조의 분석

        권영민(Youngmin Kwon) 한국무역학회 2007 國際學術大會 論文集 Vol.2007 No.12

        The recent completion of Korea-US. FTA negotiations has led to hopeful expectations about Korea's economic future. That is, if successful in having endorsement from the Korean national assembly, of course as well from the US. Congress, many anticipate such increases in consumer's welfare, job opportunities, exports volume, and etc. However, a FTA itself does not guarantee those rosy pictures. That is, in advance to having sweet fruits of the new FTA environment, there should occur a fundamental restructuring of the Korean economy. This paper explores possible effects of Korea-US. FTA on excessive import dependence of certain product groups on Japan, an area often considered as an achilles for Korean industrial structure. Even though the Korea's current import structure is more suitable to Japan for now and it looks hard to break an immediate effect, the present dominance of Japan over the US. in Korean market is very different from the competitiveness in the world market. Therefore, if we assume rational economic agents, the tariff reduction of Korea-US. FTA, which are estimated not small in this paper, should give the price advantage for the US. imports and thus the import diversion from Japan. Although it should not be the final goal of the Korea-US. FTA, the imports diversion for essential products such as in organic chemicals, chemical products, plastics, glasses, and precision tools may at least give an opportunity for Korea to improve their competitiveness in those areas.

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