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        노인복지관 당뇨병 자기관리프로그램의 과정과 평가: 실행연구방법

        고하나,송미순 한국노년학회 2018 한국노년학 Vol.38 No.1

        The purpose of this study examined the feasibility and efficacy of a senior center-based diabetes self-management program applying action research approach. The cyclical action research method was applied for this study: plan, act, evaluate, and reflect in delivering three waves of the intervention program. Three waves of a 12 weeks-length small group diabetes self-management program were offered during the period of 15 months in a senior center in Seoul. Planning of 2nd and 3rd wave program were based on reflection of 1st and 2nd program evaluation respectively. Among the 46 participants, 93.48% (N=43) completed the program. The quantitative evaluation showed statistically significant improvement in HbA1C(p<.001), fasting plasma glucose(p<.001), BMI(p=.016), waist circumference(p=.001), systolic blood pressure(p=.036), diabetes self-management behavior(p<.001) and health knowledge(p=.008). Qualitative data revealed that individual management was very helpful in empowering and adhering for own diabetes care for the participants. Participants reported high satisfaction towards the program with mean satisfaction score of 65.12. Application of the Diabetes Self-management program with action study strategy was successful in community setting for improving participants’ subjective and objective outcomes. Action research method guides the practitioner to tailor the program to respond for the participants and field needs. 당뇨병 노인환자의 자기관리 교육은 대상자의 건강행위를 변화시켜야 하는 목표를 성취해야하므로 노인의 자기관리 역량 강화에 중점을 두고, 노인 대상자의 특성과 개별적인 상황 및 조건을 반영해야 한다. 그러나 이러한 노인 특화 프로그램은 매우 제한적이고, 대상자 중심의 효과가 평가된 경우도 드물다. 이에 본 연구는 노인복지관을 이용하는 지역사회 거주 당뇨병 노인 맞춤형 당뇨자기관리 프로그램을 실행연구 방법으로 적용하고, 그 효과를 평가하기 위해 시행되었다. 본 연구는 실행연구방법의 계획, 실행, 평가, 성찰단계를 각 회기마다 시행하여 이전 회기의 결과가 다음회기의 중재계획의 변화에 근거가 되는 체계적인 순환과정을 3회기에 걸쳐 순차적으로 적용하였다. 일개의 지역사회 복지관에서 15개월에 걸쳐 12주의 소규모 노인 당뇨병 교육 프로그램을 제공한 후 양적, 질적 자료를 모두 사용하여 참여대상자 측면의 평가가 충분히 포함되도록 하였다. 총 46명중 43명(93.48%)이 프로그램을 이수하였다. 양적인 프로그램의 효과결과에서는 당화혈색소(p<.001), 공복혈당(p<.001), 신체질량지수(p=.016), 허리둘레(p=.001), 수축기혈압(p=.036), 당뇨병 자기관리 행위(p<.001), 노인 건강행위지식(p=.008)이 통계적으로 유의하게 향상되었다. 질적 평가 자료에서는 본 프로그램은 개별적인 맞춤 관리로 느껴지며 이를 통해 역량 강화하게 되었고, 상호작용을 통한 능동적인 참여를 통해 자신의 자기관리 이행에 자신감과 실천의 즐거움을 느꼈다고 하였다. 본 연구는 실행연구방법을 적용하여 지역사회 노인을 대상으로 당뇨병 교육 프로그램을 적용한 결과로 대상자의 신체적 지표와 행위지표, 유용성 등의 양적인 효과뿐만 아니라 대상자 측면에서의 주관적인 효과성을 확인 한 것은 효율성과 실현 가능성을 살펴보는 의미 있는 시도였다. 따라서 이러한 실행연구 방법을 통한 프로그램의 적용과정과 평가는 현장 실무자에게 대상자의 요구 중심의 맞춤형 중재 프로그램 시행의 가이드가 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Anti-Inflammatory Constituents from the Branches of Pourthiaea villosa (Thunb.) Decne

        고하나,강지미,김형민,한종헌,이남호 대한화학회 2017 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.38 No.7

        In this study, the extract from Pourthiaea villosa Decne branches was investigated and their anti-inflammatory constituents were identified. The prepared ethanol extract was fractionated successively to afford n-hexane, ethyl acetate (EtOAc), n-butanol, and aqueous layers. In the examination of the anti-inflammatory activities, EtOAc layer was observed to have good nitric oxide production inhibitory property in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Phytochemical studies for EtOAc layer led to isolation of eight constituents such as ursolic acid (1), arjunolic acid (2), daucosterol (3), myricanol (4), gallic acid (5), myricetin (6), myricitrin (7), and quercitrin (8). The isolate 4 efficiently inhibited nitric oxide production in a dose-dependent manner in LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells. The production of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) enzyme protein was decreased by compound 4, which showed that the observed NO inhibition could be interconnected to down-expression of iNOS protein. In addition, compound 4 reduced the production of TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 in a concentration-dependent manner. This study demonstrated that the P. villosa extract containing myricanol (4) could be considered potential anti-inflammatory agents in pharmaceutical or cosmetic industries.

      • KCI등재

        Antimelanogenic Effects of Raphanus sativus L. var. niger Roots on α-MSH Stimulated B16F10 Melanoma Cells

        고하나,김정은,조연정,홍승현,양다운,김기옥,이남호 대한화학회 2018 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.39 No.11

        This study was conducted to identify the antimelanogenic components from Raphanus sativus L. var. niger (black radish). Phytochemical study with the ethanol extract of black radish roots resulted in the isolation of six compounds: 3-(E)-(methylthio)methylene-2-pyrrolidinethione (1), ascorbigen (2), ?-sitosterol (3), palmitic acid (4), α-linolenic acid (5), and 1-linoleonyl glycerol (6). Among the isolates, the thione 1 efficiently inhibited melanin synthesis in a concentration-dependent manner in α-MSH stimulated B16F10 melanoma cells. Western blotting analysis for the key melanogenic enzymes showed that compound 1 decreased tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-2 expressions. These results demonstrated that the black radish extract including pyrrolidinethione 1 could be useful as antimelanogenic agents in cosmetic or pharmaceutical applications.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 거주 남성노인을 위한 치매 돌봄 프로그램 효과

        고하나,박연환 대한근관절건강학회 2020 근관절건강학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        Purpose: We developed and tested the effects of a care program for dementia patients among community- dwelling older adult men. Methods: This study used a non-equivalent control group pre-and post-test design. To verify the effectiveness of the care program for dementia patients, 26 community dwelling older adult men participated in this study. We used multiple intervention strategies including improving understanding of dementia through education, activities for dementia prevention, and promoting psychological change. In particular, based on the current understanding of the care of the men older adults, we used strategies to promote motivation and reinforce strengths. Results: After completing the 6-week intervention program, when compared with the control group, older adult men in the care program intervention group showed significant differences in scores for the following: cognitive functions (p=.035), attitude toward dementia (p=.026), preventive behavior (p=.007), geriatric depression (p=.013), caring confidence (p=.018), and self-esteem (p=.013). Conclusion: These results indicate that the care program for dementia patients has positive effects on increasing their cognitive function, attitude toward dementia, preventive behavior, caring confidence, self-efficacy, and on decreasing depression rates in this population. Based on this, we can recommend this program to men caregivers for the improved care of dementia in community centers.

      • 게슈탈트 관계성 향상 프로그램(GRIP)이 ADHD 성향 아동의 자기조절능력과 집행기능에 미치는 영향 - 놀이를 중심으로 -

        고하나 ( Ha-na Ko ),김정규 ( Jungkyu Kim ) 한국게슈탈트상담심리학회 2011 한국게슈탈트상담연구 Vol.1 No.2

        본 연구는 놀이 중심의 게슈탈트 관계성 향상 프로그램(GRIP)이 ADHD 성향아동의 자기조절능력(selfregulation)과 집행기능(executive function) 향상에 효과가 있는지 검증하는데 목적을 두었다. 이를 검증하기 위해 자기조절능력을 자아 존중감, 대인관계, 자기 통제력, 뇌파의 4가지 하위영역으로 나누어 측정 하였다. 또한 집행기능은 신경심리검사(스트룹 단어 색채 간섭 검사, CCTT)를 통해 검증하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서 사용되는 프로그램은 게슈탈트 관계성 향상 프로그램(GRIP) 매뉴얼(김정규, 2009)과 Rinda Blom (2006)의 “The Handbook of Gestalt Play Therapy”를 참고하여 ADHD아동의 특성에 맞도록 프로그램을 변형하여 구성하였다. 서울시 소재 00 센터와 학교에서 부모와 교사로부터 의뢰된 초등학교 1, 2, 3학년 아동들에 대해 ADHD 평정 척도인 K-ARS를 실시하여 백분위 절단점수 80th, 90th 이상에 해당하는 아동 20명을 선별하였다. 이 과정에서 뇌손상의 병력이 있거나 경계선 이하의 지능을 가진 아동, 혹은 약물치료를 받고 있는 아동은 제외하였다. 실험집단과 통제집단은 각각 10명으로 구성하였다. 통계분석결과 ADHD 성향 아동들은 GRIP 프로그램 실시 전과 비교하여 실시 후에 자기조절능력 하위 영역 중 자아 존중감, 대인 관계 척도, 자기 통제 검사에서 유의미하게 향상되었으나 뇌파는 유의미한 향상이 나타나지 않았다. 또한 전두엽 집행기능을 측정하는 신경심리검사(스트룹 단어 색채 간섭 검사, CCTT)에서 유의미한 향상이 나타나지 않았다. 그러므로 본 프로그램이 자기조절능력의 하위 영역 중에서 자아 존중감, 자기 통제력, 대인관계 척도에 효과가 있음이 확인되었다. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the Gestalt Relationship Improvement Program (GRIP) on the self-regulation and executive function of children with ADHD. The participants included a total of 20 children with ADHD who were above the 80th and 90th percentile for DSM-Ⅳ cut-off scores as reported by their parents and teachers. They were divided into an experimental (N=10) and control group (N=10). The GRIP study participants were 2nd and 3rd grade elementary school students (8 boys and 2 girls). The sessions were provided twice a week, each with a session duration of 50 minutes. The pre- and post-test rating scales used in this study for measuring executive function were self-esteem, interpersonal relationship, self-control, self-regulation brain wave analysis, STROOP and CCTT. To analyze the results, a t-test, paired t-test and ANOVA were used. The results of this study were as follows; First, GRIP had positive effects on self-esteem, self-control, and development of self-regulation for interpersonal relationships. The experimental group performed significantly better than the control group on most of the post-tests for self-regulation. Second, GRIP had no positive effects on executive function for children with ADHD. There were no positive effects on brain waves as they related to executive function. In conclusion, GRIP was effective for improving self-esteem, self-control, and self-regulation for interpersonal relationships. The present finding supports the hypothesis that GRIP has positive effects on the treatment of ADHD.

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